Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.7 Viridian forest

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The next morning, Austin woke up early, yawning as he sat up in bed. Pikachu was still curled up, and Spearow hung his head, still asleep on his perch. He grabbed the Pokédex and aimed it at Spearow.

"Spearow, the Tiny Bird Pokémon. Unlike the gentle Pidgey, Spearow are aggressive and have a ferocious temper."

Austin remembered that part from the show. But then the Pokédex beeped with more information. "This Spearow is male, with the Ability Keen Eye. Currently, this Spearow knows Peck, Leer, Focus Energy, and Fury Attack."

Wait… Fury Attack? He didn't know that yesterday. Austin's brain raced, piecing things together. He gained a new move… he gained experience. Like in the games.

Austin stared at the Pokédex, his heart pounding. Do they gain levels? Is this real? Does that mean there's a four-move limit too? That thought made his stomach turn.

Shaking it off, Austin decided to focus on getting ready. Next stop, the forest. He had to be prepared. But as he stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, the scratches from yesterday were still there. They stung when he touched them, a reminder of everything he'd gone through.

"Well, at least they'll heal in time," Austin muttered, turning on the shower. Kids heal fast, right?

Then, it hit him like a truck.

I'm ten again.

I'm going through puberty… all over again.

The realization hit Austin like a punch in the gut, and before he knew it, he was screaming in frustration.

From the other room, he heard Pikachu and Spearow stir, probably wondering what in the world was happening.


Pikachu was trailing behind Austin, still looking a little dazed from the recent battle. He had everything they needed for the journey, with Spearow resting in its Pokéball, when Austin spotted Misty nearby, looking seriously ticked off.

"Something wrong?" Austin asked, genuinely curious as Misty’s head whipped around to look at him.

"I just found out how Team Rocket got away so easily yesterday," she huffed, her face twisted in anger. "They stole my bike!"

Austin blinked in surprise. That… was not what he was expecting. He tried to picture a paralyzed Meowth, Jessie, and James all crammed onto a tiny bike, wobbling down the road like a circus act. It was a ridiculous image, and he had to fight back a snicker.

"Uh, I'm sure Officer Jenny will get it back," Austin said, trying to keep a straight face even though his lips were twitching.

Misty crossed her arms, her frustration practically radiating off her. "I know, but I was planning on just riding through Viridian Forest as fast as I could," she grumbled, clearly dreading the idea of walking through the forest. Right, her bug phobia—Austin almost forgot.

"Well, I hope you get it back soon," Austin said, giving her a sympathetic nod. As much as he felt a bit bad for her, there was no way he was going to ask her to tag along with him. Especially not through the bug-infested Viridian Forest. That'd be like dragging a cat through a dog show.

As they turned to leave, something caught Austin's eye—a flash of purple darting across the path. He looked over to see a Rattata, its fur sleek and shiny, sniffing around like it was on a mission to find food.

"A Rattata?" Austin muttered under his breath, more to himself than to Pikachu. He glanced down at Pikachu, raising an eyebrow. "You up for this one?"

Pikachu gave him a determined nod, and in a heartbeat, he darted forward, his cheeks sparking slightly. The Rattata's eyes locked onto Pikachu, its tiny body tensing up, ready to bolt.

"Thundershock!" Austin called out, his voice steadier than he felt. Pikachu fired off a jolt of electricity, but the Rattata dodged with incredible speed, becoming a blur as it zigzagged through the grass. Whoa, that was definitely a Quick Attack.

Before Austin could process it, the Rattata slammed into Pikachu, sending him rolling backward. His stomach twisted in worry, but Pikachu was already back on his feet, looking more ticked off than hurt.

"Growl!" Austin ordered, watching as Pikachu let out a low, menacing sound. For a second, he thought he saw the Rattata flinch, its movements slowing just a bit. So that’s how those status moves really work, huh?

The Rattata came at Pikachu again, but this time, Pikachu stood his ground. "Grab it and use Thundershock!" Austin shouted, his heart pounding in his chest. Pikachu caught the Rattata mid-attack, his cheeks sparking fiercely before he zapped it, the electricity crackling in the air.

Austin didn't waste any time. With shaky hands, he pulled out a Pokéball and tossed it. The Rattata got sucked inside, and he watched, holding his breath, as the ball shook once, twice... then dinged. Captured. He did it. He actually did it.

"Alright! We got a Rattata!" Austin said, almost laughing out loud. Did he just do that? Did he really catch a Pokémon on his own?

"Pika-Pi!" Pikachu cheered, his face lighting up with excitement.

Austin grinned back at him and then reached for his Pokédex, scanning the newly captured Rattata. She emerged from the ball, shaking off the dizziness, and fixed him with a glare that could melt steel.

"Rattata, the Mouse Pokémon. Bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places," the Pokédex beeped, going on in that robotic voice. "This Rattata is Female and the Ability is Guts. Currently, this Rattata knows Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, and Focus Energy. The Age of this Rattata is One Year and Eight Months."

Austin blinked in surprise as he processed the words. Rattata’s a girl? He let out a sheepish chuckle, scratching the back of his head as she continued to glare at him like he’d just insulted her whole family.

"Uh, nice to meet you," Austin said awkwardly. She just turned away, flicking her tail in a very clear sign of dismissal. Man, he really seemed to attract the stubborn ones.

With a sigh, Austin recalled Rattata and continued down the path, feeling a mix of triumph and nerves bubbling inside him. "Nice job out there," he said to Pikachu, hoping his voice didn’t give away how relieved he was.

"Pika," Pikachu replied, looking a bit embarrassed but clearly happy with the praise.

They hadn’t even made it that far into the forest when Austin froze in his tracks. There, right in front of them, was a green caterpillar Pokémon with a bright yellow underbelly—Caterpie. His mind raced as he stared at it. Butterfree… He always loved Butterfree.

Without hesitating, Austin grabbed an empty Pokéball, heart thudding as he tossed it. The Caterpie didn’t even struggle. The ball clicked shut almost immediately.

Another catch, just like that. He couldn’t believe it. Four Pokémon already.

"Four Pokémon, Pikachu," Austin said, shaking his head in disbelief as a grin spread across his face. "We’re off to a great start."

Pikachu nodded back, and Austin quickly scanned Caterpie with his Pokédex.

"Caterpie, the Worm Pokémon. Its short feet are tipped with suction pads that enable it to tirelessly climb slopes and walls," the Pokédex informed him. "This Caterpie is Male and the Ability is Shield Dust. Currently, this Caterpie knows Tackle, String Shot, and Bug Bite. The Age of this Caterpie is Two Weeks."

A two-week-old Caterpie. That’s practically a baby. Austin felt a strange sense of responsibility wash over him, knowing he’d be the one to help him grow.

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