Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.411 The Champion of Kanto, Lance.

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[ Vermillion City ]

The horrified crowd watched as the Mega Steelix unleashed its Hyper Beam, a devastating torrent of energy that threatened to obliterate everything in its path. Just as the deadly beam shot towards Vermilion City, a sudden and unexpected hurricane surged into existence, standing as a barrier between the attack and the terrified citizens.

The powerful winds of the hurricane twisted and contorted the Hyper Beam, sending it spiraling back towards the monstrous behemoth. As the beam struck the Mega Steelix, it roared in pain, the sound echoing throughout the city. As the hurricane began to die down, two majestic Dragonites appeared, their tails entwined and their antennae glowing brightly. Their presence seemed to amplify the storm, as the sky above them roiled with an intense thunderstorm.

One of the children in the crowd, his eyes wide with awe, pointed to the sky and shouted, "Look, it's Lance!"

Indeed, Lance, the famous Dragon-type Master and Champion of Kanto , made a dramatic entrance, soaring through the stormy sky on the back of a powerful Garchomp. The wind whipped through his hair as he locked his gaze onto the Mega Steelix and the Team Rocket helicopter.

" Thunder!" he commanded, his voice strong and confident.

The two Dragonites unleashed a powerful barrage of electricity from their antennae, the bolts of lightning striking the Mega Steelix and Team Rocket's helicopter simultaneously. The electrical surge overloaded the helicopter's systems, causing it to plummet from the sky as Sird screamed in fury.

In the heart of the raging storm, Lance stood tall on his Garchomp's back, his cape billowing in the powerful winds as they faced the monstrous Project World Serpent. The Mega Steelix's colossal form towered over Vermilion City, its metal scales glinting with deadly intent. As the two forces stared each other down, the tension in the air was palpable, the anticipation of the epic clash causing the very earth to tremble.

Lance, renowned for his tactical prowess in the Pokémon League only bested by the former champion Red, knew that brute force alone wouldn't be enough to take down the behemoth. As he assessed the situation, he swiftly devised a strategy that would exploit the Mega Steelix's weaknesses and protect the city from its devastating attacks.

As the battle commenced, the Mega Steelix unleashed a terrifying new ability. The steel shards that made up its body began to detach and float menacingly in the air, their razor-sharp edges glinting with destructive intent. With a roar, the Mega Steelix sent the deadly projectiles hurtling towards Vermilion City, aiming to level the entire area.

Lance's eyes widened in horror, but he quickly regained his composure, knowing that he needed to act fast to save the city. "Dragonite, use Safeguard!"

Dragonite summoned a protective barrier around Vermilion City, the shimmering dome of energy deflecting the barrage of steel shards, preventing them from causing any harm.

With the immediate danger averted, Lance focused on crippling the Mega Steelix's movements. "Dragonite, use Thunder Wave!"

Dragonite's antennae crackled with electricity as it released a surge of energy that enveloped the Mega Steelix. The paralyzing attack slowed the massive creature's movements, making it more susceptible to Lance's follow-up strikes.

As the Mega Steelix struggled to regain its composure, Lance called out to his Haxorus. "Haxorus, use Swords Dance!"

Haxorus began to perform an intricate dance, its body glowing with energy as its Attack stat increased dramatically. The sharpened blades on its face shimmered menacingly, preparing for the devastating assault to come.

Lance then commanded his Salamence to join the fray. "Salamence, use Dragon Dance!"

Salamence performed its own dance, the ritual boosting its Attack and Speed stats, making it an even more formidable force on the battlefield.

In a coordinated attack, Lance ordered his Hydreigon to unleash a powerful Dragon Pulse, targeting the joints where the Mega Steelix's floating shards were connected. The energy beam struck the weak points, causing several shards to fall to the ground, further limiting the behemoth's ability to attack.

Seeing an opportunity to strike, Lance ordered a combination assault. "Haxorus, use Dual Chop! Salamence, follow up with Dragon Rush!"

Haxorus charged forward, its sharpened blades slicing through the air as it struck the Mega Steelix with two consecutive hits. At the same time, Salamence, its body enveloped in a powerful draconic aura, slammed into the giant creature with incredible force. The combined assault battered the Mega Steelix, its scales cracking and breaking under the onslaught.

As the behemoth reeled from the devastating attack, Lance noticed that the once-floating shards now lay scattered across the battlefield. He devised a plan to use the fallen shards against the Mega Steelix, turning its own weapons against it.

"Dragonite, use Whirlwind!"

Dragonite flapped its wings with immense force, creating a powerful gust that lifted the fallen shards into the air, surrounding the Mega Steelix in a whirlwind of razor-sharp steel.

With the stage set, Lance issued his final command. "Hydreigon, use Draco Meteor!"

Hydreigon soared higher into the sky, summoning a shower of powerful, draconic meteors that rained down upon the Mega Steelix. The devastating impact of the meteors, combined with the whirlwind of steel shards, overwhelmed the creature, causing it to collapse, defeated and broken

Lance and his team stood victorious, having saved Vermilion City from certain destruction. The people of Vermilion City, who had watched the battle unfold with bated breath, erupted into cheers, their voices rising above the storm as they celebrated the triumphant hero who had risked everything to protect them.

As the last remnants of the storm began to dissipate, the citizens of Vermilion City emerged from their hiding places to survey the damage. 

With the monstrous Project World Serpent vanquished, Lance turned his attention to the diabolical mastermind behind the catastrophe: Sird. Determined to put an end to her villainous schemes, Lance swiftly mounted his Garchomp, the large dragon-like Pokémon snarling as it prepared to charge.

The wind howled around them as they soared through the sky, the sun dipping lower on the horizon, casting an eerie glow on the battlefield below. Lance's cape billowed behind him, the fabric whipping about like a living entity as Garchomp's wings beat the air with powerful gusts. The roar of the helicopter's rotor blades filled the sky, drowning out the sounds of the recovering city below.

Garchomp's powerful jaws tore through the helicopter's reinforced exterior, the metal groaning and glass shattering as Lance came face to face with Sird. Though cornered, Sird remained composed and cold-faced, her eyes devoid of fear, even as the imposing Garchomp growled mere inches from her.

The interior of the helicopter was dark and cramped, lit only by the flickering control panel that hummed with a sinister energy. Sird sat in the pilot's seat, her black uniform adorned with the Team Rocket logo, its crimson and white emblem standing out starkly against the shadows.

Sird addressed Lance with a chilling calm, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of the helicopter's strained engine. "You may have defeated the World Serpent, but Vermilion City is far from safe. The creature's body is rigged to explode, and the countdown has already begun."

Lance's eyes widened in disbelief, his pulse quickening at the revelation. "You'll die too if you stay here!" he shouted, his voice filled with a mix of anger and desperation.

Sird smirked, her cold gaze never leaving Lance's eyes. "It's a small price to pay."

Lance turned his attention to the behemoth's body, now glowing ominously in the waters of Vermilion City. The once-steel exterior seemed to pulse and shift, a sickly light flickering beneath the surface like a second sun about to unleash its destructive force.

Time was running out, and he needed to act fast to save the city. Gritting his teeth, Lance commanded his dragons to execute a daring maneuver. "Dragon Emperor Flight!"

The Dragonites summoned a storm, dark clouds converging and lightning crackling as they swirled above the ocean. Salamence, its mighty wings beating furiously, unleashed a powerful Hurricane that directed the thunderstorm towards the exploding Steelix. The howling wind tore through the air, the sound like a thousand freight trains barreling down upon the city.

The powerful winds lifted the behemoth into the sky, the waves crashing and frothing as the creature's immense weight was lifted from the water. The Steelix was engulfed by an aquatic waterspout, the twisting column of water reaching for the heavens as it sought to contain the impending explosion.

As Lance's dragons converged into the waterspout, they used Dragon Dance, their bodies glowing with a vibrant energy as they further enhanced their power. Then, with a coordinated effort, they released Fire Blasts, the bright flames searing through the air as they slammed into the waterspout.

The resulting collision of elemental forces caused the waterspout to transform into a sphere of steam. The once-clear sky was now a swirling maelstrom of fire, water, and steam, a deafening roar filling the air as the elements collided and battled for dominance.

The glowing body of the World Serpent exploded within the steaming sphere, the sound like thunder ripping through the heavens. The immense pressure contained the destructive force, preventing it from wiping out Vermilion City. However, a shockwave still burst forth, spreading throughout the city with a deafening boom. Windows shattered, and people clung to whatever they could find for support, as the ground trembled beneath their feet.

As the dust settled and the cacophony of destruction subsided, the people of Vermilion City looked up in awe at the aftermath of Lance's desperate gambit. The once-threatening explosion had been contained, and the city was saved from certain annihilation.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the now-peaceful city. Lance's dragons, exhausted but triumphant, descended from the sky, their wings casting shadows on the ground below as they landed beside their trainer.

People emerged tentatively from their hiding places, their faces a tableau of shock and relief as they surveyed the damage done to their beloved city. The air was heavy with lingering tension, gradually replaced by the soft murmur of voices as the citizens assessed the situation and began to comfort one another.

Meanwhile, Lance's gaze was drawn back to the mangled helicopter, concern furrowing his brow. He had expected to find Sird's lifeless body among the wreckage, but instead discovered that she had somehow managed to escape, leaving the pilot and the other occupants to their fate. Her cunning and ruthlessness were chilling, and Lance knew that this would not be the last time they crossed paths.

The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the landscape and painting the once-peaceful scene in shades of gold and crimson. The chaotic aftermath of the battle stood in stark contrast to the serene beauty of the setting sun, a poignant reminder of the thin line between destruction and salvation.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Blissey have often been imagined as angels of good fortune, as a sort of pokemon who strive not to achieve dominance in battle, but to heal and protect and bring happiness to their fellow pokemon and people alike. It is not hard to see why such an idea developed; Blissey seem to be as weak attackers as Shuckle (although their short, stubby arms can hurl their opponents to amazing heights) yet they have the power to heal and protect not only themselves but others with ease. Comforting though it may be in a world where so many pokemon only know the law of the jungle, and despite having spread from ancient lore around the world as far as older scientific texts, this idea has little basis in fact.

It is true that Blissey eschew hand-to-hand combat – but the reason for the latter fact may lie as much in the fact that, while neither snow nor rain nor heat can stop them, they do have a remarkable, extreme weakness to a punch in the face, and take major damage from even weak physical attacks. Although it is true that they are healers, provided they are treated well there is no one too good or evil for Blissey to serve, and ruthless dictators need Blissey for themselves and their armies just as much as everyone else.

Perhaps in this peaceful age the dream of the angelic Blissey is finally coming true. As war has begun to vanish from the world, their old use as battlefield medics has likewise diminished, and today they are primarily found as elite healers in hospitals and pokemon centers. Yet one must be weary of stereotyping, for many Blissey have found a new calling – as impermeable defenders battling at the highest levels of the Pokemon League!

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