Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 128

Chapter 128 Go To Challenge Gym Again

Seeing Venusaur being thrown into the air, Ye Wei’s heart tightened. If Venusaur fell down like this, the injury would definitely not be minor.

Jiang Chen commanded.

The battle field is the grass field, and Ye Wei’s best Pokémon is also the grass type Pokémon.

Tianhai Gym and Luojiang Gym are both much stronger than Maple Leaf Gym, so Jiang Chen shouldn’t challenge Maple Leaf Gym, he should challenge the stronger Gym.

With Alakazam’s powerful moves, Venusaur couldn’t resist, and ended the battle without any suspense.

The sharp stone attacked Meganium, and a painful expression appeared on Meganium’s face. Sandstorm blocked Meganium’s sight, so that Meganium could not see Bangira’s attack.

Jiang Chen also took back Alakazam, although Alakazam has no damage and can continue to fight, but his other Pokémon also need to show.

“Mew, please. 35

“Venusaur, use Protect.”

Hearing Jiang Chen say this, Gardevoir and Mew are very happy, especially when no one else disturbs, Gardevoir especially likes to hang out with Jiang Chen.

Struggle stood up, Meganium nodded towards Ye Wei.

However, Ye Wei underestimated Bangira’s defense, and the Bullet Seed hit Bangira like a Tickle.

The Ground trembled, and Venusaur, who had fallen from a height of several dozen meters, was a mess.

After seeing Alakazam, Ye Wei can probably guess why Jiang Chen came to challenge Maple Leaf Gym, it turned out to be to train her new Pokémon.

“How is it, can we keep fighting, Meganium?”

“Come back, Alakazam.”

Shrugging, Jiang Chen intends to challenge the gym.

Although Maple Leaf Gym is not particularly strong, this time Jiang Chen didn’t plan to challenge too strong gyms, he planned to let Hydreigon, Bangira and Alakazam fight more.

The final evolution of the Chikorita, also known as the Meganium, is similar in appearance to sauropod dinosaurs.

Maple Leaf Gym, the master of the Gym here is a woman named Ye Wei.

Jiang Chen called Mew out and went to Maple Leaf City, of course relying on Mew.

Today, my father gave Jiang Chen good news that Yue Shi has finally been found.

“Meganium, use the Energy Ball.”

“It turned out to be Bangira, one of the quasi-gods.”

Ye Wei let Meganium launch the attack first, and the Bullet Seed kept hitting Bangira.


Ye Wei asked the disciples of the gym to call the referee.

“Is this on purpose to show off to me?”

Bandera has a high defense and is particularly resistant. With Sandstorm blocking his line of sight, he is constantly approaching Meganium.

Maple Leaf City is a bit far from Tianhai City, and only Mew can use Teleport once to bring them to Maple Leaf City.

From the beginning to the end, there was no attack, and the only Razor Leaf used was returned by Alakazam.

Shaking his little head, Mew took Jiang Chen and Gardevoir directly to Maple Leaf City.

Alakazam’s terrifying Confusion directly threw Venusaur into the air. The terrifying Confusion was absolutely not something Venusaur could resist.

Although Ye Wei couldn’t see Bangira, because Sandstorm blocked her vision seriously, it didn’t mean Ye Wei couldn’t guess what Bangira would do.

“Bangira, directly use the destruction to die.”

“Just go to Maple Leaf City and challenge Maple Leaf Gym.

Jiang Chen said to Sha 657 Naiduo and Mew.

Click to open a video, that is the video of Jiang Yuan’s Mega Evolution.


“Venusaur, use the Razor Leaf.

“Alakazam, use Psybeam.

Razor Leaf hit Venusaur, and Venusaur’s rough skin and flesh were not much affected.

If it was Gardevoir, even if Gardevoir is now Elite, it would take at least ten consecutive Teleports to bring Jiang Chen here.

Looking at Meganium with worried eyes, Ye Wei was very worried about Meganium’s condition.

If it weren’t for some physical resistance, I’m afraid I would lose the ability to fight now.

The Maple Leaf Gym had previously challenged Ling Wanqiu, not too strong but not too weak, just right for Hydreigon and Bangira.

“Bangira uses Crunch.

“Alakazam, throw Venusaur into the air with Confusion.”

Falling petals in Soaring in the sky, don’t think it’s just a small petal, in fact, this move is very powerful, and it is one of the grass-type big moves.

Psycho Cut hit Venusaur, not only on Venusaur, but also on Venusaur’s Vine Whip.

The first Pokémon sent by Jiang Chen was Alakazam.

Alakazam didn’t dodge. Alakazam, who was floating in mid-air, waved the spoon in his hand, and the Razor Leaf that was attacking it was fixed in mid-air.

Ye Wei was really surprised to come to the Maple Leaf Gym.

The sharp teeth opened, Bangira directly bit Meganium’s body, a painful whine came, and then a figure flew out of the Sandstorm.

Today, I finally found Yueshi, although only one Yueshi was found, but if you can find the first one, you can find the second one.

“It’s a loss.

“The information of the pavilion owner Ye Wei is very well-informed. 99

Venusaur’s body is heavy, but the heavier the body, the heavier the injury will be.

This is a grass-based gym.

“The battle is over, Alakazam uses Psychic.”

“Meganium, watch out for Bangira’s sneak attack.”

Bangira’s heavy body didn’t even tremble as he walked towards Meganium with the attack.

“The number of Pokémon used in this gym is six, and replacement of Pokémon is allowed.

Unless the Meganium’s senses are very sharp, Bangira will be able to detect it if it gets a little closer.

Apparently, this Alakazam was conquered not long ago, and used their gym as a whetstone.

In Sandstorm weather, only Rock, Ground and Steel Pokémon are not damaged, other Pokémon will be affected by Sandstorm weather.

The Razor Leaf released by this Venusaur is not just a few Leafage, a large number of sharp leaves are chopped towards Alakazam.

But unfortunately, Meganium doesn’t have such a keen perception at all. When Ye Wei reminded Meganium, Bangira was already very close to Meganium.

Ye Wei instantly thought that the reward of the Freshman Trainer Competition, the prize was Larvitar’s Pokémon egg, and this Bangira was the evolution of that Larvitar after hatching.

“Come out, Alakazam.”

Being treated as a whetstone, Ye Wei can’t be said to be depressed, after all, there are many people who regard their gym as a whetstone.

Ye Wei put Venusaur away.

“Although I know that you have the ability to win, the Maple Leaf Gym will not easily admit defeat.

Bandera’s ability is to blow up the sand, even in the grass field, the Sandstorm has already been raised, and the gravel brought by Sandstorm makes Meganium a little uncomfortable.

Because Meganium didn’t dare to open his eyes, he didn’t know that Bangira was close at hand at this moment.

“Meganium, use Petal Dance.”

“Maple Leaf City, I haven’t been here before. After the challenge to the gym, I will take you here for a walk. 99

“Go, Meganium. 35

Ye Wei looked at Jiang Chen unexpectedly.


“So it’s you who will challenge the gym today. I heard that you won the Tianhai gym and the Luojiang gym. I didn’t expect you to come to the Maple Leaf gym. 35


Destruction Death Light directly hit the Energy Ball, then instantly destroyed the Energy Ball, and then bombarded Meganium.

Ye Wei shouted to Meganium, if she showed timidity in the battle, she was not far away from defeat, and she must not lose in terms of momentum.

Ye Wei hurriedly told Venusaur, but now Venusaur has fallen unconscious, where can you hear what Ye Wei is saying.

“Even if we face God, we must not lose in terms of momentum. 35

For Jiang Chen’s game, she has used Pokémon, but she has never seen Jiang Chen use Alakazam.

This week, more than 30 Mega Stones have been found, but Akashi has never been found, and no Akashi can be found. No matter how many Mega Stones are, they are just decorations.

“Don’t be afraid, Meganium.”

While Venusaur was in chaos, attacking indiscriminately and not following Trainer’s command at all, Jiang Chen’s (daab) Alakazam released Psychic towards Venusaur.

“Bangira, use Stone Edge.

“Venusaur, hurry up and use Vine Whip.

After talking about the rules, Ye Wei released her Pokémon Venusaur.

Heavy steps, every step seems to be stepping on Meganium’s heart, which makes Meganium fear.

“Haha, in fact, there is a lot of communication between our gym owners on weekdays.” Ye Wei said with a smile.

This is Alakazam’s Confusion, Confusion froze Razor Leaf’s attack, and then returned Razor Leaf’s attack.

Regardless of Mew’s combat effectiveness, it’s really convenient to go on the road.

If you choose a gym that is too strong, Hydreigon will not be able to play.

At this time, no matter who it is, the sneak attack will be used, and the chance of success of this move is also very high.

After using Crunch, Bangira immediately hit Meganium with a million-ton punch, and Meganium was knocked out.

Just as Vine Whip was about to touch Ground, helping Venusaur to stabilize, Alakazam attacked again.

Psybeam hits Venusaur, and while doing damage to Venusaur, luckily throws Venusaur into a Contest Condition.

In the Sandstorm, Meganium is greatly affected, especially if you dare not open your eyes, otherwise, the sand and dust will enter Meganium’s eyes.

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