Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 137

Chapter 137: : Chosen Son, Maybe This Is Fate (Laughs)

Today is Hedo’s lucky day.

Really, a lucky day that doesn’t blow up.

He had never been so sure.

Looking at the three super stones placed in front of him, He Duo sat in the tent under the night with a smile on his lips.

“So many days of babysitting for nothing!”

Ibrahimovic was also excitedly wandering around the three super stones, it never thought that the harvest would be so abundant.

He Duo was all smiles, and besides him and Ibrahimovic, there were two proud heroes in the tent.



The pretentious Arbo was curled up behind Hedor as his soft cushion, and the arrogant Electric Shocker sat on Hedor’s right hand.

“Hard hard work!” He Duo rubbed Abo Monster’s chin with one hand and touched the Electric Shock Monster’s head with the other.

Of the three super stones, except for one he dug up himself, the other two super stones from them were purely coincidental.

It is said that after Heiduo and his party came to the Buried Tower, they dug from the morning to the sunset, but still could not find any super stone. Instead, they dug up the entrance to the Buried Tower cave, which was originally covered by large blocks of stones. .

Looking at the dark and bottomless appearance of the cave, the Electric Shock Monster and the Abo Monster patted their chests and recommended themselves to explore the inside of the cave.

He Duo had nothing to do, but told the two elves to come out quickly or call for help when the situation was not right.

Then they ran out with a bunch of ecstasy eyes.

Although it is not clear why there are so many soul-sucking eyes in Chengdu, groups of wild elves are in front of them. He Duo dares to neglect, summon all the elves around him, and start a group battle.

Fortunately, although there are a lot of soul-eating eyes, the average level is not high, and they can barely drive the soul-eating eyes away.

And when Heido was exhausted and sat on the ground panting heavily, the two guys who had attracted wild monsters came up holding two “glass beads” awkwardly.

At that time, He Duo, who was so tired and speechless, jumped up from the ground!

This, this, this… The super stone I’ve been looking for for so long! two!

After some careful cross-examination, He Duo realized that after these two goods entered the cave, he saw the stalactites all over the ground and didn’t know where to start digging. Existing ecstasy eyes.

When the two little ones added up, Pi Dian Dian followed.

As for what the two of them were thinking at first, He Duo felt that they were not as smart and wise as they said.

Maybe he’s looking for ideas for the gems on the soul-sucking eye.

But no matter what, they are both heroes.

In keeping with the opening of these two heroes, He Duo found a super stone wrapped in golden crystals in the continuous rubble.

This is the origin of the three super stones in front of He Duo.

But when Heduo asked what rewards the two elves wanted, their answer turned out to be that they wanted to sleep with Heido in the tent instead of sleeping in the Pokeball.

He Duo was moved.

They fulfilled their little demands without thinking.

“Son of Destiny! Aix still relies on some strange sundial and the wavelength of the super ring to determine the location of the super stone, we just dig and dig it!” Ibrahimovic drooled while holding a super stone, Among the three super stones, he obviously liked this one the most, and after starting, he stared at it and did not move.

The reason is that this super stone is named—【Fire-breathing Dragon Evolution Stone Y】.

Starting from the sparkling little fire dragon, until the super stone is dug up, it is so dramatic that it is like a gift from God.

No wonder Ibrahimovic said some nonsense about the Son of Destiny.

There are so many fire-breathing dragon trainers in the world, how come it is He Duo’s turn to be a flashy fire dragon and a super evolution stone again?

Maybe this is life.

However, compared to the Fire-breathing Dragon Evolution Stone, He Duo likes the one in his hand more.

[Prop: Banjilas Evolution Stone/Effect: Allows Banjilas to super-evolve into Super Banjilas in battle. 】

Banquilas, this is a very, very popular elf.

It used to be called Bangira, and even some pirate manufacturers translated it as violent sword beast, giant armor beast.

The prototype is the Japanese national monster, Godzilla’s it is the favorite of many Pokémon players.

Hedo is no exception, but unlike most people who like its domineering appearance and terrifying power, Hedo likes the original form of Banderas – by Kira

(Young Kiras).

In the Pokémon Unprinted chapter, the little Kira hatched by Xiao Zhi can be said to have sprouted He Duo’s heart. Whether it is its cry or its naive actions, it is all on He Duo’s young mind. Make a heavy stroke.

It’s the only elf in Hedo that only likes its juvenile form.

Are you going to Leibo Mountain? Remember there was a Yukira who hurt Kristal’s wind speed dog.

Or go to Silver Mountain? That place is filled with Kira all over the game.


Hei Duo smacked his lips. Anyway, he was not short of money for the time being. It was not difficult to raise one or two more elves.

But this third super evolution stone…

[Prop: Charem Evolution Stone/Effect: It can make Charem super-evolve into Super Charem in the battle. 】


It’s not that this elf is bad, the power of yoga is enough bugs, but it can’t hit Heiduo’s cute point…

Leave it alone, this thing will be used one day, or it can be taken out as a gift?

It is impossible to sell Heiduo. The super evolution stone is a treasure among the treasures. It is the kind that has no market price. Rather than selling it, it is better to give it as a gift.

After all, there are some relationships that money can’t buy.


Abo’s tail twitched He Duo’s shoulder, He Duo turned his head and found that the guy was already asleep, but his tail was a little restless.

Speaking of which, it’s the same thing.

He Duo looked at the arm of the electric shock monster on his leg. He didn’t know why he liked to hug people’s thighs while sleeping. Fortunately, he didn’t use too much force, otherwise He Duo really doubted that he would not want his left leg.

“I said, let’s continue digging tomorrow.” Ibrahimovic twisted to Heduo’s ear and whispered, “Maybe I will touch the fire-breathing dragon X tomorrow, how cool it is!”

It can change into X spray and Y spray again, it is invincible!

He Duo was in a good mood and nodded, “That’s for sure, but we have to be prepared for nothing. So we have to set a time.”

Excavating for a long time is definitely not a long-term solution, and it is very easy to encounter the other side of rage.

If it is affected, there is really no place to cry.

“…How do you feel about a week, a week?” Ibrahimovic asked tentatively.

He Duo thought for a while, then shook his head, “No, a week is still too long, and I don’t have enough things on me to last for a week… Counting today, five days.”

Five days, whether it is too long or too short.

Heiduo must beware of the wild elves around, and this place is too inaccessible, and if something happens, he may not be able to return to the town in time.

“Go to sleep, the fangtooth shark and the giant stinger are vigil outside. They should be replaced at three in the morning.” He Duo closed his eyes. In order to avoid the attack of wild elves, He Duo divided the vigil into two teams. , a team of fangtooth land sharks, a team in the tent.

Ensure that both parties have sufficient rest time.

Hearing this, Ibrahimovic went to sleep holding the super evolution stone with a smile on his face.

Anyway, it won’t let go of this super stone, and even the flashing fire dragon was found by it.

Fall into dreamland.

As if to confirm He Duo’s words, for the next two days, He Duo could not find even a single super stone.

He even let the fangtooth land sharks go shopping in the den of Soul Eyes again.

Of course, this time I went with a gift.

And in the name of “barter”.

But unfortunately, the super stone has not been found.

“Looks like our luck is running out.”

He Duo hid in the shadow under the rock wall, his body was covered with sand and pebbles, and he seemed to be in a state of dust.

Ibrahimovic has a pendant of the Fire-breathing Dragon Y super stone on his neck. The giant mantis evolution stone was returned to Heiduo, and now this stone is his favorite.

“Well. Actually, I’m quite satisfied.”

When the flash fire-breathing dragon super evolved into X, the color was dark green, which was not in line with Ibrahimovic’s aesthetics, but it was strong enough.

He Duo glanced at Big Needle Bee and Bite Lu Shark, “But the evolution stones of the two guys who need evolution stones the most were not found.”

It seems that his fortune is still not deep enough, the opportunities are all in front of him, and he still can’t fight for it. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

“If only I had a friend named Dawu or my family’s mining company.” He Duo sighed. When people are weak, he can’t dig through the whole mountain by himself, not to mention those buried deep in the ground. something.

Maybe the fossils are better to dig!

Ibrahimovic turned his head and asked, “Is it still digging?”

“Dig, why not dig.”

There are two days left before the set time, maybe it will be shipped?

…how it feels like a card draw.

Just as Heiduo was about to get up and continue digging, a giant shadow approaching the horizon made him stop.

The person he least wanted to see came.

“…Wow! I’m really afraid of what’s coming. That girl should be Shijana on the other side!” Ibrahimovic looked at the sky blankly. At this time, they must have nowhere to hide, and this kind of desolation outside the Buried Tower The sights have no place for them to hide.

In their sight, a light blue flying dragon with a pair of scarlet wings and a bat-like flying dragon are landing here, and a petite girl is standing on the back of the blue flying dragon. .

Stormtrooper and Sonic Dragon…

The elf on this shore, the Sonic Dragon is.

A minute later, the girl jumped off the back of Storm Flying Dragon and asked He Duo anxiously.

“Are you a trainer? Do you know what happened here?”

Most of the other side knew that Lie Kongzai was taken away and the whereabouts of this side were unknown, but she didn’t know the details of what happened.

He Duo glanced at the other side and shook his head, “I don’t know, I only know that there was a big explosion here, and I don’t know the specific details. I just came here to dig.”

He raised the pickaxe in his hand.

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