Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.428 Double Batte

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Giovanni sent out two Pokémon. 

First, a Dugtrio – three heads sharing a single body, always buried underground, each head tough and smooth-skinned. Next, a Rhyperior, large and brownish-gray, sporting two horns, one resembling a drill. Its body was armored with orange, rocky plates, and it had cannon-like holes in its palms.

Without wasting a moment, Giovanni gave his command.

"Stealth Rock," he said firmly. 

Dugtrio's eyes glinted as rocks began to levitate around them. 

Simultaneously, Rhyperior launched the rocks onto the ground with precision, creating a hovering field of jagged stones, ready for strategic use in the ongoing battle.

Austin, quickly adapting to the change in battlefield dynamics, switched out Gengar for two of his Pokémon. First, Scizor emerged, unphased by the Stealth Rock that slammed into it. Instead of causing damage, the rocks shattered upon impact with Scizor's tough exterior.

Then, some of the Stealth Rocks were launched skyward at high speed, only to be shattered by an Air Slash, creating a dust cloud. From this cloud, a figure shot out and landed heavily on the ground, revealing itself to be a roided out Pidgeot.

This Pidgeot's wings, now unfurled, were a sight to behold – each feather larger and more vivid, a kaleidoscope of colors dancing in the stormy light. Its body was notably more muscular than a typical Pidgeot, the muscles rippling under its golden-brown plumage, exuding a sense of immense strength and aggression. The crest on its head was more pronounced, with spikes that added to its fierce appearance. Its eyes, full of bloodlust, and its sharpened talons, looked ready to engage in battle.

Giovanni commanded, "Sandstorm, Dugtrio!" Dugtrio quickly obliged, whipping up a fierce sandstorm that enveloped the battlefield.

Simultaneously, Giovanni ordered Rhyperior, "Use Surf!" Rhyperior unleashed a massive wave, merging with the sandstorm to create a tsunami of mud, surging towards Scizor.

Austin was quick to respond. "Pidgeot, Aerial Ace!" he commanded. Pidgeot, with incredible speed and agility, darted forward. She struck Rhyperior mid-attack, her force so great that Rhyperior was sent hurtling into the sky. Without missing a beat, Pidgeot soared upwards, talons gripping Rhyperior, and with a swift motion, she hurled him down at a breakneck speed, breaking the sound barrier. Rhyperior crashed into the approaching mud tsunami with a thunderous impact.

Meanwhile, Scizor prepared itself. "Swords Dance," Austin instructed. Scizor's aura intensified as he performed the move.

Austin commanded "Spear of Longinus," directing Scizor's attack at the downed Rhyperior. In response, Giovanni quickly countered, "Rhyperior, Sucker Punch!" A shadow loomed beside Scizor, signaling Dugtrio's imminent Sucker Punch.

However, in a dramatic twist, Pidgeot swooped in mid-air, intercepting Dugtrio just as it was about to land the blow. Pidgeot's wings glinted, powered by Steel Wing and enhanced by Aerial Ace, striking Dugtrio with such force that it was sent reeling backwards.

Meanwhile, Scizor continued its relentless assault on Rhyperior. Giovanni, seeing the imminent danger, shouted, "Flash Cannon!" Rhyperior quickly positioned itself, unleashing a bright beam of light towards Scizor.

Scizor, undeterred, ripped through the beam, its Spear of Longinus attack mere moments from hitting its target. But just then, Dugtrio, recovering from Pidgeot's attack, used Earthquake. The rooftop trembled violently under the force of the move, throwing off Scizor's precision. The Spear of Longinus attack, so close to its mark, missed as the earthquake disrupted the battle.

Giovanni swiftly commanded, "Rhyperior, Double Edge!" Steam billowed from Rhyperior's hide as it charged, slamming into Scizor with immense force. However, Scizor stood its ground, barely budging. Austin, seizing the moment, instructed, "Reversal!" In a stunning display of power, Scizor, with a single, explosive attack, hurled Rhyperior away, leaving it on one knee.

"Rest," Austin calmly directed. Scizor closed its eyes, its aura fading as it began to recuperate. Giovanni, not wasting a moment, ordered, "Tri Attack, Dugtrio!" Dugtrio launched a Tri Beam attack, firing beams of Ice and Thunder at Pidgeot, and a beam of Fire at the resting Scizor.

"Dust Devil!" At Austin's command, Pidgeot stirred up a dust devil, a swirling tornado of sand and wind. The twister grew, engulfing Dugtrio's fiery beam, setting the tornado ablaze. Pidgeot, however, bore the brunt of the Ice and Lightning beams.

Pidgeot then maneuvered the fiery tornado towards Dugtrio. At that moment, Giovanni had Rhyperior use Hydro Pump, dousing the flames and neutralizing the attack. Amidst this chaos, Scizor's aura burst forth.

Seizing the moment, Austin commanded, "Scizor, Metal Claw combined with Close Combat!" Scizor's claw, gleaming metallically, slammed into Rhyperior with resounding force. The first hit was followed by another, each strike a perfect blend of Metal Claw's sharpness and the brute force of Close Combat.

With every hit, Scizor's claw carved into Rhyperior's hide, the sound of metal clashing against rock echoing across the rooftop. Giovanni, seeing the intensity of the attack, yelled, "Rhyperior, Flamethrower now!" Rhyperior opened its mouth to unleash the flames, but Scizor, anticipating this, thrust its claw into Rhyperior's mouth, causing the Flamethrower to explode inside.

"Keep the pressure, Scizor!" Austin shouted. Scizor, with its claw still embedded, slammed Rhyperior into the ground repeatedly. Despite the ferocity of the attack, Rhyperior clung on, and Giovanni saw an opportunity. "Rhyperior, Fire Blast!" he commanded.

At the same moment, Austin instructed, "Scizor, counter with Flash Cannon!" The two attacks collided, creating a massive explosion. 

As the smoke dissipated, the aftermath of the fierce clash became evident. Rhyperior was grounded, its jaw gruesomely blown off.

Nearby, Scizor's claw, a fusion of metal and flesh, was bloodied and mangled.

In a swift and decisive move, Austin called out, "Scizor, U-turn!" The Scizor, glowing with a green light, struck the ground hard, revealing the hidden Dugtrio. The attack hit, sending Dugtrio tumbling back. Scizor then quickly returned to its Pokéball.

Next, Austin shouted for Pidgeot. "Pidgeot, use Instant Transmission!" In a flash, Pidgeot merged several moves - Pursuit, Substitute, and Aerial Ace. It moved so fast, it seemed to vanish and reappear around Dugtrio, attacking with its sharp talons. Each strike left a mark on Dugtrio. With a final powerful dive, Pidgeot threw Dugtrio into the air.

Unfazed, Austin continued his strategy. "Pidgeot, now, Pillars of Clouds!" Pidgeot's eyes sparkled as it combined Ominous Wind, Twister, Whirlwind, and Razor Wind. These moves created a giant vortex of clouds over the battlefield. The rain intensified, and fierce winds shattered the windows of the nearby building.

Dugtrio was visibly struggling against the Pillars of Clouds. The vortex grew stronger, tearing apart the rooftop and sending debris everywhere.

Then Austin gave another command. "Finish it with Flaming Ace!" Pidgeot, now like a fiery comet, dived down, mixing Brave Bird and Aerial Ace. It streaked towards Dugtrio surrounded by flames. The impact was a mix of fire and feathers. The heat was so intense that the rain around them turned into steam.

The attack left Dugtrio scorched and defeated, unable to continue the battle.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

In English, the name "Marshtomp" recalls nothing more impressive than the marshes where they once frolicked in mud, for the Anglo-Saxons never saw anything impressive or admirable in these pokemon. And indeed, there is little impressive about the Marshtomp once found in England's marshes; they are diminutive compared to their continental counterparts and easy prey for the many grass pokemon who roam England's many fields.

But the Marshtomp of the Tiber surely inspired something in the early Latins.. Perhaps it was their aggressive nature, perhaps their tenacity in combat: some have even speculated that Latin Marshtom, in this harsh environment being swiftly lost to man, formed pods which engaged in pitched battles over scarce territory. Regardless of the reason, in Latin, the name "Marshtomp" instead brings up thoughts of Mars, the Roman god of war named after this pokemon.

In early Roman art, Mars was even portrayed as a Marshtomp, but as Greek influence grew his portrayal was increasingly humanized, an orange fin on his helmet and his name all that recalled his origins. In time, the fins migrated from the helmet of their protective war god to the helmets of the ordinary soldier, who began wearing them in emulation of their deity: it is this fin which gives Roman helmets their distinctive shape.

The Tiber Marshtomp themselves soon disappeared from the wilderness, captured en masse and organized into sacred pokemon legions: as the empire expanded, most of Europe's Marshtomp met the same fate. Sadly, they were reviled by the early Christians as a pagan symbol and by Rome's many conquerors as one of national resistance. They did not survive into the Medieval period: it is in Hoenn, not in Europe, where we find the last of the Marshtomp

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