Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 75

Chapter 75: : A Tm Event

“It seems that something wonderful happened? Tell me! Quick! I want to eat this melon too!” Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Ibrahimovic asked Heduo quickly.

He Duo had a strange expression and said, “The people we met just now are suspected of being actors and making up the numbers.”

It’s no wonder that some strange questions are always asked, either very basic or unanswerable by ordinary people.

Yun Sheng walked towards Sen Du with a solemn face, and then the two began to talk.

After the conversation, there seemed to be a quarrel.

“Isn’t it weird?” Tiva, who was sitting in the same position indifferently, spoke to Heiduo for the first time.

He Duo retracted his gaze that had been on Yunsheng’s side, “Huh?”

“We haven’t seen each other for three years.” Tiva didn’t seem to need Heduo’s answer, and said to herself: “On the verge of adulthood, everyone is either studying in other regions, or contributing to their own dreams. The days of competition and playfulness are long gone.”

Co-authoring This is a gathering of old friends? That’s really interesting.

“What is she talking about?” Ibrahimovic looked up and asked Heduo.

He Duo replied: “Just remembering the past and remembering the past, it doesn’t make sense. When the story is heard, the story is too bad.”

“Oh.” Ibrahimovic bowed his head with lack of interest, but it was still interesting to see the ripping force.

Tiva continued, “Sendu has changed a long time ago and has become snobbish. I don’t know what to say, just like his father, who was obsessed with money. Yunsheng thought he was the hot-blooded young man from before, and thought that Sendu Missing the past with him… Ha!”

The world of adults is like this, each has his own pursuit, each has his own family, and no matter how good his friends are, they should get together at most once a week.

How many weeks are there in a person’s life?

Or the elf, who will accompany you from beginning to end, and never leave unless you die.

He Duo touched Ibrahimovic’s fat face.

“Don’t block my sight! I can’t see clearly!” Ibrahimovic brushed He Duo’s hand with his claws.

Tiva went on to say that Heiduo was impatient. Instead of wasting time here, it would be better to go back to practice swordsmanship. He originally thought it would be a very rigorous exchange meeting, where resources could be exchanged, and the experience of cultivating elves could be exchanged.

He stood up and greeted Ruby with an unhappy expression.

Tiva’s expression was astonished, she didn’t expect that she would be despised one day, one day at a time.

“Brother Heiduo, those people are so fake!” Ruby pouted, with a keen intuition, how could he not see that the people who were fighting against him were not paying attention at all?

You have to do a full set of shows.

“Go back? I’m tired of it, too.” He Duo proposed, which was quickly approved by Ruby.

It’s almost five o’clock in the afternoon. If you don’t want to finish your meal here, you need to hurry home.

The two politely said goodbye to Tiva. As for Yun Sheng, he probably wasn’t in the mood to pay attention to He Duo and the others, so there was no need to disturb him.

Get out of here and there early.

Pixie Association headquarters.

In the bright room, several middle-aged men with extraordinary bearing gathered around a large round table, discussing some matters.

“For this operation, the technology is provided by our Grand Violet Holding Company and Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and the Berlitz family provides funding and research projects, led by the City Headquarters of the Elf Association.”

A young man was talking on stage.

“However, since ‘flowers’ will be used as the main means of attack in the operation, unnecessary damage may be caused. I hope everyone here will understand.” The man put his hand on his chest, “Everything is for the future of mankind!”

The speech came to an end, and then it was time for the big people to communicate.

As for Da Zijin Holdings, a wealthy white-bearded old man held a pipe in his hand, and said in a gulp, “Is the Meteor Falls locked in?”

The biggest obstacle to action is neither a powerful and unparalleled goal nor the condemnation of public opinion, but those ancient inheritors who are stuck in the past.

In terms of development in the era of exclusion, they are first-class.

If some ancestors hadn’t broken free from their shackles and forced them to live in seclusion, the present era would not have been so prosperous.

“Don’t worry! No one in Meteor has a chance to come out!” The person in charge was the head of Dewen Manufacturing Co., Ltd., a tall and thin middle-aged man wearing glasses.

“In order to ensure the successful implementation of the plan, we deliberately hired four top trainers in advance to drag them into the village under the pretext of cultivating dragon-type elves.”

The white-bearded old man nodded, “Very good!”

As for the Pokémon Association, the head of the operation spoke up.

“Everyone, the action time is tentatively set at the beginning of next month. Do you have any objections?”

A person raised his hand, a researcher from Devon.

“Dragon attribute elf will more or less lose its strength in winter. I think winter activities are more secure!”

The person in charge responded: “You are right, but the target is hovering above the ozone layer for a long time, the tolerance to cold is stronger than we thought, and the impact of winter on it may not be satisfactory. And the target is super ancient Elf, some attribute restraint does not apply to it!”

The researchers put their hands down.

“Also introduce, this is the trainer recommended by the association.” The person in charge said sideways.

Beside him sat a man with a face as white as jade.

“Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Yu Jian, and I am the leader of the trainer team this time.” Yu Jian stood up and bowed slightly to the people around him.

There was applause all around.

The person in charge signaled everyone to be quiet, and said, “Mr. Yujian is one of the top trainers in the Chengdu area, and he is also the chief trainer of the evil attribute. I believe he is competent for this operation!”

As the main supporter and endorser of the action, the Elf Association will naturally have no objection to the people they choose.

After half an hour, the meeting ended.

The people from the four forces were leaving, but the person in charge stopped Yu Jian who wanted to leave.

“How have you been recently?” The person in charge lit a cigarette and asked with squinting eyes surrounded by smoke.

Yu Jian rejected the cigarette handed over by the person in charge, “Teng Jun, you should know that I don’t smoke… Overall it’s not bad.”

“Everyone can change. You didn’t drink alcohol before, but now… hehe.” Teng Jun took back his cigarette and breathed out a smoke ring in a relaxed way: “What about that kid in your family? Why didn’t you bring it out to meet?”

Yujian is now alone, and the only one who can be called his family is He Duo.

It sounds ridiculous.

“There’s nothing to see, take him out to see us calculate the whole world? Then he will be very disappointed, the world is not as beautiful as he imagined.” Yu Jian stood in front of Teng Jun, an old friend, without air or restraint.

“Children should stay in the ivory tower made of dreams, run out of nothing to do, nothing good is not bad.”

Teng Jun smiled and said: “Sooner or later, you have to understand, no matter how true the lie is, it is not reality… I am very curious about him!”

“Two arms and two legs, all over the street.” Yu Jian folded his arms. He knew that Teng Jun wanted to meet Hei Duo, but he vaguely rejected him.

For three years, at least for these three years, let him live in a dream.

“Hey, I’m afraid of getting involved with the people above? Don’t worry, they haven’t had time to care about him in the past two years!” Teng Jun faintly revealed a big news, “The Four Heavenly Kings are enough to give them a headache!”

Yu Jian was stunned, and then said: “What’s the situation?”

Since Teng Jun dared to make such a head, it means that it is not something that Yu Jian can’t know.

“Does Tatara know about it?”

“The largest leading real estate and infrastructure company in Kanto is getting involved in the technology industry. What’s wrong?”

Teng Jun put out the cigarette **** and gloated: “I did my sins in my early years. I thought that if there were many members, I could do whatever I wanted in Kanto. I have been staring at it for a long time. Recently, I heard that I want to develop the Seven Islands, and I am applying!”

“Seven Islands! Isn’t that Kona’s hometown!” Yu Jian asked suspiciously.

“That’s right! I want to develop the tourism industry, but I don’t know what I’m thinking. I don’t know how big the stalls are, and I keep offending people… I can’t apply for it without any accident. The top wants to check and balance, although technology is prosperous, the elves The power cannot be ignored.” Teng Jun still wanted to order one, but after thinking about his physical condition, he gave up.

Yu Jian was silent. The development of scientific and technological power in recent years has far exceeded people’s imagination. The senior leaders of the alliance who have been favored by ancient technology are subtly reducing the influence of the champion and the four kings, and intends to support new trainers to replace those arrogant trainers.

A knife that you can hold in your hand is a good knife.

“…What if you agree?” Yu Jian confided after holding back for a long time.

Teng Jun was slightly startled, as if joking, but also as if seriously: “That level is over.”

Your hometown has become a tool for other people to make money. It’s okay for local people to develop it. Outsiders want to eat and drink peaches for free? think too much.

Not to mention the scandal of the Duoduo Liang industry, which trainers with older qualifications do not know, malicious development, pollution of the environment, and artificial “extinction” of some elves… In this world, not everyone wants to be a capitalist, and they all yearn for money.

Nature reserves and wild wilderness areas are the helpless heads of capital.

Otherwise, according to their ideas, there are high-rise buildings everywhere, and no roads.

Take “human development” (money) as their mission and exterminate the little elves who stand in their way.

In fact, to put it another way, it is not necessarily that the trainer is “impeding” the development of society. The resources of the planet are limited. When people can’t survive on their own, the elves are not “needed”.

Kindness cannot be eaten as food. Humans survive by ingesting nutrients.

But now, trainers are the mainstream, with a higher status than any other profession, and the strongest can even influence the decision-making of a place.

To some people, this is unreasonable, because trainers are not contributing to human development, but are constantly appropriating human resources and feeding them to elves.

The elf can obviously contribute to technology, why should it be stopped under the pretext of being “too cruel”? A high-level electricity elf releases electricity every day to supply the daily needs of an office building; a high-level water elf can dredge rivers, manage floods, and generate hydropower; the ground that gophers walk on is often extremely fertile ; Grass-type elf can promote the growth of the dealer, fire-type elf … Thermal power generation understand?

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