Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.84 Kitty’s Evolution

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Around two days later, Austin had Krabby out in front of him as the small crab Pokemon stared at him, he sent Bulbasaur back to rest after an incident with Energy Ball exploding in his face.

"Krabby, the River Crab Pokemon. While awkward on land, their pincers are superb weapons that can grow back if broken off in battle. When Krabby senses danger they cloak themselves with bubbles from its mouths to appear bigger." The Pokedex told Austin as he scanned him for the first time. "This Krabby is Male with the Ability Sheer Force. Currently, this Krabby knows Bubble, Mud Sport, Vice Grip, Leer, Harden, Bubblebeam, Mud Shot, Metal Claw, and Chip Away. The Age of this Krabby is One Year and Four Months."

"Not a bad move pool," Austin said with a nod to the latest member of his team. "It says here you can learn Fury Cutter, Brick Break, and Dig, what do you think of adding those moves to the list?"

"Kookie." Krabby pinched its pincers together, not caring one way or the other, but he did eye his new trainer curiously due to being a wild Pokemon his whole life and began to approach him with a playful glint in his eyes.

"And maybe I can have you join Squirtle in learning Ice Beam." Austin had his chin cupped in thought now before he felt pain as the Krabby pinched his shin causing him to cry out, trying to get the playful Krabby off of his shin.

"Staryu use Rapid Spin!" Misty ordered while she and Austin were having a Double Battle. 

" Starmie cover Staryu with a thunderbolt."

"Krabby Mud Sport to counter the thunderbolt and Raticate, block the Rapid Spin with Iron Tail."

The four mentioned Pokemon all jumped into action with Staryu flying all around with Rapid Spin, a bolt of lightning following behind, enough to where the Starfish wouldn't be caught by accident, but Krabby shot the mud in the air, canceling the thunderbolt while Raticate watched before jumping up, her tail glowing as she made contact with Staryu.

"Psybeam when Raticate lands," Misty said, Starmie complying as Raticate found her left foot caught before she could move out of the way. "Now Staryu, Power Gem!"

"Cate!" Raticate grunted the rock move blasting her back, but she got up quickly and unleashed a Thunderbolt that blasted into the Staryu, knocking him down while Krabby used Mud Shot on Starmie. The starfish Pokemon immediately got back up.

As Starmie was shaking his body, Austin already gave the next order. "Ice Beam!"

Raticate opened her mouth and fired, but the beam disappeared right before it hit the Starmie.

"Starmie return," Misty said seeing that as she knew the Weed Pokemon wouldn't be able to win with this disadvantage.

Austin sighed at that. "Oh well," He said a bit down that Ice Beam didn't work, Raticate looked furious with herself in that. "It was a lot better than last time though, give it a few more tries and you'll master it."

Staryu looked up at Misty, wondering if they should continue before she shook her head as they found some problems needing to be addressed in the battle itself. "Ash, Ice Beam is a pretty complex move, especially for a Pokemon who isn't a water or ice type learning it, Raticate was tired when you ordered it."

"So if it was at the beginning of the battle she would've been able to use it?" Austin asked at hearing that.

"For now, when Raticate fully masters the attack she'll be able to use it whenever she wants," Misty told him, explaining the problem right now.

"I see." Austin mused looking at Raticate, to see that she did indeed look tired.

"Krabby on the other hand isn't strong enough yet to fight with your preferred battle style," Misty said catching his attention again. "You always hit hard and fast with your Pokemon, but Krabby's frame makes it hard for him to keep up, especially with him being the smallest of the team."

"So what do you suggest?" Austin asked bending down to look over his two Pokemon.

"Krabby can learn a move called Hone Claw, I would recommend that and then add it with your battling style," Misty suggested to him. "Hone Claw raises the physical power of the Pokemon using it, so it would help a lot."


Austin was panting the next day, running with Brock, Misty, and Yellow through the beach.

The only one suffering from exhaustion at this point besides him was Yellow who was sweating badly.

Austin had Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Clefairy Charmander, and Squirtle running with him and they were fine-in fact they were having fun running with him, while Yellow only had Kitty out so she wouldn't be tempted to get on Dody to rest.

"Come on, just another mile to go," Brock said a little amused but he was also impressed because despite just starting four days ago, everyone was keeping up pretty well.

Pikachu showed off a bit by running backward earning a scowl from Squirtle as he attempted to do the same, only to trip and get stuck on his shell after rolling a bit, struggling to get back up.

Charmander and Clefairy went to help him up while Bulbasaur was chuckling at the turtle's plight.

Yellow was sitting under a tree with Kitty and Dody next to her with her sketchbook out as she was drawing a picture of Charmander, Bulbasar, and Squirtle as they were resting nearby.

Her drawing skills were getting better with each attempt and she was getting a little more confident with her skills before she felt Kitty move to surprise her as he never moved that much outside of battles anymore.

Placing her sketchbook down, she put a hand on Kitty's head and focused, her eyes widening in surprise.

Kitty was getting close to evolving.

Yellow frowned, biting her lower lip a bit as she felt excitement coming from Kitty because of her empathy ability.

Truthfully, she didn't know how she felt about Kitty evolving.

On one hand, she was happy that Kitty was excited about it, but on the other hand, it was a Beedrill and the swarm flashed through her mind as she thought about that.

"Something wrong?" Yellow jumped as Austin's voice broke into her thoughts earning a growl of annoyance from Dody who shifted in his sleep.

"Ash," Yellow said taking a breath to calm herself as he looked apologetic.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you," Austin apologized sitting next to her causing her to feel nervous. "But you looked pretty deep in thought, so what's wrong?"

Yellow looked as if she was about to say nothing before sighing. "Kitty is getting ready to evolve." She explained causing Austin to blink.

"Hey that's great, to be honest, I'm surprised it took this long," Austin said before realizing something. "Wait, why is that bothering you?"

"I just... Kitty's next form is Beedrill right?"

Now Austin got it.

"It's not surprising you feel a little unsure after how I met you," Austin said bringing up the swarm. "But I don't think you have anything to worry about."

Yellow looked at Austin in surprise.

"It doesn't matter if Kitty becomes a Beedrill or not, she's still Kitty remember?" Austin grinned at her surprised face. "Think about all the good times you've had with her."

Doing just that, Yellow thought back to when she was given Kitty by Austin as well as how Kitty seemed to adore her and protect her in Mt. Moon and beyond, always trying her hardest to fight not caring if she was a Weedle or a Kakuna.

"You're right," Yellow said feeling a little ashamed by the small uneasiness she had about Kitty becoming a Beedrill.

"I think that no matter what you and Kitty will always be close to each other," Austin stood back up, brushing grass and dirt from his jeans. "Just remember all of the good times you have."

With that said, Austin went to get back to training before Yellow stood up making Dody growl again before he turned over, making himself comfortable. "Ash," She said making him turn back towards her to see a lot of determination on her face now. "I want to battle you."

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