Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 784

Chapter 777: :

He Duo didn’t want to say it, but Deoxys was intrigued, and repeatedly asked what TV series it was and why it couldn’t be seen.

“Out of print!”

Moon Ibrahimovic came out to wipe Heido’s ass, he rolled his eyes and said, “The video tapes are out of print for very early things, and there is no backup on the Internet. You should die.”

In these matters, Moon Ibrahimovic seems to have more authority than He Duo. He Duo said that he did not believe in the three, but he believed the three.

This made He Duo’s expression a little strange.

The matter of eating the deflated dragon is no longer mentioned.

From the universe to the planet, Deoxys has stayed on the Heteromagnetic Mountain for more than two years. Longing for freedom and the mountains and rivers, it has long been unable to bear it, and wants to go outside the Heteromagnetic Mountain.

So it discussed with He Duo to go out for a walk.

He Duo naturally took it upon himself to walk around, why did he have to report to him?

Individual Three responded that this is not afraid of someone breaking into the mountain.

Those few stupefied young men who had been rushing through the mountains before were all watched by the three individuals.

To be honest, before the five people came, Individual Three actually took He Duo’s words as alarmist.

It’s not a fool who only listens to He Duo’s words and believes what he says.

There are no fools in high-intelligence beings, especially after they have come into contact with the mixed things like the Internet.

Maybe the previous Deoxys was pure enough, but at this time, it has been more than half a year since He Duo knew it, and it is not as easy to fool as before.

Including Heduo’s move to put it in the Poké Ball, Deoxys also knows the secret inside, but does it care?

not give a **** about.

Whose Poké Ball can trap it forever if it wants to?

It can be trapped for a while, but it cannot be trapped for a lifetime.

It’s nothing more than trust and Heduo’s behavior in accepting it into the Poké Ball is justified.

“Then why don’t you just keep your clone, and there are people watching on the mountain… You don’t want to go out for a week or a month, do you?”

He Duo was surprised.

Do you want to go outside so much?

The yearning of the three individuals for freedom and nature is incomprehensible to Heido, and the difference in physiological structure is doomed to have a gap between Hedo and its ideas.

It was as if Heiduo had no idea why Liebite Lu Shark was so interested in swallowing gravel with his mouth.

In humans, this is pica.

“No, no, no, how is it possible, I’ll just walk around, I’ll be back in the evening, by the way, I’m going to your gym as a guest, remember to bring out the delicious food.”

Deoxys said so.

This kind of life should have no digestive system, taste buds, or even a mouth, but it seems that because of its natural human-like appearance, even if its body is a huge glass bead, it can still create a mouth for itself by changing its body.

It is a pity that it is impossible to poop, and the substances that its body cannot ingest will be silently excreted in the form of particles.

These include but are not limited to proteins, etc.

For Individual Three, its staple food should be electromagnetic waves, magnetic fields, and cosmic rays, and it can even absorb the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared rays emitted by the sun.

It looks like some grass-type elf.

However, these things are like boiled water that can eat a full stomach to Deoxys, who is trying to simulate the taste nerves of taste buds. It is true that there is no taste.

Haddor was curious about converting food into energy, shouldn’t it be an inefficient way to obtain energy? Why would Deoxys be willing to come by inefficiently?

The individual Sanpeng refuted He Duo sternly, telling him that this is called enjoying life, trying to get in touch with new things and new knowledge.

It’s not as inefficient as he said.

In order to enjoy life, the aliens just gave their bodies the taste nerves.

In the previous life, if Heiduo dared to tell others like this, he would most likely be slashed with contempt in his eyes.

By the way, the world in the eyes of Deoxys is different from the world in the eyes of Hei Duo, which He Duo only learned later.

More importantly, it has two pairs of eyes in this race.

A pair of eyes is used to interpret the aurora. These eyes are extremely easily affected by electromagnetic waves. If the electromagnetic fluctuation is large, it may be difficult to distinguish objects, but it can make it see through the information hidden in the aurora and improve the sensitivity to energy. Spend.

With it, Deoxys can look directly at the sun, ignore the sun’s ultraviolet rays, see the boundless starry sky through the atmosphere during the day, penetrate the seabed, and see the unknown elves in the dark trenches.

The other pair is normal eyes, but not normal either.

Like a dog in a previous life who was partially colorblind, Deoxy’s optic nerves allow him to see more colors than humans.

The difference between rose gold, champagne gold, and gold dust, Deochis can recognize at a glance, and plausibly discuss their huge gap with Ibrahimovic Moon, but for some people, gold is gold.

However, women are extremely talented in this regard, and they are all red, but there are countless red lipsticks.

From this point of view, Deoxys is a more perfect creature than human beings.

It’s a pity that this perfect creature can’t have children in theory.

What is there to say in “Super Body”?

When a cell discovers that it cannot inherit DNA, it is primed for immortality.

Because of immortality, it is impossible to have descendants, presumably most of the legendary elves are like this…

Oh, the prince of Canghai, Manaphy, and the commoner of Canghai, Fiona, are not counted. These two are special cases.

After Deoxys changed into a speed form, the thin guy kindly invited Hedo to sit on its back and enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature together.

He Duo didn’t know whether the natural wind was beautiful or not, but he knew that if he sat on it, the wind would blow his hair out.

The speed form Deoxys has a natural speed of 180, which is the fastest among the known Pokémon.

Unless you get crazy, it’s not that bad.

“Go on your own, goodbye, just remember to come back.”

He said goodbye three times to the individual that split into countless individuals. Hei Duo watched as it broke through the gas barrier like a supersonic fighter jet, pulled out a huge smoke ring, and left a line of flowing clouds visible to the naked eye behind him. Cishan rushed out of the sky.

The air wall didn’t get in the way of it.

Deoxys has also become a “native” elf in this mountain, but it’s a pity that plants are not considered a ticket to go out, otherwise it would be so troublesome to use.

Moreover, Heiduo has not yet figured out why the air wall is so intelligent, and only native elves can enter and exit. Is it possible that he has spent more time in different dimensions and has cosmic energy on his body?

Not impossible.

When Deoxys went out, Hedo had no reason to stay on Heteromagnetic Mountain.

Seven or eight clones stood on the altar of the Pillar of Spears like faithful guardians, and it was estimated that they would not move if no strangers came.

Come outside.

Before Heiduo teleported back to the gymnasium, Uncle Xiali stepped on the head of a self-exploding magnetite to find the door.

“The high-speed camera we used to monitor just now caught something flying out of the Heteromagnetic Mountain, isn’t that your elf?”

He threw a few pictures over.

He Duo took it and glanced at it, thinking that there is no need to use a high-speed camera. The flight speed in the air is relative to the human eye. Deoxys can’t do several kilometers per second. The human eye can observed.

Its speed profile is at most Mach two at most, not even Mach two.

“It’s… a new species of elf? Like Moonstone and Sun Rock, it’s all from aliens and landed on Heteromagnetic Mountain. It’s a native.”

He Duo is very honest, because there is no need to be a secret, the existence of elves in the universe is not a question mark for the Ranger Alliance, which has a lot of ecological information on elves. They know very well that in the past years, some elves did come from the sky. above.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that Xiali won’t be surprised when he hears it.

But only surprised. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Charlie has no intention of exploring Hedor’s personal secrets, and it’s good to know what Deoxys is.

He didn’t even bother to ask Heido for the information to be compiled into the database of the Rangers Alliance, so he left with a cigarette in his mouth.

However, because the hot soot fell on the forehead of the weak self-exploding magnet, a lot of old Uncle Charley unfortunately felt the happiness of the silly thing.

It’s not dangerous, just perm his head for free and make a broom shape.

Shaking his head, he returned to the gym.

The first thing I did first was to touch the study room to check what Luo Geng was doing.

Children’s learning generally relies on parental supervision, and very few people can have strong self-control, let go of the temptation of the outside world, and squat in the room all day and night to read books and do problems.

Luo Geng is obviously the latter. When he was young, he was tortured by a question and had a headache. He was biting the pen. Behind him, the otter stepped on the belly of the seal ball and played in the study.

The two looked silly and chattering, giggling.

ho! good guy!

An extraterritorial demon at close range!

He Duo knew very well how tempting it was for the children who were learning that someone was playing behind them.

He couldn’t hold back in his previous life.

And Luo Geng in front of him actually held back.

It seems that I really want to learn something.

He Duo nodded with satisfaction, the seven-year-old child can recognize what he wants, and he doesn’t care about the outside world—

Before he finished admiring, he saw Luo Geng shouting irritably, turned his head and rushed towards the two elves, fighting with them, shouting: “This problem is too difficult, I can’t do it. I! No! Think! Learn! La!”

Crazy venting of emotions.

It seems that there is still influence from the outside world, otherwise, they will not turn their heads and throw themselves at the seal ball. Obviously, part of their mind is on the two elves.

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