Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 121

Chapter 121: : Winners Club

“I said you two! Don’t you see the troubled expression on the giant pincer mantis? Don’t stick to it so much!”

The girl scolded the two boys half-dangling from the giant pincer mantis.

With the net height of the giant pincer mantis being more than two meters, two boys who are less than one meter tall can fully use its powerful arms as levers and hang on it to swing.

The two boys looked at each other, and they both let go of their hands in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry.” The two boys bowed to Heduo.

He Duo said it was okay and waved his hand, turning his head to communicate with the giant pincer mantis with his eyes.

[How are you? ]

The giant pincer mantis blinked, his expression flat and unchanged.

Seriously, the two little boys couldn’t do any damage to it at all, and it wasn’t even as threatening as the sunflower seeds and the walking grass.

Its steel properties are not just talk, on the contrary, it is a little worried that the two weak and young humans will not be cut by the sharp edges of its wings.

Fortunately, these two boys are skinless bears, and they are very tactful to avoid certain positions that cannot be touched. Maybe it has something to do with his body?

The giant pincer mantis looked at the thin boy, obviously just touched it, hung on it and swayed it twice, and actually began to pant heavily.

Humans are really weak creatures.

“Okay, you’ve touched and touched, should you tell me the reason for calling me out at night?” Ruby said on the side. In fact, they made many appointments, but they were basically during the day, like this kind of seven in the evening. It’s the first time today at eight o’clock.

The sturdy little boy looked confused, “I was called by Yusuke, I don’t know.”

The little girl also said: “I was also called by Yusuke…”

The three little kids focused their attention on the thin boy named Yusuke for a moment.

Yusuke smiled in a low voice, “Didn’t I tell you before. My two brothers who are trainers have returned in the last two days, so I want to introduce them to you.”

trainer? came back?

“That’s what you said, those two brothers who challenged the gym together in Fangyuan and planned to participate in the Caiyou Conference together?” The strong little boy dutifully introduced Yusuke’s brother to Heido.

Caiyou Conference?

Yusuke nodded with a smile, obviously extremely proud of his two older brothers.

Ruby also showed a certain degree of interest. At this time, he was not yet autistic, and he was still the trainer who yearned for a strong one.

The little girl showed a lack of interest, obviously trying to accommodate them.

You say you are a girl, why do you mix with three boys.

“They’re over there.” Yusuke pointed to a corner of the battle square, “Let’s hurry over there.”

Hei Duo squinted and looked, and indeed saw two boys who looked similar to Yusuke chatting with nostalgia.

But he was not interested.

“Ruby, do you know where there are more trainers at night besides here?”

Since there are ready-made local snakes, don’t ask Yunsheng.

And with the temper of Ruby’s father thousands of miles, it is impossible not to lead Ruby to a similar place.

Ruby scratched his head, “emmmm… If you insist on having a lot of trainers, there is an open-air battle hall next to the association’s headquarters, but that place seems to require an elite trainer certificate as an admission ticket. Listen to my dad. It’s privately built, and the boss only likes powerful trainers…”

There is such a place!

He Duo smiled, this kind of place that only entertained members in a private club in his previous life was exactly what he wanted.

“Thank you.” He Duo waved to Ruby and turned to leave. There was no reason for him to stay here.

Yusuke looked at Heido’s leaving back and opened his mouth. He actually wanted Heido to see his brothers.

“Ruby, who is that handsome eldest brother? Why haven’t I heard of you before?” the little girl asked awkwardly.

Ruby said, “He? He’s the apprentice of a big brother next door to me, a swordsman.”

“Swordsman?” The three said in unison in surprise.

Ruby nodded, “Yeah, isn’t it a swordsman who learns kendo?”

Yusuke looked at each other in dismay. He thought He Duo was a trainer, but he didn’t expect to be a swordsman?

Isn’t that a character that only appears in cartoons and manga?

“Okay, amazing…” Yusuke murmured in shock without doubting him.

Pixie Association—

A small square next to a department store.

A certain fake trainer who Ruby called a swordsman was looking around blankly with a cone in his hand.

“Sure enough, it’s not good without a detailed address…”

Hei Duo ate the cones in two mouthfuls, and put his arms on the shoulders of the giant mantis with his head down and concentrated on eating the cones.

“Have you felt the breath of a strong man? You should have this skill, right?”

What He Duo got back was the confused eyes of the giant pincer mantis. When this guy was concentrating on something, he was completely distracted.

“So why are you walking so fast? Why don’t you follow Ruby to meet the two from Fangyuan? I’m very interested in that twin brother.” A certain one started to sleep after dinner, not knowing when to wake up Ibrahimovic, who came over, stuck his head out of his backpack.

He Duo reached out and pressed Ibrahimovic’s head back, “You take care of the elf egg first and then talk to me.”

Since Ibrahimovic annoyed Heiduo in the afternoon, Ibrahimovic took the initiative to subdue Heido within two hours, wrote a small review of eight hundred characters with his mouth and pen, and took the task of daily maintenance of the elf egg into his arms. .

“Don’t worry! Just do it! I’ll do things properly! According to the strong talent of the person I hatched, I feel that the elf egg will hatch in less than a month. It doesn’t take as long as two months!” Ibrahimovic sighed. , while sticking out its dog head again.

He Duo glanced at Ibrahimovic suspiciously. Except for the fact that this guy is reliable when necessary, he is usually a big talker who will come when he opens his mouth.

Forget it, it doesn’t matter, it will naturally hatch when it’s time to hatch, and it’s not Ibrahimovic’s turn to call the shots, He Duo is always watching the hatching time.

At this time, the giant tong mantis finally finished eating a whole cone, and enjoyed the icy aftertaste brought by the ice cream.


This kind of food is not worse than the mountain spring water before, it has increased my knowledge.

The giant pincer mantis suddenly found that although the outside world was noisy, there were still some beautiful things.

“…Headache wow, I feel like I can’t find it.”

He Duo looked around at the group of single men and women who came to shop. No matter how these people looked, they didn’t look like trainers.

But in addition to the green park, there are residential buildings or schools nearby. How can there be any open-air battle halls?

Could it be…

Could it be on top of this mall?

He Duo raised his head and glanced at the area of the department store behind him, feeling very likely.

Because this department store has a total of six floors, only 40% of which are lit, and the top two floors, including the top floor, are completely dark…


Isn’t that a super-intensive searchlight only used in freighter terminals or ports!

Hei Duo squinted his eyes and realized that what he saw was indeed correct!

The fifth and sixth floors and the top floor of this department store are indeed problematic!

“This guy Ruby… in the open air, just tell me it’s not good at the department store.” He Duo twitched the corner of his mouth and walked into the department store.

But when he got on the elevator, he realized that there were no buttons for the fifth and sixth floors in the public elevator.

I got off the elevator and climbed the stairs. I found that the fourth floor to the fifth floor was blocked by a wall, and I still couldn’t go up!

“…A labyrinth?” He Duo could not laugh or cry, the elevator didn’t work and the stairs didn’t work either. Could there be a secret passage?

Don’t, then he can only let the giant pincer mantis take him to fly up, a few meters high distance, the giant pincer mantis should be flying.

Just when Heido was helpless, his corner of the eye caught a breakthrough.

A well-dressed, gentlemanly middle-aged man strode through the shopping mall license, beside a graceful middle-aged woman holding his arm.

The point is that both of them are wearing trainer belts.

“Is there a lining clip now? But doesn’t it hurt?” He Duo took a closer look at the middle-aged man. He only had three Poke Balls stuck in his lower back and three more on his left chest.

Fortunately, the pokeball here is much smaller than the big ball in the animation that cannot be held by one hand, otherwise the flat bulge in the chest would be unsightly.

Silently following behind the two, He Duo gradually approached the innermost along the corridor of the shopping mall.

Eventually they stopped in front of a more unusually decorated shop.

The greeters standing on both sides of the gate in the store bowed to them and opened the store door diligently.

He Duo looked at the signboard of the store—

“The Winners Club”

Why is it so similar to the name of the casino? Could it be that I made a mistake, this is actually the casino and not the open-air battle hall?

…just ask and you’ll know.

He Duo zipped up his hooded jacket, used the Poke Ball to retract the Giant Claw Mantis, and walked up.

“Hello, is this your first time here?”

Before waiting for Heiduo to say something~www.readwn.com~, a greeter at the door took the lead and asked.

He Duo did not speak, but nodded.

Unexpectedly, the greeter at the door can even recognize whether he is a regular customer, and his business ability is quite strong?

The greeter smiled, “Could you please show your relevant trainer certificate?”

That’s right, it’s right here.

He Duo’s heart that has been hanging all the time is relaxed, casinos generally don’t ask for a trainer’s certificate, as long as you have money.

Handing in the Elite Trainer ID, the greeter glanced at it roughly, and then handed it back to him with both hands.

“You are an elite trainer, and you have the right to accept the invitation to battle in the winner’s club, but you do not have the right to take the initiative to challenge. You can also participate in the battle for the master. And the following enjoyment rights, the prohibitions are also indicated above. Finally, welcome to you come, please come in.”

The greeter took out a flyer-style card and handed it to He Duo, and then opened the glass door for him.

Hei Duo thanked softly, took the cardboard and quickly read it, then strode into the store.

The first thing that caught Heido’s eyes was a thick black curtain. After the curtain was lifted, a huge staircase with a length of dozens of meters was revealed.

At the end of the steps is a metal gate painted with intricate ornate patterns.

Two young men dressed as waiters stood on both sides of the gate, and they were dressed in similar attire as the previous greeters.

He Duo raised his legs up, and when he was approaching the metal gate, the waiter bent down and quickly opened it for He Duo.

In an instant, the noise and the explosion of the collision of moves all squeezed into He Duo’s ears.

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