Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.421 Rubber Chicken to the rescue

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In the dimly lit training room of Saffron City, the air was thick with the scent of incense, and hundreds of small, scented candles floated ethereally, casting a warm, flickering glow. At the room's center sat Yellow, her legs crossed in a perfect lotus position. Her eyes, wide with awe and respect, were fixed on the figure floating in mid-air before her: Sabrina, the psychic Gym Leader.

Sabrina's presence was commanding yet enigmatic. Her voice, cold and monotone, broke the room's silence. "Yellow, a week has passed. We have gone over the basics, and you have shown talent in your ability to quickly control your psychic powers. From telekinesis to teleportation."

Yellow, unable to conceal her excitement, grinned broadly. She listened intently as Sabrina continued, "Ash asked me to train you in something specific. He said that it will surprise me and that he wants me to help you master it."

Understanding dawned on Yellow's face. She nodded, eager to delve into this new challenge. "Tell me, what is it?" Sabrina prompted, her curiosity evident despite her unemotional tone.

Scratching her head in a mix of confusion and anticipation, Yellow replied, "Ah, it's like... circles that I can move between me and my Pokémon."

Sabrina's brow furrowed, her confusion mirroring that of her student. "Show me," she instructed, her voice firm yet encouraging.

Yellow hesitated, scratching the back of her head sheepishly. "I can't really control it. It's just something that happens when me and my Pokémon are pushed against the wall."

Sabrina nodded, understanding the nature of latent abilities. With a graceful gesture, she released her Claydol, the Pokémon emerging in a burst of psychic energy. Yellow, following her mentor's lead, released Kitty. The two Pokémon eyed each other, sensing the imminent demonstration.

Yellow, standing firm with Kitty, her Beedrill, at her side, looked determined yet cautious. Across from her floated Sabrina, her expression unreadable, Claydol hovering beside her in a silent show of solidarity.

"Let's begin," Sabrina announced, her voice echoing slightly in the vast room.

Kitty buzzed, ready for action, as Yellow called out her first command. "Kitty, Poison Jab!" The Beedrill darted forward, its stinger glowing with a toxic purple hue, aiming directly at Claydol.

Sabrina, unfazed, calmly responded. "Claydol, Teleport!" In an instant, Claydol vanished, reappearing behind Kitty, evading the attack with ease. The swift move left Yellow momentarily disoriented.

"Kitty, watch out!" Yellow shouted, but it was too late. "Claydol, Psychic!" Sabrina commanded.

Claydol's eyes glowed blue, and an invisible force lifted Kitty, suspending the Beedrill helplessly in the air. With a flick of Sabrina's hand, Claydol sent Kitty crashing against a wall. The impact reverberated through the room, the candles swaying violently.

Yellow gritted her teeth. "Kitty, get up! Use Agility!"

Kitty recovered quickly, darting around the room at blinding speed, trying to create an opening. Yellow knew she needed to outmaneuver Sabrina's strategic prowess.

"Claydol, Earth Power!" Sabrina directed. Claydol slammed its body into the ground, sending a shockwave of energy that disrupted the floor, aiming to trip up Kitty.

Yellow countered, "Dodge and use Twinneedle!" Kitty narrowly avoided the ground attack, soaring towards Claydol with its twin stingers aglow, ready to strike.

But Sabrina was always a step ahead. "Now, Ice Beam!" she called out.

A beam of frigid light shot from Claydol, intercepting Kitty mid-attack. The Beedrill shivered as ice formed over its body, slowing its movements.

Yellow's heart raced. She was being outclassed at every turn. "Kitty, try to break free! Use Rage!"

Kitty's eyes glowed red as it fought against the ice, its attacks becoming more ferocious. But Claydol was relentless.

"Finish this with Hyper Beam, Claydol!" Sabrina's voice echoed commandingly.

A massive beam of energy erupted from Claydol, hurtling towards Kitty. 

As the Hyper Beam formed, a massive, pulsating energy beam, Yellow's resolve hardened. She watched Kitty, her trusted Beedrill, encased in ice, and something within her stirred fiercely. She couldn't simply return Kitty to its Poké Ball — not like this. Austin needed her strength, not a display of retreat.

Yellow's eyes glowed with an unprecedented power, a psychic energy radiating from her being. Sabrina, sensing this surge, couldn't hide her surprise. "How is this even possible?" she thought, her analytical mind racing. She had seen many trainers and Pokémon, but this... this was different.

The resonance between Yellow and Kitty was palpable, a psychic bond that seemed to transcend the physical realm. "Is she tapping into some latent potential? Or is it something unique to her bond with her Pokémon?" Sabrina pondered, amazed and intrigued.

Just as Claydol unleashed its Hyper Beam, a destructive torrent of energy, Yellow shouted with unwavering confidence, "Kitty, X-Scissor!"

In a breathtaking moment, Kitty burst through the ice, shattering it with sheer force. A greenish aura enveloped the Beedrill as it charged through the Hyper Beam, an incredible feat that seemed to defy the very laws of physics.

Sabrina blinked in astonishment. In an instant, Kitty landed the X-Scissor on Claydol, striking with such precision and power that the Psychic-type Pokémon was knocked out cold.

Sabrina let out a chuckle, a rare show of emotion. "This power..." she murmured, her eyes fixed on Kitty. "It's equal to that of the Elite Four's ace Pokémon."

She turned to Yellow, her expression a mix of respect and curiosity. "I can see why Ash is so keen on you mastering this. You and Kitty... you have a connection that goes beyond ordinary training. It's as if your souls are intertwined, channeling your energies through psychic resonance. Remarkable."

Yellow, catching her breath, nodded. "I... I didn't know we could do that. It's like I felt what Kitty felt, and we moved as one."

Sabrina nodded thoughtfully. "It's more than just a battle tactic. It's a symbiosis of spirits. You're not just commanding Kitty; you're understanding and synchronizing with its very essence. That's a rare gift, Yellow."


[Present Day]

Yellow stood in the midst of the parking lot of Silph Co., her heart pounding with anticipation and determination. She took a deep breath, her eyes scanning the field before her. Methodically, she returned her other Pokémon to their Poké Balls, each click echoing her rising resolve. Now was the moment she had been preparing for.

As she stood there, her mind replayed the rigorous training sessions with Sabrina. Every dodge, every counterattack, and every moment of synchronization with her Pokémon flashed through her mind. The lessons weren't just about techniques; they were about understanding, bonding, and transcending the physical limits with her Pokémon.

She remembered the way Sabrina had analyzed her unique bond with Kitty, how they had broken through barriers she hadn't known existed. The resonance of their souls, their shared strength in moments of adversity - all these experiences had forged her into the trainer she was now.

She knew that she had to trust in her bond with Kitty, the Alpha Beedrill, if they were to stand a chance against Ariana and Pierce's Mega Evolved Pokémon.

As Yellow's eyes flashed cyan and her irises blackened, tendrils of psychic energy connected her to Kitty, boosting its strength to rival that of an Elite Four member's ace Pokémon. The intense power surging through Kitty was palpable, and even Ariana and Pierce could feel the pressure emanating from the Alpha Beedrill.

The parking lot was charged with an electric atmosphere as Yellow faced off against Ariana and Pierce. Ariana, with her formidable Mega Venusaur, and Pierce, commanding his fearsome Mega Houndoom, were ready for a tough battle. But Yellow and her Alpha Beedrill, Kitty, were a force to be reckoned with.

"Kitty, let's show them our strength!" Yellow called out, her voice echoing with confidence.

Ariana smirked, "Mega Venusaur, Solar Beam!" The plant Pokémon gathered energy, releasing a powerful beam of concentrated sunlight towards Kitty.

"Pierce, back her up!" Ariana shouted.

"Right! Mega Houndoom, Flamethrower!" Pierce commanded, as his Pokémon unleashed a torrent of flames.

Yellow's bond with Kitty shone through. "Dodge and counter with Twinneedle!" she instructed. Kitty, moving with uncanny speed, evaded both attacks and struck back, its needles glowing with venom as they hit Mega Venusaur.

"Not bad, brat. But we're just getting started," Pierce taunted, as Mega Houndoom lunged at Kitty with a Crunch attack.

Yellow was quick to respond. 

"Kitty, Agility, then Aerial Ace!" Kitty's speed was unmatched, swiftly avoiding the attack and retaliating with a precise and powerful blow that sent Mega Houndoom skidding across the ground.

Ariana was growing impatient. "Enough of this! Venusaur, use Vine Whip!" The massive vines lashed out, attempting to ensnare Kitty.

Yellow, calm and focused, commanded, "Evade and use Poison Jab!" Kitty weaved through the vines with grace and struck Mega Venusaur with a powerful, toxic jab.

Pierce gritted his teeth. "Houndoom, Dark Pulse!" The dark energy wave surged towards Kitty.

Yellow's strategy was already in motion. "Kitty, Reflect!" she yelled. A barrier appeared, deflecting the Dark Pulse back at Mega Houndoom, staggering it.

Ariana was not deterred. "Venusaur, Sleep Powder!" she shouted.

Yellow anticipated the move. "Kitty, Gust to blow it away!" The Beedrill's wings beat furiously, redirecting the powder back towards its opponents.

Pierce and Ariana were now on the defensive. "Houndoom, Inferno!" Pierce commanded desperately.

Yellow's response was swift. 

"Kitty, Dodge and Drill Run!" Kitty narrowly avoided the flames and charged at Mega Houndoom, hitting it with a powerful, spiraling strike.

Ariana's frustration was evident. "Venusaur, Synthesis!" she ordered, hoping to recover some health.

But Yellow was relentless. 

"Kitty, X-Scissor on Venusaur, now!" 

The Beedrill's swift attack interrupted the healing process, leaving Mega Venusaur vulnerable.

Pierce realized they were outmatched. "Houndoom, Foul Play!"

Yellow was ready. "Counter with Rage!" Kitty's attack, fueled by its increasing frustration, was more powerful than ever, overwhelming Mega Houndoom.

The battle raged on, with Yellow and Kitty displaying impeccable synergy and strategy. They dodged and countered every move by Ariana and Pierce, who were struggling to keep up.

In the crumbling parking lot, an epic showdown was unfolding. Ariana and Pierce, their backs against the wall, refused to admit defeat. "Mega Venusaur, Earthquake now!" Ariana commanded with determination.

"Pair it with Thunder Fang, Mega Houndoom!" Pierce shouted, his voice echoing across the cracked asphalt.

The ground beneath them shuddered and split, sending fissures racing across the parking lot. Mega Venusaur's Earthquake caused the concrete to crumble and debris to fly. At the same time, Mega Houndoom's jaws crackled with intense electrical energy, its Thunder Fang ready to strike.

Yellow, standing firm with Kitty, her eyes focused and calculating, was ready. "Kitty, take to the sky, now!" she ordered. Kitty, understanding the urgency, soared upwards, evading the splitting earth and rising debris with grace.

Mega Houndoom, undeterred, lunged upwards with its electrified jaws, aiming for Kitty. "Now, Kitty, dodge and counter with X Stinger!" Yellow's voice was a beacon amidst the chaos.

Kitty dodged the Thunder Fang with an agile swerve and, using its momentum, delivered a powerful X Stinger, a combination of X-Scissor and Fell Stinger, directly onto Mega Houndoom's flank. The attack sent a shockwave through the parking lot, further cracking the asphalt.

Ariana and Pierce, their faces etched with resolve, knew this was their last stand. "Mega Venusaur, Razor Leaf barrage!" Ariana yelled.

"Pierce it with a Dark Pulse, Houndoom!" added Pierce, his voice strained with the effort.

The combined attacks created a swirling vortex of sharp leaves and dark energy, tearing up chunks of asphalt as it moved towards Kitty.

Yellow's eyes narrowed, calculating the trajectory. "Kitty, up and over!" she cried out. Kitty ascended rapidly, narrowly escaping the deadly maelstrom below.

At the height of their ascent, Kitty began to radiate a bright, golden light. "Pin Missile, let's rain it down!" Yellow's command was met with a barrage of glowing projectiles that showered down on Mega Venusaur and Mega Houndoom.

The relentless Pin Missile attack overwhelmed Mega Houndoom, sending it sprawling to the ground, defeated amidst the scattered debris of the parking lot.

Without missing a beat, Yellow seized the moment. "Kitty, finish this with Aerial Impact!" she commanded.

Kitty dove down, glowing with the force of Aerial Ace and Giga Impact combined, and slammed into Mega Venusaur with a thunderous crash. The impact sent shockwaves through the parking lot, further shattering the concrete.

Ariana, reeling from the recent turn of events, turned to Pierce in panic. 

"What should we do now?" she cried out, her voice wavering with desperation.

But before Pierce could even respond, they were both caught off guard by an unexpected sight: a rubber chicken came flying through the air, striking Pierce square in the face and knocking him unconscious.

Ariana, stunned and confused, looked up to see a Kadabra standing nearby, clutching the rubber chicken with an air of amusement. 

"Looks like your Mega Evolution strategy was a bit of a... moist flop."

With a thud, the rubber chicken connected with Ariana's face, and she too crumpled to the ground, unconscious. The bizarre turn of events had left Yellow just as bewildered as her opponents had been.

As the dust settled, Yellow approached the Kadabra, her curiosity piqued. 

"How did you knock them out with a rubber chicken?" she asked, still trying to process the bizarre turn of events.

The Kadabra chuckled, its eyes twinkling with amusement, "Ah, you see, Yellow, it's not just any rubber chicken. This bad boy right here is a top-tier, triple-S-rank, certified slapper oh and I might have filled it with concrete, turning it into an absolute powerhouse." 

"So, are they dead ?" Yellow asked 

Kadabra smirked and shook its head. "Nah, they're not dead," it reassured Yellow as Kadabara poked Ariana with a stick.

"They're just taking a little rubber chicken-induced power nap. They'll wake up with one hell of a headache, but otherwise, they'll be fine except for the memory loss, brain trauma and bone trauma." 

" What was that ?" 

" I gotta go, Woohoo, yeah, baby !"


[ Omake Paragraph ]

It is often surmised that Kyogre serves the sea and Groudon the land, but the reality is more multifaceted. Groudon's concept of land is one with many mountains and deserts, and the rest of the land given over to the usage of Man; one with no room for forests in the wilderness. In older eras, Rayquaza, who sought peace and at least had a similar color to the trees, inspired smaller organizations among the peoples of the wilderness: Fortree City is a relic of one such group's effort to live in harmony with the forest and prove both sides wrong. However, this is an exception, for outside of the roads to Fortree and the Petalburg Woods, the trees and the many pokemon they sheltered have spent millennia slowly disappearing.

Treecko have been hit especially hard by this habitat destruction. Their usage of Leaf Blade to harvest small trees for food puts them in direct competition with both loggers, who want the trees for themselves, and environmentalists, who fear a recovered population could destroy more trees than the forest could bear, although they only become truly dangerous if they survive to reach the Sceptile stage. Worse, Treecko deprived of their standard diet of trees often attempt to survive by eating wooden homes, and their ability to scale even the tallest of walls leave them all but impervious to traps designed for more common bug-type pests; many settlers have responded by importing predators and shooting them on sight.

It is only through the controversial efforts of Professor Birch's captive breeding program that these strange and ancient pokemon have survived.

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