Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.455 URPL

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In a world where history was written not just by humans, but by the mighty Pokémon they revered, the concept of war as we know it was unheard of. 

Long ago, humans lived under the watchful eyes of these powerful creatures. 

They were too weak to fight among themselves, protected and at times restrained by Pokémon.

Among these creatures, the legendary Pokémon stood out. 

They were beings of immense power and wisdom, often worshipped as gods by the ancient people. 

The Dragon tribes, some of the earliest known humans, looked up to Rayquaza. This legendary Pokémon gave them a safe place to live, high above the dangers of the ground. 

This bond between humans and Pokémon was so strong that it gave birth to religions dedicated to these legendary beings.

However, the world changed with a single invention in Hisui, known today as Sinnoh. The creation of the Pokéball was a turning point. 

For the first time, humans could capture and befriend Pokémon, using them to shape their societies. 

Empires rose, and with them, new forms of worship. 

But as these civilizations grew, so did human ambition. 

Some began to challenge the legendary Pokémon, believing themselves to be their equals. Disheartened by this betrayal, many legendary Pokémon vanished, choosing to leave humans to their own devices.

Yet, not all legendary Pokémon turned their backs on humanity. 

Some chose to continue living alongside humans, guiding them. 

The royal family of Unova is a prime example. 

Even in modern times, they are said to have the rare privilege of meeting with Victini, the God of War and Victory. 


In the heart of the war, Orre stood defiant, unyielding even as the tides of battle washed over it. 

Surrounded by enemies, it fought with the ferocity of a wounded animal backed into a corner.

 The people of Orre, from the soldiers on the front lines to the civilians in the streets, shared a resolve as hard as the land they called home. 

Their determination was such that even in the face of overwhelming odds, surrender was a word absent from their vocabulary.

Out of everyone in the war; Unova, frustrated and eager to bring an end to this stubborn resistance, turned its sights on Orre's Okinawa islands. The invasion was brutal, marking the skies with the smoke of conflict and the seas with the blood of thousands. Orre's response was both heroic and tragic, as hundreds of thousands of its soldiers and civilians laid down their lives in a grim display of their refusal to yield. The beaches and streets became stages for acts of desperation, with civilians standing as human shields against the advancing forces, their sacrifice a testament to their willingness to pay any price for what they believed was victory.

Yet, victory remained elusive, a mirage in the desert of war. 

The more Orre resisted, the more it bled, but its spirit remained unbroken. 

This stubborn defiance pushed Unova to the brink, leading them to a decision that would leave a scar on the pages of history.


In the airforce command center of Orre, a sudden burst of panic disrupted the usual hum of activity. 

"Sir, something is approaching the capital. Fast," one of the soldiers announced, his eyes glued to the radar screen.

The superior officer, a seasoned man accustomed to the pressures of war, turned sharply. 

"What about the deployed fighter pilots?" he demanded, expecting an update on the elite Red Baron squadron that had ruled the skies throughout the war.

The answer came, laden with fear, "The entire Red Baron squadron was destroyed in a single hit," the soldier reported, his voice trembling. 

This revelation sent a shockwave through the room. 

Orre's air dominance had been unquestionable, a cornerstone of their defense and offense in the war. The idea that their best had been wiped out so effortlessly was unthinkable.

"What the hell is it then?" the superior barked, demanding answers while the soldier hastily used the psychic links, a high-tech means of gathering visual intelligence from the battlefield using psychic type Pokemon.

Then, an unexpected smell permeated the room. 

It was the sharp, unmistakable scent of fear. Turning towards the source, they realized the soldier had wet himself, an act that spoke volumes of the horror he'd just witnessed through the psychic link.

"Soldier, what happened?!" the superior demanded.

The soldier turned to face him, his expression hollow, eyes devoid of hope.

"God has come to destroy Orre."


Over the skies of Orre, a fiery orb blazed through the air, its comet-like tail painting the sky with fear and wonder. 

As it halted above the capital, every Pokémon, regardless of their nature or strength, bowed in a mixture of honor and fear. 

The people below felt a searing aura envelop them, a power so immense it was palpable in the air they breathed.

Then, amidst the awe-struck silence, a figure emerged from the heart of the fiery orb. 

It was Victini, the mythical Pokémon known as the God of War and Victory. 

Small and rabbit-like, with large pointed ears forming a V, and its body a contrast of cream and vibrant orange, Victini's appearance belied its incredible power. Its large, blue eyes scanned the capital, and its two wing-like tails fluttered gently in the still air.

The Pokémon of Orre, understanding the gravity of this moment, cried out to Victini. Their voices filled with terror and pleading, they sought forgiveness, begged for mercy from the divine being that could decide their fate with but a gesture.

And mercy Victini granted, but not in the way any had hoped or imagined.

The V on Victini's forehead ignited, casting an intense flame that seemed to cut through the very essence of reality itself. In that moment, a catastrophic force was unleashed, akin to the collision of matter and antimatter high above Orre's capital. This extraordinary event, defying the very laws of physics that the world was built upon, released a surge of energy so vast, it sent a shockwave felt around the globe.

As this unimaginable force descended upon the capital, it acted as the universe's most unforgiving eraser. 

The process resembled the detonation of an antimatter bomb, where when antimatter comes into contact with matter, they annihilate each other completely, releasing energy of incredible magnitude. The very buildings, the people, the air—every particle of existence within the capital—were instantaneously obliterated, leaving nothing but a void in their place.

Where the bustling capital of Orre once stood, there was now only a haunting, V-shaped crater—a dark emblem of Victini's intervention. This void was more than a physical absence; it was a gap in the continuum of life itself, where not even a whisper of the city's former vibrancy remained. Victini's act, termed a mercy, spared the people from suffering, erasing them from existence so swiftly that the concept of pain was rendered meaningless. The capital and its inhabitants were not just destroyed; they were unmade, their very essence dissolved in the blink of an eye.

As the dust settled on the battlefield, the world watched in awe and horror at the devastation unleashed by mythical Pokémon. 

And so, World War II came to a close with Orre's surrender. 

The war criminals of Team Cipher were quickly rounded up and met with swift justice, facing the death penalty for their crimes. 

A few managed to flee Orre, becoming fugitives pursued relentlessly by the international police.

In the aftermath, Unova emerged as a new world superpower, unlike any other. Kanto and Johto were known for having the most Champions, Hoenn led in technological advancements, and Sinnoh boasted the highest number of skilled trainers. But Unova stood apart for one reason: its ability to summon one of the strongest beings in existence. This raised questions about why Unova hadn't called upon Victini during the first World War, a mystery that lingered in the minds of many.

As the last echoes of war faded away, the world's greatest powers came together to form the United Region Pokémon League, known as the URPL. 

It was a sign, a beacon of hope that peace would now reign supreme. 

But this peace was more of a pause than a permanent change. 

It was the calm before an even greater storm, a silence that hid the rumblings of future turmoil.

In just a few short decades, new conflicts would emerge, so vast and devastating they would make the previous world wars seem like mere skirmishes. 

This upcoming era would be unlike any other in history. 

It would be remembered as the Golden Age of Pokémon Trainers, a time when the strongest of the strong would rise to prominence. 

Champions of unparalleled power would emerge, along with threats so significant they could endanger the very world itself.

At the heart of this era would be a single man: Ash Ketchum. However, to those close to him, he was known simply as Austin. 

His name would become synonymous with the phrase "a force of nature unleashed."


[ Author's Note: Apologies for the late update; I was experiencing a creative block regarding what I wanted to do for the next arcs.

Well, I'm back.

Tomorrow, the last chapter of Miyamoto, Jessie, James, and Meowth will be published.

After which, we will return to Austin's journey.

Now then, I wanted to ask you this:

1- With the last paragraph, "The Golden Age of Pokemon Trainers," are you hyped for the next arcs beyond Kanto?

2- With the reveal of Victini's power, I want to play out a hypothetical scenario:

A) If Mewtwo wins and takes over Kanto and Johto, so when he goes to Hoenn, he will obviously fight Rayquaza. So, who will win?

Rayquaza or Mewtwo.

B) In this scenario, Mewtwo goes to Unova and fights Victini. So, who will win?

Mewtwo or Victini.


[Omake Paragraph]

The first King of Hoenn had no fear of losing his throne to rebellion nor a dagger in the night, for his army was strong and his pokemon stronger. But he had made countless enemies in the process of unification and was terrified of poison. And this fear was justified, for he ran through so many human taste-testers that even he became unnerved by the carnage.

The Lord of Petalburg was implicated in a poisoning attempt and sentenced to die by tasting the king's food. To save his life, he told the king of a species of pokemon called Breloom which was healed by eating poison, yet was not a poison-type so meals could be shared safely. The king pardoned him, but seized one of his Breloom for the task.

For five years, this Breloom was imprisoned in a cage except during meals and beaten by the king's pokemon guard, so that when he was released to test the king's food he would be able to regain his health. He called constantly for the Lord of Petalburg, now an important noble at court, but he could not respond for this Breloom was never both free from his cage and far from the king's side.

At one feast, the king commanded the court's pokemon battle for his entertainment, and the Lord of Petalburg took his chance. He entered his second Breloom, which opened the match with Double Team and in the confusion switched places with the king's taste-tester. This Breloom had the other ability of its species; it was not healed by poison, but spread poisonous, stunning, or sedative spores into otherwise harmless items. When the king made him taste his bread, it became poisoned; when the king ate the bread, it killed him and his kingdom vanished into civil war.

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