Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Alliance’S Rewards Have Arrived

Because there will be a campus qualifying match tomorrow, there are a lot of people fighting today.

Grinding the gun before the battle, unhappy also light.

There are also many people who are looking for Jiang Chen to fight.

“Squirtle, Withdraw.”

Withdraw improves defense, and Squirtle’s shell is hard enough to block Bulbasaur’s Razor Leaf without damage.

“Now using Water Pulse.”

This move was taught to Squirtle by Jiang Chen using the cheats, and now he has finally mastered it.

The water type and grass type are definitely not dominant, but Jiang Chen’s Squirtle is much stronger than the opponent’s Bulbasaur, and the previous attack makes the opponent lose the fighting ability.

“Hey, do you mind if I challenge your Squirtle now?”

Zhao Gan walked over with a smile.

“Can you stop laughing so lewdly? Come on if you want a challenge.”

Jiang Chen looked at Zhao Gan with disgust, his smile was too vulgar.

“Then I’m welcome.”

This Squirtle has played five games in a row, and it is estimated that his stamina is almost exhausted, so Zhao Gan is taking advantage of it.

“Although it is impossible to win, but if you win, I feel that I can boast for a year. In the future, Jiang Chen, if you become an Elite and a champion, I can boast for a lifetime.”

“Say like you’ve won.”

“If I can’t win this, I will wash my hair upside down on the spot.”

Zhao Gan directly set up the flag.

“Come out, little fire monkey, although the opponent restrains you, its physical strength is running out, and it must be defeated.”

His favorite Pokémon is Infernape. When he chose Yusanjia, there was no small fire monkey. In the end, Zhao Gan chose Torchic.

However, his family is not simple. He helped him get a little fire monkey, and his strength is not weak.

“In order to help fulfill the great ambition of shampooing upside down, I must defeat you too.”

“Squirtle, use the Hydro Pump for a second.”

Hydro Pump is definitely one of the big moves of the water system. Normal is not a move that Squirtle can master. Most of Squirtle have not mastered Hydro Pump and have already evolved into Wartortle.

Specialized in the Squirtle that does not evolve, some elites may not be able to master the Hydro Pump skills.

Jiang Chen’s Squirtle can master it because of the Hydro Pump’s skill machine.

Withdraw, the turtle shell rotates, and the water column is released from the four limbs of the turtle shell. The released Hydro Pump is shaped like a shuriken Normal and shoots out in all directions, giving the little fire monkey no space to escape at all.

The water element restrains the fire element, and there is no doubt that one move directly kills the little fire monkey.


Squirtle was still standing, panting, and the little fire monkey had fallen.

The more powerful the move, the more stamina it consumes. Coupled with the previous battle, Squirtle can barely fall down, which is already amazing.

“Come back and rest, Squirtle.”

Jiang Chen took Squirtle back and looked at Zhao Qian.

“Do me a favor and bring the bucket, I’m going to perform a handstand shampoo today.”

The flag that I set up, even if I kneel down, I have to complete it.

“Tomorrow’s campus qualifying competition will undoubtedly be between Jiang Chen and Ling Xiaohua. There is no Rival in the other classes that can compete.”

“That’s right, don’t care about your grades, you can stay in our class first.”

Then Jiang Chen used Riolu to fight a few more times. Although Riolu is not as strong as Squirtle now, he has won several battles.

Riolu has great talent, champion talent, and it doesn’t feel like it will take long to surpass Squirtle.

The higher the talent Pokémon, the faster the strength will increase.

“Riolu, your attacking power and speed are still subject to training, as well as your performance.”

Jiang Chen said to Riolu.

Riolu feeds on attack and speed.

Fighting is a Pokémon, and that’s what he needs to train. In addition, Jiang Chen got the training notes given by Ling Wanqiu. After reading it, he was deeply inspired and knew how to train Riolu.

Riolu nodded. Although he had only followed Jiang Chen for a while, Riolu was very close to Jiang Chen because of Jiang Chen’s powerful waveguide.

And Riolu is very hardworking, and Nidorina is the most hardworking of Jiang Chen’s Pokémon.

With good talent and hard work, he is destined to reach the top of the world.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen explained to Riolu how to exert strength and the techniques of using strength, which Jiang Chen obtained from the notes given by Ling Wanqiu.

“Try to master the skill of Aura Sphere before evolving into Lucario.”

There are very few Riolus who can master the Aura Sphere before they evolve into Lucario, Jiang Chen believes that his Riolu is definitely in this list.

Today, Jiang Chen is mainly instructing Riolu training, other Pokémon training freely.

“Use Rock Smash on that stake.”

Jiang Chen pointed to an Oak stake ahead.


The stake shook, and Riolu’s attack left a deep mark.

“Good job, come again.”

Jiang Chen was not disappointed that the stake was not broken. In fact, this stake is very special and can ease the impact of power. It is normal that Riolu cannot break it with the current strength.

After training for a day, Riolu has made great progress. When I got Riolu, it was a normal Tier 3, and it has only been two days since I improved to a normal Tier 5.

After school, Ling Wanqiu took Dratini to find Jiang Chen.

“Did you forget something?”

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, then immediately remembered.

“It’s ready, but I forgot to give it to you all of a sudden.”

Said that Jiang Chen took out the prepared notes, which was Jiang Chen’s experience in training Dratini at the beginning.

“I thought you forgot to prepare it for me.”

Ling Wanqiu said quietly.

“How is it possible, this is not coming to school, someone is looking for a fight with me, and I forgot to give it to you all of a sudden.” Jiang Chen replied slightly embarrassedly.

The two walked out of the school together, and when they left, Ling Wanqiu shouted to Jiang Chen:

“I will definitely beat you tomorrow.”

“Then I expect you to beat me, but don’t squat on the ground and cry after losing to me.”

“You just squatted on the ground and cried.” Ling Wanqiu gave Jiang Chen an angry look.

Back home, Jiang Chen’s mother, Xie Yulan, came back with a Poké Ball in her hand. The reward from Alliance finally arrived.

“Gible, the quasi-god rewarded by the Pokémon Alliance, is a bit slower than expected.”

Xie Yulan gave the Poké Ball to Jiang Chen.

Now, Jiang Chen already has three quasi-gods in his hands. *

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