Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Help Mom’S Alakazam Improve Po10Tial

Choosing a quasi-god is a bit tangled. Basically, quasi-gods are able to resist and fight, and they are much stronger than ordinary Pokémon.

If it is difficult to choose, then use the exclusion method to exclude Goodra first.

The only single attribute among the quasi-gods, there is only one dragon attribute, if you add a water attribute to Goodra, it will be good, and the weakness of the ice attribute will be eliminated directly.

In addition to the resistance of the dragon type to electricity, the electricity type will not be a weakness, it is absolutely perfect, but unfortunately Goodra is a pure dragon type.

But there are also reasons why Jiang Chen can’t stand the sticky mucus.

Choose Goodra for eight baths a day.

Hydreigon is good. Although it is not good-looking, its special attack is the highest among quasi-gods.

But after thinking about it, Jiang Chen finally chose Garchomp.

To be honest, he wanted all of Hydreigon, Garchomp and Bangira, but he could only choose one, of course, the one he liked the most among the three.

“Mom, I choose Garchomp.”

Choose Garchomp, then just sit back and wait for the Gible Pokémon eggs to be delivered to your door.

“Garchomp is indeed a good choice.” Xie Yulan nodded.

There is no difference among the quasi-gods, including Goodra, and Kommo-o, who appears to replace the shameful status of Goodra’s quasi-god, after all, reality is not a game.

The data in the game says everything, but the real battle is not so simple.

However, the Fighting dragon is indeed restrained a bit. It is restrained by the five attributes of Flying, Dragon, Ice, Fairy, and Psychic. Among them, Fairy is quadrupled, and the battle is too disadvantageous.

“The speed of the Alliance will not be too slow. It is estimated that it will be delivered in about three days.”

“Listen to Ningya, are you going to go to the wild to capture Pokémon tomorrow?” Xie Yulan asked.


Jiang Chen nodded, he did talk to Ning Ya before.

“Come out, Alakazam.”

A yellow bipedal humanoid Pokémon appears in front of Jiang Chen, with a long beard and two spoons in his hands.

“I’m not worried about your safety. Let Alakazam follow you. Alakazam will protect your little master.” Xie Yulan instructed Alakazam.

This Pokémon is one of Xie Yulan’s main forces, the ninth-level strength of Elite.

“Okay, then thank you mom.”

Jiang Chen knew that if she refused, her mother would not be at ease, and this was also her concern for herself.

“I’m your mother, say thank you to me, you’re going to the wild tomorrow, rest early.”

Xie Yulan hands Alakazam’s Poké Ball to Jiang Chen.

“After Mega Evolution, Alakazam’s special attack is the highest among non-divine beasts. I will also train an Alakazam in the future.”

Looking at Alakazam, Jiang Chen muttered in his heart.

Alakazam’s special attack and speed are terrifying, the only flaw is that his body is too fragile.

Jiang Chen has Mind Plate and can definitely cultivate the strongest Alakazam.

“Alakazam come here.”

Beckoned, Alakazam floated to Jiang Chen’s side, it felt that something in Jiang Chen was attracting it, as if it could make it stronger.

Jiang Chen took out the Mind Plate hanging around his neck.

“I know that you have reached your limit, but this slate may help you break through this limit, so let’s understand it.”

Among his mother’s Pokémon, the most powerful is Dragonite, which was given to her by his father, but the earliest Pokémon to follow his mother is Alakazam.

The reason why Alakazam can’t break through to the championship is because of the limitation of talent, and Mind Plate can break this limitation, I don’t know if Alakazam can break it.

Alakazam could also feel the benefit of the slate for it, floating beside the slate, Alakazam closed his eyes.

The stronger the strength, the more benefits you can get from Mind Plate. This is his mother’s Pokémon, which is his own family. Jiang Chen also hopes that it can break the boundaries and step into the championship level.

At this point, the Mind Plate shines brightly, and Ralts and Beldum seem to be affected as well.

Of course, the impact is good.

Even Jiang Chen has benefited, his mental power has been greatly improved, and his waveguide power has been greatly enhanced.

Before he knew it, Jiang Chen fell asleep, Dragonite and Squirtle were not affected, they looked at Jiang Chen worriedly, and Dragonite found that Jiang Chen was breathing smoothly but fell asleep, so he was relieved.

The next day, Jiang Chen opened his eyes, raised his hand, and the power of the waveguide converged into a sphere in Jiang Chen’s hand.

“Can I use the Aura Sphere?”

Fortunately, Jiang Chen could control his excitement, without Solaceon releasing, otherwise his room would have been redecorated.

Jiang Chen glanced at Ralts and Beldum, and using the Eye of Probing, found that the strength of Ralts had increased from the ordinary fourth rank to the ordinary seventh rank.

Beldum was upgraded from the ordinary fifth rank to the ordinary eighth rank, the Pokémon’s strength increased, and Jiang Chen got 600 points again.

“With the help of Mind Plate, the improvement in strength is indeed a bit scary.”

Jiang Chen glanced at Squirtle and felt pity for it. He worked so hard to raise his strength to the second rank. Ralts and Beldum won directly.

“Looks like you did it, Alakazam.”

The Probing Eye probed Alakazam.


Gender: Male

Strength: Elite ninth order

Talent Potential: Champion

Attribute: Psychic

Ability: Magic Defense

Moves: Confusion, Teleport, Psybeam, Psycho Cut, Recover, Future Sight…

The strength has not broken through, but the talent has changed from Elite to champion, which means that Alakazam has the qualification to break through to champion.

But it will take time to break through to the championship.

Alakazam looked at Jiang Chen with closeness in his eyes, and he also knew that the things that had been restricting him were broken, and all this was brought to him by Jiang Chen.

Of course, being close to being close doesn’t mean that Alakazam will betray his master and follow Jiang Chen. Don’t underestimate Pokémon’s loyalty.

“Come on, I hope you can break through to the championship.”

The strength gap between the champion and the Elite can be said to be very different. A Pokémon of the first rank of the champion can penetrate six Pokémon of the ninth rank of the Elite, and it is not a Rival when tied together. *

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