Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.46 Words of Wisdom

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"As you said, types don't matter to experience." Austin threw that back at her causing her to frown.

"Very well, but the battle is still going," Giselle said as she returned Graveler and sent out her next Pokemon, a blue-skinned one that came up to her knees in height with some spikes on her. "Nidorina you're up."

'That's a new one.' Austin thought returning Pidgeotto. "You were great out there." He said feeling some warmth from the Pokeball before he pulled out another Pokeball. "Scyther take the field!"

"Ther!" Scyther called out as he appeared for his first official battle with Austin and he was determined to win it.

"A bug type, one of the weakest types around?" Giselle laughed as Scyther glared.

"Poison Sting!" Giselle ordered as Nidorina began firing poison needles at the Mantis who used Agility to dodge them.

"Get in close and use Razor Wind!" Austin ordered as Scyther focused before slashing forward causing the wind to knock into Nidorina, making her roll across the field.

The Nidorina responded by charging in for a Double Kick that Scyther blocked with his claws before he used Brick Break to send her flying back.

"Ther." Scyther grinned at the difference in how a battle with Austin was going in response to battling with Paul.

"Now use Aerial Ace," Austin said thinking about future combos he could talk with Scyther about in the future as Scyther became a blur and slammed Nidorina into the wall knocking her out.

Giselle was shell shocked that not just one, but two of her Pokemon were taken out while this guy hasn't lost one.

But now she glared.

"I guess it's time to finish this with my Starter," Giselle said as she sent out a bipedal brown-skinned Pokemon holding a bone with a skull covering his face. "Cubone time to end this."

"Uh-oh, no one has beaten Cubone before," Joe said with a wince. "Ash may be good but this is where it'll end."

"Hey, Ash can beat her," Yellow said with a frown as Austin returned Scyther, congratulating him on a job well done before looking to the left.

"Pikachu you're up," Austin said as Pikachu ran out to the field.

Giselle blinked before laughing. "I knew you would screw up eventually but sending an electric type to battle a ground type, don't you know that Electric Pokemon doesn't do any damage against Ground?"

"Just shut up and battle," Austin said clenching a fist.

Giselle frowned before she called out an order. "Bone Rush!"

Cubone's bone lengthened as it began to glow before he ran to swing at Pikachu who calmly ducked, using Agility to move around Cubone causing him to miss each time he swung.

When Cubone missed the fifth time, Austin reacted. "Brick Break on the skull!"

"Chu!" Pikachu's paw began to glow as he slammed Cubone causing the skull to spin Cubone began to walk around wildly, trying to get the skull to stop as he powered up an Iron Tail and sent Cubone rolling back.

Cubone shook his head before standing back up, stamping a foot on the ground in anger.

"Mud Slap that rat in the eyes!" Giselle ordered as Cubone did so, blinding Pikachu as he stumbled back. "Now Bonemerang!"

The bone slammed into Pikachu as he was sent flying back, pushing himself up before the bone hit him again.

"This is bad, with Pikachu not being able to see the battle could easily turn to Giselle's favour," Brock said as Pikachu kept getting hit.

' Sight isn't everything.' 

Austin gave the order. "Pikachu use your ears to locate the bone and then use Iron Tail on it."

Pikachu went quiet, his ear twitching as the bone kept coming closer before his tail began to glow and he spun around, slamming into it as it was about to hit his head.

The bone rolled on the ground, leaving Cubone defenceless.

"Cubone finish this with Fire Punch!" Giselle ordered as Cubone's fist ignited and he ran towards the mouse who still couldn't see.

"Wait for it," Austin ordered as Pikachu's ears began twitching with each small step the Cubone made. "Use Iron Tail to launch yourself into the air and finish Cubone with Brick Break!"

Pikachu did just that as he sprung high into the air, barely dodging the fiery hit and as Cubone looked up, Pikachu brought a glowing paw down on his face, sending Cubone back as this time he didn't get back up.

It got silent as all the Tech Students looked at Austin in disbelief while Pikachu finally had time to get the mud off his eyes without worrying about the battle.

"H-He beat Giselle." One of the students said in shock.

"I-I lost?" Giselle whispered falling to her knees as Austin walked up, calmly letting Pikachu run up to his shoulder as he did so.

"Do you know why?" Austin asked stopping in front of Giselle who looked up at him. "It's because you looked down not just at me, but everyone around you. You are a strong trainer but that doesn't give you the right to act like the world has to treat you like royalty because there is always someone "

With that Austin turned to leave but he stopped.

"And the best person is one who always helps another person out, not worry about status."

Giselle looked away from him and ran to Cubone who she saw was crying as she picked him up. "It's alright Cubone." She whispered to him but as she did that, she looked to see Austin being congratulated by his friends as he sheepishly said that it was a close battle despite the fact he steamrolled her whole team.

Sure she gave some good hits, but he didn't lose a single Pokemon in this battle and seeing him ignore that, just being happy caused her to see some things differently.

"There are some things that people can't learn in school," Giselle whispered finally getting it as Cubone looked up at her with teary eyes.

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