Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.439 A Gardevior’s P*nis

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The trio ambled along a winding trail path, the lush canopy above them rustling gently in the breeze. Green, with a playful pout, nudged Austin's arm. "Are we there yet? Seriously, Austin, my legs are going to file a complaint soon!"

Austin chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Patience, Green. You'll love the surprise, I promise."

Green huffed, her hands on her hips as she gave Austin a mock-serious glare. "I've been 'patient' for the last five hours, Austin. If this surprise isn't mind-blowing, I'm holding you responsible."

Austin raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on his face. "Does that responsibility include money?"

Green snapped her fingers, a sly grin spreading across her face. "Yep. And just so you know, my disappointment rates are pretty steep!"

Austin chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, in that case, I better start saving up. Maybe I can pay you in rare Pokémon cards or, I don't know, a lifetime supply of Poké Puffs?"

Green laughed, playfully bumping into him. "Tempting, but I prefer cash. Or maybe just having you carry me the rest of the way. My feet are staging a protest here!"

Just then, Lucario, carrying a snoozing Yellow, looked over with a raised eyebrow as if contemplating whether it should offer a ride to Green as well.

"Hey Lucario, got room for one more?" Green joked, winking at the Pokémon.

"Hey Lucario, got room for one more?" Green joked, giving Lucario a playful wink.

Lucario paused and looked at her, a hint of sass in its eyes. "Do I look like your servant to you?" it retorted telepathically.

"Maybe," Green shot back, trying to keep a straight face.

Lucario huffed, its tone playful yet firm. "Hey brat, want to switch places with me?"

Before Green could respond, Austin, focused on the map, chimed in without looking up. "Nope."

Lucario glanced at Yellow, still asleep in its arms, then back at Green. "Green is also included in that package, you know."

Green's cheeks flushed a shade of pink, but before she could reply, Austin looked up from the map, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Lucario, with all the berries you've been snacking on lately, I think you need the exercise more than any of us!"

Lucario shot Austin a look that said 'really?', but couldn't hide the amused twinkle in its eyes. Green burst out laughing, and even Yellow stirred slightly in Lucario's arms, mumbling something incoherent in her sleep.

Green, her energy seemingly boundless, suddenly leaped onto Austin's back with a mischievous laugh.

"Hey!" Austin exclaimed, almost losing his balance.

"I'm tired," Green declared, her arms wrapped around Austin's neck.

Austin raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to pay me for this impromptu taxi service?"

Green chuckled. "You should be thanking your stars, Austin. I'm not charging you for the privilege of carrying a princess like me."

Austin smirked, playing along. "Princess, huh? That'll be 200 Pokédollars, please."

Green feigned shock. "200 Pokédollars? I'd rather crawl at this rate!"

"Be my guest," Austin replied, unfazed.

Green quickly countered, "How about 2 Pokécents?"

Austin laughed. "This is a scam!"

Green put on her best puppy-dog eyes. "One Pokédollar. Take it or leave it."

Austin sighed dramatically. "Fine, but I'm doing this under protest."

Green cheered triumphantly, then suddenly produced a wallet. "Payment time!"

Austin's eyes widened. "Wait, that's my wallet!"

Green winked. "What's yours is ours, Austin. Sharing is caring!"

Austin rolled his eyes. "We don't live under Pokemon communism, Green."

Green retorted, "Should we have a democratic vote to decide if you get the Pokédollar or not?"

Austin grumbled but couldn't hide a smile as he adjusted Green on his back, speeding up. Green squealed in surprise, "Hey, slow down, you rogue!"

Meanwhile, Lucario, walking alongside with a sleeping Yellow in its arms, glanced at the commotion. It mused to itself, "Should I wake Yellow up for this show? Nah, let her sleep. She's missing all the fun, though."


Green stood there, her hair a wild tangle of branches and leaves, looking every bit the forest adventurer she didn't intend to be. Her glare was fixed on Austin, who was gently nudging a sleeping Pikachu in his backpack.

"Pika, wake up, buddy, we're here," Austin coaxed softly.

Yellow, rubbing her eyes and yawning, looked around. "Are we there yet?"

Austin nodded with a smile that held a hint of pride. "Well, for the last few months, we've been hopping from one place to another. So, I thought, why not buy a home just for us?"

Yellow's and Green's eyes lit up with excitement, their earlier fatigue forgotten. Lucario, however, seemed more interested in the prospect of finding some chocolate.

As Austin stepped aside, the grandeur of their new home came into view. Yellow and Green gasped in awe.

Before them stood a magnificent mansion, its architecture a harmonious blend of modern design and classic elegance. The mansion, grand in scale, was nestled on the edge of a giant, crystal-clear lake that mirrored the sky and the surrounding scenery. The lake itself was a breathtaking spectacle, its waters shimmering under the sun, creating a serene and almost otherworldly ambiance.

The mansion's facade was a masterpiece of artistry, with large panoramic windows reflecting the sky and the lush greenery of the surrounding forest. The exterior was adorned with natural stone and rich, dark wood, blending seamlessly into the environment. Each section of the mansion boasted spacious balconies and terraces, offering stunning views of the landscape.

The entrance was marked by a majestic set of double doors, leading into a foyer that promised luxury and comfort within. The roof, with its elegant slopes and angles, added to the grandeur, creating a silhouette that was as majestic as it was inviting.

Around the mansion, meticulously landscaped gardens sprawled, dotted with vibrant flowers, manicured lawns, and winding paths. To one side, a series of smaller, cascading waterfalls fed into the lake, their gentle sound adding to the tranquil atmosphere.

In the distance, towering mountains stood guard, their peaks covered in snow, contrasting with the lush green of the forests that hugged their lower slopes. These mountains served as a majestic backdrop to the mansion, enhancing its beauty and grandeur.

The entire property seemed to be in its own world, isolated and peaceful, a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of their adventurous lives. It was more than just a house; it was a sanctuary, a place where they could rest, rejuvenate, and be together as a family.

Yellow and Green were speechless, their eyes taking in every detail of their new home. Even Lucario, usually so composed, looked around with a sense of wonder. Pikachu, finally awake, peeked out of the backpack and gave a delighted "Pika!"

Austin watched their reactions, a satisfied grin on his face. 

"Welcome to our new home," he announced, his voice filled with warmth and a hint of triumph. 

The new mansion buzzed with life and laughter, a haven for both humans and Pokémon alike. Inside, Pikachu reclined on a bean bag, its relaxed demeanor occasionally interrupted by a spark of electricity, as if it were chuckling at an inside joke.

Outside, the scene was nothing short of a Pokémon sitcom. Pidgeot lounged comfortably, being tended to by a less-than-enthusiastic Fearow. Wartortle and Ninjask hovered nearby, unable to resist the opportunity for some light-hearted teasing.

"Hey Fearow, ever thought of a career in nursing?" Wartortle quipped, a mischievous glint in its eye.

Fearow shot back, "Only if it involves nursing you back to health after a Steel Wing to the face."

Ninjask zipped around, chuckling. "Sure, Fearow, we all know you're just a big softy at heart."

In the halls, Kitty the Beedrill and Butterfree were on an exploratory mission, buzzing from room to room. "I bet I can find more secret spots than you," Kitty challenged.

Butterfree fluttered gracefully. "It's not a competition, Kitty. But if it were, I'd definitely win."

Outside by the lake, Gyarados was doing its best impression of a dolphin, leaping gracefully into the air. 

Out by the lake, Gyarados was showing off with majestic leaps, splashing water high into the air. Dragonair, ever the show-off herself, nudged Lucario, who was trying to sneak a snack.

"Come on, Lucario, you're missing the show!" Dragonair urged.

Lucario, with a mouthful of Poké-snack, replied telepathically, "I've seen Gyarados jump a thousand times. But have you seen these chocolate-covered berries? They're the real show."

In the garden, Ivysaur was in its element, basking in the sun. Nearby, Rhydon was contentedly munching on a dandelion.

Ivysaur, noticing Rhydon's choice of snack, couldn't help but comment, "Going vegan, Rhydon?"

Rhydon, chewing thoughtfully, replied, "Nah, just thought I'd try something lighter. Rocks were giving me indigestion."


In the grand hall, a mischievous scene unfolded near a mural, a whimsical imitation of 'The Birth of Venus.'

A majestic Gardevoir took center stage, surrounded by a host of Eeveelutions in place of the usual mythological figures, each striking a graceful pose.

Gengar floated near the mural, clutching a can of spray paint, her eyes sparkling with playful mischief. With the skill of a mischievous artist, she began to add her unique embellishment to the painting. With swift and precise movements, Gengar sprayed an intricate drawing onto the elegant figure of Gardevoir.

Firstly, she sprayed in the shaft then the head and two massive balls.

Gengar drew a penis on the Gardevoir.

Chansey, standing beside the altered mural,was mortified.

 "Gengar, what have you done now?"

Kadabra strolled up, taking in the sight. 

"Oh no! She is pulling her cock out."

Austin, trying to maintain a semblance of composure, couldn't help but let out a snort of laughter. "Gengar, I think you've given new meaning to 'poking fun' at classic art."

Gengar cackled, floating back with a satisfied air. 

Kadabra leaned in closer. "You know," he said with a chuckle, "I always thought artistic license meant bending the rules a bit, not giving Gardevoir a... let's call it a 'rock hard' enhancement."

Austin, unable to resist joining in the fun, added, "Gengar's really gone 'balls out' with her artistic expression this time."

The group erupted in laughter, their amusement filling the hall. 

Inside, Musharna and Kingler were trying to calm a restless Scizor, while Charmeleon contentedly chewed on coal from the fireplace. Clefable bounced around enthusiastically, inspecting each room of the mansion that came furnished, a bonus from the auction.

Shedinja, in its own enigmatic way, stared ominously towards the attic, as if guarding ancient secrets. Aerodactyl perched on the balcony, seemingly seeking solitude, but Steve the Omanyte was persistently trying to recruit her into his 'Ancient Pokémon Revival Society' for the umpteenth time.

Austin watched, smiling, as Green and Yellow's Pokémon explored their new home. Suddenly, he felt a gentle tug on each hand. Turning, he saw Green and Yellow holding his hands, both wearing smirks.

"Something wrong?" Austin asked.

"You know what time it is," Yellow and Green said in unison, their smirks widening.

"Party time," Austin declared, and cheers echoed throughout the mansion.

But the excitement was momentarily halted by Yellow's practical question. "Wait, what are we going to order?"

The cheers quieted as they realized their remote location.

"We could…" Green started, but stopped short, realizing the same.

"We cook," Austin announced confidently, but the cheers faltered again as everyone pondered the implications.

"Cook?! Austin, Green, and Yellow?! Cook?!" the Pokémon echoed in disbelief.

Kadabra, sensing the growing panic, interjected with his suggestion. "I have a better idea than getting food poisoned by you three."

Everyone's eyes turned to Kadabra, who added dryly, "Don't look at me like that. I get shy, like Snorlax at a salad bar."

"Just spell it out," someone called out.

"Teleport," Kadabra declared.

The cheer returned, stronger than before.


[ Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was more lighthearted, peppered with some humor. They say laughter is the best medicine, and I tried to sprinkle in a few chuckles with our playful penis jokes. Comedy isn't typically my forte, so I'm curious about your thoughts. How did you find the humor in this chapter or previous chapters like the superhero one chapter.

I'd love to hear your feedback ]


[ Omake Paragraph ]

The single, enormous leaf on a Lotad's head is nearly encircled by a raised, solid ridge, with a small triangular indentation in the back. The leaf is tilted slightly towards this indentation, for rainwater must drip from this leaf onto a Lotad's permeable back to provide them with the nutrients they need to survive. Pouring water directly onto their bodies is useless; the water must be pure and drain from their leaf in order to nourish a Lotad.

Older, larger Lotad gain extra energy by acting as ferries for small and starving pokemon, who give them what little food they have left to be allowed to ride their leaf across a river or small stretch of sea. It is easy for humans to mistake the sight of a group of Lotad floating across a river, carrying tiny pokemon such as Wurmple or Skitty on their leaves, for a peaceful sign of nature's beauty. For the pokemon riding them, however, it is a grim and dangerous voyage of exploration.

A Lotad's leaf is slippery and tilted towards the back; staying on board is a constant and strenuous effort. Lotad make no efforts to pick up drowned passengers, for allowing their leaves to touch river water would expose them to dangerous microbes, rendering them incapable of processing rainwater. Few survive this journey, but their progeny soon multiply into flourishing new colonies, for Lotad are such knowledgeable navigators that some pokemon continue to use them even when boats are available.

Perhaps it is this dangerous journey taken by so many pokemon into the unknown which inspired the ancient belief in Hoenn that in order to be reincarnated, one must first ride a giant Lotad across the river of the dead.

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