Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 50

Chapter 50: :Hide

Seaside jungle.

It is close to the coast and Route 33, but it is a forest covered by a sea of trees. There are many kinds of elves, all living in this jungle, wrapping up their days of indifference.

On the mountain package wrapped in dense forest, a young figure leaned against a big tree, holding a telescope, looking down at the ravine in the distance.

“Look, they look like mad dogs. I don’t know what kind of intimate interaction I have done with their family members.” He Duo took out the sandwiches he bought yesterday from his four-dimensional backpack and ate them one bite at a time.

Today is the second day, He Duo escaped waves of siege and interception, but still failed to wait for his rescue.

The communication device couldn’t contact others at all. These idiots used a shielding device with a larger range and stronger function, and even used the emp electromagnetic pulse, which directly scrapped the communication device of Heiduo.

Heiduo didn’t believe that Nima had no backer in the city at all.

It turns out that the Mole Poaching Group is not cunning, but has someone above it, no wonder they can escape safely every time.

The round land shark might be dangerous, he was the one who didn’t think about it!

He Duo had a sullen face and was very worried about the round land shark who was going to rescue the soldiers. He didn’t expect that there would also be a nest of snakes and rats in the elf world. It was disgusting.

Beside him, a fox-like elf saw He Duo eating, so he grabbed Qian Tong’s He Duo with his little paws and climbed up hard.

“Miss, you have a full meal in the morning, can you let me eat with peace of mind?” He Duo looked at his Ibrahimovic helplessly, and hurriedly ate two or three sandwiches in his hand.

“I’m so hungry, it’s not that I’m greedy, I’m really hungry! Believe me!”

Iblis climbed onto Heduo’s back, unzipped the zipper, and put his head into the backpack to search for food.

“If you continue to eat like this, your weight will become terrifying. It’s not an orange cat. You can’t control your food intake just because you’re an elf, can you?” Holding his claws on his shoulders, he nibbled at it with a very ladylike sip, and sighed, “If you eat like this, your body will be damaged.”

“I know, I know.”

Ibrahimovic replied casually, eating sweet peaches wholeheartedly.

This guy doesn’t know if it’s because of the miserable life of starvation and a full meal in the past. He has lunch in the past day, and the weight of the meal is not low.

He Duo raised the binoculars, but his mind couldn’t help but flash the information about this guy.

Ibrahimovic, an evolution elf, with general attributes, is not a very rare elf, and is loved by female trainers because of its cute appearance.

Of course, this is just common sense.

The important thing is that at the beginning of the capture, the intimacy of this guy was as high as 85 points, and he successfully advanced to 90 points this morning. It has an extremely weird and terrifying ability to learn moves. Without Heido’s opening, it can learn a large number of moves, even moves that it cannot learn by itself.

In addition to plug-ins, what else can do this kind of thing?

But since Ibrahimovic didn’t open his mouth and took the initiative to say it, He Duo wouldn’t have the eyesight to ask questions. Everyone has their own secrets and privacy, and so does the elf, and will never be violated at will.

Speaking of this, I have to say how He Duo spent last night.

Among Ibrahimovic’s many moves, there is one called [Secret Power]. The effect of this move is to create a secret base among rocks and trees. Usually, Ibrahimovic relies on it to hide all kinds of ferocious elves.

Haddor was fortunate enough to spend the night in it, and if it wasn’t for hearing Heruga’s cry in the middle of the night, he would probably have stayed in the secret base all night.

There is also a move called [Mysterious Guardian], which in reality not only has the effect of immunizing against negative states, but also has the effect of eliminating traces of its own existence.

The duration of the two-level [Mysterious Guardian] is half an hour.

It just happened to let Heduo save the deodorant spray he bought on the Rockets’ dark net before. This thing is a good thing to avoid the elf with a keen sense of smell.

With these two moves alone, Heiduo escaped dusk, night, and morning under the pursuit of the Mole Poaching Group.

It was almost noon now, and He Duo was approaching in the direction of Juniper Town, just in time to bypass the guys from the Mole Poaching Group that had blocked the only way to Juniper Town.

If he can still be caught after entering Juniper Town, then this alliance should be so rotten, one can’t help but suspect that they will only pick soft persimmons and be helpless against big worms.

Such as the Rockets rookie training base.

In order to contain him, the Mole Poaching Group sent no less than 30 people, two groups of two to search for him in the jungle by the sea.

“When the labor and capital are developed, I will pull you up by the roots!” He Duo, who had not rested all night, scolded fiercely in his heart. He was very unhappy at this time. A little tired.

What kind of immortals can run for three days and three nights.

At this time, two figures emerged from the bushes beside the ravine, one tall and the other short, with two dog-shaped elves wearing skeletons at their feet, and two cicada-like elves hovering above their heads.

“Is it Darubi and the Iron Mask Ninja again? There’s nothing new, I’m getting tired of watching it.” Heiduo put down the telescope, sighed, and then narrowed his eyes, “If it’s all this low It’s not that you can’t do it…”

With He Duo’s movements, there were a few lines of small characters under his eyes, which enlarged as he watched.

“Two 21st-level Derbys, one 25th-level and one 26th-level Iron Mask Ninja.”

“Either it’s a scout or a trap…” He Duo rubbed his eyes in disappointment, “The information about these guys is really too little, and I only know that the captain’s information is very unfavorable.

“I hope the elves they hold in their hands will not exceed level 50 at the most, otherwise they can’t be beaten. Although levels are not everything, the number…”

Thinking of this, He Duo couldn’t help but worry about whether everything he did would be recognized and made a trap.

It shouldn’t be possible, judging from the IQ of the third team.

at the ravine.

Nosuke looked around keenly, his right hand always swaying around his waist.

“Darubi, do you smell that kid?” Ye Fu moved the bushes with his hands and asked the two Darubi who were sniffing on the ground.

He got no response.

“…This **** little **** can hide too much.” The short poaching team member named Wen Er touched the pistol in his arms, “When you catch him, you have to shoot a few holes in him!”

In order to catch Heido, the head of the regiment, the boss, specially approved three pistols.

In today’s society where most of the firearms are destroyed, the three pistols were given to them by the boss of the Mole Corps under great pressure. They came from the inventory of a collector in a certain chaebol.

It will be returned when it is used up.

That shit-like little beast actually attacked the Third Division when some of the members of the Third Division were out, and took all their harvests and the elves, and didn’t know where they were secretly hiding.

God **** it! How dare you increase their workload! Don’t you know they’re running out of time! And planted in the hands of a little kid, how many colleagues will regard them as a laughing stock!

Although the Mole Poaching Group is small in number, it is well-known in the field of poaching. If they are being plucked by such a stinky guy, those competitors may laugh at them, even the top ones. That person will no longer favor them, and that kind of loss is something they cannot afford.

“Captain Ye Fu, is it really impossible to send reinforcements? I feel that if we keep doing it like this, we may encounter those nursery bastards.” Wen Er wiped the sweat from his hands. Their activity areas are usually in the mountains. In the depths, it is rare to conduct such a large-scale manhunt so close to a city.

Generally, the rarer elves are also far away from the city. Most of the elves close to the city are those with the insect attribute, grass attribute and general attribute, and the value is very small. In addition, because it is close to the city, the rangers are also stationed in batches in batches. Here, according to Wen Er and their observations, there is even a [wooden house] 5 kilometers away. It can be said that this wave is dancing on the tip of a knife.

The second team is still dealing with people from the alliance, UU reading www.uukanshu. The top of the com is also testing the pressure on Hinoki Town, but this situation will not last long, and that kid must be caught as soon as possible!

Ye Fu glanced at Wen Er, who had a flustered look and obvious sweat on his forehead, released the Poke Ball in his hand, and patted Wen Er on the shoulder, signaling him to relax.

“I remember you haven’t seen those guys once, have you?”

“Yes, yes. I came in November last year.” Wen Er’s body relaxed obviously, indicating that he had considerable trust and respect for Nosuke.

“Actually, don’t be nervous, it’s no big deal, everyone is human. They won’t have an arm and a leg more than us.” Nosuke reassured: “Those guys are just flexible and changeable, subdue them in time, in fact, there is no threat. Big.”

Wen Er couldn’t help showing an expression of admiration when he heard Ye Fu’s words from the conservationists who were feared by everyone in the industry and even had many horror rumors to be worthless.

As the second strongest player in the Mole Corps after the boss, Ye Fu was a senior trainer of the Alliance before joining the Mole Corps.

“Remember, this search mission is only allowed to succeed and not to fail. That little elf was designated by the head of the team to be offered. If the little elf can’t be brought back, it will be more than just a prison disaster.” Ye Ye Fu reminded, and saw Wen Er’s nervous expression again, and joked: “Well, don’t be nervous, after all, there is only one kid, he can’t escape very far, someone is blocking him! When the task is over, I will take you home. Good shop!” He said and touched Wen Er’s ribs with his fist.

“Yes! Captain Ye Fu!”

I don’t know if it should be said that Wen Er is easy to handle or what, the expression that was originally nervous and sweaty gradually calmed down, but the pistol in his arms was gripped harder and harder.

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