Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 79

Chapter 79: : Combination Of Work And Rest

this day.

Manjin City Pedestrian Street.

He Duo was sitting on a bench by the sidewalk, holding a glass of ice cream in his hand, eating one bite at a time.

Beside him are his little elves.

This is He Duo’s opinion, the most leisurely, quietest and most comfortable place in Manjin City.

In the slightly dark yellow street, pedestrians and elves strolled leisurely and enjoyed a moment of tranquility.

On the two most sides are three-story brown-yellow bungalows, neatly planned, without any superfluous signs and facilities, and all the windowsills have bright flowers and plants and low-hanging spider plants. Facing the street, there are various shops, including snacks, restaurants, and other strange shops.

But it is not as noisy as the snack street.

Beside the flower beds that can be seen everywhere on the roadside, there are wild elves playing in it—beautiful flowers are dancing; Otachi and Otachi are playing while sniffing the fragrance of the flowers; sometimes they are scared by the hidden sunflower monsters. Jump, turn around and think about chasing Sunflower Seeds.

Marie Luli and Marie Lu are watering the flowers, which is their hard work for many years; on the side, Lu Lili is playing a tailgating game with a blue.

Pedestrians will not disturb them, because these elves are the elves who are responsible for the maintenance of the entire block. There is no trainer, it is better to have a trainer.

In front of the flower beds are tall plane trees (similar species), lined up in two rows, guarding the road, their dense brown foliage huddled together to provide shade, but not dullness sense.

The sun shines through the treetops on the floor tiles of various colors and patterns, forming light spots. When the breeze blows, the leaves tremble, and the light spots sway in the rustling sound.

Peaceful, cozy, relaxing.

Haddor wanted to live here his whole life if he could.


The electric shock monster ruthlessly broke He Duo’s dull mood.

In its hands, there is a clean ice cream paper cup with no residue left.

This sweet tooth lover can always eat clean and sugary food at an unexpected speed. He Duo suspects that this guy is Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, and he has no taste at all.

Having said that, since Kristall’s family’s bean paste cake was finished, the Electric Shock Monster encouraged Heduo to go to Kikyo City from time to time to supply it.

But the reality is that Kristal’s teahouse is a high-end line, and the consumption level is above the middle and high levels, which is not something that Heiduo can afford now.

Therefore, the bean paste cake, which is not helpful for the growth of the electric shock monster, but can only delight its body and mind, has been shelved indefinitely.

Fortunately, the electric shock monster is sensible. In He Duo’s well-reasoned remarks, he reluctantly gave up his thirst for bean paste cakes and chose to “meet” it in his dreams.


“You ate three servings today! No more!” He Duo refused the request of the Electric Shock Monster for another bowl.

Raising a pixie is like raising a child, you can’t always follow its will, because it needs to be taught before it can understand good or bad.

If Heido didn’t stop it in time, this guy could eat ice cream until his stomach hurts and he can’t get out of bed the next day.

Hearing that there was no ice cream to eat, the Shock Monster turned his head to look at his companion, and angrily smashed the paper cup into a ball and kicked it into the trash.

A tail stand was startled by the “unidentified substance” that crossed its head.


This guy came to trouble the Shock Monster in a rage.

The Electric Shock Monster didn’t care, it didn’t think this “cute” could do anything to it.

But the tail was stopped by a big tail who didn’t know if it was his parents or what.

“Yo!” Daweili pulled his body with a serious look on his face.

Wild elves are the most taboo to find trouble with the trainer’s elves, try to endure it as much as possible, because no one will support them.

Otachi was very angry, but he took his steps back.

Seeing this, Heiduo thought for a moment, put down the ice cream, took out a few small fruits from his backpack, and approached the tails.

The Otachi people instantly showed a vigilant look, there are always a few idle people in the world who wantonly oppress them.

“I’m sorry, this guy has caused you trouble.” He Duo pulled the electric shock monster with one hand, forcing it to bow its head to the tailstanders.

The Electric Shock was puzzled, but he obeyed obediently.

The frightened tail looked at Heiduo who was apologizing to them, and then looked at the stooped Shock Monster (this guy had no neck), and called out twice.

To the effect that it’s all right, it’s a small matter.

But he refused to accept the fruit He Duo handed over for fear of poisoning.

They, who have been living in human cities for a long time, once saw their companions eating gifts from strangers, and after dying in pain, they no longer spoke up.

Some lessons are learned through pain.

The sympathetic Heiduo immediately broke off a small piece of each fruit, put it in his mouth and swallowed it.

The juice overflowed from the gap and was very sweet.

They are fruits specially bought by Heiduo as a reward. They are moderately priced, rich in nutrients and vitamins, and are much more cost-effective than bean paste cakes. Now one of the new favorites of the Shock Monster.

The tails looked at each other and took the fruit excitedly.

Heiduo is so sincere, how can they be shrewd not knowing?

As the elf supported by the street, they can’t eat very good things, but they are enough to survive. As for the fruit… If they remember correctly, the last time they ate fruit was three months ago, from a grandma in a flower shop.

The tails were eating fruit, and Hei Duo squatted on the side to watch. To be honest, he was very satisfied.

The Electric Shock Monster raised his head and sighed, the impulse is the devil, how many math problems do you have to do tonight? Wouldn’t it be a test paper?

I already knew that I lost it when I walked over, Gan!

In order to effectively improve the intelligence of the fangtooth land sharks, learning has never disappeared in Heiduo’s team, including Heiduo himself, as long as he is free, he will definitely go to the library to borrow books.

Knowledge is power, some people take it as a joke, but Hedor takes it as the truth.


With a light sound, the tailstanders were slightly startled, and looked up to find that the good man who gave them the fruit was holding a small cube in his hand and aimed at them.

It’s this thing again!

They bowed their heads as if nothing had happened, and it was not the first time they had seen the camera. Usually, someone would take a camera and click here.

He Duo looked at the effect of the photo and nodded with satisfaction.

This is a camera he bought for a thousand dollars. It has its own camera and camera functions, and it is a new product.

Don’t wonder why cameras are so cheap, trainers often ask for more money elsewhere, and if the price is set high, they will lose a lot of potential customers.

The current price is not unprofitable.

“Goodbye!” He Duo smiled and waved goodbye to these cute little creatures. Photos can purify people’s hearts, whether it’s a beautiful environment or a cute little elves.

After sending them away, it’s time to talk about the Shocker.

“You guy can really cause trouble!” He Duo reluctantly pinched the electric shock monster’s face.

The electric shock monster looked away embarrassedly. It wasn’t intentional. God knows if you throw a garbage, the elf will suddenly run past the trash can!

“Don’t be so rude! Be thin! Can you do it, you!” He Duo once again warned that carelessness is the biggest problem with the electric shock monster. It often doesn’t care about things other than battle and sweets, and it’s nice to say it. Looking at the six directions and listening to all directions, the hardest thing to say is that you are wandering!

“Beep beep!” The electric shock monster hmmmm, the concept of carefulness and carelessness is very vague, it moves less, He Duo can’t tell whether it has become more careful.

It’s obviously something that doesn’t need to be paid attention to, so why be so careful?

After Ibrahimovic took the last bite of ice cream, he threw the garbage with a plastic spoon and a cardboard box in his mouth.

“Where to go next? Elf Center?” Ibrahimovic asked.

It was nearly mid-July.

He Duo’s study time under Yu Jian is coming to an end.

As time went on, Yu Jian became more and more dissatisfied with Heiduo knowing how to practice swords and nurture elves every day and every night, and scolded him this morning, hoping that he could give himself and the fangtooth land sharks a relaxing time to play in the golden city. Chance.

He Duo didn’t understand that Yujian had to give himself a vacation when the time was so tight, but he was right, they really need to relax~www.readwn.com~ Playing is good for their physical and mental growth.

“Do you want to go to the amusement park?” He Duo asked for everyone’s opinions and received unanimous praise.

Except for a lazy snake, elves are always curious about the unknown.

Fang Fang Lu shark with a bitter face, poked He Duo’s waist with his fingers.

He has an endless supply of ice cream in his hand, and this waste of food makes him uncomfortable, but his low temperature tolerance obviously makes it unbearable for this kind of low temperature food.

Having said that, I have to mention the impact of “cold” on the fangtooth land shark.

In He Duo’s cognition, he always thought that the fangtooth land shark was only the inferior ice attribute in terms of attributes, and could not stand ice attribute moves.

But he was wrong. Fang Lu Shark couldn’t stand not only moves, but also ice cubes, ice water, cold wind, and air conditioners.

This made Heduo wonder about the impact of winter on the fangtooth shark.

Like the earth, the Pokémon world has four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the temperature varies from season to season.

The fangtooth shark starts to frown when it encounters wind and water below 5 degrees (tested), so does it mean that the fangtooth shark’s strength will be greatly reduced in winter?

That’s too embarrassing, why is it so scientific.

He Duo didn’t understand this setting very much, but since the elves were born out of real animals and have similar habits, it is not surprising that this situation occurs.

In the same way, under the sun, the sunflower monster will be more courageous, but Tura will be eager to hide in a shady place.

vice versa.

If the sun is hot enough, Sun Blaze probably doesn’t need to be charged, which is much better than driving the weather.

No wonder the league conference and the Champions League are generally held in spring and autumn. The influence of temperature and season on the Pokémon is too exaggerated.

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