Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 107

Chapter 107: : Solution (2/3)

In the evening, Pang Neng Neng Steamed Restaurant.

“How is it? Is it delicious?”

On the small table for four by the window, Li Xiang proudly kept serving He Duo’s dishes, gradually turning He Duo’s bowl into a hill.

He Duo frantically refused, but he couldn’t stop Li Xiang’s enthusiasm.

After all, this is the restaurant opened by Lixiang’s parents.

Heiduo turned his head and glanced at the half-open kitchen, the two chubby men and women looked at the men and women here with a smile on their faces, and couldn’t help but feel ashamed.

At noon, they agreed to invite them to a class, but ended up having a meal at their teacher’s grandmother’s house.

In the evening, the old story was brought up again, but Li Xiang was forced to come to her restaurant.

When will this favor be returned?

…presumably soon.

He Duo praised Lixiang’s parents for their cooking skills, while out of the corner of his eye he glanced at the brown-haired man sitting under an open-air parasol outside an open-air cafe across the street.

This guy is really amazing, and he persevered and followed him for an afternoon in order to pick up the girl.

From the time He Duo and the others left the association, until it got dark and a few people finished their meal, his accomplices couldn’t bear their temper and left. Only this guy was still hanging there.

Aren’t you going to be hungry?

He Duo took a sip of the freshly squeezed juice and stuffed a fork of vegetables into his mouth.

He was thinking about how to use legal means to prevent that guy from harassing Elena and the others.

Sap with a mask? No, no, it doesn’t have any effect. Maybe it will stimulate his desire for confrontation. The more you don’t let him do something, the more he wants to do it.

kill him?

It’s not necessary, and destroying the corpse is also very troublesome. Although the corpse can be dissolved with the solution of Aberdeen, it will definitely leave traces, and the smell will make the canine elf find him.

Even if it is foolproof and there is no sign of the body left, the police will find him and Elena and the others through the people who had contact with the brown-haired man that day.

Until then, it’s hard to say whether it’s helping or causing trouble.

It’s so annoying, why bother others? Isn’t it good to pursue others uprightly and give up if others don’t want to?

It’s like he really likes people so much.

Eh? No, maybe it was love at first sight?

He Duo was shocked by his own thoughts, is he looking for a reason for the stalker? This is not a good thing.

Would you mind brainstorming?

He Duo glanced at the three smiling girls who didn’t forget to play twice while eating. He considered the tone in his mind and said, “Can I ask you a question?”

“What’s the problem? I can tell you everything except our measurements!” Du Wu smiled and said, with a slightly bold personality, she is not shy about matters between men and women, and often uses it as a joke among acquaintances.

“Du Wu!” Yiliana said angrily to Du Wu, she was relatively thin-skinned, and she was young, so she didn’t catch it.

But she was very happy that Du Wu could make such jokes to her.

He Duo was a little embarrassed, but he didn’t care about Du Wu’s language flirting, and asked: “That’s it, I met a very annoying person a few days ago, always doing things I don’t want but he likes it, I What should I do to get rid of him completely?”

The description of this question is a bit simple, and it is easy for them to think of the group of people they met in the association, but it doesn’t really matter, because they feel that the previous thing is over.

“Female?” Du Wu glanced at Heiduo in surprise.

He Duo was stunned, and then said: “No, no, why do you think so?”

“It’s nothing.” Du Wu looked at Heiduo’s face, lowered his head and stirred the juice with a straw.

Lixiang thought for a while and said, “Call the police? I think it’s ok. Miss Junsha in this piece is very amiable. If you tell her your troubles, she will definitely help you. I can introduce you to her!”

The problem is that the police can save you for a while, but not for the rest of your life. The police station doesn’t have so many police forces to waste on such “trivial things”.

“Tentatively, is there anything more reasonable?” He Duo decided to call the police as the last resort. If the brown-haired man was not warned by Miss Junsha and flinched, so he hated the three of them, it would be meaningless to call the police.

“How about counteracting the person’s body with the way of the person? You also do something he hates.” Du Wu suggested that this is indeed a relatively good method, but the time cost is too high, and it is difficult to be effective in a short time.

Elena said, “Why don’t you tell his parents? Let them treat that person!”

What about unreasonable parents?

A parent who can teach someone to follow someone else’s son has a high chance of not having a good character.

Of course, the possibility of children and others learning badly cannot be ruled out.

It’s not perfect…well, yes, nothing is perfect in the world.

Can’t let him pretend to be **** to disgust the brown-haired guy? Hedo couldn’t take it himself.

“Don’t forget that this is the elf world, go and challenge him, it’s very simple.” Ibrahimovic raised his head from the food full of food, and said silently, “Since people go to the place where the elite trainer takes the exam, it is very likely to be training. Well, look for him a few more times, you can not only accumulate experience for the electric shock monsters, but also prevent that guy from looking for Elena and the others.”

He Duo didn’t answer, lowered his head and pondered: “What if he doesn’t agree?”

“You’re pestering him! Show your perseverance to practice swordsmanship, can he sue you for harassment? You didn’t cause any actual harm to him, and at most you were warned twice. Can you still be detained? I can’t go to the gym, so it’s time to pass the time!” Ibrahimovic seemed to see what Heiduo was thinking, and after he finished speaking, he continued to work hard.

That’s right! This is the elf world, and the mind is about to turn around. This is not the place in the previous life. Here, it is legal to request a battle!

Unless the opponent is not a trainer.

He Duo glanced at the brown-haired man. One of the reasons for distinguishing whether someone was a trainer was whether that person had a trainer belt.

Generally speaking, in order to facilitate the delivery and collection, the trainer will put the Poke Ball on the special buckle behind the belt, and this belt is one of the basis for confirming whether the other party is a trainer.

After all, it’s a more complicated thing to tell which Pokeball is which is which is littered in your pocket, and you have to take a look at it to confirm.

Others don’t give you that much time in an informal game.

He Duo, who saw it, keenly saw the brown-haired man’s waist showing half of the Poké Ball, it should be the trainer.

Will it be a student too?

It’s a pity that you can’t see the character’s attribute card, so it’s really invincible.

“how is everything!”

Du Wu suddenly knocked on He Duo’s bowl.

“…I think what you said is very reasonable.” He Duo returned to his senses and said to Du Wu, “I decided to challenge him and have a Pokémon battle with him.”

Elena did not appear disappointed that her opinion was not accepted, but said seriously: “Then you have to pay attention to safety, I have heard that trainers with personal hatred directly attack opponent trainers!”

That is indeed a bit dangerous, and you have to guard against it.

Ibrahimovic, the shield opener, needs to be with him at all times.

“Yes! I heard that a leg was blown off!” Du Wu said, “We humans are not comparable to elves, we are very fragile.”

Lixiang pushed Du Wu, “I’m eating! Don’t talk about such **** things!”

Several girls laughed and laughed.

Finished meal.

The four of them were walking on the dim yellow asphalt road illuminated by the street lights, and the tram in the middle “ding ding dong” drove past.

“This is our school. Across the road is the trainer’s school, which is the branch of the stars.” Elena pointed to the iron fence, which was planted with creepers and spider plants, and there were dense bushes outside.

As for the trainer school she mentioned, there are not so many green facilities. He Duo can see the flat khaki-colored battlefield through the sparse vines.

Several headlights illuminated the battlefield, reflecting the night like day.

There were trainers fighting in the arena, but the battle was not enthusiastic, and it was a bit salty, so it should be a digestive exercise after meals.

“Is your school in sixth grade?” He Duo recalled the question he had asked Yunsheng.

“Yes, there are six grades. After the third grade, you can go to study abroad. If you don’t study abroad, you can graduate after six years of study. If you go to study abroad, it will take ten years.” Wu, they are all fourth graders, and I am a transfer student from studying abroad.”

Like this?

Heiduo glanced at Du Wu and Lixiang. The best time to enter the school was between the ages of ten and fourteen. No matter how they looked, they didn’t look like they were fourteen. They should have entered the school at the age of twelve.

Sixteen years old, just in the age of youth~

“You really don’t want to think about going to school? It’s not too late to be fourteen.” Du Wu has always been eager to trick Heiduo into school, so as not to waste any opportunity.

To be honest, He Duo, who had no “whip” behind him, was a little moved.

Going to school is such a distant word. After working, He Duo looked back on his student days countless times, and finally left only two words—


There are too few things to worry about in the student days. Even though the studies are heavy, there are only countless test papers and interpersonal relationships.

It’s not like after leaving school, you have to worry about housing prices, wages, insurance, marriage, and so on.

“…No.” He Duo smiled and refused again.

Memories are always beautiful in memory, and there is no need to experience them again. Today, he does not need to go to school.

Du Wu was obviously very disappointed, she turned her head and said “oh”, and then she didn’t say a word.

But He Duo could see Du Wu’s slightly bulging face.

He couldn’t help laughing, this girl was a little too cute.

Fortunately, Du Wu was so angry that he walked quickly, and after a few minutes he started chattering again.

The four of them chatted all the way and walked all the way to the gate of the **** branch.

As they approached the separation, the three of them stood at the door, facing He Duo with their backs to the door, with reluctance in their eyes. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The girls in the Pokémon world are not as good as the ones on Earth. Their minds are too pure and their eyes are too straightforward. It is almost equivalent to writing their thoughts on their faces, so they will be deceived.

“Goodbye.” He Duo waved to them. To be honest, he had a very pleasant day, not to mention pleasing to the eyes, and he even started a subsidy of 5,000 yuan.

There are just too many small episodes.

Irina looked at He Duo’s half-hidden face in the shadows, handsome and full of casualness, she suddenly gathered up her courage and said:

“Tomorrow, is there any tomorrow—”

It’s a pity that she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

“Eh? Irina-chan? So you go to school here? It’s really fate, I’m a student at the opposite school.”

A voice that Elena absolutely did not want to hear on this occasion rang out.

Elena’s pupils shrank suddenly, and she turned her head quickly.

Sure enough, standing on the side was the disgusting man she didn’t want to see even in the corner of his clothes.

Elena’s face suddenly paled, and her body took two steps back.

Lixiang and Du Wu supported her and glared at the brown-haired man, but the good tutoring made them restrain the urge to say the words “get away”.

The three girls are not stupid, and they know very well that the brown-haired man appeared here by such a coincidence that it does not mean that they have much fate.

But nine times out of ten, they were followed!

Thinking of this possibility, their expressions became even more disgusting and panic.

However, no one saw He Duo’s ecstatic face when he heard the brown-haired man tell that he was a student of the trainer’s school.


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