Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 757

Chapter 750: : The Poor And “Fierce” Nazi

Skip most of the less important proposals.

He Duo yawned and felt that Teng Jun, who was sitting on it, seemed to be chanting a scripture.

Xiao Chun next to her listened with great interest. From what Teng Jun said, she could find a good way to manage the smoke and ink market.

It is no wonder that I am willing to come to this meeting.

Hei Duo couldn’t help but wonder if Xiao Chun was so eager to find A’Du, if he also let him manage the smoke and ink market, the reason why she wanted to unload the burden on her own.

Anyway, let him run Millennium Town like Xiao Chun, he will not do it.

Averting his eyes from Teng Jun, He Duo looked at Crimson who was sitting in the first few rows.

Sure enough, this guy was about the same as him, lethargic, but in order to maintain the most basic respect, he fought hard.

Qinglu’s expression was flat, as if he was listening intently, but with his hand dragging his chin, he involuntarily tapped his forefinger on his cheek to tell Heido that Brother Gao Lengku was distracted.

Yu Jiansang’s words, he may be really serious because he understands them.

This made He Duo look back at the trainers of the Chengdu Gym next to him.

Ah Su had a serious face. This senior police officer and Jun Sha of Kikyo City were in a relationship between superiors and subordinates. The superiors listened carefully. How dare his subordinates dare to fish, even if most of the content of the report has nothing to do with him.

Of course, He Duo didn’t know what the **** he was drawing in the notebook with the pen in his hand.

Abi’s words may be naturally dumb. He Duo can see that he is listening very hard, but the two titles of archaeologist and worm attribute expert make him unable to pay attention to more things. Great doubt.

Xiaoqian from Manjin City, she is much more simple, she just doesn’t understand if she doesn’t understand, and silently paints her nails.

Ami, this guy seems to be the most powerful contender for the title of Gym Trainer Leader at present, and listens very attentively like Tsubaki.

Master Shi… If it wasn’t for not snoring and breathing smoothly, He Duo would really think that this burly man with his eyes closed was sleeping. Sure enough, Zhanlan City can be a very good tourist city, and it should have nothing to do with him.

Komatsu isn’t too serious either, though.

Tiny camera?

Hei Duo squinted and looked at the dream demon above Xiaosong’s head. This cute little creature has a small square box on the neck, the kind that comes with a camera.

“I’ll show it to my father, he knows more about these things than I do.” Xiaomatsu was keenly aware of Heido’s gaze, and after a slight smile, he explained softly.

Komatsu’s father?

Sure enough, there is no father and mother in the original work, which does not mean that there is no father or mother.

He Duo was also curious about the reaction of the trainers in the gymnasium in the farther Kanto area, but a sentence from Fuji Jun on the stage caught He Duo’s attention.

It is related to Crimson’s championship position.

“…recommended by eight gym trainers in the Kanto region, with the joint support of twelve mayors, twelve police officers, and twelve heads of the Elf Center, a total of seven decision-makers including Dr. Ogi and Zhenghui The members of the seat are on bail.” Teng Jun looked up at this point, his eyes turned red, moistened his throat, and continued.

“A total of 132 members of the decision-making table decided after discussion, the champion of the Quartz Conference, the top trainer in Zhenxin Town, the main personnel of the Rocket Team Destruction Campaign, the main personnel of the Four Heavenly King Destruction Campaign, and the new Rocket Team Destruction Campaign main personnel – Crimson , is the new champion in the Guandu region, if you have any objections, please also declare.”

Everyone has a microphone in front of them, and they can speak by pressing the red button.

Here comes the main event.

Heiduo rubbed his brows, but he was a little curious about A-Xing, but Na Zi and Ma Zhishi agreed?

He couldn’t help but look at the location of the Kanto Gym trainer.

I saw Ma Zhishi sneered and raised Erlang’s legs, put his hands behind his head, and tactically leaned back.

Beside him, Na Zi, who was as “poor” as ever, squinted and shook her black and beautiful hair with her hands. When she noticed He Duo’s gaze, she looked over without concealment, her eyes slightly brightened.

He Duo’s scalp felt a needle-like touch, which made him withdraw his gaze.

Depend on! Stingy Bara woman!

Look what happened to you!

No wonder everyone else has become a canyon, but you are still a plain!

He Duo was a little unhappy, but he thought about it in his heart. Nazi just used her mental power to give him a small warning, and didn’t intend to hurt him.

Of course, if it wasn’t for his spiritual improvement, the pain might have risen to the level of a **** needle.

far away.

Na Zi looked back, her expression a little surprised.


“What’s wrong?”

Hearing Nazi’s voice, the carefree Ma Zhishi turned his head.

“Nothing, found an interesting guy.”

Nazi shook her head, and at the same time she was suddenly curious about Heido, how has she grown so much in less than half a year?

Back in the Silver Mountain, that guy’s mental strength was so lame that it wasn’t as good as when she was three years old, but now it has reached the level of her seven years old, in just half a year?

Mostly some secrets.

However, what does it have to do with her.

The curiosity in her heart dissipated like smoke, and Nazi couldn’t be a Buddha now, and she didn’t want to do anything other than Sakagi’s summoning.

-Fortunately, she didn’t know how Heiduo arranged her in her heart, otherwise this big girl with a cool appearance but an unusually hot personality would probably have taken action against Heido regardless of the occasion.

Back in the Silver Building, Xiao Lan used her figure to provoke Na Zi, and she never thought it would be really useful.

This girl is also an ordinary person who cares about her figure.

Back to topic.

When Teng Jun said that Crimson would bypass the Champions League and become the new Kanto Champion, he undoubtedly exploded.

Although there were more than 100 people in Chihong, there were more than 300 people in the conference room.

Most of the people who didn’t get the wind in Kanto were people from the Quartz Plateau, that is, the association, and a few were the rich merchants from all over the country.

Forget the latter, the information of the former is still so ill-informed, it is numb.

And most of the people in Chengdu don’t know the truth. They looked at the boy who was obviously underage. After so many years, the title of champion is almost no different from the legend. Or Kanto people, are used to the days when no one is on their heads.

But once there is a champion in Kanto, does it mean that the city also has a champion?

On the other hand, if there are champions in Kanto but no champions in the city, it is also a more troublesome thing.

For a time, many people’s expressions became complicated.

The number of people who chose to speak was even more numerous, as if there were endless questions to ask Fuji Jun and Scarlet.

Crimson was a little flustered by this battle.

But the occasion did not last long.

The people here are big figures who decide the future of tens of millions of human beings in the region. It is impossible for them to shout like the aunts of the vegetable market. If the people who speak for them cannot come in, they don’t even need to open their mouths.

“At the beginning of the decision-making of the motion, a total of 387 people were present, and two were absent. When the number of affirmative votes exceeds 270 or the number of affirmative votes exceeds 70% except for abstentions, the proposal will be deemed passed.”

Damalan, who has been practicing closed mantra, spoke.

The voting button is below the microphone, red for yes, blue for veto, and green for abstention.

He Duo didn’t even think about it, he voted in favor.

Xiao Chun was stunned beside her. She had no idea about Chihong being the champion. Since Heiduo agreed, she agreed.

Naturally, there was no hoarse canvassing at the scene, but Chi Hong’s nervous expression undoubtedly proved that he did not have much confidence in this matter.


It should be over 270 votes.

He Duo glanced at the crowd below. Fortunately, he was in a relatively back position, so as long as he paid attention, he could easily tell who was in favor and who was against.

In Kanto, few people voted in favor of it except those who vouched for Chi Hong. Most of these people were guys who hadn’t heard the news before.

Think you’ve been excluded?

City side.

Exceeding Heiduo’s expectations, those people’s expressions of surprise when they heard that Chihong was going to bypass the Champions League and become the champion did not seem to be fake, why did they still vote in favor?

Of course, these don’t matter, it’s a good thing for Crimson to be the champion.

After half a minute.

The result came out, with 303 votes in favor, 52 against, and 22 abstentions.

Crimson successfully became the new champion of the Kanto region, bypassing the yet-to-be-established Champions League.

And the guy himself took a deep breath and sat down silently.

Next one.

What Hedo was waiting for came out.

“Report on the establishment of the Millennium Town Elf Nature Reserve in partnership with the Rangers Alliance.”

A report, not a proposal, shows that things are settled.

As soon as these words came out, the conference room became noisy for the second time.

Kanto people may not know the inside story.

But there are few people in the city who don’t know about the hunting area being built in Azure City.

So near a place to create a nature reserve?

Or something like Silver Mountain?

The members of the decision-making board who were related to Millennium Town frowned, but they were not too surprised, obviously they knew it in advance.

Also, to build a protected area next to people’s homes, without saying a word, is it realistic?

“Millennium Town, the city where you are stationed?”

Tsubaki turned his head sideways and asked in a low voice.

Hei Duo nodded, “Yes, I found something there.” He handed the photo in the bag to Xiao Chun to see.

Xiao Chun glanced at it a few times, and then returned the photo, “So that’s how it should be done.”

As the owner of the dragon cave, she knows better than anyone the truth that every man is innocent and guilty. Every year, he wants to go to the dragon cave to steal mini dragons without fear of death. Long and Kuailong were killed, and they didn’t even get a chance to go to jail.

Komatsu on the other side of Heido was also a little curious, but his curiosity was quickly answered.

Because Teng Jun’s voice ~www.readwn.com~ did not explain the two orbs that may be the reliance of the gods of space and time, but only said that a large number of meteorites and ancient elves were found.

As one of the implementers of the Lie Kongzai capture plan, he knew very well that once the two orbs were announced, similar things would happen again.


But Teng Jun no longer wants to have a second Lie Kongzai capture plan, which consumes a lot of manpower and material resources. In the end, only things that fail have no value in existence.

And will smear him.

At present, everyone who knows the relationship between the two orbs and the gods of time and space has been given a gag order, perhaps this gag order can only last for a few years.

But Teng Jun has confidence in He Duo, and as the main proposer of the reserve, he will definitely find a way.


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