Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.417 Rare Candy Steriod

[ One Day Before the Team Rocket Attack ] 

The lawn before the grand mansion began to shiver with unseen energy. Reality itself seemed to warp and bend as a portal shimmered into existence, rippling with psychic power. Green, Yellow, and now a freshly dressed Austin stepped out from the swirling vortex. Austin, clad in new attire courtesy of Yellow, cut a stark figure. His long hair was tamed somewhat, framing his face to reveal one piercing red eye that surveyed the scene with a mixture of caution and curiosity. The Pokémon earring in his ear—a nod to his connection with these creatures—glinted in the light, a gift from Green. He wore a simple yet striking outfit: a black jacket that draped comfortably over a crisp white shirt, both tailored to accommodate his muscular frame without sacrificing style.

As the trio's attention turned to Dr. Akihabara's mansion, they witnessed a transformation that was nothing short of science fiction made reality. Bill and Akihabara had not simply built a structure; they had crafted Austin's vision seamlessly merged with the traditional elegance of the mansion. The original building now served as the foundation for a towering edifice of glass and steel that soared towards the sky. Panels of solar glass shimmered like scales of a giant metallic fish, collecting sunlight and reflecting a kaleidoscope of colors onto the manicured lawns.

The mansion's classic façade had been preserved, acting as the historical base to the futuristic spire that extended above. Its windows had been replaced with smart glass, capable of digital interfacing and opacity changes with a simple command. The roof had been converted into a landing pad for drones and other aerial transports, adorned with a garden that boasted genetically modified plants glowing with bioluminescent hues.

Connecting the old with the new, a series of tubular walkways encased in transparent aluminum—a material once thought to be purely hypothetical—wove in and out of the mansion, allowing residents to move between the historical sections and the new tower with ease. The tower itself was a marvel of modern engineering and architectural genius, with sections rotating slowly to provide a 360-degree view of the surrounding area, and others static, housing state-of-the-art laboratories and living quarters.

Beneath this, an advanced geothermal system could be seen through glass sections of the ground, showcasing a labyrinth of machinery providing sustainable energy to the entire complex. At ground level, the gardens were now interspersed with holographic displays and robotic assistants tending to the flora, which consisted of both Earth plants and peculiar alien-like species, no doubt a result of the scientific endeavors that took place within those walls.

Bill and Dr. Akihabara sat on the porch of the transformed mansion, each with a bottle of beer cradled in their hands. They looked out at the fruits of their labor, the evening light reflecting off the metallic and glass surfaces of their futuristic creation.

"Ash, next time you want us to build something, make it a little less complicated," Bill said with a wry smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he took a swig of his beer.

Austin chuckled at the sight, a deep sound that resonated in the cool air. "Hmm, surprising," he commented with a playful note in his voice.

"What?" Bill turned, eyebrow raised in amusement.

"You aren't in your furry suit," Austin quipped.

Laughter erupted between Bill and Austin, their mirth a sign of shared inside jokes and memories. Meanwhile, the others in the group could only shake their heads. Pikachu, snug in Yellow's bag, peeked out with a bemused spark in his eyes, as if he'd heard it all before and found the jesting tiresomely predictable.

These two, it seemed, had the sense of humor of a dry distilled anchovy.

"Let's go inside," Bill gestured, beckoning the group towards the grand entrance of the mansion.

As they walked, Austin casually tossed a Pokéball, from which Lucario emerged with a yawn. Blinking at his surroundings, Lucario crossed his arms and smirked.

"Ah, the décor of choice—early 21st-century extraterrestrial. I always did fancy a room with a view of the Andromeda Galaxy," Lucario said dryly, his sarcasm undercutting the awe of the high-tech interior.

Austin, paying half a mind to Lucario's commentary, turned to Bill with an anticipatory look. "Is it ready?" he asked, a hint of excitement laced within his casual demeanor.

Bill nodded, eyes twinkling with a touch of pride. Green and Yellow exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of confusion and curiosity, while Dr. Akihabara was busy tweaking the parameters of a colossal machine that hummed with potential.

Catching the inquisitive stares of his companions, Austin reassured them, "I'll be right back, you guys can do whatever you want." With that, he followed Bill and Dr. Akihabara, leaving the rest of the group to explore the mansion's many new and intriguing wonders.

Green approached Dr. Akihabara with genuine curiosity. "So doc, mind telling me what this giant machine does?"

Dr. Akihabara adjusted his glasses, clearly delighted to explain. "Ah, this is quite the marvel! It's designed to amplify Pikachu's natural electromagnetic abilities. Normally, Pikachu can release a powerful electric charge, which is formidable on a small scale. However, with this machine, we harness and enhance that charge, extending its influence exponentially. By utilizing principles of electromagnetism, particularly the generation of a localized electromagnetic field, we can theoretically extend Pikachu's abilities to a scale large enough to influence electrical grids over an entire country. Think of it as transforming a static shock from rubbing your feet on the carpet into a controlled lightning storm that can be directed."

Green and Yellow's expressions glazed over as the doctor's explanation ventured into advanced physics territory. Yellow tentatively asked, "Like in battle?"

Dr. Akihabara inhaled to elaborate, but Lucario stepped in with a grin, "Let's just trust the brat and his plan. It's like giving Pikachu a gym every time he sparks—unnecessary but shockingly impressive."

Yellow nodded, albeit still slightly bewildered, while Green, ever the pragmatist, posed another question. "How much money did this cost?"

"Twenty million Pokédollars," Dr. Akihabara responded without missing a beat.

Green's eyes rolled back, and she swooned dramatically, feigning a faint, while Lucario commented dryly, "And there goes the budget for our next ten adventures. Maybe we should've just stuck to Pikachu's good old-fashioned Thunderbolt."


Bill led the way through the mansion, the heels of his boots clicking against the sleek metal floor. "You know, I never thought we'd go from tinkering with PC systems to... whatever this is," he gestured around at the high-tech walls embedded with glowing panels.

Austin chuckled, walking alongside him, his new clothes making him feel slightly out of character in such a futuristic setting. "Yeah, and I never thought I'd see you out of that Kabuto costume. Remember when you accidentally locked yourself in that thing?"

Bill let out a hearty laugh. "Oh, I remember. I thought I was going to evolve into a real Kabuto before we got that sorted out."

They turned a corner, their footsteps echoing in the spacious corridor lined with holographic displays. "Honestly, though, is it ready?" Austin's tone shifted to a more serious note.

Bill nodded, "Everything's set. Akihabara's machine, your plan, this weird sci-fi makeover... Let's just hope it all works the way it's supposed to."

"Or else we'll have a very expensive light show on our hands," Austin joked, glancing at the ambient lights lining the walls.

They continued on, the banter fading into a comfortable silence as the enormity of their undertaking loomed ahead.


Bill hesitated at the door, his hand resting on the handle before pushing it open. Inside was a stark, clinical room, unlike the rest of the mansion's futuristic charm. Machines and vials were neatly organized on the tables.

"Is this necessary?" Bill asked, a note of concern lacing his voice as he looked over at Austin. "You seem powerful enough."

Austin's gaze lifted to the ceiling, a contemplative look in his eyes. "Bill, defeating Giovanni isn't the issue for me. My current team could take him down in a heartbeat."

Bill interjected, "But?"

Austin continued, "The real issue is that Giovanni has certain trump cards that can wipe out my team. We need this edge."

Bill hesitated for a moment, the weight of the situation pressing on him. He looked around at Austin's 6 Pokémon gathered, taking in their determination. The cold metal table reflected the room's dim lighting, giving it a sterile, foreboding atmosphere.

 "Austin... this substance is a concentrated form of Rare Candies, extracted and synthesized into a pure state. It's designed to push your Pokémon beyond their natural limits by accelerating cellular growth and amplifying their innate abilities."

Austin watched as Bill picked up a vial, the liquid inside glowing with a faint luminescence. "This isn't just a temporary boost, like the candies. It will force their bodies to undergo massive physiological changes, hyper-accelerating their growth rate."

Aerodactyl flapped its wings uneasily, causing a small gust in the room. Chansey clutched her egg tighter, and Rhydon stamped a heavy foot. All of them seemed anxious but determined.

"But Austin," Bill continued, holding up a syringe, "there's a cost. Our bodies, both human and Pokémon, have limits for a reason. Pushing past them comes with consequences. By elevating their capabilities this way, the subsequent wear on their systems will render them unable to battle for months. They'll need extensive care."

Austin's gaze hardened, "Bill, Team Rocket has terrorized Kanto for far too long. Giovanni has Pokémon that are more than just strong – they're lethal. I can't risk any of my team being hurt or worse because I didn't take every precaution."

Wartortle let out a confident cry, while Pidgeot ruffled its feathers in agreement.

Bill's fingers tightened around the syringe. "Is this what they want, or what you want, Austin?"

Austin placed a hand on Scizor's metallic body, feeling its cool. "We're a team, Bill. We've been through thick and thin. They trust me, and I trust them. They know what's at stake, and they're willing to make the sacrifice."

Rhydon let out a deep grunt of affirmation, while Chansey patted Austin's leg with a gentle hand.

With a resigned sigh, Bill approached each Pokémon, administering the serum with precision. As the liquid coursed through them, their bodies shuddered, energy pulsing outward.

Austin stepped back, watching his team undergo the transformation, his face a mask of mixed emotions – pride, worry, hope, and bloodlust. He took a deep breath and whispered, "We'll get through this. Together."

Bill looked up, meeting Austin's eyes. The weight of their shared responsibility hung heavily between them. "Whatever happens next, Austin, remember this moment. Remember the choice you made."


Do you think Austin is using the Steriod because he wants to be safe or because he wants to completely dominate, humiliate, overpower and destroy Giovanni? will Austin's roided out Pokémon be able to defeat Giovanni and his Trump Cards ? what do you think Giovanni's Trump Cards are ? Hint; He has two trump cards ? 


[ Omake Paragraph ]

There are many pokemon associated with royalty, from the regal Nidoqueen and vicious Nidoking to the withdrawn Kingdra, who rule other pokemon by a mix of birth, tradition, and might. There are only two species, however, who have no claim to monarchy, yet strive to seize its power for themselves. Of these two, Empoleon rise through a mixture of opportunity and megalomania, rule through human Substitutes, and strive to reform as much as they conquer. Tyranitar, on the other hand, rule over humans and pokemon alike through the power of brute force alone.

Surrounded by a mobile sandstorm as fierce as the deserts where Hippowdon roam, Tyranitar subjugate others not through actually winning battles as much as they do from the fear of facing one in combat, and collect tribute and avoid rebellions from the terror of a royal visit. Their retainers – rock, ground, and steel-type beasts like Excadrill and Dugtrio – are scary enough, for their camouflage and quick movements make them seem invisible against any would-be opponent's battered eyes. But they are nothing when compared to the mighty Tyranitar itself, a beast so heavy and powerful that it creates Earthquakes with every step, whose Stone Edge is said to slay many a legend in a single attack.

A single Tyranitar can reign for generations, and Johto's history abounds with the tales of the vast lands they have ground beneath their green, clawed foot. But the time eventually comes when every empire falls, for the courage of pokemon will in time bring a great fighter close enough to punch, kick, or Aura Sphere the Tyranitar into the realm of the dead.

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