Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.430 Thu-Fi-Zer

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"Rock Slide, Aerodactyl! And Chansey, get ready with Soft-Boiled!" he commanded. With a mighty flap of its wings, Aerodactyl summoned a barrage of rocks, creating a rugged barrier on the battlefield, hindering Mega Beedrill's movements. Chansey, glowing with a nurturing aura, readied itself to heal any injuries with Soft-Boiled.

Giovanni quickly decoded Austin's tactic: a war of attrition, aiming to exhaust Mega Beedrill with the combined effects of Curse and Burn. 

"Mega Beedrill, dodge with Aerial Ace, then strike Aerodactyl with Poison Jab!" Giovanni responded. Mega Beedrill darted through the air, dodging the tumbling rocks with agility and grace. Its stingers, oozing with poison, thrust towards Aerodactyl in a deadly lunge.

"Aerodactyl, counter with Iron Head!" Austin countered. Aerodactyl's head transformed, coated in a metallic sheen, as it charged towards Mega Beedrill's venomous attack. The two Pokémon collided, Iron Head clashing against Poison Jab, a battle of steel against toxin. Just as Mega Beedrill deflected the attack, the burn status effect sapped away more of its health.

Giovanni's gaze shifted towards Chansey, calculating his next move. "Mega Beedrill, Aerial Ace into Drill Run on Chansey!" he commanded. Mega Beedrill swiftly disengaged from Aerodactyl, its body streamlined as it hurtled towards Chansey with lethal intent.

But Austin was one step ahead. "Aerodactyl, Stone Edge!" he yelled. Aerodactyl, with a powerful beat of its wings, dove towards the ground. The earth in front of Mega Beedrill erupted, rocks shooting upwards as Aerodactyl's Stone Edge disrupted the Drill Run.

Chansey, far from the docile healer it seemed, revealed a mischievous grin. With unexpected agility, it struck Mega Beedrill with a Fire Punch. The force of the blow sent Mega Beedrill spiraling towards Aerodactyl.

"Aerodactyl, finish it with Assurance!"  Aerodactyl's claws radiated with dark energy, forming a scythe-like shape. As Mega Beedrill tried to regain control, Aerodactyl's Assurance struck, slashing across Mega Beedrill's exoskeleton. A giant gash appeared, from which blood seeped out, a stark contrast against its yellow and black body.

Mega Beedrill, now heavily injured, struggled to stay airborne. 

"Mega Beedrill, create a Substitute, then hit Aerodactyl with U-turn!" In a blur of movement, Mega Beedrill conjured a decoy, sowing confusion among Austin's Pokémon. Seizing the moment, it executed a swift U-turn, its body becoming a high-speed projectile aimed at Aerodactyl.

Austin was quick to respond. "Chansey, heal with Soft-Boiled, now!" he called out. Chansey glowed with a warm, healing aura, extending its rejuvenating powers to both itself and Aerodactyl, restoring their strength and mending their battle wounds.

"Aerodactyl, intercept with Sky Drop!" Austin's voice rang clear. Aerodactyl, with a powerful beat of its wings, rose swiftly, seizing Mega Beedrill in its mighty talons mid-U-turn. The ancient Pokémon ascended higher, preparing to unleash a devastating Sky Drop.

Giovanni's frustration was palpable. "Mega Beedrill, break free with Bug Bite!" he ordered. Mega Beedrill's mandibles clamped down on Aerodactyl's leg, drawing blood and forcing a startled release. The two Pokémon began a freefall, entangled in a fierce battle in the skies.

Austin, seizing the opportunity, instructed, "Chansey, Thunderbolt now!" Chansey, capitalizing on the momentary distraction, released a torrent of electric energy. The Thunderbolt streaked towards Mega Beedrill, who was still grappling with Aerodactyl. As the electric bolt neared, the effects of the burn once again took their toll on Mega Beedrill.

In a last-ditch effort, Mega Beedrill tried to initiate Roost for recovery, but the paralysis from Chansey's Thunderbolt thwarted its attempt. "Now, Aerodactyl, throw him!" Austin commanded with urgency. Aerodactyl, seizing the opportunity, hurled Mega Beedrill towards Chansey with all its might.

Chansey, prepared and waiting, unleashed a massive Fire Blast. Mega Beedrill let out a scream as it was engulfed in the roaring flames. Its body was now marred with burns and paralyzed wounds, its wings trembling weakly in a futile attempt to stay airborne.

Despite the dire situation, Giovanni remained determined. "Swords Dance," he ordered, his voice tinged with resolve. Mega Beedrill's stingers started to glow, channeling energy as it began the Swords Dance, a move designed to significantly boost its power.

But the relentless burn took another toll.

Giovanni, seeing a fleeting opportunity, commanded with urgency, "Mega Beedrill, X-Scissor on Aerodactyl!" Despite the pain and paralysis, Mega Beedrill, fueled by the power of Swords Dance, managed to dodge a Thunder Wave. It then launched a ferocious X-Scissor attack at Aerodactyl, its stingers cutting through the air with lethal precision.

Austin, quick to respond, shouted, "Aerodactyl, dodge and hit back with Dragon Claw!" Aerodactyl, reacting swiftly, tried to maneuver out of X-Scissor's path. However, it wasn't fast enough to completely evade the attack. Mega Beedrill's stingers struck Aerodactyl with immense force, causing a spray of blood from the wound. In a display of resilience, Aerodactyl, undeterred by the injury, retaliated with Dragon Claw. Its talons, charged with draconic energy, shone brightly as it aimed for Mega Beedrill in a powerful counterattack.

The battle escalated into a brutal slugfest. Mega Beedrill unleashed a series of False Swipes at Aerodactyl. Each swipe was a desperate attempt to gain an upper hand, but Aerodactyl matched Mega Beedrill's ferocity with its own Dragon Claw attacks.

The two Pokémon clashed in the air, their moves creating a whirlwind of aggression and determination. Mega Beedrill's swipes were swift, but Aerodactyl's claws were just as fast and sharp. The encounter turned into a bloody spectacle, with each hit leaving its mark.

Chansey continuously used its healing abilities to mend Aerodactyl's wounds. This constant support from Chansey ensured that Aerodactyl remained in the fight, despite the relentless assault from Mega Beedrill.

In the midst of this fierce exchange, Mega Beedrill's condition worsened. It fought bravely, but the continuous slashes and hacks from Aerodactyl took their toll. In a critical moment, one of Mega Beedrill's right stingers was severed by a particularly vicious Dragon Claw strike. The loss of its stinger, combined with the ongoing burn effects, left Mega Beedrill in a dire state.

In a final, desperate bid, Mega Beedrill summoned every ounce of its remaining strength. With a piercing scream, it charged headlong at Aerodactyl, channeling all its energy into a devastating Giga Impact. Aerodactyl, equally determined, met Mega Beedrill's assault with its own Giga Impact.

The collision was monumental. A deafening boom echoed across the rooftop, followed by a cloud of dust and debris. As the dust settled, the two Pokémon were seen head-to-head, locked in a stalemate of colossal power.

Then, the inevitable happened. Mega Beedrill's body could no longer sustain the strain. It collapsed, reverting back to its original Beedrill form. The once fearsome Pokémon now lay motionless, its body battered and bloodied from the intense battle.

Giovanni, with a heavy heart, recalled Beedrill into its Pokéball, acknowledging the defeat. His gaze shifted towards Mewtwo, who watched with an amused, almost mocking expression. "Now what?" Giovanni pondered internally. He wondered if Mewtwo would intervene or if he should take a different approach. His thoughts were interrupted as he noticed Austin, standing ready, a determined look in his eyes.

"I guess you know," Giovanni remarked, a resigned tone in his voice.

"Don't worry, you can release that three-headed freak, Mewtwo isn't going to interfere," Austin retorted confidently.

Giovanni couldn't help but chuckle at the boldness of the young trainer. "Let me see your strength against a God, Boy."

He opened up a Pokeball, releasing a monstrous creation, a fusion of the Demi-Gods of Ice, Fire, and Lightning: Thu-Fi-Zer.

This amalgamation of Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno cast a menacing shadow over Austin and the ever-grinning Chansey. 

Thu-Fi-Zer's appearance was a truly terrifying sight to behold, as the legendary powers of Ice, Fire, and Lightning converged into a single, awe-inspiring form. Its body was an eerie fusion of the three legendary birds, with the sleek, muscular frame of Articuno, the fierce, talon-tipped wings of Moltres, and the jagged, electrically-charged plumage of Zapdos.

The creature possessed three distinct heads, each bearing the visage of one of the legendary birds. The left head resembled Articuno, with an elegant, ice-crowned crest and piercing, ice-blue eyes. The central head was that of Moltres, with fierce, flame-like eyes and a fiery plume adorning its crest. The right head took on the appearance of Zapdos, with its sharp, lightning-infused beak and crackling, electric energy surrounding its eyes.

Thu-Fi-Zer's wings were an incredible sight in and of themselves, as the three elements clashed and melded together. The inner feathers were sheathed in Moltres' fire, casting a flickering, infernal glow on the surroundings, while the outer feathers were imbued with Zapdos' crackling, electric energy. Veins of ice, reminiscent of Articuno's frigid power, ran through the length of the wings, providing a chilling contrast to the searing heat and electric currents.

The creature's tail was a magnificent fusion of the three legendary Pokémon, with the long, flowing tail feathers of Articuno, the fiery plume of Moltres, and the sharp, jagged edges of Zapdos' lightning bolt-like appendage. As the tail swept through the air, it left a trail of frost, fire, and sparks in its wake.

As Thu-Fi-Zer took to the skies, the sheer power radiating from its triple-headed form sent shivers down the spines of all who witnessed it. The air around the creature crackled with energy, and the ground below seemed to tremble in anticipation of the epic battle that was about to unfold.

'That looks horrifying in real life.'


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Although their ferocity and tenacity makes many think they would be excellent at the role, Poochyena are actually quite poor guard dogs. This is because guard dogs, by definition, must protect a fixed item or location, but Poochyena can be drawn long distances from whatever they are protecting in pursuit of a target, Although they are certainly scary, professional thieves are well aware of this habit and work in tandem to draw guard Poochyena away and sneak in: one is much better served by Growlithe or Houndour.

This determination, along with their large numbers in the wild, has also made Poochyena a popular pokemon for trainers, but be warned: Poochyena are omnivorous and more wild than tame, and they see any targets in battle not as pokemon to compete against in a sport, but as prey to devour. Whenever they knock a pokemon out, they will begin to maul and chew, and both trainers must be quick with their pokeballs to avoid debilitating injuries to the loser which even a Center will struggle to heal, or worse, death. League regulations require Poochyena trainers to continue to hold their pokeball in their hand after sending them out and to recall and resummon their pokemon whenever it scores a knockout, but these are not always followed in unofficial battles and accidents (or, in exceptionally bitter rivalries, "accidents") happen.

A few, citing these tragedies, have called for the training of Poochyena to be banned outright, but they are rarely heeded. Pokemon battle, for all the advances of modern technology, is still a blood sport, and any pokemon is capable of causing severe injuries. And when truly tamed, Poochyena can make quite gentle household pets, but tame Poochyena are pacifists who suppress their instincts by harming neither friend nor foe.

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