Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Does She Like Me?

“What did you say, Jiang Chen abused Pokémon? Did you see it with your own eyes?”

The head teacher Lao Zhang frowned and looked at Xu Jie.

In the past, he liked Xu Jie quite a bit. Talented Trainers from ordinary families were rare, and he often had more expectations for him.

Not noticing the unpleasantness of the head teacher, Lao Zhang, Xu Jie patted his chest and assured: “Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, Teacher, just follow me to see it.”

“Okay, I’ll go take a look with you.”

Lao Zhang frowned, he didn’t believe Jiang Chen was the one who would abuse Pokémon.

Coming to the training ground, Lao Zhang looked at Xu Jie with a dark face.

“Is this what you mean by abusing Pokémon?”

“Teacher, let other Pokémon attack the blue Pokémon, isn’t that abusive? Teacher, you can’t be too partial.” Xu Jie said jealously.

“Hmph, go and look up Wobbuffet’s information. Why don’t Wobbuffet practice fighting?”

The old man snorted coldly.

Wobbuffet was originally a Pokémon who was beaten first, and then defended and counterattacked. They did not have the ability to actively attack. Fighting is the direction that Wobbuffet should train.

“I don’t want this to happen again.”

Lao Zhang was disappointed Rage looked at Xu Jie.

A person full of jealousy in his heart, no one likes him no matter how talented he is.

Besides, is Xu Jie really talented? He just had better academic grades in school.

About Xu Jie’s report on Jiang Chen, it quickly spread. After all, there is no airtight wall under the sky.

Because of this incident, the reputation stinks directly.

“Our great genius, doesn’t even know Wobbuffet?”

“Stop talking to him, this guy is disgusting.”

“Is it so difficult to admit that it is not as good as Jiang Chen? I feel ashamed to be in the same class as him by using these inferior methods.”

A disdainful voice of discussion entered Xu Jie’s ears, Xu Jie gritted his teeth in hatred, and threw his hand away.

“Aren’t you responding? Don’t teach him a lesson.”

Ling Wanqiu looked at Jiang Chen who continued to train Pokémon and couldn’t help asking.

If it were her, it would definitely not be the case.

“What’s the use of teaching him, if people pretend to be pitiful again, I will directly become bullying.”

Jiang Chen spread his hands.

In fact, it was mainly because he didn’t take Xu Jie seriously.

Regardless of Xu Jie’s good grades, but if he really steps into the path of a trainer, it won’t be long before he will be left behind.

“Ralts, use the Heal Pulse for Wobbuffet.”

Heal Pulse is a skill that can only heal Rival and teammates in the game, but it can also be used on oneself in reality.

Under Ralts’ Heal Pulse, Wobbuffet fully recovered from his injuries.

“Thank you Wobbuffet.”

Today’s training, Wobbuffet, who has been beaten all the time, is the hardest, but the anti-strike training will continue in the future.

In addition, it is necessary to train to improve the physical strength of Wobbuffet, but it does not need training in terms of speed.

Anyway, they are all standing and beaten, speed is not important, and fast speed can’t Sucker Punch each other.

“Why did you think of taking Wobbuffet?”

Ling Wanqiu asked curiously.

There are so many choices, but a Pokémon that has lost the initiative has been subdued.

“Wobbuffet is not bad, I want to train a Wobbuffet that no one dares to fight.”

Wobbuffet’s return punch, also known as the Counter skill, can double the physical attack received.

There is also Mirror Coat, the special attack received can be doubled back, these two skills are used well, and if the Wobbuffet can withstand it, it is directly invincible.

Even when you are about to exit, use a Destiny Bond to directly trade with you for justice.

However, the only disadvantage of using Wobbuffet is to grasp the opportunity to use the move.

Otherwise, if you use it wrong, people use physical attack moves, and you use Mirror Coat to no effect.

Jiang Chen still has an advantage in this point. He has the power of the waveguide and can communicate directly with the mind, which is faster than shouting.

As long as he judges the moves the opponent uses well, and then uses the right skills, it is absolutely awesome.

Ling Wanqiu glanced at Wobbuffet with a happy appearance, no matter how she looked at it, she didn’t think Wobbuffet would be very powerful.

However, she didn’t know that in the future, Wobbuffet would be the Pokémon she didn’t want to face when she and Jiang Chen were discussing.

“Shut up.”

Wobbuffet let out a cry.

Although it was trained by Jiang Chen to fight, but it has no complaints, after all, it is Bide Pokémon, no matter how painful things can be Bide down, this is the quality of Wobbuffet.

If you put several Wobbuffets together, they will compete against Bide, even if they are hungry all the time, they will Bide down, and they are so cruel to themselves.

“What’s the trick to training Dratini?”

Ling Wanqiu was not ashamed to ask.

Because Jiang Chen has cultivated a Dragonite and he has experience, Ling Wanqiu came to ask Jiang Chen.

“I’ll put together a note and give it to you tomorrow.”


Ling Wanqiu took out a note from her bag and handed it to Jiang Chen.

“This is my father’s experience training Lucario, maybe it will be of use to you.”

Looking at this note, Jiang Chen was stunned, his eyes were a little complicated, this note was worth a fortune.

Does she like me? He didn’t know if it was an illusion, but he remembered this friendship, after all, this is the experience of an Elite.

And the strongest Pokémon in Fighting Elite is Lucario, the only one of the six main players who has reached the championship strength.

A Pokémon with the strength of a champion ranks among the top 12 Elites in the Xia Kingdom.

A Pokémon with the weakest champion strength can beat six Pokémons and beat six Elite ninth-tier Pokémons.

Elite with champion strength Pokémon is still called Elite, but they also have a title, that is, champion alternate.

As long as the main force of the three champions is cultivated, they can become champions after passing the test.

“If you need help in the future, feel free to ask. As long as it doesn’t make me particularly embarrassed, I won’t refuse.”

Jiang Chen assured Ling Wanqiu. *

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