Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 789

Chapter 782: : The Power Of The Waveguide With New Advances

Perhaps the full-level fusion ultimate technique of the three mega elves created too much momentum.

As the culprit, Hedo was checked again by the water meter.

“Why is it always you.” Fei Liu sighed, since Uncle Xia Li left the stall and ran away without paying attention, his backup stationmaster has completely changed from the “idle” young man he used to be in the past. The chief ranger who goes to bed earlier than chickens and sleeps later than dogs.

“To be honest, I don’t want to come next time. Every time something big happens on Baiyin Mountain, it’s all about you. Every time I come, it’s a waste of time.”

“You have to be thankful that it’s me. It’s more troublesome if you don’t run in vain, right? I advise you to come here next time. This kind of thing can’t be sloppy. If something happens, will you have a good conscience?”

“It’s because I can’t make it through!”

Fei Liu slammed Hei Duo’s shoulder with a punch, complaining, “Next time, I’ll make a report and report it. It’s very tiring every time I run all the way here. Please be considerate and considerate of me, bro.”

“Don’t you take the initiative to come and patrol once a week, so you should be early.” He Duo waved his hand and said nonchalantly, doing this kind of thing in other places will undoubtedly cause more trouble than this, and it is impossible to isolate others in the deep mountains and old forests. s eyes.

After all, such a large-scale smoke cloud is basically no different from a volcanic eruption, not to mention mechanical monitoring equipment, which can be seen by the human eye.

Fei Liu rolled his eyes, didn’t want to speak, turned his head silently and left, but it wasn’t because he didn’t want to send the monitoring magnets over, it was mainly because the Silver Mountain world was different from other places, and wild elves rushed into the wild where they would live here. The elf sees it as a provocation.

Means come to pick things up, want to fight.

Even if it is a misunderstanding in the end, you have to fight and think about other things.

Moreover, the Silver Mountain is still a little far from the protected area. When the little magnetite flies over, it is estimated that the matter is over.

Feiliu, as Xiali’s successor, is the only one who can take on this important task, and neither can anyone else.

“You’re leaving now?”

“Why don’t you go, I haven’t finished writing this week’s report.”

“Report, you still have to write a report.”

“That’s not it, one article a week, summarizing what happened in the entire reserve, make a summary and submit it.”

Having said that, Fei Liu bent down, showing a very tired expression, “This is obviously not my job…”

“It’s been hard work.”

He Duo patted Feiliu on the shoulder with pity, most of the reports were sent to him by Xiali, but why was Xiali so idle when he was the stationmaster, and Feiliu looked like his body was hollowed out?

After all, the old fried dough stick is the old fried dough stick, and the ability to fish is stronger than others. I hope that one day Heiduo can be like Xiali, who has been fishing all day long, but he can do the serious things well.

At this time, fishing is no longer just a normal fishing, but an upright fishing!

“Let’s go, I won’t talk to you anymore.”

Fei Liu left with his lifelong friend, the Scorpio King.

Not only the rangers of the reserve were frightened by this powerful move, but also the local elves of Silver Mountain.

As the boss of Silver Mountain, Banquilas ran down from Silver Mountain and wanted to trouble Heiduo with a dissatisfied face.

He Duo has always been very kind to the big boss Banquilas who once sheltered him, opened the door for him, and even was willing to hand over his descendants to him.

After a while with it, it was over.

People just came to protest.

Moreover, Heiduo really surprised many aborigines of Baiyin Mountain. Some of the well-informed people even thought that the Baiyin Volcano, which had not erupted for thousands of years, suddenly erupted. Of course, some people in the outside world thought so.

It’s just that these guys from Silver Mountain knew that it wasn’t a volcanic eruption after they went out of the cave, but Heiduo was doing something.

Because Heiduo’s training ground has always been fixed, the entire Silver Mountain has only normal human thinking ability, and knows who the territory is in that direction.

Even wild elves are still like this, not to mention humans.

The people who stayed in Baiyin Town and prepared for the new Silver Conference were also the discoverers of this “catastrophic”. They reported it to the headquarters of the Manjin City Elf Association in time and tried to get in touch with the reserve.

It is definitely impossible to send someone here. The danger of Baiyin Mountain is a well-known thing, and it is impossible for Baiyin Mountain to riot in Baiyin Town a few years ago.


Anyone who knows about Silver Mountain thinks so.

There are also Leng Touqing who don’t believe in evil, but that kind of person can’t even get close to Baiyin Mountain, let alone go to Baiyin Mountain.

Forests are still dangerous.

Many territorial wild pixies are very repulsive of foreign invaders.

In short.

After many twists and turns, Teng Jun’s call came to He Duo’s elf gear.

“What happened to Baiyin Mountain, did you do it?”

“Almost.” He Duo gave an ambiguous answer. The scale of the attack was indeed beyond his expectations. To be honest, if he hadn’t experienced it himself, he wouldn’t believe that his elf could achieve such a level. .


“Accurately, my three elves worked together to do it.” He Duo is very honest, “Didn’t I say before that when I became the leader of the gym trainer, my strength would improve, but now my strength has improved.”

This answer made Teng Jun speechless for a long time. To be honest, Teng Jun didn’t think he took seriously what He Duo said to him before, that becoming a leader can improve his strength.

Because it’s too nonsense, if the strength of the trainers is improved like this, then the streets are full of top trainers.

“as long as you are happy.”

Teng Jun hung up the phone. Since He Duo did it, he was relieved, but he knew that this matter was not over yet.

He Duo’s strength far exceeded his expectations, such power exceeded the limit that ordinary elf could show, and such terrifying power was in the hands of a young man who had just grown up…

Fortunately, He Duo is now a gym trainer, belonging to his own, and he still understands He Duo’s temperament.

Otherwise, Teng Jun is really worried that he will be detrimental to the current society, an organization like the Rockets.

Chaos breeds ambition, and great power breeds ambition.

The so-called wielding a weapon in the heart, killing one’s self-starter.

There is no difference between a powerful elf and a sharp weapon, and it can easily deprive a person of his life.

If Heiduo let go of his hands and feet, he could even slaughter people in an entire city in a short period of time. Of course, if he encountered resistance during the period, it would not be so smooth, and people would resist anyway, right?

What happened outside had nothing to do with Heido.

He didn’t even bother to pay attention.

After training until the night, he slowly walked back to the secret base that he had not returned to for a long time.

After the meal, Heiduo trotted to the woods where the female giant pincer mantis was, and walked inside while digesting food.

The elf is a very magical creature. It was only a few months after the elf egg was born, but the height of the flying mantis has risen to 1.5 meters.

One meter five, which is just the average height of the flying mantis, it is a life that goes against biological common sense.


The Flying Mantis, who sensed Heido’s arrival in the tree hole, flew out excitedly. The life he saw when he was born as a Flying Mantis, although he did not regard him as a parent as described in some novels, he was still very fond of Hei. Duo was unusually close.

It’s a pity that this guy has two sharp weapons, He Duo can’t bear this guy’s coquetry.

The Flying Mantis is a natural fighting race. Its agile skills, light body, and sharp double knives are all it should be proud of. Although it escapes from a mantis, it is far more dangerous than a small creature like a mantis. .

He released the giant pincer mantis to reunite their family. He Duo did not stop there. He has not completely mastered the advanced use of the power of the wave guide. Now that he has Lucario’s full-level wave missile as the guide, he may be able to master it faster.

Together with Lucario, while walking up the mountain, use the power of the waveguide to cover the whole body or individual parts.

The Silver Mountain at night has a unique flavor, that is, there is no embellishment of fireflies and the cricket’s call, which has always been considered very annoying, is a bit insufficient.

But under the moonlight, in the small pool halfway up the mountain, the mosquito-repellent frog emperor led mosquito-repellent frogs and mosquito-repellent tadpoles, stepping on lotus leaves and lotus flowers and chanting with their heads raised, which seemed very pleasant to Heiduo.

“The power of waveguide… um…”

He Duo sighed as he felt the waveguide that was surrounded by his body, but couldn’t stand firm. ~www.readwn.com~ This is easier said than done. In the waveguide, He Duo has never been considered a genius, so he has never made progress. .

Goldfinger didn’t know the power level of the waveguide, so he could only figure it out by himself.

I hope that one day I can release a wave missile like Lucario… It should be impossible, the wave guide force required to form the wave missile is too much, and the wave guide power in Heduo is far from enough.


Lucario is also training his full-level wave missile. Its waveguide control ability is much higher than that of Heido. After all, this is its own power, and humans are just imitators.

By the way, the power of Lucario’s waveguide guides Heduo’s waveguide. The waveguide and attribute energy are different, and familiar energies from different individuals will repel each other, and even those with the same attribute will repel each other.

But the waveguide is different. Although the waveguide is derived from the fighting attribute energy, it is an extremely gentle force, which can be controlled by consciousness to achieve the result of coexistence.

“Climbed to the top.”

Before he knew it, He Duo and Lucario had reached the top of Silver Mountain.

Baiyin Mountain is inaccessible, and the sky is naturally free of pollutants. Looking up, you can see the stars are shining, like a colorful galaxy hanging from the sky.

Every time he watched this shocking scene, He Duo maintained a deep sense of awe.

Such a beautiful scenery is something that He Duo, who used to be an urbanite, has never seen before.

For some reason, He Duo, who saw this scene, seemed to have the help of a god, and accidentally stranded part of the power of the waveguide on the knife in his hand, and it didn’t go away for a long time.

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