Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.59 Genetic Anomaly

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" I'm going to send you to Prof. Oak's until your wing is healed," Austin said as Fearow now had some binding on his wing.

"Fear," Fearow muttered in annoyance that he let himself get injured like that.

"I'll call whenever I can to see how you and Pidgeotto are doing and I want you to take it easy, you think you're up to more training when you're healed?" Austin asked as Fearow gave a glare for that but gave a nod showing that he would surpass any training given to him.

"Row Fear!" Fearow promised as Austin gave a nod and returned him, turning to Prof. Oak who was on the Video Screen.

Brock was talking to his siblings, the same as Misty and Yellow were waiting to call her Uncle as he saw Pidgeotto next to Prof. Oak crying hello to Austin.

"Hey, Pidgeotto," Austin said with a smile before placing Fearow's Pokeball on the transporter. "Fearow is ready Prof. Oak."

"Alright." Prof. Oak pressed a button and Fearow was transported. "He arrived safely, I'll let him out in a moment to get settled in, your Pidgeotto has been a great help in keeping the Spearow flock away from Pallet Town."

"Really?" Austin asked as Pidgeotto puffed her chest out. "That's great to hear."

"She is something, that's for sure." Prof. Oak chuckled before snapping his fingers. "Oh and be sure to call your Mother, I think she's worried about you considering she hasn't heard from you since Cerulean."

"I'll be sure to do so," Austin said trying not to wince before the man hung up.

Sighing, Austin dialed Ash's home number, to talk with Delia.


"Man, that was awkward," Austin muttered a few moments later as he gave the phone to Yellow to allow her to call her Uncle.

 Austin was walking outside to see Butterfree flying back, showing that Damian was most likely picked up by Officer Jenny. "Thanks, Butterfree." He said as the bug Pokemon gave a nod.


Returning the Butterfree, Austin looked surprised to see Charmander looking right at him from near the ER room all healed up.

"Hey Charmander," Austin said as Charmander approached him. "How are you?"

"Char." Charmander had a smile at the question.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Brock asked nudging Austin's shoulder. "Charmander wants to go with you."

"Char." Charmander gave a nod.

"Yeah, and you do have a spot on the team at the moment," Misty said as Austin gave a sad smile.

"Yeah, I do," Austin said getting to one knee. "So Charmander, want to join us?"

"Mander!" Charmander ran up and hugged Austin causing him to chuckle.

"Welcome to the group," Austin said pulling out a Pokeball and tapping his head with it, causing Charmander to go in as there was no resistance before the ball dinged.

Yellow had a smile at seeing that as she hung up after speaking with her Uncle. "I think Charmander made a pretty good choice on who his new trainer should be." She said coming out there.

"Thanks," Austin said before he remembered how Charmander acted on evolving. 'I'll make sure that doesn't happen.' He vowed as he figured the best way was to have Charmander out a bit more like how he had Bulbasaur out the other day.

Pulling out the Pokedex, Austin began to scan Charmander.

"Charmander, The lizard pokémon. The flame that burns at the tip of its tail is an indication of its emotions. The flame wavers when Charmander is enjoying itself. If the Pokémon becomes enraged, the flame burns fiercely." 

" This Charmander is male. Current Move set: Dragon claw, Dragon breath, dragon pulse, tail whip, and Ember." 

Dexter paused for a moment, before beeping in a red light with a message began to write on the screen.

" Odd specimen. Needs to be reported. Checking for newer cross-breeds. Match not found. Error. Error. Body size mismatched. Inner flame less than optimum. Genetic typing: Dragon/ Fire. Please report to the authorities. " 

The… Hell?

Austin looked extremely surprised but he put on a fake smile as he put the Pokedex away. "What's say we head to Vermillion now?" He asked with a grin but deep down, he was wondering. Were the changes in Charmander due to natural or artificial causes? Austin's thoughts immediately went to Red's ever.


( Author Note: So if any of you are wondering why the sudden change from canon it is because Red from the Pokémon Adventures manga had an event that was experimented on by team rocket and it could evolve and devolve from flareon, vaporeon, and jolteon but I didn't want to copy the adventure manga so I choose Charmander as the Pokemon that had been experimented on by Team Rocket creating this Anomaly.

What are your thoughts on this change?

Also if you have any suggestions on how I should make Austin more of a relatable character then put that in the comments )


Austin's Pokemon Team

Pikachu (M) Ability: Static. Moves: Thundershock, Growl, Tail Whip, Quick Attack Iron Tail, Electro-Ball, Thunderbolt, Agility, Brick Break, and Dig.

*Combo* Ion Tail (Iron Tail and Electro Ball), Sword Strike (Iron Tail and Quick Attack), Electric Impact (Thunderbolt and Quick Attack), Burrow (Dig and Quick Attack), and Counter-Shield (Electric-Style)

Raticate (F) Ability: Guts. Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Iron Tail, Dig, Hyper Fang, Sucker Punch, Attract, Thunderbolt *Not Learned Yet*.

*Combo* Sword Strike (Iron Tail and Quick Attack), Burrow (Dig and Quick Attack)

Butterfree (M) Ability: Tinted Lens. Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Bug Bite, Harden, Confusion, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Gust, and Psybeam.

Scyther (M) Ability: Technician. Moves: Wing Attack, Quick Attack, Slash, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Agility, Fury Cutter, and Razor Wind.

Bulbasaur (M) Ability: Overgrow. Moves: Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Take Down, Razor Leaf, Grass Knot, and Endure.

Charmander (M) Ability: Not found, Moves: Dragon claw, Dragon breath, dragon pulse, tail whip, and Ember.

Pidgeotto (F) Ability: Tangled Feet. Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Steel Wing, Twister, Aerial Ace, and Double Team.

*Combo* Aerial Wing (Aerial Ace and Steel Wing)

Clefairy (M) Ability: Magic Guard. Moves: Pound, Growl, Sing, Disarming Voice, Magical Leaf, Double Slap, Defense Curl, Wake-Up Slap, Metronome, and Heal Pulse.

*Combo* Angel's descent ( Defense curl + Disarming Voice + Magical leaf ) 

Fearow (M) Ability: Keen Eye. Moves: Peck, Leer, Focus Energy, Fury Attack, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Mirror Move, Assurance, and Agility.

*Combo* Aerial Wing (Aerial Ace and Steel Wing)

Pokemon Seen: 49

Pokemon Owned: 8

Badges Obtained: Boulder Badge and Cascade Badge.

Yellow's Pokemon Team.

Kakuna (Kitty) (F) Ability: Shed Skin. Moves: Poison Sting, String Shot, and Harden.

*Combo* Poison String (Poison Sting and String Shot)

Doduo (Dody) (M) Ability: Run Away Moves Growl, Peck, Quick Attack, Fury Attack, Rage, Pursuit, and Aerial Ace.

Oddish ( Dish ) (M) Ability: Chlorophyll. Moves: Unknown.

Brock's Pokemon Team.

Onix (M) Ability: Rock Head. Moves: Bind, Tackle, Harden, Mud Sport, Curse, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, and Rage.

Geodude (M) Ability: Sand Veil Moves: Defense Curl, Tackle, Mud Sport, Rock Polish, Rollout, Rock Tomb, and Magnitude.

Zubat (F) Ability: Infiltrator. Moves: Leech Life, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray, and Air Cutter.

Misty's Pokemon Team.

Staryu (M) Ability: Natural Cure Moves: Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Swift, and Scald.

Starmie (F) Ability: Analytic. Moves: Psyshock, Power Gem, Thunderbolt, and Signal Beam.

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