Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Competition 1, Friendship 2

In this campus qualifying competition, the top five are Jiang Chen, Ling Wanqiu, Mo Yangjia, Qian Le and Wang Xin.

Three of them belonged to the elite class, which made the head teacher Lao Zhang stand out, and the head teachers of the other elite classes were envious.

“I finished seventh, so I don’t have to worry about being beaten.”

With an excited expression on Zhao Gan’s face, he was able to get the seventh place, and luck also played a part.

“Don’t get too happy too soon. If someone challenges you next week and picks you down, you will be embarrassed. People will say that you are not worthy of your name, so try to train Pokémon.”

Jiang Chen reminded Zhao Qian.

Every other week, the students ranked below can challenge the students ranked above, and others can also be promoted.

This is also the school’s competition mechanism. This campus qualifying match is just Earl Dervish’s qualifying.

Some strong ones cannot get high rankings because of bad luck, but if they challenge later, as long as their strength is in place, they can rush up very quickly.

Among them, the top 100 students can receive a reward from the school every other month.

This reward is not a big deal for the rich, but for the ordinary trainer, this reward is very important to their path.

“You’re right, the top ten must be maintained, but it’s a bit of pressure, there are too many competitors.”

Zhao Gan wanted to mourn. He knew that his strength was at least in the top 30 in the school, but if he wanted to stay in the top 10, he still needed to work hard.

“By the way, let me tell you the good news, Xu Jie is only ranked 30th, that guy’s grades are better than mine, and his ranking is not higher than mine.” Zhao Gan’s face was smug.

“Actually, he is not bad. After all, the resources he has can’t compare with us.”

Jiang Chen also didn’t want to belittle Xu Jie. Although Xu Jie was hostile to him and disgusted him, he must admit that this guy’s talent is not bad.

When Zhao Gan heard Jiang Chen’s words, he couldn’t help but say, “It seems that you don’t know anything about this Rival.”

“A group has already funded him before, and his resources are not bad.”

Some large groups will choose some of the trainers in elite schools to fund, of course, these large groups are not doing good deeds.

The two parties have to sign a contract. Those big groups will not do anything that has no interests. The other party must at least double the investment from you.

“Really? I really don’t know that.”

Jiang Chen didn’t pay attention to Xu Jie at all.

“That guy regards you as his biggest enemy, you don’t even look at him, if he knew, he would probably be mad.”

Zhao Gan said with schadenfreude.

But in Zhao Gan’s heart, he didn’t actually think that Xu Jie was qualified to be an enemy of Jiang Chen.

“Jiang Chen, Ling Wanqiu and Wang Xin, you three come out with me.”

The head teacher Lao Zhang came in and shouted to the three of them.

“What is Lao Zhang doing for you?”

“It should be a friendly exchange game in half a month.”

Jiang Chen guessed when he heard Zhao Gan’s question.

“Oh, I also want to participate and win glory for the school, but unfortunately I’m not strong enough.”

Looking at Jiang Chen who was walking out, Xu Jie’s eyes were filled with jealousy.

“Wait, sooner or later I will overtake you and trample you underfoot.”

These words Xu Jie said silently in his heart. If he said it directly, he would definitely be ridiculed by everyone.

Jiang Chen, Ling Wanqiu, and Wang Xin followed Lao Zhang to the office, and sure enough, what Lao Zhang told them was about the friendly exchange game.

“In the past two weeks, I hope you will work hard to train Pokémon. Our Tianhai Pokémon Academy has lost to the Imperial City Pokémon Academy for three years, and others have begun to call us the second child of Wannian, so we must not lose.”

“Old Zhang, aren’t you putting pressure on us?”

Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

Knowing the temper of the head teacher, Jiang Chen called him Lao Zhang directly.

He wouldn’t be angry anyway, and even felt it was more cordial.

“I don’t see any pressure on your face.”

Lao Zhang looked at Jiang Chen, in fact he was not worried about Jiang Chen, mainly other people.

“This year’s friendly exchange competition has changed. It is of a ring-fighting nature. This is what the principal strives for.”

Lao Zhang introduced the rules of the game.

“That is, if someone is strong enough, one person can punch through them all.”

Wang Xin glanced at Jiang Chen as he spoke.

“Know what you mean.”

When Lao Zhang heard Wang Xin finish speaking, he knew what Wang Xin meant.

“Although Jiang Chen is powerful, you can’t put all the pressure on Jiang Chen, and the other party is not weak. I will help you collect each other’s information these days.”

“Also, Jiang Chen, you also prepare some trump cards. Don’t expose everything, otherwise you will be easily targeted.”

They will investigate other people’s profiles, and others will investigate theirs.

As Jiang Chen is the strongest in the academy, the opponent will definitely study Jiang Chen, so it is best to keep some trump cards.

“No problem, I’ll definitely give them some surprises when the time comes.”

Jiang Chen’s smile was bright.

The exchange competition will take place after half a month. After half a month, I don’t even know how strong I am.

“Okay, if we win this friendly exchange competition, the school’s rewards will not be less.”

Lao Zhang also has confidence in Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen and Ling Wanqiu will be the main force at that time. As for the other three, it is best to beat each other.

“You guys remember, the game comes first and friendship comes second. You must not be merciful at that time.”

There is no friendship in the so-called friendship exchange game. If you lose, you will suffer the taunting of the other party. There is a fart friendship, and the competition between the two colleges is about to turn into hatred.

After explaining this, Lao Zhang asked them to train Pokémon, and also explained to them that if they needed help, they could open their mouths to the school.

“Hey, why do I feel so stressed, I won’t try to compete for the top five if I find out.” Wang Xin grimaced.

“No promise.”

“Yes, it’s just useless.” Ling Wanqiu echoed after Jiang Chen finished speaking.

There was still half a month left in the game, and the pressure started to start. When it came time to play, wouldn’t it be too frightening to play.

Wang Xin looked at Jiang Chen and Ling Wanqiu resentfully, you two are really a couple. *

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