Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 916

Chapter 909: :Unbelievable! My Trainer Remembers My Preferences!

Of course, Ryoma not only stabs such a powerful elf as the Dragon King.

Due to the existence of [Tight Binding] before, he couldn’t take back the Dragon King, so he could only watch it die.

But he was actually ready for the next one.

The opponent will use the basic routine of rainy weather, and he has not thought about it. The weather player Kuailong’s [Thunder] is prepared for this kind of opponent.

However, Aju is not stupid.

On the opposite side of the fast dragon, he replaced it with double-bomb gas, and directly used [smoke screen] to create a large amount of foul-smelling gas, covering the entire venue for a long time.

Immediately after, purple [poisonous gas] and the colorless tear gas built into the double-bomb gas were added to the smokescreen.

Although the latter is not a move, it may also make some pixies cough, shed tears and snot.

the other side.

Ryoma searched for a long time and couldn’t find it. The double-bomb gas was too hidden and occupied the airspace. The fast dragon, who was overlooking it, could not find it, and was even poisoned by the poisonous gas in the air.

He had no choice but to come up with a Tanabata blue bird that could [clear the dense fog].

I never thought that when the Qixi Blue Bird just came on stage, the double-bomb gas that didn’t know where it was hiding instantly revealed its whereabouts, and used the [Big Bang] very decisively!

In an instant, the flames of the explosion triggered a large amount of gas released by the double-bomb gas on the field, and the scale of the explosion rose several levels in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, there are special sound-absorbing materials in the venues today, and the protection capacity of the auditorium is also increasing compared with the previous two years.


The smoke dissipated in the arena, and two fainted elves were revealed on the pitted ground.

It was really decisive, and I knew that the fast dragon could not be killed, so I replaced it with the fried Qixi Blue Bird?

The big explosion in full state is really not an operation that ordinary people dare to do.

Heiduo was amazed that this would happen, or A Ju thought that there was no way to make a contribution to the double-bomb gas except for the opportunity to replace one with the [Big Bang].

Either Aju suddenly had a convulsion.

And according to this old Yinbi’s fighting habits, the possibility of the former is very high.

After all, he was a strong man who dared to wrap himself in stinky mud and hide underground.

In the end, the game ended with Aju’s victory.

Ryoma, the last conference champion among the contestants, also left the venue sadly.

This caused another storm on the Internet.

Some people question the fairness of this battle, and some people complain that the current conference champion is too weak.

Of course, He Duo was inevitably pulled out and whipped again.

Who let him be recognized as strong, but he didn’t participate in the competition.

For a time, all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods appeared on various anonymous forums, including those who believed that Heiduo’s strength was purely cjb, and believed that Heiduo knew the power of the Four Heavenly Kings and did not dare to fight for fear of bullying.

In short, many people have drawn a question mark on He Duo’s strength.

However, there are also replies to let those who questioned go to the Millennium Gym to try it out in person.

But most of the answers they gave were similar to “I commented that a refrigerator has to be able to cool”.

Well, it feels like a past life.

When Moon Ibrahimovic saw it, he showed a nostalgic expression and stinks with those people.

The championship game is over.

The Four Heavenly Kings and the others will continue to fight.

The Champions League never divides the championship and the sub-season, but the final winner still has to be decided.

— New Champions League inaugural winner, Sheba.

Speaking of which, Kazuki’s super power attributes are double gram Aju and Shiba, but it’s a pity that he is too young and lacks battle experience.

And…not as cloudy as Aju.

“Alas, there is no champion.”

Hongshu and others sighed, these children are at the age of longing for champions. In order to motivate them, He Duo used the signatures of Dawu, Shirona, and Crimson as a reward for the monthly exam.

They almost didn’t break their heads.

That was also the most careful one of their monthly exams, for fear of making mistakes and deducting points from Hei Duo.

In the end, the best overall results were from Chirulian’s trainer Kaoru, Luccat’s trainer Loke, and Bear Baby’s trainer Mangrove.

Luo Geng didn’t get it because of his cultural achievements, which really stretched his hips too much.

The remaining two are similar, both of which are not good in cultural performance.

Seeing this, Heiduo rubbed the red tree and their heads.

“That’s why you have to work hard, watch more, learn more, and practice more. Don’t wait for others to be the champions. Wouldn’t it be better for you to be your own?”

A few little kids were stunned for a moment, and then they all showed a moved look.

“It turns out that the teacher has such high expectations for us!”

Huijing was a little excited, he always thought that Heiduo didn’t care whether they could be successful or not.

The rest of the people nodded, indicating that they thought so too.

Hei Duo raised his eyebrows, but did not continue.

It’s good to give these little guys a little encouragement.

But it can be seen from their attitude that as a teacher, they must be very unqualified.

… This is also a no-brainer. He is not suitable for a profession like a teacher that requires a threshold.

Fortunately, after a year and a half, he also found some skills.

The Champions League is over.

Black Duo once again entered the idle state.

It has been idle until the New Year, and nothing has happened again.

Compared to last year’s state of being alone and widowed during the New Year’s Eve, this year Heiduo will go to Xiaolan’s house~www.readwn.com~ to celebrate the New Year with their family of three.

Because this New Year’s Eve has passed, if it’s not a birthday, Xiaolan is officially an adult.

Be an eighteen-year-old pretty girl.

What is this called?

The fruit is ripe enough to be picked and eaten.

Xiaolan’s parents also felt that there were some things that should be settled. It was time to settle down, so they invited Hei Duo to come over.

He Duo has always been in favor of this kind of thing.

At the same time at the New Year’s table, without waiting for the second elder to speak, he took the initiative to raise this matter with his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Although the embarrassed Xiaolan stepped on his toes the whole time he was talking, for Heido, this damage was entirely optional.

After listening to this, the father-in-law and mother-in-law first agreed, but then felt that it was still necessary to wait for Xiaolan to finish his studies before thinking about those things.

But engagement is possible.

He Duo smiled and nodded.

After the meal, the shy little girl complained that Hei Duo was in a hurry, so she didn’t prepare herself mentally, and she twisted hard when she grabbed his waist.

He Duo didn’t rush, and while his father-in-law and mother-in-law were away, he took out a large number of magic weapons for winning against Xiaolan’s special attack, as well as a shiny engagement ring, which he bought at Yunsheng’s wedding.

Kneeling down on one knee, reciting the long-awaited oath with a serious face, picking up Xiaolan’s hand and putting a ring on her.

No matter how eccentric Xiaolan is, she is still a girl who likes romance, so she can’t stand it.

When even moved to cover his mouth, he bent down and hugged Heiduo.

As for Heiduo, who was hugged, he was thinking in his heart that women understand women. Ibrahimovic has a set, and the vision of biting Lu Shark to pick a ring is also excellent.

It’s not a waste of time for the gem showroom he prepared for this guy in the gym.

It didn’t hurt.

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