Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 193

Chapter 192: : Happy With Joy

Outside the glass house.

While listening to the man’s explanation, Heido looked inside the glass room. Several staff members clamped the metal vise connecting the thick cables on the six parts of the electric shock beast.

After briefly explaining the principle of power transmission with Heido, the man did not want to waste too much time, and hurriedly asked a few staff members to come up to prepare.

“Wow, I’m really scared. With such a thick cable, what if the electric shock beast is electrocuted? What if the electricity leaks and the machine explodes?” Ibrahimovic’s voice appeared in Heiduo’s mind, but Heiduo did not Don’t pay too much attention.

It is estimated that I have seen too many Hollywood blockbusters and my imagination erupted.

Not to mention the safety factor of the equipment that can be put into normal use, the insulating rubber that is thicker than its skin is stacked in the glass room, does it have such a thing as tripping?

Not long after, the staff in the glass room were ready and quickly exited the room. The man repeatedly asked about the equipment situation and safety of the operator beside him. After getting the answer that he could start the work without damage, the man turned his head and got He Duo’s approval.

DiDi, a few soft sounds, the originally silent equipment began to operate.

The electric current spreads along the thick cables to the standing electric shock beast.

“Take your time and safety first.” The man stopped the operator from using the joystick to quickly increase the voltage. This was not a joke, and he couldn’t take responsibility for an accident.

The operator nodded, stopped the movement that originally planned to pull the joystick to the end, and turned it into one frame at a time.

He Duo looked in a fog.

“The Shock Beast seems to be very comfortable.” Ibrahimovic glanced at the Electric Shock Beast inside the glass room. The guy with the UFO head opened his mouth wide, revealing its sharp canine teeth, with an expression like drinking a bottle of ice Coke in dog days Just as comfortable.

Hei Duo was noncommittal, but kept his eyes fixed on the equipment inside the glass room. If something happened, Lie Bite Lu Shark would break through the glass and save the electric shock beast.

Fortunately, He Duo did not have the physique for accidents, and the electric shock beast’s power transmission project was very successful.

It’s just a pity that the distance evolution is still so far away.

“Don’t be discouraged, we’ll come again tomorrow!” He Duo patted the electric shock beast on the shoulder, and was almost dumbfounded by the full load of body hair.

The power-generating organs in the electric shock beast have not been nourished by natural current for a long time, and the deficit is very large. Even after four days of power transmission and nourishment by Heido, the power-generating organs in the electric shock beast cannot be restored in an instant.

“Crack!” Liebite Lu Shark nodded, and the sharp claws touched the white-lighted tentacles of the Electric Shock Beast.

Electro-optical flow is completely ineffective.

He Duo looked at it and had some guesses in his heart.

There should be two reasons why the Pokémon with the ground attribute can be immune to the electric attribute moves.

One is that their bodies are different from human flesh and blood, and the resistance of the skin is extremely high unless heated to a certain value in an instant.

The second is that when the ground attribute is standing on the ground, the current can be transmitted to the ground, so as to keep itself intact.

But this guess may not be accurate, after all, the physical rules of the elf world are very likely to be different from the previous life.

Otherwise, how to explain that standing next to a lava snail can not be instantly vaporized.

You know that’s 10,000 degrees!

Off topic off topic.

After thanking the man repeatedly, He Duo left the power station and made an appointment with him.

The setting sun was dim, and half of the sky was glowing with a thin orange-red glow.

It’s night again.

He Duo sighed, and felt that the time was extremely long during the game.

After the game, I felt that time passed by so quickly.

Are humans such complex creatures?

Riding the empty tram, Hedo returned to the Pixie Center.


Black Duo came to the small park behind the Pixie Center.

Compared with the daytime, there are more people in the park at night. Some people take a walk after dinner, some people exercise, some people find an open space to fight, and some people even try to catch elf in the city park.

He managed to avoid the scrutiny of the eyes, and He Duo finally found a sparsely planted open space in a corner of the park.

Night training begins.

From physical exercise, mastery of moves, to reasonable competition, and learning from each other’s mistakes, the elves face each other, ignoring the gap between each other and themselves, and learn how to deal with opponents with different attributes.

He Duo is no exception, the learning of the swordsmanship of the Royal Style has never been slowed down, and this time there is a small opponent—

A young newborn dragon.

Here I have to sigh again about the elf’s powerful learning ability. Just like Akin’s Porkby who would gamble when he was born, the little fire dragon has some similarities with Heiduo in both behavior and expression.

It is embodied in the unusual calmness during the battle.

“The strength is good!” He Duo felt the vibration of the Su Zhen rod coming over, and it was hard to imagine that an elf who was only born for half a day already possessed the power of a human boy on earth.

Hei Duo poked the belly of Xiao Huolong, and tilted his head when he heard the familiar sound of level-up in his ears.

The little fire dragon has risen to the second level, and the Mu Shougong has risen to the fifteenth level.

It is so simple and convenient to bring a low-level elf after having a high-level elf. Often, it was only after a whole day of hard work that the level could be improved. After playing a few more games with Liebite Land Shark, they would naturally go up.

15th grade…

Heiduo turned his head to look at Mu Shougong, who was dodging under the attack of the big needle bee’s missile needle. If he was working hard today, wouldn’t he have evolved?

The gap of three levels should be enough for two days.

It seems that it took Xiaoyin only two days for the little saw crocodile to evolve into a blue crocodile.

Xiaoguang’s wooden Shougong seems to be similar?

Looking down at the watch, it is now 8:46 in the evening, delaying the time should be able to meet the upgrade conditions.

“Mushou Palace!”

Haddor shouted from there.

Hearing Heido calling its name, Mu Shougong stopped and glanced at Heiduo in confusion.

“Tired? You may have to practice for a while today, because you are about to evolve.” He Duo asked Ibrahimovic to translate to Mu Shougong.


Mu Shougong touched the back of his head, but he didn’t realize the meaning of evolution for a while.

After a long while, Mu Shougong was stunned, with a look of ecstasy on his face.


“Crack!” Mu Shougongle danced and evolved! It was something that I could not wish for in the past!

Unexpectedly, after following Heido, not to mention the delicious food, it will evolve on the third night!

Rehearse! Practice his meow!

Mu Shougong turned his head to look at the senior of the big needle bee, “Crack!”

It shouted loudly and bowed to the giant needle bee.

Please, senior! It’s up to you to evolve!

In the distance, the Electric Shock Beast looked at its cheering No. 1 younger brother, and it could be said that it understood its mood quite well.

When he evolved from the electric shock monster to the electric shock beast, although there was not much turbulence on the surface (in order not to let the strong bite land shark look down on him), his heart was turned upside down.

Because it proves that it has no flaws and is a normal, evolutionary elf!

“Hey~” Abo was very happy when he saw the electric shock beast stop moving, and today’s electric shock beast and electric man thief hurt, as if he had drunk vigorously.

The giant pincer mantis glanced sideways, then turned back to look, it was just evolution, no more fuss.

The same is true for the fierce biting land shark opposite it. Evolution is like a natural progression, and it cannot be rushed or forced.


Little Fire Dragon trotted to Heiduo’s feet, held his calf and looked up at him, his big eyes twinkling.

“It’s asking what evolution is,” Ibrahimovic translated.

“You can tell it yourself! It’s like you don’t know it!” He Duo glared at Ibrahimovic and lowered his head to show the little fire dragon a smile, “You will experience it too, but whether it evolves or not, it will It’s the beginning of your life, not the end. Cherish all good things, which are the most precious memories in the future.”

Gently pat the little fire dragon’s head.

The little fire dragon seems to understand, but it does not prevent it from acting like a spoiled child at Heiduo.

He Duo teased the tip of its nose and picked up the little fire dragon.

As the saying goes, how disgusted it was when I got it, how rare it is now, long live the law of true fragrance.

Time passes like water.

Half an hour later, the pleasant level-up sound effect reached Heiduo’s ears again.

And with the falling of the sound effect, the Mu Shou Palace not far away suddenly radiated a shining light!


Ibrahimovic quickly put the camera that had been prepared for a long time in He Duo’s hand.

He Duo picked it up and skillfully recorded the entire evolution of Mu Shougong.

In the light, Mu Shougong’s body is concerned about the speed of growth visible to the naked eye, UU reading www. Dark green leaves grow on uukanshu.com’s forehead and arms, and the fat tail becomes flattened and bifurcated into two sharp-edged leaves.

Finally, when Mu Shougong, oh, the forest lizard reached the height of He Duo’s chest, the light began to weaken.

Exposing the forest lizard’s light and vigorous body.


The forest lizard was full of joy, jumping up and down, climbing the big tree next to it, and trimming the branches of shrubs and large trees with the sharp blades of its elbows.

Ibrahimovic was speechless, “Why does this forest lizard feel so stunned?”

Obviously people are just happy that they have gained stronger power.

…albeit a little bit.

He Duo actually found that he couldn’t find a way to refute Ibrahimovic’s words for a while.

But since it has evolved into a forest lizard, let’s put some moves on the agenda.

He Duo looked at the few attribute points he had left. Since the opening of the sixth-level move, his attribute points have not been surplus anymore, and his life has been tight.

With his current net worth, temporarily cultivate a forest lizard, and then learn a few moves and attribute points for the little fire dragon, should it be gone?

Poor Leo Lu, it’s really not at the right time.

He Duo let out a “tsk”, when he was empty, he was so empty, and when he was busy, he didn’t even have enough to catch his breath!

Tomorrow, it is estimated that the electric shock beast will also evolve.

Is it really time to hatch and evolve together?

Does this count as terrific?

“Let’s be here today.” He Duo clapped his hands to signal the battle to stop.

It’s 9:21 now, and the massage will take more than an hour to say the least.

It’s hard to go to bed in the early morning.

The trainer is not good~

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