Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.42 The Kalosian Crepes

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Austin grinned as he saw Pidgeotto flying overhead with Butterfree, both of them happy to spread their wings.

Raticate, Clefairy and Pikachu were running ahead while Scyther was walking beside him.

The others were following his example with Brock having Geodude and Zubat out, he doesn't have Onix out due to the size of the Pokemon as well as the area and while Zubat was out, she was on his shoulder to not fly in the daylight.

Misty had Staryu and Starmie out and Yellow had Dody and Kitty out, with her carrying the last one.

The only Pokemon Austin didn't have out was his Fearow because of obvious reasons.

It's only been a week since their run-in with AJ and Austin has been stepping up the training for his team with everyone participating.

Fearow did take to training but not enough to follow his instructions in a fight, but Austin sees that as progress.

Maybe the loss against AJ's Rhyhorn did knock some humility into the proud bird Pokemon.

He had Pikachu helping Raticate out by learning Thunderbolt and in return Raticate began helping Pikachu master Dig, Pikachu managed to get it done it easily with help while Raticate gave off a small yellow glow showing that she was struggling but would learn it in time.

As it turns out, Pokemon have a hard time learning moves that they're normally weak to.

Scyther attempted to help Pidgeotto learn Aerial Ace and he deemed Pikachu strong enough to learn Agility and Brick Break adding to their arsenal.

Pidgeotto took her loss pretty hard and did her best to master Aerial Ace under record time and managed to learn Double Team in the process alongside Clefairy learning Metronome and Heal Pulse.

Austin has been tempted to ask Professor Oak how to teach Raticate Ice Beam but he decided to wait on that one for now as the team was working hard.

Butterfree and Scyther became rivals much to his surprise both attempting to prove who the best Bug Pokemon was.

The rivalry helped Butterfree learn Psybeam much to Austin's joy and Scyther managed to learn Razor Wind.

Fearow was still lacking due to not listening but he learned Assurance and Agility in the last week which would be extremely useful if he started to listen.

He wasn't the only one training as Brock was getting more ready for the Breeding Competition in Vermillion and Yellow was trying to train her Pokemon to be better at defending themselves with Dody being the strongest considering that Kitty was pretty immobile at the moment.

Those two Pokemon of hers have learned some good moves in the week that followed as Dody learned Aerial Ace from watching Scyther teaching Pidgeotto.

Misty's Pokemon were strong as ever and she has taken to teaching them some new moves like Scald for Staryu and Signal Beam for Starmie.

"So are we nearly to Vermillion City?" Yellow asked curiously as they'd been walking for a while and it was getting pretty foggy out.

"Maybe we would be if someone just stayed on the road," Misty said giving Austin a look.

"Oh come on, where's your sense of adventure?" Austin asked not looking back as he purposely got lost knowing that it was the only way Ash ever met Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle.

Plus he doesn't know how much longer Charmander has because he did spend quite a bit of time in training and he remembered that the fire lizard only had a limited amount of time before the flame on his tail goes out.

"I lost it when we got lost." Misty snapped back before Brock intervened.

"I think we need a little break." He said as he began throwing stuff out of his bag, one of them being a table much to everyone's surprise. "Why don't I throw something together?"

'How does he fit all of this in that bag?' Austin thought in complete confusion.

"Aha, there's nothing like 100% Cerulean Coffee," Brock said causing Austin to grin.

Back home he was a Coffee person and he missed drinking some upon coming here.

"You kids are too young for this stuff, but it's pretty good," Brock said putting it back causing him to gape.

'No fair.' Austin thought about having coffee taken away like that.

"How about some prune juice?" Brock offered.

"Uh, no thanks," Yellow said a little sick.

"I'll pass." Austin agreed 

"What about some herbal tea?" Misty asked with a smile.

"Good thing I brought my official Pokemon Tea Set," Brock said causing everyone to stare. "Now the secret to good tea is water and I just happen to have a good supply of Mt. Moon Spring Water-."

" Should we be worried by what you have?" Austin decided to ask as he never got how he had a Pokemon Tea Set Pikachu gave a nod a little creeped out.

The other Pokemon came up to them, Brock's Geodude had a hand over his face at what was happening while Zubat was shrieking, using her sonar to see everything and was laughing.

"And for a special snack, I have for you some Kalosian Crepes," Brock said in a French Accent.

' What is that like a Pokémon version of France ? ' 

Austin paused to contemplate that as he wondered how the Pokemon version of France was, hell America was referenced with Lt. Surge's nickname as the Lightning American.

Plus the Pokemon Regions shown so far were Japanese ones due to the names, so was that it for the Pokemon world or was travel to the other regions possible?

Also if they were in the Japanese ones, does that mean that he's speaking Japanese instead of English and not realizing it?

"I love Kalosian  things, they're so romantic aren't they?" Misty asked breaking Austin out of his thoughts, as Yellow paused, looking at Austin, her face red.

Feeling a bit awkward, Austin chuckled. "Misty have you ever had Crepes before?"

"Uh no," Misty said laughing even if she was annoyed at him for breaking her out of her daydream. "But I would like to try them."

"But I can't cook Crepes or boil water if I don't have any fire," Brock said with a sigh. "Anyone wants to get some firewood-?"

"I'll do it," Austin said rolling his eyes as he remembered from the show how Misty threw the job on Ash.

"I'll help." Yellow offered as Austin was already leaving after returning his team and ran after him.

Brock raised a brow by how quickly Yellow did that. 'I wonder.' He thought before deciding to put it in the back of his head for now.

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