Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.62 Squirtle Squad

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" I'm still wondering why he gave it to us," Austin whispered to Pikachu who gave a nod in agreement.

Pikachu was truly curious as he remembered how they saw Ho-Oh on their first day travelling together, and now another legendary gave his trainer the feather a few months later that belonged to the very same Pokemon.

It couldn't be a coincidence.

"What are you looking at?" Misty asked causing Pikachu and Austin to jump a bit.

"Oh nothing, just checking on how many treats we have." Austin lied, not wanting to tell anyone about the Rainbow Feather yet. "Still have enough to where if we make it to Vermillion by the end of the week we'll be fine."

"Yeah we are running low on supplies, I think there's a small town nearby," Brock commented as he turned away from the mock battle, leaving Zubat and Geodude to stop as they were panting in exhaustion, tired but happy to be training.

"How far is it?" Yellow asked straightening her straw hat as Dody was trying to peck it in fun.

"Two hours down the road if I'm reading this right," Brock answered with a smile. "So how about we continue down the road?"

"Sounds about right," Austin said with a nod as they began to prepare to move.

None of them noticed a group of shadows watching from a nearby bush.

Nothing happened as they walked down the road, taking in the scenery, Pikachu and Clefairy were running ahead, playing a small game of tag as they kept moving, and Oddish was joining them.

Everyone else was in their Pokeballs as they were a bit tired from the training earlier.

"Don't wander too far, Oddish," Yellow called out as the weed Pokemon was very playful.

"Don't worry Yellow, Oddish was always pretty cautious," Brock said reassuringly as Clefairy ran further ahead. "Now Clefairy on the other hand I'm worried about."

"They'll be fine, plus Pikachu is with them and he's pretty responsible," Austin said before he saw Pikachu trip Clefairy with his tail as a small joke. "... Most of the time."

"Dish Odd-." Oddish stopped as his foot went into the ground causing Pikachu and Clefairy to come to a stop as the ground came out from beneath them.

"Pikachu/Oddish/Clefairy!" The collective cries from their trainers came as all of them ran to the hole to see the three were unharmed for the most part, just their pride damaged.

"Chu," Pikachu muttered, wondering where the hole came from.

"Bulbasaur can you please lend a hand?" Austin asked sending the plant Pokemon out who cried as he let two vines go down, allowing the Pikachu and Clefairy to climb the vines before they wrapped around Oddish, pulling him out. "Thanks."

"Saur." Bulbasaur looked at Oddish, checking for injuries despite the weed Pokemon saying he was fine.

"But what's a hole doing out here?" Brock asked in confusion before they heard laughter.

Looking ahead quite a bit, they saw five blue turtle pokemon with brown shells that had a yellow underbelly laughing, each of them wore sunglasses, but while four of them had round glasses, one of them had a pair that was extremely different from the others.

"Whoa, those are Squirtle's," Brock said with a raised brow. "Anyone notice how we seem to run into rare Pokemon easily?"

Austin blinked not expecting Brock to say that but it was true.

There was Clefairy, along with Bulbasaur and Charmander, Scyther was a rare Pokemon in Cerulean and that's not counting the two legendaries that he's seen.

"Wait, you were the ones who dug the hole weren't you?!" Misty asked her temper showing as she picked Oddish up who looked fine if a bit ruffled. "Don't you see that someone could've gotten hurt?!"

The leading Squirtle did a poor imitation of Misty's face, mocking her. "Tle, Squirtle Squirt." He teased laughing.

Misty's face was beginning to turn red as she gritted her teeth in anger. "Why you." She looked ready to charge at them.

"Saur." Bulbasaur ran out there, glaring at them. "Bulba Bulb."

The leading Squirtle stopped as Bulbasaur called him a coward and glared right back. "Title?"

"Saur," Bulbasaur confirmed that was what it said.

They were having a small stand-off, both of them were waiting for the other to make the first move before sirens could be heard.

"Squirtle!" Squirtle ordered as the other four took off, but as he ran, he gave one more look towards Bulbasaur his expression saying that they weren't done.

"That was weird," Misty said as that wasn't normal behaviour for Squirtles.

"What's weird is the fact that there are a whole group of Squirtles out here, they're rarely wild Pokemon," Brock said with a frown. "Do you think they belong to anyone?"

"Are you guys alright?" All four of them turned to see Officer Jenny coming to a stop behind them on her bike. "Has anyone been hurt here?"

"No, we're fine," Austin said seeing how Pikachu was glaring at where the Squirtle Squad left along with Bulbasaur. "Just some Squirtles making a pitfall."

"Making a." Officer Jenny groaned. "Great, the Squirtle Squad is at it again."

"Squirtle Squad?" Brock asked, his curiosity overriding his desire to court Jenny.

"Yeah, think like a Gang, only with Pokemon." Officer Jenny told them as they got the idea.

"I've never heard of a Pokemon Gang," Misty said in surprise.

Yellow gave a nod. "Me neither."

"They're all Pokemon who were deserted by their trainers," Jenny said causing Bulbasaur to give her a surprised look as he glanced back to where the Squirtle Squad left, but this time in silent contemplation.

"Deserted?" Yellow asked as she easily remembered Scyther, Bulbasaur and Charmander's story.

"They don't have a trainer so they go wild and play tricks on the whole town." Officer Jenny explained sadly.

"What is it with trainers deserting their Pokemon?!" Austin asked out loud in anger as this was beginning to grate on his nerves. "All they're doing is hurting them."

"Sadly it's not illegal for that to happen, we've tried making it a law but it wouldn't pass, there were too few trainers who would choose to keep their Pokemon in response to releasing them," Jenny said shaking her head as Austin raised a brow from this new info. "But, sadly, they don't have anyone to look after them, otherwise they wouldn't have turned out the way they are."

"Saur." Bulbasaur had a small look of understanding now.

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