Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.68 Pokedex

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" Oh, that must be Bill's Lighthouse, he's the one responsible for creating the transfer system that Trainers use today." Prof. Oak said causing Brock, Yellow, and Misty to look surprised. "Why he even helped me make something that you could use your Pokedex for."

"Wait really?" Austin took the Pokedex out.

"The Pokemon Centers have a system where I can add the upgrade from Pallet, once you get to Vermillion just call me and I'll have the upgrade added." Prof. Oak grinned. "Gary already has his and is taking advantage of it pretty easily."

Austin looked curious, but Prof. Oak chuckled. "I want to keep it a surprise until you get it, Ash." He said as Austin gave a nod. "So is Bill around?"

"I'm right here Professor." Bill's voice echoed around them. "Good to hear from you, so the upgrade was a success?"

"No negative results at all." Prof. Oak said with a laugh. "I'll E-Mail you them later if you want."

"That would be very much appreciated Prof. Oak," Bill said sounding relieved. "Thank you for going through the trouble."

"It's no trouble Bill, this is a great breakthrough for our research." Prof. Oak said before smiling. "But would it be possible if you teach my young friends here what you know about Pokemon while they're there? And try to look into the matter I told you about ." 

"Of course," Bill answered before a buzzer went off on Prof. Oak's end.

"Oh that's the Tofu, I need to go." Prof. Oak was quickly taking the food out of the pot, blowing on it to get it to cool down before the screen went black.

"Well, I guess introductions are in order." The lights came on before they saw a Kabuto walking toward them. "I am Bill of the Lighthouse."

"B-Bill's a Pokemon?!" Misty asked in shock.

"So is he like Meowth?" Yellow asked curiously while Brock was shaking his head.

"No it can't be, that's a Kabuto," Brock said trying to process what he was seeing. "An extinct Pokemon."

Austin however chuckled. "You guys do realize it's a Costume right?" He asked attempting to keep a straight face as they stared at him incredulously.

"Chu." Pikachu however agreed as he could tell it wasn't a real Pokemon.

"He's right, I'm Bill the Pokemon Researcher, I'm just stuck in this costume," Bill explained relieved that none of them sent out Pokemon to attack him. "I need someone to push the button."

"That one there?" Yellow asked approaching as she could see the blue button underneath the arms.

"Yes, I tried to get it myself, but these arms are too short," Bill explained as Yellow pushed it and it opened to show a young man, surprisingly in his thirties, in a red suit with short, wavy green hair as he straightened his back as it cracked. "Thanks for helping me get out, I've been stuck in that costume for hours."

"Why were you in there?" Yellow asked curiously as Bill finished stretching. "Was there a costume party or something?"

"Nah, it's for my research," Bill explained with a smile. "Getting inside its skin helps me get inside of its head."

"So basically like walking in someone else's shoes?" Austin asked earning a nod from Bill.

"Exactly, there are a lot of extinct Pokemon and I'm currently studying how they lived, just putting on a costume is one way of finding out what they were like," Bill said pointing to the costume. "See how they moved, the troubles they can get into… Although I think I should make the claws bigger just in case I get stuck like that again."

"That would probably be a good idea," Misty said not sure what to make of this guy's unique research methods.

A loud growl filled the air causing Austin to wince.

"Hehe." Austin grabbed their stomach nervously as the others looked amused.

"I think I'll get started on Dinner right now," Brock said getting his backpack off to get his supplies.

It didn't take long for Brock to make something as they were all eating, all of the Pokemon able to fit inside were out eating as well, although there were some problems with Bulbasaur and Squirtle glaring at each other while Charmander was by himself.

"I have to say, all of you have some good Pokemon," Bill commented as he bit into his portion of the meal happy not to be eating Tofu.

"Thanks," Austin said looking at all of his Pokemon only to see Squirtle itching to try and steal some of Bulbasaur's, earning a Vine Whip in retaliation.

"So Bill, you made the Pokemon Transfer System?" Brock asked curiously earning a nod from the Researcher.

"I did, I got the idea when the rule that a Trainer must carry up to six Pokemon came into motion a few years back, I thought it would be disheartening that they wouldn't be able to catch more so I worked on it and after a few years it was a success," Bill said before going red. "Not to say that there weren't any issues."

"Like what?" Misty asked wondering what type of problems the early stages brought up.

"I first started when there were only two transfer machines in my house, I was testing it on food, but when I went to work on the inside of one, a wild Rattata ran into the other, starting up the process to where I was merged with it," Bill said earning shocked looks from everyone. "If it wasn't for Red I would've still been trapped as a Pokemon/Human hybrid and the Transfer System wouldn't be as good as it is now."

'That's from the Manga.' Austin thought with a frown wondering if 'Red' was on Mt. Silver or something at this point… Or if Mt. Silver even existed in this Pokemon World.

"This Red sounds like a good friend," Brock said although he frowned wondering where he heard that name before.

"He was, he always came by whenever he was in the area, but he just stopped a few years ago, I haven't heard from him since," Bill remarked before he looked at all of the Pokemon. "But you are all lucky in being Pokemon Trainers."

"How so?" Yellow asked looking up from her meal.

"Your jobs are to catch all of the Pokemon in the world," Bill told them. "Back before I met Red there were only 150 known Pokemon but over the years it has grown to where there are more than 1000 different kinds, each of them unique to various Regions and many more that may still be out there."

"That many?" Yellow looked amazed as she never thought about how many Pokemon there were due to just being in Kanto.

"Indeed that is one of the many wonders of this world along with how they're all unique in various ways," Bill said. "Ash, you have the Pokedex right?"

Austin gave a nod.

"There are only four Pokedex users out there," Bill said surprising everyone. "The original two belonged to Red and the son of Prof. Oak, Blue. Those were mere prototypes for the two that exist now belonging to Prof. Oak's Grandson Gary and you."

Austin had wide eyes as he slowly pulled his Pokedex out.

He always thought that just about every trainer had one like in the Anime.

But to hear that besides the prototypes there were only two created?

"This is extremely different," Austin whispered not expecting this at all.

"Prof. Oak has given another one to someone and he's in the process of creating more," Bill said smiling at Austin's shocked face as yellow pulled out her Pokédex.

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