Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.412 Vs the Queen

[ Author Note:

Hello, dear readers!

A huge thank you to everyone who's voted for my next project across various platforms like Discord, Scribblehub, and Webnovel! The response has been overwhelming. I'm thrilled to see your enthusiasm, but the suspense isn't over yet! The winner won't be announced until Monday, October 16th, and the poll will remain open until the end of this week for any last-minute votes.

In the meantime, if you'd like to share your ideas, thoughts, or simply want to chat, I invite you to join our Discord community. Your direct input for my fanfics and novels is always appreciated, and I would love to have your vibrant presence there.

Looking forward to connecting with you all and revealing the winning project soon!

Warm regards,



[ Viridian City ]

As the menacing swarm of Beedrills grew larger and more aggressive, Blue Oak knew that he needed to act fast. With a determined flick of his wrist, he threw the Poké Ball into the air, and it burst open to reveal his trusted Alakazam. The Psychic Pokémon materialized in a flash of light, its spoons at the ready and a focused expression on its face.

"Alakazam, use Psychic to keep the Beedrills at bay!" Blue commanded, his voice booming over the cacophony of buzzing wings. Alakazam's eyes glowed with an intense blue light as it began to harness its psychic powers, forming a protective barrier around the gym and its immediate surroundings.

For a moment, it seemed as though the barrier would be enough to keep the swarm at bay, but it quickly became apparent that the sheer number of Beedrills was too much for Alakazam to handle alone. The relentless onslaught of the buzzing Pokémon tested the limits of Alakazam's psychic powers, the barrier visibly wavering as it struggled to contain the mass of Beedrills.

Seeing that Alakazam was growing weaker, Blue clenched his fists, his resolve unwavering. 

"We can't give up now!" he shouted, releasing another Pokémon from his arsenal - his powerful Arcanine. "Arcanine, use Flamethrower to thin out their numbers!"

Arcanine roared in agreement, launching a torrent of flames from its mouth that scorched the sky, incinerating a portion of the swarm. Despite their efforts, the Beedrills continued to multiply, and the monstrous Queen Beedrill showed no signs of retreat.

Blue could feel the weight of the situation bearing down on him, as his Pokémon grew increasingly fatigued. The gym leader gritted his teeth, knowing that he needed to find a way to end the battle before the Beedrills completely overwhelmed them.

As the battle raged on, Blue Oak the countless battles he had fought throughout his journey, as he knew he couldn't overwhelm them with power due to the sheer number of Beedrill soldiers. Blue needed to outsmart the Queen Beedrill and her swarm, not merely overpower them.

Blue quickly assessed the situation, taking note of the Queen Beedrill's malevolent machinery and the ceaseless onslaught of the swarm.

Summoning his Pidgeot, Blue devised a daring plan. "Pidgeot, use Agility to create a distraction while Alakazam and Arcanine focus their attacks on the Queen Beedrill!" he shouted, his voice resolute. Pidgeot took to the skies with incredible speed, weaving through the swarm of Beedrills and drawing their attention away from Blue and his other Pokémon.

With the Beedrills momentarily distracted, Blue seized the opportunity to launch a coordinated assault on the Queen Beedrill. "Alakazam, use Psybeam on the Queen's machinery! Arcanine, follow up with a Fire Blast to weaken its structure!"

Alakazam's eyes glowed a brilliant blue, unleashing a concentrated beam of psychic energy that struck the machinery, causing it to spark and shudder. Arcanine followed up with a powerful Fire Blast, which struck the weakened machinery and set it ablaze.

As the machinery began to malfunction, the Queen Beedrill let out a deafening screech, and the swarm's formation started to falter. 

Blue Oak's heart raced as he assessed the situation before him, his mind a whirlwind of tactics and countermeasures. He knew that in order to overcome the terrifying Queen Beedrill and her menacing swarm, he had to use the full extent of his Pokémon's abilities and work together in perfect harmony.

With a decisive nod, Blue issued his next command, his voice clear and focused, "Alakazam, use Teleport to position Arcanine and Pidgeot above the Queen Beedrill! Pidgeot, I want you to use Hurricane in conjunction with Arcanine's Fire Blast. We need to dismantle the Queen's control system!"

In response, Alakazam's eyes shimmered with psychic energy, and in a flash of light, both Arcanine and Pidgeot vanished, reappearing high above the monstrous Queen Beedrill. Pidgeot wasted no time, its wings flapping with tremendous force as it summoned a powerful hurricane, the winds swirling with devastating speed.

Arcanine roared, flames surging forth from its maw to meet the raging storm. The winds carried the searing flames, transforming the hurricane into a blazing vortex that threatened to consume the Queen Beedrill and her nefarious machinery.

However, the Queen Beedrill proved more cunning than Blue had anticipated. As the fiery hurricane closed in, the machinery attached to her body emitted a sharp beep, signaling her use of Ally Switch. Through the unnatural fusion of technology and Pokémon, she had acquired the ability to use the Psychic-type move, defying her inherent limitations.

In a blink of an eye, the Queen swapped places with several of her Beedrill foot soldiers. The unsuspecting Beedrills were engulfed by the vortex, their cries of anguish drowned out by the howling winds and roaring flames.

The Queen, now temporarily safe from harm, attempted to exploit Blue Oak's perceived weakness. She directed her remaining Beedrill soldiers to attack the vulnerable civilians, aiming to force Blue to shift his focus and leave her unscathed. Blue gritted his teeth, anger boiling beneath the surface as he reached for Golduck's Poké Ball.

But just as Blue prepared to send out Golduck, a group of Pokémon mercenaries appeared on the scene. These courageous souls engaged the Beedrill soldiers, their Pokémon fighting with fervor to protect the innocent citizens of Viridian City.

With a sigh of relief, Blue refocused his attention on the malicious Queen Beedrill. His eyes narrowed, and a cold glint of determination shone within them. He retrieved another Poké Ball from his belt and hurled it into the air, unleashing his formidable starter, Charizard.

Charizard roared with fierce defiance, its flames burning brighter as it sensed the gravity of the situation. 

Taking a deep breath, Blue spoke to his Charizard, his voice low and commanding, "Charizard, it's time for us to remind this Queen Beedrill exactly who she's dealing with. We've taken down bigger and badder enemies before, and together, we'll send her and her swarm packing. Let's unleash our full power and show her what happens when you mess with Viridian City!"

Blue held out his Mega Ring, the embedded Mega Stone gleaming as it resonated with Charizard. The fiery Pokémon underwent a breathtaking transformation, becoming the awe-inspiring Mega Charizard Y.

As the sky filled with the sound of crackling flames and the scent of impending victory, Blue Oak steeled himself for the final assault. 

The atmosphere grew heavy as the two colossal Pokémon prepared to face one another, the air crackling with anticipation. 

Thousands of Beedrills filled the sky over viridian city, casting a foreboding shadow over the battlefield.

With a deafening screech that echoed through the skies, the Queen Beedrill began her transformation. Her body was enveloped in a swirling vortex of energy, her form twisting and contorting as she underwent a metamorphosis. When the light finally faded, she emerged as a Mega Beedrill, her power and size amplified beyond comprehension. Her menacing form now stood as an equal to the fearsome Mega Charizard Y, their crimson eyes locked in a fierce, unyielding stare.

Blue Oak's eyes widened as he saw the Queen Mega evolve without any help from a human.

'How was that possible ?!'

The battle commenced in a blaze of fury, Mega Charizard Y launching a relentless barrage of Fire Blasts towards its formidable opponent. Queen Mega Beedrill countered with an equally ferocious volley of Poison Jabs, the attacks clashing midair with such force that the resulting explosions threatened to shake the very foundations of Viridian City. It was a breathtaking display of power, a testament to the incredible might of these two titanic creatures.

As the two behemoths clashed in the skies above, Queen Mega Beedrill employed her cunning tactics to evade Mega Charizard Y's relentless assault. Utilizing her newfound ability to use Ally Switch, she deftly swapped places with her Beedrill colony, constantly keeping her opponent guessing.

However, Blue Oak was no stranger to cunning strategies. 

Blue adapted his approach to counter the Queen's evasive maneuvers. The young gym leader's eyes narrowed as he issued his next command, a hint of a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

"Charizard, use Flamethrower in a sweeping arc to cover a wider area and thwart their Ally Switch tactic!" Blue commanded, his voice carrying over the din of battle. Mega Charizard Y roared in response, unleashing a wide arc of searing flames that scorched the air, creating a veritable wall of fire that forced the Queen and her colony to abandon their strategy.

Not to be outdone, Queen Mega Beedrill launched a flurry of Twin Needles at Mega Charizard Y. The attack's speed and precision left Charizard with no choice but to twist and weave through the air, narrowly avoiding each potentially lethal strike. Yet Blue Oak remained unfazed, his expression a mask of steely determination as he issued his next command.

"Charizard, use Air Slash to deflect the Twin Needles and follow up with Dragon Pulse!" he bellowed, his voice filled with resolve. Mega Charizard Y obliged, flapping its wings with such force that it generated razor-sharp blades of air that intercepted the incoming Twin Needles. With expert timing, it unleashed a powerful Dragon Pulse, the energy beam rocketing towards Queen Mega Beedrill.

Desperate to evade the attack, the Queen attempted another Ally Switch. However, Blue had anticipated this move, having studied her tactics throughout the battle. "Charizard, use Heat Wave now!" he shouted, his voice commanding and resolute. Mega Charizard Y responded instantly, sending forth a scorching wave of heat that enveloped both the Queen and the Beedrill she intended to switch with, disrupting the maneuver and landing a direct hit.

The two titans continued their epic clash, the sky alight with the brilliant colors of their devastating attacks. Blue Oak, his mind a whirlwind of strategy and determination, continued to employ his cunning tactics. The battle raged on, each thunderous collision a reminder of the incredible power that they both wielded, the outcome uncertain as the scales of victory tipped back and forth between the two combatants.

As the battle progressed, Blue Oak's understanding of Queen Mega Beedrill's fighting style grew, allowing him to devise increasingly complex tactics to counter her moves. He knew that the key to their success would lie in exploiting the Queen's overconfidence and predictability.

"Charizard, when she attacks, feign weakness and then counter with Flare Blitz!" Blue shouted, his eyes filled with unwavering determination. Mega Charizard Y let out an affirmative roar, taking a glancing hit from a Poison Jab before retaliating with a Flare Blitz that left the Queen momentarily stunned.

Seizing this opportunity, Blue commanded, "Charizard, ascend and strike with Aerial Ace!" With lightning speed, Mega Charizard Y soared into the sky before swooping down to deliver a devastating blow to the Queen. The impact sent her reeling, but she quickly recovered, her eyes burning with a mix of rage and desperation.

Recognizing that the tide of battle had shifted in their favor, Blue pressed his advantage, unleashing a barrage of strategic attacks that left the Queen Mega Beedrill struggling to keep up. As Mega Charizard Y continued its relentless assault, the swarm of Beedrill that had once shielded their queen began to falter with Blue's pokemon attacking the soldiers, their numbers thinning as they succumbed to exhaustion and the relentless onslaught from Blue's pokemon.

The Queen, realizing that her forces were dwindling, made a desperate attempt to rally her troops. "Charizard, now's our chance! Use Solar Beam to finish this!" Blue cried, seizing the moment. Mega Charizard Y gathered energy from the sun above, its body glowing with an intense radiance before releasing a powerful Solar Beam that surged toward the Queen Mega Beedrill.

As the beam struck, a brilliant explosion lit up the sky, momentarily blinding all who bore witness to the incredible display of power. When the dust finally settled, the Queen Mega Beedrill lay defeated, her once fearsome form now a mere shadow of its former self.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

From New Bark to Olivine, Raikou races across Johto, like its siblings running day and night, awake and asleep, across land and water. Unlike the fiery Entei and naturally aquatic Suicune, however a Raikou's journeys across water are a source for immense terror; an old water pokemon in Johto is often defined as one who has learned to avoid its many routes. Water, after all, conducts electricity, and Raikou offer plenty of volts to conduct.

It is generally held that Raikou run because they can not stop, for much as Kanto's weather is dependent on the legendary birds only rarely venturing from their lairs, so is Johto's on the legendary beasts racing constantly across the land; the storms they summon keep worse chaos at bay. But many, citing the constant storms which batter Cianwood and the Whirl Islands, are unconvinced that Raikou need venture out so far at all. Instead, they claim that Raikou, like Meowth and other feline pokemon, are said to love the taste of fish, and a legendary pokemon has a legendary appetite. (Needless to say, this theory is rejected by those who favor a canine explanation for Raikou's origins.)

Raikou, however, has not existed forever, but was born when Ecruteak's tower burned. Although most claim Ho-oh regulated the weather before the tower burned, some have used this fact to deny that Raikou have anything to do with the weather at all. They say that Raikou neither accidentally electrocutes pokemon, nor fishes with lightning, but targets the sea because, in another life, it saw a sailor on leave burn down the Brass Tower and swore revenge against everything he loved.

Whatever reason they run, nowhere along Johto's coast do people forget to leave offerings and pray for Raikou and its thunder to stay far away from them.

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