Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.94 Fire Vs Water

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" ASH focus!" Brock called bringing Austin back to reality right when Magmar was doing a Body Slam.

Eyes widening, Austin took a chance. "Mud Sport on the whole field."

It was a gamble as Squirtle has yet to master the move, but the Tiny-Turtle listened, first by using Water Gun to launch himself into the air right as Magmar landed where he was, the fire Pokemon barely looking up when Squirtle managed to fire a glob of wet mud at the ground, causing it to go everywhere, landing on Magmar making him stumble, blinded.

Normally it would just cancel out the electric attacks but Austin figured with the field it would turn into an actual attack.

Now that Magmar was stunned, Austin got on the offensive. "Aura Sphere!"

He wasn't risking Water Gun to wash off the mud, especially when it was hardening due to the heat Magmar was portraying.

"Get it off of you." Paul snapped, looking annoyed by this before Aura Sphere slammed into Magmar, knocking him off of his feet.

Squirtle landed on his feet with a smirk, grimacing again when the poison surged through him and got to one knee.

'I have to take care of that poison but there's no point in that if Squirtle gets knocked out.' Austin reminded himself  'Wait.'

A plan forming in his mind, Austin got ready. "Squirtle use Ice Beam on the whole field."

Forcing himself up, Squirtle listened, gathering as much energy as he could before firing the blue beams that slammed into the field making an eruption of ice, the mud freezing, even Magmar froze for a second before the flames melted him out, the mud knocked off.

"That's good thinking," Brock said seeing what Austin was doing. "If Squirtle can keep moving past the poison he can turn this around."

"I don't ret it, what did he do?" Yellow asked sneezing a bit from the cold, feeling a bit sleepy.

"He changed the whole field," Misty said looking surprised that Squirtle managed to pull off the Ice Beam already. "Now Paul can't use that against him."

"Not only that but the ice prevents the Toxic Spikes from reaching him so when the final battle comes, his Pokemon won't be poisoned," Brock explained but he still looked wary. "He also weakened Magmar as the cold temperature makes it harder for Magmar to remain active and his fire attacks aren't as strong."

"So it's now a fight to see who will stay awake the longest?" Yellow asked as Squirtle was weakened by the poison a lot more than Magmar being slowed by the ice.


"This battle is already over," Paul commented from how weak Squirtle looked while Magmar was beginning to pant from the cold. "You should just stop before you embarrass yourself."

Although Paul had to give some props for him changing the field, perhaps if he did that in the beginning this would've gone differently.

"Tle." Squirtle clenched his fist while glaring, tension felt around the field. "Squirtle Squirt!"

"Thanks for the advice but as long as we have a chance we won't give up," Austin told him, his heart pounding from this battle. "We'll fight to the end."

Paul frowned, for a moment being reminded of his older brother. "Very well." He said giving out his next order. "Lava Plume."

Knowing that would destroy his advantage, Austin reacted. "Water Gun."

Squirtle quickly fired the water attack, one that seemed stronger with the ice making it colder, the shock interrupted Magmar's attack as he stepped back a lot slower from the cold attack.

The poison coursed through Squirtle again making him fall to his knees.

"Just one more time and he's done," Paul commented with Austin gritting his teeth before his eyes widened at seeing Squirtle's tail giving a soft glow.

"Don't you know not to corner someone who's injured?" Austin asked making Paul's eyes narrow before they widened in realization. "Water Gun."

"Tle!" Squirtle forced himself up with Torrent activating as Water Gun erupted from him, slamming into the Magmar, sending him through three iced rocks where he skidded across the ice.

This time the Magmar stayed down.

"Magmar is unable to battle," Brock reacted with how Austin managed to pull through. "The Second Round goes to Ash and Squirtle."

" Alright Squirtle," Austin cheered with Squirtle raising a fist in celebration right when the poison surged through him one last time, forcing him to collapse, right as Austin ran out and picked him up, nearly slipping on the ice. "You were amazing out there."

"Squirt." Squirtle had a smile, happy that he proved to his new trainer that he was strong before he fell unconscious.

Seeing that, Austin returned Squirtle while Paul returned his Magmar.

"You had him and he stole the win, talk about pathetic," Paul said to his Magmar making Austin frown. "It's time we finish this."

Anger bubbled up inside of Austin before his eyes gave the soft red glow.

"I couldn't agree more Paul," Austin said with a frown.

Paul gave him a look as he thought that his opponent's eyes glowed red for a bit, maybe he saw something, no doubt seeing something was different but he didn't care. "Grotle, Standby for Battle."

"Pikachu I choose you," Austin said with Pikachu hopping off of his shoulder, landing on the ice field with Grotle appearing, glaring at the mouse despite the small, rare shivers showing the advantage they had.

The tension was thick between the two as they stared each other down, Paul and Austin for wanting to end this 

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