Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.432 Lightning Strikes

[ Johto - Azura Peak ]

As the sleek car cruised along the winding mountain road of the Azura Peaks, the sun dipped behind the peaks, casting long shadows over the rugged landscape. The majestic mountains stretched endlessly, their snow-capped peaks glistening against the azure sky. The car's engine hummed in harmony with the whispering wind, weaving effortlessly through the serpentine bends.

Suddenly, the car screeched to a halt, confronted by a seemingly impassable roadblock. The driver, Looker, glanced around the car before hitting a button. As if responding to the signal, the road beneath the car began to rumble and shift, startling him.

Before his eyes, the roadblock split apart, revealing a hidden tunnel entrance that had been concealed within the mountain's craggy face. A faint glow illuminated the tunnel, beckoning him to venture inside. With a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, Looker pressed his foot on the accelerator and steered the car into the mysterious passage.

The tunnel's walls seemed to close in as the car delved deeper, yet the glow ahead grew brighter. Suddenly, the car emerged on the other side of the tunnel, and Looker found himself facing a sight that left him awestruck. 

There, nestled in the embrace of a cliff overlooking the vast ocean, stood the International Police Headquarters. The colossal structure was a marvel of architecture and engineering, with its sleek, modern design contrasting starkly against the raw, natural beauty of the surrounding mountains. 

The Headquarters' glass façade shimmered, reflecting the rays of the setting sun, casting a warm glow across the ocean's surface. Its location seemed to defy gravity, as if the building was anchored to the cliff by an invisible force. As Looker approached, the entrance gates silently slid open, welcoming him into the heart of the organization.


As Looker approached the entrance of the International Police Headquarters, a shiver ran down his spine, as if he were standing on the precipice of an abyss of darkness and intrigue. The first checkpoint required him to place his trembling hand on a cold biometric scanner, its ominous hum echoing through the empty chamber. The scanner peered into the unique patterns of his skin, reading his identity like a cryptic text.

With a sharp, metallic groan, the reinforced steel door slid open, revealing another dimly lit chamber. Looker hesitantly stepped onto a platform, surrounded by an eerie green glow. Advanced body scanning technology came to life, unleashing a series of lasers that swept over him like the hungry tendrils of a ghostly specter. As the platform emitted a soft, haunting chime, Looker was granted passage into the inner sanctum of the Headquarters.

Upon entering the lobby, Looker was immediately drawn to a high-speed elevator, its doors yawning open like the maw of a ravenous beast. He stepped inside, his voice wavering as he spoke his destination – the top floor. The elevator responded with an unsettling hum, its ascent as rapid and unnerving as a sudden plunge into darkness.

In mere seconds, Looker arrived at the top floor. The doors creaked open to reveal a room filled with his colleagues, their faces pale and contorted with terror. The flickering light cast ghastly shadows on their faces as they huddled around a large, pulsating monitor.

"What's going on?" Looker inquired, his voice barely a whisper.

"It's chaos out there, Looker," one of his colleagues stammered, unable to tear his eyes from the screen. "Battles are erupting all over Kanto."

The images on the monitor were akin to a nightmarish vision, satellite images revealing battles raging across the Kanto region like a plague of locusts. As Looker joined the macabre gathering, Director Benjamin Lancaster, a man whose presence was as cold and unyielding as the stone walls of a crypt, grabbed him by the arm. Lancaster's steely blue eyes pierced through Looker like icy daggers, chilling him to the bone.

"Looker, we need to talk about your superhero and the information he gave us," he hissed, dragging him into his office, which felt more like a tomb than a place of work. The walls seemed to close in around them as Lancaster accused Looker's superhero of being in cahoots with Team rocket since the information he gave them about the bases of Team Rocket was false. 

Looker remained silent, listening to his superior's enraged tirade, his heart pounding in his chest.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. A young woman, Emily, head of communications, her face ashen and her voice trembling, interrupted the oppressive atmosphere. "Sir, you need to see this," she whispered, her eyes wide with fear.

The entire group followed her out of the office and into the hallway, where they were confronted by a series of screens displaying a massive storm engulfing the entire Kanto region. Each screen showed a different part of Kanto, but all were dominated by the same terrifying image of the enormous storm. The screens revealed an abnormal increase in magnetic fields in certain areas, adding to the sense of impending disaster.

The eye of the storm, as shown on the central screen, was ominously positioned over Saffron City. The imagery was intense, with swirling clouds and flashes of lightning that seemed almost sentient in their ferocity.

Lancaster's voice trembled as he turned to Looker, "Are these natural phenomena, or…?" 

Looker solemnly nodded, indicating that these catastrophic weather patterns were indeed the work of their superhero's extraordinary abilities. 

The director's voice cracked with urgency as he ordered the deployment of squads to monitor and assist in the affected areas, particularly around the storm's eye. Turning to Emily, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination, he asked for any available data on the storm's potential path and its implications for Saffron City. Emily hesitated, her voice barely above a whisper as she confirmed the dire situation - the storm, with Saffron City at its heart, showed no signs of dissipating.

"Get me a live feed of Saffron City. Now!" Lancaster demanded, his voice echoing through the shadowy corridor. Emily frantically tapped at the controls, her fingers trembling. But instead of showing the bustling city, the screen remained an impenetrable black void.

"I can't… I can't find Saffron City, sir," Emily stammered, her voice cracking with fear. "It's as if it's being shielded by some… some kind of barrier."

A heavy silence descended upon the room, thick with dread and disbelief. The air grew colder, and the faces of everyone in the International Police Headquarters seemed to age decades in an instant, as they all realized the gravity of the situation unfolding before them.

"What do we do now?" one of the colleagues whispered, his voice barely audible.

Lancaster's jaw tightened, and his eyes seemed to burn with a cold fury. "We mobilize every available agent towards Saffron. We bring in your superhero alongside the leader of Team rocket, and we put an end to this nightmare."

With a newfound determination, the team dispersed, each member focused on their tasks. Looker couldn't shake the feeling that they were standing at the edge of a precipice, looking into an abyss that threatened to swallow them whole. But they had no choice but to face the horrors that awaited them, for the sake of the people and the lives they chose to protect.


The atmosphere in Vermilion City grew tense as Lance observed a strange phenomenon – everyone's hair, from humans to Pokémon, began to stand on end, a clear indication of an imminent lightning strike. The air crackled with static electricity, heightening the sense of impending danger.

Suddenly, the skies unleashed their fury. A colossal pillar of lightning, so vast and powerful, struck with a force that transcended nature. It was an awe-inspiring, yet terrifying spectacle. The lightning was so intense that it caused a momentary pause in everyone's heartbeat, a shared gasp of shock and awe rippling through the crowd.

As the blinding light from the lightning pillar faded, Lance's eyes were drawn to a massive hole that had been created in the Vermilion sea. Around this gaping void, water hissed and turned into steam, struggling to fill the newly formed chasm. But it was what Lance saw within the hole that truly caught his attention.

There, amidst the chaos of the storm and the sea, lay the remnants of an elaborate structure – a Team Rocket base. The base, previously hidden and submerged, was now exposed and utterly destroyed by the lightning strike. The remnants of advanced electronics and machinery floated among the debris, evidence of the covert operations Team Rocket had been conducting right under their noses.

The revelation was startling. Team Rocket had not only infiltrated Vermilion City but had established a significant base of operations within it. The destruction of this base, while a significant blow to Team Rocket, also raised numerous questions. How long had they been operating there? What plans had they been concocting in such a facility?

As the reality of the situation sunk in, Lance understood that this was a critical victory, yet also a stark reminder of the pervasive threat that Team Rocket posed. The skies above Vermilion City seemed to echo this sentiment, the storm slowly receding but leaving behind a charged air of vigilance and uncertainty.

[Team Rocket Base in Vermilion City: Destroyed]


As Lt. Surge and Flint stood amidst the chaos, a sudden, eerie sensation enveloped them. They noticed everyone's hair standing on end, a sure sign of an imminent lightning strike. Pokémon and humans alike paused, sensing the impending natural force.

Then it happened.

A pillar of lightning, so massive and intense, struck down from the heavens. Its power was unlike anything they had ever seen, a raw display of electrical energy that seemed to defy the laws of nature. The impact was so profound that everyone, from the smallest Pokémon to the most seasoned trainers, stopped in their tracks, staring in shock and awe. The sheer magnitude of the strike left them momentarily frozen, struggling to comprehend the scale of what they had just witnessed.

Realizing the potential danger, Surge and Flint immediately sprang into action, rushing towards the site of the lightning strike. As they approached, they saw a giant hole where the Pewter City Museum once stood. The lightning had not just struck the ground; it had obliterated the structure, leaving a gaping chasm in its place.

Peering through the hole, the sight that greeted them was one of devastation. The melted and destroyed remnants of what appeared to be a hidden Team Rocket base lay exposed among the ruins of the museum. The base, once a secret stronghold nestled within the city, was now nothing more than a smoldering ruin, its twisted metal and scorched earth painting a picture of total annihilation.

The realization dawned on Surge and Flint – this was no ordinary lightning strike. The power and precision of the attack suggested that it was targeted, aimed with a purpose in mind. The obliteration of the Team Rocket base was not a mere coincidence; it was a deliberate act.

[ Team Rocket Base in Pewter City: Destroyed ]

As they stood at the edge of the crater, Surge turned to Flint, a mix of shock and realization in his eyes. "This was no accident," he said. "Whoever, or whatever, caused this... they knew exactly what they were doing."

Flint nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the ruins. "Yeah," he replied, his voice somber.


As the storm continued its relentless swirl across the Kanto region, an extraordinary and alarming pattern began to emerge. In various locations, from Cinnabar Island to Celadon City, from Viridian Forest to the quaint streets of Pallet Town, pillars of lightning struck with precision and force. These were no ordinary strikes; they targeted Team Rocket bases scattered throughout the region, each hit a powerful statement against the nefarious organization.

Lorelei and Blaine witnessed the awe-inspiring sight of a lightning pillar crashing down onto a hidden base on Cinnabar Island, the impact sending tremors across the land and sea. Brock, Misty, Erika, and Bruno, gathered in Celadon City, watched in disbelief as a similar strike obliterated a secret Team Rocket facility, leaving behind nothing but smoldering ruins.

In Viridian City, Blue observed the destruction of yet another base, his mind racing to comprehend the scale and accuracy of these strikes. Even Professor Oak, in the peaceful confines of Pallet Town, saw the sky light up as a distant base was targeted and destroyed by the storm's fury.

Throughout Kanto, Pokémon reacted instinctively to the storm's power. Many ran in fear, seeking shelter from the chaos. Others hid, huddling with their families, their senses overwhelmed by the storm's intensity. It was as if they understood the unusual nature of this tempest, a force unlike anything they had experienced before.

Humans, too, were captivated by the spectacle. They watched the sky, filled with dark, ominous clouds and illuminated by sudden, brilliant flashes of lightning. Emotions ranged from fear to curiosity to wonder, as they tried to make sense of what was happening. The targeted destruction of Team Rocket bases added a layer of intrigue and speculation to the already mystifying event.

The question on everyone's mind was clear: Who, or what, was commanding this storm and orchestrating these lightning strikes? The precision and deliberate targeting suggested an intelligence behind the storm, a guiding hand using nature's fury as a weapon against Team Rocket. As the storm continued its path of destruction, the people of Kanto waited with bated breath, wondering what would come next in this unprecedented display of power.



[ Omake Paragraph ] 

The most stringent and implacable foes of anti-littering legislation in the pokemon world are not the great polluters of Celadon City, nor Unova's Trubbish and Garbodor trainers, but the Zigzagooners of Hoenn – an unlikely rival, for these are a group of people who often clean more litter than any such laws in their own right. Carrying teams of one powerful pokemon and five Zigzagoon, they walk around through tall grass, using their pokemon's unique ability to find and restore discarded items: for a skilled trainer with a talented Zigzagoon, even rare candies can be recycled.

Zigzagooning originates not from a scavenger's versatility, but as a panicked search for weapons and healing which these weak pokemon attempt instead of fighting back whenever they are attacked by wild pokemon. The task of their trainers and the team's one non-Zigzagoon pokemon is not to knock out their foes immediately, however easy it may be to do so, but to protect their teammates until they finish finding and restoring all the valuable items on the ground and hidden beneath the soil: only then do they finish the match.

The reason Zigzagooners oppose these laws is because although a Zigzagoon's tiny paws and large spikes are amazing at restoring the items of others, these pokemon are incapable of recognizing any item they or their trainers have used as an object which can be brought back to a usable state, so Zigzagooners must rely on litter for their riches. Perhaps if they could restore their own items, physics as we know it would be called into question and scarcity eliminated in this world, for a competent Zigzagoon can restore items from ultra balls to max potions without any loss of effectiveness whatsoever.

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