Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 901

Chapter 894: : Darkrai Homecoming

Take Xiaolan around the gymnasium.

In fact, most of the people in the gym know Xiao Lan.

The last time she came was before the Emerald episode, but Li Xiang and Du Wu had also been working for a few months at that time.

When He Duo introduced them, he thought that the three sisters could form a friendship. He never thought that the three of them were friendly on the surface, but in fact, neither of them had any idea of deepening their communication.

The atmosphere is also a bit weird.

Later, when He Duo and Moon Ibrahimovic discussed it, they knew the reason.

At the same time, I regret that Du Wu and Lixiang may not choose to stay in the gym after graduation.

Although his gym is so fishy, he doesn’t need such capable physical therapists and doctors.

But there is no way, Xiaolan didn’t ask him to take the initiative to draw a clear line with the two girls.


Little Blue stayed in Millennium Town for a week.

I took a good stroll around the Millennium Town with different architectural styles and mixed cultures from many regions.

On the eighth day, He Duo offered to take her on a trip.

The target location is Otomare, the background stage of the animated theatrical version of “The Guardian of the Water City”.

The prototype is a floating city, an island off the coast of Venice.

It is also the place where the eternal elves Latios and Lattias live in seclusion.

Of course, this pair of siblings is not the same pair as the siblings in the special chapter, and there are more than one pair of these two mythical beasts.

Since it was a young couple traveling, this time Heido took only three elves out for the first time.

Two tool people, the only single dog in the Big Three, electric shock monsters.

Bite Lu Shark went to Shenhe Town to find his wife and unborn cub.

Moon Ibrahimovic originally wanted to follow. It had wanted to go to Aldo Mare for a long time, and it was also the one who first discovered Aldo Mare’s existence.

As a result, He Duo was decisively rejected.

The main reason for this guy wanting to go to Aldo Mare is to go to the secret garden to find the Drops of Heart and the Shuidu brothers and sisters. It’s okay for a protagonist like Xiao Zhi to go there. Is he going to do something?

He and Xiaolan were traveling. It doesn’t matter if they see the water or not. It’s natural to see them, and there’s no need to force them if they don’t.

It’s not that I haven’t seen it.

After getting it, He Duo had to promise Moon Ibrahimovic that he would go again when he was free.

Moon Ibrahimovic, who knew He Duo’s promise to be reliable, immediately agreed.

He Duo and Xiao Lan also got on the cruise ship to Odomare.

a week later.

The Odomare tour has come to a successful conclusion.

Xiao Lan was sent back to True New Town by Hedo, with many gifts bought from Aldo Mare.

As well as tons of accessories and nice little shoes.

The girl had a great time, and bluntly said that this trip was the happiest time in her life.

Then Heiduo thought about it, and found that this girl probably did not travel more than one hand when she grew up.

But even so, it was enough to prove that He Duo perfectly fulfilled his duties as a boyfriend.

It was a little consolation for Hedor’s hard work over the past week.

Sure enough, no matter which world you are in, going shopping with your girlfriend is one of the things that men are most afraid of.

Not only physical fatigue, but also mental fatigue.

Back to the gym.

“Are you comfortable playing?”

Moon Ibrahimovic looked at He Duo with a bad expression, with a look of ignorance on your face.


He Duo slumped on the sofa, not wanting to move.

The salted fish on the side came over and smelled it. It was not enough to smell it once, so I smelled it in another place.

“What are you smelling?” He Duo turned to look at it.

Xianyu said: “Moon Ibrahimovic said that mature men will emit a smell that is completely different from before – woo! Why are you pressing me?”

Before it could finish speaking, it was held down by Moon Ibrahimovic who swooped in, and his words were interrupted after that.

“Hehehe, it’s nonsense, it’s nonsense.”

Moon Ibrahimovic smiled at He Duo.

He Duo only felt three black lines dripping from his forehead.

“Can you please stop teaching him these things?”

“OK! OK! Guaranteed there will be no next time!”

Moon Ibrahimovic calmly pressed Lugia, who wanted to struggle.

Lugia frowned, but said nothing.

It has always been this kind of submissive character, if you don’t say it, you won’t say it.

He asked He Duo twice, just to satisfy his few curiosity.

Take a break.

He Duo stood up and walked downstairs, ignoring Moon Ibrahimovic who was talking to Lugia.

It’s not a matter of a day or two for this guy to like to say hi anyway. He Duo has long been used to it, and he doesn’t have to blush with this heartless guy in this kind of thing.

Otherwise he would have passed out a long time ago.

Come to the ecological park.

Daily greetings to the gardener who guards this place, Darkrai.

This guy has been coming to the gym for almost a year and a half, but his relationship with him is not very good.

He Duo was the first time he had seen such a “hard-hearted” elf. Back then, he was a Tsack Dragon who would resist fiercely when he stretched out his hand, and a warrior eagle who was so proud that he refused to bow his head.

Sure enough, the beast is unique.

“Can you chat with me? Handsome guy? Beautiful?”

He Duo sat on the cradle built by the elves, and struck up a conversation with Darkrai, who stood in the shade of the tree and watched the elves frolic in the distance.

The latter obviously has the ability of telepathy, but like a mute, he does not say a word~www.readwn.com~ and also refuses Hedo to communicate with it using a waveguide.

Even if Moon Eevee or other elf talked to it, it didn’t answer.

– What the **** is this guy thinking?

God knows.

While rocking the cradle, he stroked Xiangwei Meow, who ran into his arms.

Although Darkrai never replied, He Duo never gave up communicating with it.

Find a topic if there is no topic, just practice socializing.

And sometimes, not knowing if he was annoyed by him, Darkrai would snort and leave or disappear.

Explain what?

It means that He Duo has not been doing useless work all the time, Darkrai can hear it.

He went to Darkrai more often.

Finally one day.

At the end of summer.

Darkrai stood on the roof of the gymnasium, looking at the golden yellow color of the farmland in the distance.

Afterwards, it opened the golden mouth that had not been opened for a whole year and a half to He Duo beside him.

“Go home and see, I think.”

He Duo, who was lying on the rattan chair reading a book, was stunned for three seconds before realizing that the white hair in front of him was talking.

“Go home… Go back to the Eka Plateau? Almia area?”

Darkrai looked at He Duo’s eyes with sapphire-like eyes, and nodded after a few seconds.



He Duo’s expression became complicated.

What does this mean, the gym really can’t stay any longer, and want to go home?

No, he didn’t treat Darkrai badly either.

His heart was extremely unbalanced for a moment.

But after hesitating again and again, He Duo nodded.

“Okay, I’ll take you back.”

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