Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.4 Dream?

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Austin didn’t know how long he was out, but when he slowly opened his eyes, he felt stiff. His body ached like he’d been run over. He blinked hard, his vision swimming a bit.

What a crazy dream, he thought as he rubbed his temples and sat up, dizziness making his head spin.

"Pika!" A sudden weight jumped into his lap, startling him. His eyes snapped down, and there was Pikachu, looking relieved.

Seeing the Pokémon made it all hit him again. None of this was a dream. This was real.

“Hey, Pikachu,” Austin muttered, his voice a little hoarse. He scanned his surroundings. They were by a stream, the sound of flowing water mixing with the rustle of leaves.

“Finally awake?” a voice cut through the haze, and Austin turned to see a girl with reddish-orange hair. She was wearing a yellow shirt, blue shorts with red straps, and bright red tennis shoes. She had that kind of energy about her, the kind that didn’t care much for nonsense.

“Y-Yeah,” Austin's voice stumbled as he shook his head, trying to clear the lingering grogginess. “What happened?”

“I was riding my bike to get here when I saw you getting attacked by a Spearow flock.” She crossed her arms, frowning. “Next time you try to catch a Pokémon, make sure it’s not part of a group.”

Austin shot her a glare, feeling heat rise in his chest. “Hey, that Spearow attacked Pikachu first.” He could feel Pikachu’s eyes darting between them like he was watching a tennis match. “Wait... how did you know I caught a Spearow?”

The girl huffed, rolling her eyes. “While you were unconscious, I had to check if your Pokémon were injured, and your Spearow tried to attack me.”

Austin winced. Well, that sounds like something it’d do. Then it hit him again—he’d changed things. Ash’s first capture was a Caterpie. His? A Spearow. And he wasn’t even trying to catch it, just... stop it from calling for backup. That went well. Not.

“Hey, are you even listening?” Her voice cut through Austin's thoughts again, pulling him back to reality.

“Uh, sorry,” he said, rubbing his eyes, trying to shake the fog out of his brain. She softened a bit, and he noticed concern in her eyes.

“You sure you’re alright?”

He nodded, forcing himself to stand. “Yeah, just... a little exhausted.”

She pointed off into the distance. “Well, you’re in luck. There’s a Pokémon Center nearby in Viridian City.”

Austin blinked. Viridian City... right. “Oh, thanks—uh…” he trailed off awkwardly. Would be real awkward if I knew her name without her telling me.

“Misty Waterflower,” she sighed, like she could read his mind.

“I’m Au—Ash. Ash Ketchum.” Austin almost slipped. That was close.

She frowned a little at his hesitation but shook her head. “Just don’t get attacked by any more wild Pokémon on the way.” With that, she turned back to whatever she was doing before.

“Right...” Austin muttered as he glanced at Pikachu, who seemed ready to go. “You good to go, buddy?”

“Pika,” Pikachu nodded, trotting beside Austin as he started walking again. His eyes landed on Misty’s bike for a second. At least this time I didn’t fry her bike.

About an hour later, Austin found himself pulling out Spearow’s Pokéball. He rolled it in his hand, debating. “Should I?” He glanced at Pikachu, who was already shaking his head, knowing exactly what Austin was thinking. “Wait until we get to the Pokémon Center?”

“Pika,” Pikachu confirmed with a nod.

“Alright, alright.” Austin chuckled softly, slipping the ball back into his pocket. How different is this gonna be?

He didn’t remember every detail about the first season. But man, I’ve already changed a lot. He glanced at Pikachu again. Ash didn’t catch a Spearow on his first day.

Shaking his head, Austin saw the familiar outline of Viridian City in the distance. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm orange glow across the sky. “We’re here,” he muttered, smiling. The moment of relief quickly faded when he looked up and his eyes widened.

A bird was soaring across the sky, glowing in the fading sunlight.

He knew what it was, but he still pulled out the Pokédex. “Pokémon Unknown,” the electronic voice droned.

“Ho-Oh,” Austin whispered, more to himself than to Pikachu. Pikachu looked up at him, confusion in his eyes.

How did I know? Austin clenched his fists as he watched the legendary bird disappear over the horizon. He couldn’t stop the grin creeping onto his face. This is real.

As Austin approached Viridian City, an announcement played over the loudspeakers. “Attention, citizens of Viridian City. There have been reports of possible Pokémon thieves. Keep an eye out for suspicious-looking strangers.”

The voice belonged to a blue-haired woman in a police uniform—Officer Jenny. Right... forgot about the Pokémon thieves.

Austin held out his Pokédex as he walked up to her, trying not to draw any suspicion. “I’m from Pallet Town,” he said, offering her his ID.

She checked it over, nodding as she handed it back. “You’re the fourth trainer from Pallet Town today. Be careful—there are rumors of Pokémon thieves in the area. The Pokémon Center is just ahead.”

“Thanks.” Austin gave her a quick nod, his mind already racing. Fourth trainer... That meant Gary and the others were already ahead.

As they walked toward the Pokémon Center, Austin glanced down at Pikachu. “So, a deal’s a deal. Do you want to stay with me or go your own way?”

Pikachu stopped, looking up at Austin with wide eyes. He actually forgot about that deal... But here Austin was, bringing it up again.

“Pika Pi?” Pikachu's head tilted in confusion.

Austin smiled softly. “I won’t force you to stay if you don’t want to.”

Pikachu blinked, then nodded firmly. “Pika.”

Austin let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “Alright then.”

The Pokémon Center’s doors slid open as Austin walked in, and Nurse Joy greeted him with a warm smile. “Welcome to the Pokémon Center. How can I help you?”

Austin handed over Spearow’s Pokéball, then reached down for Pikachu, who looked shocked. “Relax,” he told him. “She’s just going to check if you’re injured.”

“Chu...” Pikachu still sounded a little skeptical, but he didn’t resist.

As Nurse Joy took the Pokéball and Pikachu, Austin gave her a warning. “Spearow doesn’t like Pokéballs, and I haven’t let him out since I caught him earlier. He... might try to attack.”

She nodded in understanding and disappeared into the back, leaving Austin alone in the waiting area. He sat down, feeling his body relax for the first time all day. His eyes slowly started to drift shut.

Finally alone...

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that.”

Austin's eyes snapped open, and there, standing beside him, was... Ash?!

“What the hell?!” Austin yelped, falling out of his seat as he stared at Ash. He was wearing his Sinnoh garb, and his expression was dead serious.

“You don’t belong here.”

Austin opened his mouth to ask what he meant, but before he could, he hit the ground.

And woke up.

"...That was a weird dream," Austin muttered to himself, his hands trembling slightly. Was that his guilt? A part of him feeling like he was taking something that wasn't his?

But then, he shook his head. No, none of this was his fault, he thought firmly. He didn’t ask to be thrown into this world, but now that he was here… Maybe it was time to let go of the guilt. Maybe it was okay to enjoy this new life, to finally live out what had once been just a dream.

After all, wasn't this a dream come true?

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