Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 904

Chapter 897: : Are You The World’S No. 1 Swordsman In The Pokémon Version?

There was no long stop at the service station.

He Duo simply learned about the situation in the Almia region by chatting with the people around him.

He found that it was not that Armia could not develop or had not yet begun to develop, but that it deliberately did not develop and remained the same.

This is the case in all three regions, including Fei Lei and Obu Libya.

Because the Rangers Alliance takes into account the harmonious coexistence of humans, elves, and nature, they have not been urbanized on a large scale.

The original appearance of nature is preserved to a greater extent.

What’s the meaning?

It means that these three areas belong to super-large nature reserves, seeking the harmonious coexistence of the three.

So do the people here agree?


There is even a little bit of information about the content of the game.

In the game, the predecessor of the secret team, Angel Company, an energy company in the Almia region, once wanted to re-develop Gangbo Town.

However, it was unanimously opposed by all the residents of Gangbo Town.

People here are not very interested in industrialized and modern cities.

Even more exaggerated than Alola.

At least there are many modern cities in Alola.

Urbanization will naturally come to an end.

Fortunately, there is no obvious competitive relationship between regions in this world. Most of them live their own small lives, and there is no mention of other regions interfering with each other.

Chengdu and Guandu are the same.

The two adjacent regions usually hold meetings together, but they are still in a state of non-interference with each other, and there is no mention of a day when the two regions will merge.

Guandu is Guandu, and the city is still the city.

The Lined Plateau is located in the northeastern part of the Almia region.

Far from the ocean and deep into the mountains, calling it a plateau actually looks more like a basin on a map.

The limestone-colored mountains are connected together, and the line-painted plateau is surrounded on three sides, leaving only the west side that is open to the outside.

The latter layer of the gray mountain range is a snow-capped mountain that is covered with ice and snow and looks cold.

Towering and foggy, it’s hard to see, but it’s real.

When He Duo came here, the giant gray mountains in the distance attracted his attention more than the lush plateau scenery.

He caught his eye at once.

It once flourished as an oil field, but it has become stagnant due to the long-term exploitation of the Angel Company.

At the same time, it is also where the founder of the Angel Company, Derim Hall, started.

“Further north is the snow field… It won’t be near the South Pole or the North Pole, will it?”

He Duo looked at the snow-white map in his hand and muttered to himself.


Darkrai didn’t answer, and stared at the surrounding scenery, as if recalling something.

In the sky.

The gleaming armored bird hissed across the sky, and its sharp yellow eyes glanced down, as if it could pierce the leafy canopy in search of its prey.

The hoarse cry was rather harsh.

Several ladybugs and ladybugs were frightened and fled in the woods.

And their behavior also attracted the attention of Overlord Flower, who was half-body mixed in the soil, pretending to be a super-giant mushroom.

A cloud of golden mist overflowed from the circular hole in its head and quickly drifted towards the surrounding air.

Spraying poisonous powder is a subconscious counterattack of Bawanghua. These golden powders are not a move, but something that can cause severe allergic reactions.

It’s part of its body tissue.

He Duo frowned slightly and walked towards the north.

“Get out of here first.”

The entrance to the line-painted ruins is on the north side.

Darkrai didn’t answer, just silently followed behind Hedo.

It stands to reason that this has reached the Xianhui Plateau. At this time, it should be the one to lead Heido, not to follow Heido.

Wasn’t there a strange forest in its dream before?

But in fact.

This guy is totally lost.

It doesn’t know where it is at all, but it can understand the map, but it can’t tell the difference between east, west, north and west at all.

When Heiduo asked it, he didn’t speak, until he asked if it didn’t know how to go, and this cold group of guys nodded.

You still have the face to nod! !

They are all at the door of their own house, and they have forgotten where they are.

Are you a drunkard or the world’s greatest swordsman Zoro?

It’s outrageous.

He Duo really didn’t expect that a dignified nightmare **** was actually a road idiot?

Then the forest in your mind is completely made up by your brain?


It has become a fact that Darkrai does not recognize the way, and it is useless to criticize it.

Fortunately, the map given by the Ranger Alliance is detailed enough, and the navigator of the Devon Company can locate him.

It’s not hard to find line-drawn ruins.

One person all the way crazy and set off again.

The basin is huge.

It’s definitely not enough to walk for a day.

He Duo did not go into the forest after discovering a simple road paved in the plateau, and took out the motorcycle he had specially bought.

The road quality is poor, not smooth enough, and full of cracks, but it is more than enough to ride a motorcycle.

“Come on! Come on!”

He patted Darkrai on the back seat, but he didn’t pat twice, but the action was a meal~www.readwn.com~ Because he suddenly realized his actions, he felt like he was going to take a girl for a ride.

Darkrai seemed to be able to sense what He Duo was thinking, and his blue eyes stared straight at him without moving.

“…cough, hurry up, while it’s still early.”

He Duo coughed awkwardly.

It’s a pity that Darkrai chose to turn into a shadow and stick to the shadow of the motorcycle, not as Heduo wished.

This made him a little disappointed.

Motorcycle starts.

The noise of the exhaust pipe shook the silent forest and startled a group of Mukers hiding in the shade.


He Duo followed the khaki road until he came to the end.

He saw the large oil field that was completely abandoned, and there were even many large machines and buildings that had not been completely demolished.

It’s just that those large machines are in tatters, and a group of Tanabata bluebirds and bluebirds have built their nests on them.

It wasn’t even eaten by steel-type or rock-type elves.

It is estimated that there are blue birds on the Qixi Festival and they are guarding it.

“The location is…”

He took out the map and navigator, and was about to open it, but Darkrai in the shadow showed his figure.

It looked around, as if remembering something, and flew towards a place.

Heiduo was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that this Lu Chi finally remembered where his home was, and hurriedly followed him by bicycle.

During this period, he saw a lot of elves who had some ideas.

Nai He had promised the rangers before that they would not arbitrarily subdue wild elves in Almia.

Can only reluctantly give up.

In other people’s territory, it is natural to abide by the rules of others.

The trainer’s set of rules can’t be eaten in the Almia region.

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