Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 787

Chapter 780: : Full Level Move

Twice a year, decision-making meeting.

It is still open in Manjin City. With the fall of the Four Heavenly Kings, the Quartz Plateau has become more and more inferior to Manjin City. If Kanto already has a champion, but the city has not yet, perhaps there will be a day when the Quartz Plateau is small. The Elf Association will be annexed by the Manjin City Elf Association.

Of course, the annexation is speculation. No matter how the Quartz Plateau is inferior to Manjin City, there is no such thing as annexation.

Unless the Kanto and the city become one, but those are unrealistic things.

This time Heido came early, and he didn’t see the red and green outside, so he just didn’t want to wait, so he went in directly.

The meeting room was empty, and there were a few people He Duo didn’t know. He was the most flattering among the sixteen gym trainers.

Sit quietly with your eyes closed.

For the title of the leader of the gym trainer this time, he can be considered to have used all the personal networks that he can use, from Yunsheng to his father, to Aso Abi, as long as he can get tickets, he basically pulls all the tickets. come over.

There is also a request from Dr. Damu. The latter does not mind sending He Duo such a favor, but he does not understand why He Duo does not work hard to become the regional champion and wants to be the leader of the gym trainer.

Naturally, he couldn’t understand He Duo’s fear of trouble and the harsh conditions for Goldfinger to upgrade his moves.

After sitting for half an hour.

A lot of people came one after another, including Xiao Chun and Xiao Song, who wanted to say hello to Hei Duo, but when he saw his eyes closed, he thought he was asleep and didn’t make a sound.

Crimson arrived early, sitting in the front row of champions, well-behaved, God knows what he has experienced in the past six months, the whole person’s style of painting is different.

From the short little kid in the past, he has completely turned into an extremely handsome young man with a thin body but bright eyes.

Vibrant Gym trainer Qinglu arrived late. Compared with Crimson, his change was much smaller, but his height seemed to be much taller than Crimson, and his hairstyle was as always killing Matt, which made people wonder if he used it in the end. How much hairspray is needed to maintain this Nightmane rockwolf hairstyle.

His grandfather and his sister have normal hairstyles, right?

Handsome as always.

nine in the morning.

The meeting started on time, and He Duo opened his eyes.

He said hello to Xiao Chun and Asong who were sitting on both sides.

I thought that Ami would compete with him for the position of Gym trainer leader, but I never thought that Ami had no idea of competing with him at all, but this was a conflict between the provincial Heiduo and Ami.

It’s a pity that He Duo’s qualifications are still too shallow in the end.

Originally, it did not need to be voted on, and could be appointed directly. As long as it was established at the decision-making meeting, it was just like the establishment of a protected area. The chief position announced was only less than half a year after He Duo officially took office. veto.

He thinks that it is difficult to convince Heiduo to become the leader of the gym trainer.

I don’t even know who this crowd is.

And He Duo’s reputation is not very good among the people, all of which is due to the media who like to do things but are ignored by him.

These people ate behind closed doors at Heido and did not get any intelligence or useful information, so in order to make the article shocking and eye-catching, they took a lot of yin and yang headlines.

In addition, there are many people who are just lemons on the Internet.

Therefore, He Duo has no reputation on the Internet.

He Duo himself didn’t care much, and he didn’t rely on fame to eat, and the money in his hand was enough for him to live happily for a lifetime.

Besides, what impact other people’s words on the Internet can have on him, it is impossible to ban his gym trainer.

Teng Jun appealed based on He Duo’s actual performance and was rejected again, followed by three rejections.

There is a very boring rule involved here.

When a certain matter is rejected by the chairman of the association three times, the proposer can choose to report the matter to the decision-making meeting, which will be decided by the more than 300 decision-making table members present.

In short, it’s up to a vote.

He Duo didn’t know what the **** rules were. He only knew that things that didn’t need to be so troublesome were complicated by Damalanqi, a dead old man.

Confused old man.

Hei Duo has always had a bad impression on this short stature, with only a handful of curly hair. After all, this guy can tell nonsense at Zhenghui with his eyes open, and firmly deny that there are Rockets in the gym trainers in the Kanto area. Inner ghost.

Since then, Heido has known that this guy is not a good bird. Maybe the Rockets can make waves in Kanto because of his help.

There are eight gyms in total, five are related to the Rockets, and three are innocent. Does the chairman of your association know?

This is playing people like monkeys.

Sooner or later you will get Alzheimer’s!

He Duo cursed Damalanqi silently in his heart. He would definitely not be able to take revenge now. The chairman of the association is not a top trainer in Manjin City or the boss of a certain company. From his position in the center of the conference room, he can See the excellence of this position.

In theory, the various forces of the alliance have equal relations with each other, but whether it is the regional police, the elf center or the major chaebols, which one does not need to look at the face of the association?

The center of the alliance is undoubtedly the Elf Association, and the chairman of the association is a leader with more than 10,000 people under one person, more than the regional champion.

At least before a person of this status retires, Heido has no way to trouble him openly. After all, the reason is very legitimate. [With actual performance, no qualifications], what is the qualification, it is the time spent in one position, this period Qualifications and experience that have grown over time.

Gym trainer leaders are different from champions. Champions can be beaten, but gym trainer leaders cannot.

Champions are those who are capable, and the leader of gym trainers is different.

The two positions are very different, but Goldfinger has turned them into an equal sign.

All the boring content will be skipped. From the end of last year to March this year, there was no major event. Basically, it was already decided. There were only a few things that had nothing to do with He Duo.

at last.

The main event is on.

Teng Jun silently said what He Duo had been waiting for for a long time.

Except for the changes in the expressions of a few people present, the others were very calm. He Duo had said hello before.

Old-fashioned voting.

It stands to reason that the position of the head of the gym trainer He Duo exists to restrain the gym trainer, and it has nothing to do with 90% of the people present, or even more.

Because the Gym trainer leader in Chengdu is only used to restrain himself, including eight people.

In addition, there are no competitors, and with the contacts He Duo has, consent is 100%.

In fact it will.

Eight people in Chengdu voted in favor, six people in Kanto voted in favor, and two abstained.

– Ma Zhishi and Na Zi.

He Duo has nothing to do with Ma Zhishi and Na Zi. His relationship with Na Zi is bad in a sense, but they don’t want to fight He Duo completely, so they abstained from the vote, and they don’t stand on the wall, because they have no relationship with them. It doesn’t matter, they don’t care.

But what Heiduo didn’t expect was that other people would actually vote against this kind of thing that was basically finalized, something that had nothing to do with them.

There are many people in Kanto. He Duo glanced at them. They were basically members of the Quartz Plateau Association.

There are few people in the city, and they are also related to the association.

This made Heduo suddenly vigilant.

Yes, vigilance, not anger.

Among the 400 people present, there may be people who are greedy for money, but there will be no fools.

He Duo himself is not a fool, and when he found something was wrong, he glanced at Yu Jian and Teng Jun from afar.

The former had his back to him, his waist straight.

The latter narrowed his eyes, the cold light reflecting on his glasses.

So it turns out, are you getting involved in such a boring thing again?

Heiduo sighed. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. For the sake of order and to reduce disputes in a civilized society, it is not allowed to put swords and guns on the bright side, but because of this, there are undercurrents and factions.

The Alliance is a loose organization, but it is also an organization, and there are always people who disagree.

Places like the Pokémon Association are not immune.

He Duo and Teng Jun were too close to each other before they were dragged in.

So sometimes big trees are not so reliable.

Hearing the sound of the relevant conditions being fulfilled in his ears, He Duo left early that night on the grounds that he was not feeling well.

He was going back to try his first full-level move.

Teng Jun has no opinion on this. He has no place for Heiduo to help him in this meeting.

All the elves gathered in the training hall, which was completed in time.

The Internet addiction trio cannot be avoided, and even the two mythical beasts have to return to their original appearance.

The first full-level move, this is undoubtedly a very important thing for Hedor.

He even had a professional video camera ready.

Lugia and Deoxys are also very curious about the magical power that Hedo has. They have more or less felt the new power given to them by Hedo. The source of this power seems a little inexplicable, as if they should have Yes, but undiscovered power.

And Heiduo led them all out.

The two mythical beasts, especially the former, were once surprised. Is the trainer such a miraculous existence?

Later, Lugia knew that this was a magical power that belonged to Heduo alone, and that no one else had.

Now it seems that his ability has a new breakthrough?

Lugia watched the blissfully biting Lu Shark come forward at He Duo’s call~www.readwn.com~ curiosity swelled to the point of explosion.

The first elf to get a full-level move is undoubtedly the stinging land shark.

Even if the current Heido dislikes this guy very much, its ace status is still unshakable.

It is also ranked first among the Big Three, and the first full-level move must be handed over to it.

As for what trick.

Still need to think.

The core move of Bite Lu Shark is a new [Reverse Scale] that must be used before a serious fight.

He Duo is looking forward to the huge changes that the full-level inverse scales can bring to the Lu Shark.


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