Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Riolu Gets It

After completing a task, Jiang Chen already has more than 24,000 points, but this point is still not enough to buy what he wants in the system mall.

A quasi-god Pokémon egg with the potential to be a champion needs one million points. To directly buy a Pokémon with a champion strength, at least 10 million points are needed to start.

Divine beasts are even more expensive, and all three-level gods need more than 100 million points.

After completing the task of owning six Pokémon, the system refreshes a task again.

[Task: Win the friendly exchange match with Imperial Pokémon Academy, task reward: Technical Machine · Destruction of Death Light, Talent Potential Enhancement Fruit (Elite) ×1, Points +30,000! 】

The head teacher Lao Zhang said that the top five in the campus qualifying competition will qualify for a friendly exchange match with the Imperial Pokémon Academy.

Tianhai Pokémon Academy and Imperial City Pokémon Academy have been in a competitive relationship for a long time, and there is a friendly exchange game every year, but Tianhai Pokémon Academy always loses more and wins less.

After being brought back by Alakazam, Jiang Chen found that his father was also at home.

“Did I get the Riolu I wanted?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes lit up.

Otherwise, his father may not have time to come back in ten days and a half months. There are many things that Elite needs to deal with.

There are also evil organizations in this world, maybe they will jump out at some point to make trouble, and after the turmoil broke out in the Pokémon ethnic group, it also needs to be dealt with by Elite.

Xia State has twelve Elites and four champions, but the country is vast. After the Pokémon world is integrated, the planet under his feet has become a lot bigger. Each Elite needs to be responsible for a large area and is very busy every day.

“Yes, for this Riolu, I paid a lot of money to get it for you.”

Jiang Yuan hands the Poké Ball to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen immediately released Riolu. Riolu’s body was gray-blue, and the upper part of his legs and torso were black, like a puppy with upright feet.


Gender: Male

Strength: Ordinary Tier 3

Talent Potential: Champion

Attribute: Fighting

Ability: Unyielding Heart

Moves: Quick Attack, Endure, Rock Smash, Force Palm

After seeing Riolu’s talent potential, Jiang Chen gave his dad a thumbs up. This is the championship potential.

“In the future, get closer to Ling Wanqiu from your class and give her this Pokémon.”

Jiang Yuan ignored Jiang Chen’s raised thumb, took out a Poké Ball again, and placed it in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen released the Pokémon inside, and a Dratini appeared here.

“Isn’t this a Dratini hatched by your Dragonite and that Pokémon egg that my mom’s Dragonite gave birth to not long ago, aren’t you planning to raise it yourself?”

Speaking of this Dratini, it should be Jiang Chen’s Dragonite’s sister.

“I plan to cultivate it myself, but for your Riolu, didn’t I make a lot of money.”

Jiang Yuan could see that this Dratini is very talented, and I am afraid he has the qualifications to become a champion.


gender: female

Strength: ordinary fifth-order

Talent Potential: Champion

Attribute: Dragon

Ability: Magical Scales

Moves: Leer, Twister, Thunder Wave, Dragon Tail

This Dratini does have the potential to be a champion. Originally, Jiang Yuan wanted to cultivate it as his main force, but this plan is now going to waste.

Dragon-type Pokémon is powerful but it is also very difficult to give birth. It is not easy to be able to lay two eggs in the past few years. If you want to get pregnant, it depends on luck.

If you are lucky, you may have a few years. If you are not lucky, you may not wait for more than ten years.

“Dad and mom’s Dragonite is really good, and two Pokémon eggs are a potential champion.”

Even if there are two Pokémon with champion potential, they may not be able to give birth to offspring with champion potential. Jiang Chen’s mother’s Dragonite only has Elite potential, and it is terrifying to be able to give birth to two champion potential offspring.

“This Riolu, did you get it from Ling Elite?”

Jiang Chen asked.

“That’s right, apart from him, I’m afraid I can only go abroad to find potential Riolu.” Jiang Yuan nodded.

“It feels a little bit of a loss to trade Dratini for Riolu, and I said good things to him for a long time. You give me some anger, abduct his daughter back, and mad at him.”

Jiang Yuan patted Jiang Chen’s shoulder, causing Jiang Chen’s mouth to twitch.

It is rumored that Ling Zhan Elite is a daughter slave, aren’t you afraid that my leg will be broken?

“For the release of the Fairy system, Alliance will reward a quasi-god Pokémon. I choose Garchomp, or I will compensate you.” Jiang Chen said to his father.

“Forget it, I don’t dare to ask for it. I’m afraid of being beaten to death by your mother.”

Jiang Yuan quickly waved his hand.

“Alas, it was already very difficult to face the ice type, and now a Fairy type has emerged.”

Thinking that there is one more dragon-type restraint, Jiang Yuan does not want to speak, especially the Fairy-type is immune to dragon-type move damage.

“Even if there is a Fairy type, it can’t shake the status of the dragon type.”

Jiang Chen said to Jiang Yuan.

Obviously, the dragon type only restrains the dragon type, but it is the Totem status, which relies on the powerful power of the dragon type itself.

“You’re right.”

Dragon-type Pokémon can learn a lot of moves, flexible and changeable, and Fairy-type threats are not too big.

Even for Jiang Yuan, the threat of the Fairy type is not as great as the threat of the ice type. After all, his Pokémon is either a dragon type or a Flying type, and is restrained by the ice type.

“Dad, I remember you had a Slowbro in your second tier, didn’t you?”

“That’s right, isn’t it just over the artificial lake dug next to the back mountain, what’s the matter?” Jiang Yuan looked at Jiang Chen puzzled.

“You leave it to me to carry it for a few days.”


Although Jiang Yuan was puzzled, he did not refuse.

His father helped him get Riolu for such a big loss, Jiang Chen intends to make up for him, Slowbro is also called the dumb hippo, it is a Pokémon of the water system and the Psychic system.

Mind Plate can help it break the talent limit. Even though Slowbro is the Pokémon of Jiang Yuan’s second team, in fact, that Slowbro is also Elite’s ninth-order strength.

If he breaks the limit and is promoted to the championship level, he will definitely become Jiang Yuan’s main force, and he can hit the championship.

Mind Plate can definitely help Slowking to break the limit and reach the championship level. *

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