Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.444 Board of Directors part 1

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Austin stood in the boardroom of Silph Co, a sleek and modern space adorned with high-tech equipment and a long, polished conference table. The room, typically used for high-stakes meetings, had an air of tension and expectancy. Around the table sat the board of directors, a collection of seasoned businessmen and women, their expressions ranging from curiosity to cautious apprehension as they turned their attention to Austin and Bill.

"Thank you all for coming on short notice," Bill began, his voice firm and clear. "We have some urgent business to attend to. As many of you are aware, a controversy has recently engulfed our President Samuel, regarding his underhanded dealings with Team Rocket."

The board members showed no sign of surprise; it was an open secret that Samuel's methods were not always above board, but as long as it brought in profits, it was overlooked.

"Due to an official investigation led by the Pokémon League, Silph Co is safe for the time being. However, we must face the reality that our company's reputation is severely tarnished. We are currently under heavy scrutiny from the media, and there are protests calling for transparency and ethical business practices."

He paused, letting his words sink in before proceeding. "Our stock value has taken a significant hit, and our stakeholder are concerned. We need to act swiftly to regain public trust and stabilize our market position. This may include a full audit of our accounts, revising our partnership policies, and ensuring full compliance with all legal and ethical standards in our operations."

"What about our marketing team? Can't they spin this controversy to our advantage?"

Bill sighed, his gaze sweeping over the table. "There's not much we can do at this point. Every media outlet, both national and international, is covering the controversy. We've already terminated Samuel's position to distance ourselves, but the stain on our reputation remains."

A woman at the far end of the table, her face stern and unyielding, interjected, "We need to consider aggressive strategies. Perhaps redirecting public attention to a new product launch or a major philanthropic endeavor."

 "We could also explore opportunities to shift blame. There must be a scapegoat, someone lower down the chain who can take the fall for this mess."

The discussion continued, with various members proposing different tactics, none showing any real concern for ethical implications. Their primary focus was on salvaging the company's image and profits, with little regard for transparency or accountability.

A younger member turned to Austin. "What about our new recruit here? Surely, he has some fresh ideas to contribute?"

"The boy's role in this will be discussed later. For now, we need immediate, actionable strategies."

"We could allocate funds to certain influential figures to advocate on our behalf. A little persuasion in the right circles can work wonders."

"These are all valid points. We will consider each suggestion and formulate a plan accordingly."

Austin, still silent, felt a growing unease. 

"Bill, who exactly is this young man? Why is he present at this critical meeting?"

"And what role does he play in our strategic decision-making? Is he part of the executive team?"

Bill, observing the rising tide of questions, gave a slight nod to the boy, signaling him to stand. "Ladies and gentlemen of the Silph Co board, I am pleased to introduce you to the largest shareholder of Silph Co."

A wave of disbelief swept through the room.

"Largest shareholder? But we hold significant equity stakes. Are you suggesting he holds more than any of us individually?"

"This is quite a revelation. Was there a recent acquisition of shares that we were not made privy to? Our bylaws state that any major changes in share distribution must be disclosed to the board."

Austin raised his hand, signaling Bill to pause, as he addressed the board with a calm yet assertive tone. "It's quite straightforward, really. Silph Co, as a multi-billion dollar conglomerate with numerous subsidiary companies, faced a public relations disaster. The revelation of our former president's ties with Team Rocket led to widespread boycotts of our products, ranging from tech to consumables. We've seen a mass exodus of employees across Kanto, where the impact of Team Rocket's activities was most profound, and this has cascaded into a global solidarity movement, crippling our operational capacity."

"So, you capitalized on the plummeting stock value? You bought the shares that were being offloaded in the wake of this scandal?"

"Correct," Austin confirmed. "With shareholders looking to disassociate from a company mired in controversy, there was a significant divestment. I acquired those shares, leveraging the declining market confidence and the resultant liquidity in the market."

The room fell into a contemplative silence as the board members processed this information. They recalled the frenzied selling of shares, the sharp decline in stock prices, and the panic that had gripped the market.

"May I ask what percentage of the shares do you currently hold?"

Austin responded simply, "All of it."

A wave of confusion and disbelief swept across the room as the members exchanged incredulous looks, their minds struggling to comprehend Austin's claim.

"What is he talking about?"

As if on cue, a series of notifications chimed from their phones. Each board member checked their messages, their expressions turning from confusion to shock. The notifications were from their respective financial managers, all conveying the same message: their shares in Silph Co had been successfully liquidated.

Puzzled glances were exchanged around the table. None of them recalled authorizing the sale of their shares. A growing sense of unease filled the room.

Their attention turned back to Austin, who was now the center of all scrutiny. With a slight smirk, he said, "I suppose you're all wondering what's happening. How your shares disappeared. What does this handsome devil want?"

The board members glared at him.

"It's quite simple. I orchestrated a series of strategic acquisitions through various shell companies and subsidiaries. By leveraging the volatile market conditions and utilizing advanced algorithmic trading strategies, I was able to discreetly accumulate your shares."

The room was silent, the directors processing the gravity of Austin's words.

"In essence, I utilized a combination of market arbitrage, high-frequency trading, and dark pool transactions to consolidate the shareholdings under my control. This was done without triggering any regulatory flags or media attention. As a result, while you may still be publicly associated with Silph Co, you no longer hold any actual equity in the company."

The board members sat in stunned silence. 

What? was the collective thought that echoed through the room.

Austin's actions were bold, fearless, and seemingly insane. He had single-handedly changed the power dynamics of one of the most influential companies in the Pokémon world. 


[Author Note: Let's break down the business jargon and explain what Austin did in the Silph Co boardroom in simple terms.]

Acquisition of Shares: Austin discreetly bought up all the shares of Silph Co. This means he purchased the parts of the company that were owned by other people, making him the main owner.


Market Conditions: After the scandal with the former president and Team Rocket, people were selling their shares in Silph Co because they didn't want to be associated with a company in trouble. This made the share prices drop significantly.


Liquidity in the Market: With so many people selling their shares, it was easier for Austin to buy them. This is like a big sale where everyone's trying to get rid of something, so it's cheaper and easier to buy.


Algorithmic Trading & Dark Pool Transactions: Austin used Proygon's hacking skills to buy shares quickly without attracting too much attention. Dark pool transactions are private exchanges for trading securities, not openly available to the public, which helped him keep his actions under the radar.


Consolidation of Shareholdings: By buying up all the shares, Austin essentially gathered all the ownership into his hands. He became the sole decision-maker for Silph Co.


Regulatory Flags: Despite his massive buying spree, Austin's methods were sneaky enough not to alert the financial authorities, who could have stopped or investigated his actions.


Public Association vs. Actual Equity: While the board members still appeared to the public as important figures in Silph Co, they actually owned nothing since Austin now had all the shares.


In summary, Austin used a combination of smart timing, Porygon, sneaky trading methods, and the company's scandal to take over Silph Co completely. He did all this quietly, so by the time the board members realized what had happened, it was already too late. Now, Austin holds all the power in the company.


[Omake Paragraph]

Although all but unknown in the lands north of Hoenn, Taillow are known throughout the tropics and subtropics as the great colonists of the pokemon world. There is no warm island known in the pokemon world large enough to contain a tree and worms which Taillow have not once roosted on. Although they are often driven out by more powerful native pokemon, the courage with which they fight has often allowed them to establish themselves as one of the most common pokemon of the area; wherever they are expelled from by superior predators, they will always return to fight for food and pride another day.

Even in this age of stable climates, the journey of an individual Taillow can be easily mistaken for that of the great naval explorers of old; most can claim to have circumnavigated the earth at least once. But in times when Heatran filled the sky with volcanic ash that blotted out the Sun, Taillow could find nowhere to land. In these awful years, they flew through the freezing cold like Delibird, carrying flame orbs and growing stronger for them until they landed where they could find warmth, in Sinnoh near the very mountain where Heatran had erupted.

It was these journeys which carried Taillow as far north as Sinnoh, and many other pokemon to boot. Taillow are known for eating eggs and seeds, but their digestive system often does little more than drain a few nutrients, leaving the pokemon inside very much alive. Likewise, the larva of many bug pokemon cling to them as parasites.

The Poke Radar of Sinnoh operates by using traces of Taillow DNA to find the rare and foreign pokemon they introduced to that land which have spread beyond Stark Mountain and the Battle Zone.

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