Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.408 Cinnabar Island and Project Kraken

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[Cinnabar Island]

The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting an orange and pink glow over Cinnabar Island. The serene ocean surrounding the island rippled gently, reflecting the warm hues of the setting sun. Palm trees swayed in the light breeze, and the sound of laughter echoed from the shore as tourists and locals alike reveled in the tranquility of the evening.

A short distance from the island, an old fishing boat called the "Wavewalker" bobbed on the waves. Captain Thomas "Tom" O'Malley, a grizzled, salt-and-pepper-haired man with a weathered face, squinted at the radar screen inside the boat's small cabin. A mysterious blip had appeared on the screen, and he frowned, feeling an unexplainable chill run down his spine.

As Captain O'Malley pondered the anomaly, he noticed that the once sunlit cabin had been plunged into an eerie darkness. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as one of his crew members, a young man named Jim, called out to him. "Captain! You'd better come take a look at this!"

Captain O'Malley stepped out of the cabin and onto the deck, shielding his eyes from the salt spray as he scanned the horizon. His eyes widened, and his breath caught in his throat as he spotted an immense tentacle emerging from the depths of the ocean. The colossal appendage blocked out the sun, casting a monstrous shadow over the boat and its crew.

Time seemed to slow as the monstrous tentacle reached its zenith before crashing down toward the water's surface with a deafening roar. Captain O'Malley stood frozen in fear, his mind racing to comprehend the terrifying reality unfolding before him.


Panic surged through the streets of Cinnabar Island as the townspeople caught sight of the colossal creature rising from the sea. Project Kraken, an artificially modified Tentacruel with the awakened King's gene, towered above the small island, its enormous tentacles casting monstrous shadows that darkened the once-idyllic shoreline.

Screams and cries of terror filled the air as the island's inhabitants rushed to escape the impending doom. Parents clutched their children tightly, desperately seeking shelter from the titanic beast that loomed over them. The once lively beachfront cafes and shops were abandoned in an instant, their patrons fleeing in sheer panic as the creature drew nearer.

The once-glistening ocean churned angrily, whipped into a frenzy by the thrashing of Project Kraken's gargantuan tentacles. The behemoth Tentacruel unleashed a torrent of destruction upon the island, its tentacles crashing down upon buildings, reducing them to rubble in an instant. The island's once-pristine beaches were now littered with debris and shattered remains of the town, the sand stained by the devastation.

Amidst the chaos, the island's Pokémon trainers scrambled to protect their home, sending out their most powerful Pokémon to battle the monstrous foe. A cacophony of roars, cries, and battle cries filled the air as they fought valiantly against the seemingly invincible creature.

In the face of such overwhelming power, the people of Cinnabar Island could only watch in horror and despair, their hearts heavy with the crushing realization that their beloved home was at the mercy of a creation gone terribly awwry. The once-peaceful island had become a battlefield, and the fate of its people now hung in the balance as they struggled to confront the terror of Project Kraken.


[ Blaine's Lab ] 

At the base of Mt. Pyroflare, the highest peak on Cinnabar Island, stood Blaine's Lab, a state-of-the-art research facility where scientists delved into the mysteries of Pokémon. Inside the lab, Blaine, a respected scientist and the island's gym leader, stared in horror at the live video feed showing the destruction of Cinnabar Island at the hands of Project Kraken. His heart raced as he realized the consequences of the experiment that had spiraled out of control.

As the horrifying images played out on the screen, Blaine's lab assistants scrambled to gather their PokéBalls, readying themselves to aid in the defense of the island. Amidst the chaos, Super Nerd Miles, a covert member of Team Rocket, approached Blaine with a sly grin, presenting him with a Poké Ball-like object.

"Here, Blaine, this might help you," Miles said, his voice filled with false concern.

Blaine, too preoccupied with the unfolding disaster to question the gift, thanked Miles and attempted to open the Poké Ball. His brow furrowed as he struggled with the device, unable to understand why it wouldn't open.

Suddenly, the Poké Ball began to emit an ominous glow, its surface pulsating with energy. As the glow intensified, Blaine's eyes widened in horror as he realized the truth: the object in his hand was not a Poké Ball at all, but a disguised Electrode rigged to explode.

With only moments to spare, Blaine hurled the volatile Electrode away from himself and his team, shouting a desperate warning to take cover. As the Electrode detonated in a violent burst of energy, the lab shook violently, sending researchers scrambling for safety.

In the midst of the chaos, Blaine's anger flared as he stared at Super Nerd Miles who pulled out a PokeBall from he pocket.

" No hard feelings, Blaine. I am just doing my mission." 

The air in Blaine's laboratory crackled with tension as Super Nerd Mike, a traitorous member of Team Rocket, prepared to face off against Blaine, the gym leader of Cinnabar Island.

" Sir !" One of Blaine's assistants threw a PokeBall releasing Blaine's trusted partner, Arcanine.

With a resolute expression, Mike released his ace Pokémon, Magnezone, onto the battlefield. The powerful Electric and Steel-type Pokémon hovered menacingly, its magnets humming with energy, eager to face its fiery opponent.

"Mr. Blaine, Giovanni sends his congratulations for you escaping the God Facility safe and sound!" Mike taunted, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "Magnezone, use Thunderbolt!"

In response to Mike's command, Magnezone's body crackled with electricity as it unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt attack towards Arcanine. The air sizzled as the electric bolt raced towards its target.

"Counter with Flamethrower!" Blaine shouted, his voice steady and commanding. Arcanine obeyed without hesitation, opening its mighty jaws to release a stream of searing flames. The Flamethrower collided with the incoming Thunderbolt, creating a spectacular explosion that momentarily illuminated the battlefield.

Unfazed by the clash of elemental forces, Blaine continued to press the attack. "Arcanine, use Extreme Speed!" In a blur of motion, Arcanine charged at Magnezone with incredible speed, closing the gap between them in the blink of an eye.

Taken aback by Arcanine's agility, Mike scrambled to respond. "Magnezone, use Magnet Bomb!" Magnezone quickly conjured up several metallic orbs and launched them towards the approaching Arcanine.

But Blaine was ready with a counterattack. "Dodge and use Fire Fang!" he ordered. Arcanine deftly evaded the incoming Magnet Bombs, its powerful legs propelling it upwards as its fangs ignited in a blaze of fire. With a mighty leap, it clamped its fiery jaws down onto Magnezone, sending a surge of pain through the Electric and Steel-type Pokémon.

Magnezone's body sparked with residual electricity as it struggled to free itself from Arcanine's grasp. Desperate, Mike yelled, "Use Discharge!" A burst of electric energy radiated from Magnezone, forcing Arcanine to release its grip and retreat, panting heavily from the shock.

Both Pokémon were battered and exhausted, but their fierce determination shone brightly in their eyes. As the battle raged on, it was clear that only one could emerge victorious, and the fate of Cinnabar Island hung in the balance.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Much like old, worn-out electronics, the activity of an Elekid is sharply limited by its abysmal battery life. An Elekid which does not charge can last only two hours at full power, so wild Elekid are extremely hard to find. They spend their days sleeping until a thunderstorm comes, are awakened by lightning, and frolic, eat, and chase more lightning bolts until they fall back asleep.

Apart from their historical range, these pokemon have also become common in Kanto's abandoned Power Plant. The size and shape of an Elekid's horns resembles that of an electrical outlet so well that Elekid can be charged by simply plugging them into the wall. More remarkably, when the managers of the Power Plant tried on multiple occasions to change the outlet's shape in frustration with them using up too much electricity, the next generation of Elekid were born with horns adjusted to match the new outlets! The managers in time gave up and learned to make use of their evolution of Electabuzz, while pokemon researchers far and wide were left baffled as to how Elekid could do such a thing.

The power plant is long abandoned, but to this day, its walls teem with plugged-in Elekid, while their tired brethren wait their turns. Their Electabuzz parents distract trainers from their children at the risk of their own freedom; many trainers in Kanto fail realize that wild Elekid even exist, for they are much more interested in capturing their parents. If a trainer does manage to obtain an Elekid, either by catching one or breeding one of their own, they should remember to charge it at every opportunity. Not only does this replenish their energy, but it also slowly allows them to build up the massive amount of electricity needed to evolve into Electabuzz.

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