Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.405 A Sinister Shadow Looms Over Kanto

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Trucks upon trucks of heavy machinery, expensive scientific items, and an alarming number of rubber ducks were pulled in front of the grand entrance of Dr. Akihabara's massive, modernist mansion. Dr. Akihabara stood at the front, nervously adjusting his overly large bowtie, waiting as Bill jumped out of the truck and stood in front of Akihabara.

"Nice to meet you again, Doctor," Bill said, wearing a mischievous grin.

"Bill!" Dr. Akihabara exclaimed, squinting as if solving a particularly difficult equation. "Dr. Bill, or just Bill?"

"Just Bill," Bill said, smiling and outstretching his hand.

"Ph.D. in Sarcasm, I presume?" Akihabara said, grasping the offered hand.

Bill laughed. "Congratulations, Doctor."

"For what? Finally understanding one of your jokes?"

"For completing your dreams of creating artificial life, of course. And for that tie. It's a true scientific anomaly."

Akihabara's smile flickered. "Why are you on this project, Bill?"

"Oh, don't worry about it. It's not a 'Bill' deal."

Akihabara raised an eyebrow. "Can I ask you to be truthful?"

"Hmm. Depends on the truth. I can never remember which one I'm using."

"Why did someone of your caliber join this project?"

"Why, is there a problem with my caliber? I had it measured just last week."

"Bill, stop dodging. There is... a problem."

"Which is?"

"That you are lying. And you've never been good at it."

"What am I lying about?"

"That your close ones were killed."

"Oh, looks like my dear friend spilled the beans. And the coffee, knowing him."

"To tell you the truth, this project seemed like a challenge. You know, like understanding your fashion sense."


"This project is a challenge and I like challenges, Doctor."

"Even if it's built upon a lie?"

"Oh, don't worry, our friend knows that I am lying."

"About the project or about liking challenges?"


Dr. Akihabara clenched his hand at Bill's words, visibly frustrated. "You are such an enigma, Bill."

"Just like your hair this morning."

"Let's work together," Bill said, outstretching his hand again.

Dr. Akihabara took it, his eyes twinkling with determination and amusement. "Agreed. And Bill?"

"Yes, Doctor?"

"Why the rubber ducks ?"

"We need something to test the prototypes."

"You right."

" Of course I am."

"Next time, bring more rubber ducks."

Bill chuckled. "Consider it done."


[One month later. October 10th. One day before the Team Rocket Attack]

[At Saffron City Gym]

Clad in her distinctive trainer outfit - a short blue dress with white accents, a red scarf tied around her neck, and a fetching hat - Leaf Green stepped into the near-apocalyptic scene at the Saffron City Gym. Beside her, Sabrina's father looked as calm as the still eye of a storm. A buzz, louder than the most impatient alarm clock, filled the air as a giant Beedrill clashed with Sabrina's Alakazam. Leaf raised an eyebrow as a voice echoed in her head.

"Did you buy that outfit or steal it from the set of a 90s pop music video?"

Leaf smirked. "Ash bought it for me."

"Is that so?" a voice called out, belonging to Yellow. She descended, looking like she'd raided a hipster's closet - shorts with frills, a crimson sleeveless shirt, and a yellow leather jacket tied around her chest. Her waist bag displayed her pokeballs like trophies.

"You're giving off strong 'cloud-walker' vibes, Yellow. Had a growth spurt in psychic powers?" Leaf asked.

"Could say the same to you. What did you do? Absorb the spirit of a fashion disaster?" Yellow shot back.

Leaf chuckled. "That outfit...you trying to impress Ash with the 'rebel biker meets magical girl' look?"

"Maybe," Yellow said confidently. Just then, Kitty, the Beedrill, executed a U-turn and slammed into Alakazam, before returning to her PokeBall.

"Well played, Mrs. Sabrina," Yellow remarked, an air of satisfaction surrounding her.

"Indeed, it was," Sabrina replied, suddenly appearing in front of them, her teleportation as seamless as a dream.

Leaf and Yellow exchanged glances, a silent conversation flowing between them. Sabrina sighed, parting with a few choice words for Yellow, "Don't die."

"That's the plan," Leaf said, the edge of her mouth curving into a smile. "You remember the plan, right?"

Yellow nodded. "Never forgot it. It's filed under 'Do Not Die'."

"Good," Leaf said, glancing at Sabrina. "Can you teleport us to Cerulean Cave?"

Sabrina flashed a cryptic smile, just as Yellow's hand glowed white. With a snap of her fingers, they were whisked away from Saffron City, leaving the aftermath of their intense battle behind.


In a flash of light, Yellow, Green, and Sabrina materialized in the Cerulean Cave. A sprawling, underground cathedral-like structure, with glittering stalactites hanging like chandeliers from the ceiling. The chamber walls reflected the luminescent water that flowed in slow motion, casting a mesmerizing blue light all around.

They were met with the stare of Lucario, who looked at Yellow. "Do you have chocolate?"

Yellow, without missing a beat, lobbed a chocolate bar his way, triggering an excited squeal. "Chocolate?!" Lucario exclaimed, pouncing on the treat like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Where's Austin?" Green asked, curiosity piquing her voice.

Lucario grunted, motioning towards a vast pit stretching towards the horizon. A moment of shared shock encased the trio as they observed the grim sight. A veritable mountain made of knocked-out Pokémon bodies filled the pit, forming a chilling tableau. Despite the exhaustion etched on their forms, Austin's Pokémon still radiated vitality.

Their gaze shifted upward, tracing the enormous pile until it culminated in a lone figure perched on top. A Pikachu nestled on his shoulder, the man was shirtless, muscles rippling in the dim cave light. His shaggy hair fluttered in the breeze, and as he glanced back, the trio met a pair of eyes as crimson as blood.

A wave of crimson aura burst from Austin, washing over the girls. His voice echoed around them, "Ready?!"

Green and Yellow exchanged glances, then spoke in unison. "Ready as I can be," Green said. But Yellow quipped, "I think you need a shower."

The crimson aura retracted, every eye now focused on Yellow. Sabrina facepalmed. "What? I think Austin needs a bath," Yellow defended herself innocently.

Austin laughed, his body moving with the grace of a gymnast as he executed a backflip, landing squarely on the ground. The girls now had a full view of his new body. If the term 'caveman chic' existed, it described Austin perfectly. Muscles stood out in sharp relief, his skin tanned from countless hours under the sun. His hair, long and shaggy, gave him a wild, untamed look. Despite the ruggedness, his eyes retained their sharp, intelligent gleam. A juxtaposition of savage strength and refined cunning.

Green glanced at Austin, then back at Yellow with a smirk. "I don't know, Yellow. He's already got the 'caveman' part down with that hairstyle. A shower might make him seem too civilized."

Yellow snorted with laughter. "True. Wouldn't want him losing his 'wild man of the mountains' appeal. He's only missing a loincloth."

Sabrina rolled her eyes at their banter, but a smirk tugged at her lips. "Why are we discussing Austin's hygiene when we have a pit full of Pokémon to deal with?"

Green shrugged, her eyes twinkling. "Because the situation is too daunting, and making fun of Austin's new 'Tarzan meets bodybuilder' look is an excellent diversion."

Austin laughed, his booming voice echoing around the cavern. "You know, for three people who just appeared out of nowhere in my cave, you're awfully opinionated about my grooming habits."

Yellow glanced at him with a mischievous grin. "We wouldn't have it any other way, Austin. Besides, who wouldn't comment on a man who looks like he wrestles with Machamps for fun?"

Austin grunted, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, when you put it that way..."

Green leaned against a stalagmite, casually glancing over Austin's physique. "I gotta say, Austin, this 'caveman aesthetic' suits you. It's got a certain... primal appeal."

Austin, eyebrows furrowed, looked down at his appearance and shrugged. "It's just more practical for what I'm doing here. Easier movement and all."

Yellow laughed, shaking her head. "Oh, Austin. You could wear a burlap sack, and Green would still find a way to compliment you."

A blush tinted Green's cheeks, but she took it in stride, retorting, "Well, it's not my fault Austin makes everything look good."

"Says the one dressed like a protagonist straight out of a vintage RPG," Sabrina chimed in, her expression smug. "You're one to talk."

Green rolled her eyes while Yellow burst into laughter. Austin, seemingly oblivious to the teasing and undertones, scratched his head. "Am I missing something?"

"No, Austin. You're just perfect the way you are," Yellow said, her tone laced with warmth.

"Even if you could use a shower," Green added, winking at him. Sabrina laughed, her sound echoing around the cave, as Austin just blinked in confusion still acting oblivious.

As their laughter subsided, Sabrina adjusted her gloves, breaking the silence. "So, 'Caveman Austin', have you come up with a strategy or are we going to throw chocolate at the problem until it disappears?"

Austin chuckled, throwing an empty wrapper at her. "I'd like to think my strategies are a bit more advanced than that, Sabrina."

Green pointed at the wrapper. "If your plans involve littering, we might have to reconsider this alliance."

Yellow was already bending down, picking up the wrapper. "Don't worry, I'll handle Austin's prehistoric manners."

"Hey! It's not prehistoric, it's... rustic," Austin defended himself, earning another round of giggles from the group. 

"Now that we're done scrutinizing Austin's 'rustic' habits," Sabrina started, "how about we focus on the task at hand?"

"Right," Austin agreed, rubbing his hands together, his eyes scanning the scene before them. "First things first, we need to..."


[ The Next Day ] 

The day was unremarkable, the skies over the Kanto region clear and blue, with the sun shining down upon the unsuspecting populace. People went about their daily routines, oblivious to the sinister plot brewing in the shadows. 

Team Rocket had finally launched an full scale attack on the Kanto Region which they been working for over two decades to devise a scheme that would sow chaos and destruction. They had infiltrated the ranks of Pokémon trainers, scientists, and engineers of the pokemon league to be knowledgeable of their enemies and recruit people of interest from the league that had a more than stable mindset.

Through independent facilities they had crafted the perfect weapon: drugged Pokémon, whom had been pushed to their evolutionary peak, equipped with advanced machinery, designed to wreak havoc on an unprecedented scale.

The first signs of the attack were subtle, as unusual activity began to manifest in various Pokémon. 


[ Pallet Town ] 

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an eerie orange glow over Pallet Town, the once serene landscape was shattered by the unmistakable sounds of panic and chaos. Team Rocket, had launched a brutal attack on Professor Oak's lab. As explosions rocked the facility, glass shattered and plumes of smoke rose into the sky, signaling the severity of the assault.

The locals, previously enjoying a peaceful evening, now scrambled to protect their families and homes from the encroaching danger. Parents clutched their children close, sprinting towards the relative safety of their houses, while others rushed to help their neighbors. Fear and uncertainty spread through the community like wildfire, their once idyllic home now a battleground.

Meanwhile, in Delia Ketchum's restaurant, the comforting aroma of home-cooked meals and the cheerful laughter of patrons had been replaced by tension and dread. Delia, her apron stained from a long day's work, frowned as she caught sight of the pillar of smoke rising from Professor Oak's lab through the window.

Before she could process the magnitude of the situation, a blood-curdling scream pierced the air, drawing her attention away from the window. Delia's eyes widened in horror as she turned to see a massive Tyranitar looming menacingly in front of the restaurant, its jagged armor glinting in the fading sunlight. This was no ordinary Tyranitar; its eyes gleamed with a malicious intelligence that could only have been the result of Team Rocket's twisted machinations.

With a guttural roar, the colossal creature unleashed a devastating Hyper Beam attack, the beam of raw energy aimed straight for the heart of Delia's beloved restaurant. The patrons inside screamed in terror, desperately scrambling to evacuate the building before the impending impact. Delia, frozen in fear for a moment, snapped into action, her maternal instincts taking over as she ushered the terrified customers towards the exit.

As the Hyper Beam collided with the restaurant, the building exploded in a shower of wood, glass, and debris.

As the day progressed, the full scale of the attack became evident. 


[ Pewter City ]

The once tranquil streets of Pewter City lay in disarray, the echoes of panic and fear reverberating through the air. Team Rocket had unleashed a terrifying assault upon the unsuspecting city, their sinister agenda driving them to ever more monstrous acts. Among the many horrors they had brought forth was a monstrous creation known as Project Ghidorah, an unholy entity fashioned from several Gyarados, their sinuous bodies melded together to form a terrifying hydra-like beast.

The sky above Pewter City darkened as Project Ghidorah's serpentine heads rose high, their malevolent gazes surveying the chaos below. The creature's scales shimmered with an unnatural luminescence, casting an eerie glow over the destruction it wrought. Its gargantuan tails whipped and thrashed, shattering buildings and sending debris hurtling through the air, while its powerful jaws snapped at anything in its path.

Flint, the seasoned Gym Leader, and his son Forrest, stood defiantly in the face of this abomination. They knew that their beloved city and its citizens were depending on them to stand against the darkness that had descended upon their home. With a determined glint in their eyes, father and son summoned their powerful Rock-type Pokémon, ready to do battle with the monstrous beast.


[ Cerulean City ]

Cerulean City, typically a bustling and vibrant locale, was now shrouded in an atmosphere of dread and tension. A convoy of Team Rocket vehicles rumbled through the streets, transporting a nightmarish creation known as Project Electro Hive. This abominable hybrid, a fusion of human and Magnezone, represented the terrifying lengths to which the criminal organization was willing to go in order to achieve their sinister goals.

The twisted cyborg had a vaguely humanoid form, its limbs composed of sleek, metallic Magnemite and Magneton bodies, melded together into a grotesque mockery of human anatomy. The creature's torso was dominated by the unmistakable form of a Magnezone, its large, saucer-like body replacing the chest and abdomen. The cyborg's head was a chilling fusion of human and Pokémon, with one half bearing the remnants of a human face, while the other half was consumed by a single, enormous Magnezone eye, glowing with an eerie, electric energy.

As Team Rocket transported this monstrous creation to the beach, the trucks accompanying it were laden with the bodies of thousands of Magnemite and Magneton. The air crackled with electricity as the unholy union of man and Pokémon began to awaken, its giant Magnezone eye snapping open with a surge of power. In an instant, the skies above Cerulean City were transformed, as the cyborg harnessed the electrical energy of its Pokémon components to generate a massive thunderstorm via magnetism. Dark clouds roiled overhead, casting the city in a sinister gloom, while lightning bolts illuminated the scene with brief, terrifying flashes.

The storm's intensity grew by the second, its fierce winds whipping up the ocean into a frenzy. The once tranquil waters became a churning maelstrom, giving birth to towering hurricanes that raced towards the city with alarming speed. The chaos of the storm hid yet another horror: hundreds of bloodthirsty Sharpedo, their razor-sharp teeth and predatory eyes glinting in the tempest, were swept up within the hurricanes, adding an even greater threat to the already catastrophic scene.

The citizens of Cerulean City, realizing the imminent danger, began to flee in terror, desperately trying to find shelter from the relentless storm and the approaching onslaught of Sharpedo. Panic and despair filled the air as the city's inhabitants ran for their lives, their once safe and peaceful haven now transformed into a nightmare landscape by the cruel machinations of Team Rocket and their abominable creation, Project Electro Hive.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

The punch of a Tyrogue is nearly as strong as a Hitmonchan's, and even more remarkable is how effortlessly they appear to do it. Tyrogue do not sweat, pant, or breathe heavily, and to the untrained observer their fighting is as much a painful mockery of their opponents as a serious attempt to win. In reality, Tyrogue push themselves to their limits, and are equally known for falling asleep in the middle of combat. Sleep, however, only slows them down, as their feet dodge attacks with footwork rivaling a Hitmonlee's.

The reason they do this is because to Tyrogue, this is the essence of what it means to be a man. Tyrogue, like their evolutions, are deeply steeped in an ideal form of masculinity, which they identify with unflinching courage and enormous power, and stamina. There are no female Tyrogue, nor is there a counterpart species as with Miltank and Nidorina; those few born with the capacity to lay eggs switch their gender not like Azurill by random chance during in evolution, but by pure willpower soon after birth.

Given that the same gender cannot breed, it is unclear how Tyrogue continue to be born. To be sure, Ditto likely play a role – they must in captivity, and unless their mothers are yet to be discovered, so do they in the wild. But what do they turn into? What sort of strange creatures were once Tyrogue's mothers? What form do Ditto take to mate and lay their eggs? And if a Tyrogue was born female and did not see all that is good in the world in a single gender, what sort of pokemon would they become after evolution?

Perhaps someday, science will shine its light on this fascinating pokemon and the mystery of its birth.

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