Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 404

Chapter 405: Ultimate Necrozma

Even Necrozma’s original elbow was moved to the extremity of his arm. Necrozma’s entire arm was suspended from the middle and lower sides of the body, emitting light downward, becoming his second pair of wings.

Necrozma’s original legs, as well as his feet hanging on the upper and middle sides of the body, Necrozma’s legs are straight, and the toes move to the end of the foot to become claws, and the whole becomes Necrozma’s first pair of wings, which also radiate downward. glowing.

Necrozma’s original shoulders became the lower jaw, and the serrations there were teeth. Together with Necrozma’s original back, they formed the head, and they were suspended above Necrozma’s body. The holes connecting the arms became eye sockets. The corners of the mouth also gathered and diverged diagonally downward. of two laser beams.

Located behind Necrozma’s head, where the original eight-pointed star on the tail is directly separated and connected to the back of the head, “eight zero zero”, it has become a cross star, and the light of the cross star goes down through the lower jaw and becomes the neck. Connect with Necrozma’s body.

Necrozma’s original tail, spread out on the upper part of his body, the tail covers Necrozma’s chest, the light radiating to the back constitutes its body, the original upward three thorns thorn forward.

Ultimate Necrozma also has a long tail composed entirely of light, and on Necrozma’s tail, there are multiple light tail spines protruding upward.

Due to the extreme explosion of Necrozma, it became the ultimate Necrozma. The original brain nucleus of Necrozma has disappeared, and the colored substances floated into the eye sockets, forming eyes, and emitting wings-like rays of light diagonally upwards on both sides.

Necrozma is the Legendary Pokémon who took the light, and his body is also full of light energy. He once shared his hang-up dog with the people living in the metropolis, but he was betrayed by them. In the end, Imprison ended up in the investigation. Great metropolis.

In legends, Necrozma appears to exist in other worlds, a Legendary Pokémon full of mysteries.

Necrozma seems to have been sleeping underground all the time, and is considered by many scholars to be a creature similar to the extreme beast that came here from other worlds in the ancient times.

If Necrozma is not eaten up, the impurities in his body will gradually accumulate, it will turn black and become immobile. The former Necrozma, this is how the cosmopolitan person Imprison got up.

Necrozma must rely on light as an energy source for its activities. Many times, Necrozma will go berserk in pursuit of light. Although Necrozma has a ferocious character, but in search of light as energy, Necrozma obviously looks very painful. .

After Necrozma absorbs the energy of the light on Rival, from the prism in his hands, he emits a very powerful laser light that penetrates everything and cuts everything in front of him into pieces.

Necrozma absorbs Solgaleo and transforms into Duskmane form.

It is equivalent to Necrozma attached to Solgaleo’s body after being broken, ruling the body and consciousness of Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo, and absorbing the light energy of Solgaleo.

Necrozma in the form of Dusk Mane can increase his speed by spraying black light from both sides of his chest, and has a strong propulsion force.

The Necrozma in Duskmane form has overwhelming destructive power that surpasses Solgaleo’s, and will pounce on the enemy and tear Rival apart with the claws of his raised limbs.

Necrozma in Duskmane’s form absorbs Solgaleo and his attacks are even higher.

After Necrozma absorbs Lunala, it changes into the form of the Wings of Dawn.

Necrozma dominates Legendary Pokémon Lunala’s body and consciousness, and forces Absorb Lunala’s light energy.

Necrozma in the form of Dawnwing can shoot black light from its back to increase its speed, and then slam into the enemy.

The Necrozma in the form of the Dawn Wing can emit black light energy from the Black part of the Dual Wingbeat, and its power is far superior to that of Lunala, and it will grab the enemy with its huge claws and tear it apart.

Necrozma, in the form of Dawnwing, will become more violent, treat everything as an enemy, and use lasers to Incinerate everything.

Due to the relationship of Absorb Lunala, Necrozma in the form of Dawnwing’s special attack has been raised to a higher level.

Necrozma can even perform “Ultimate Burst” in battle and become the ultimate Necrozma form, but this needs to absorb the power of Solgaleo and Lunala, of course, if Necrozma has enough light, it can also directly perform “Ultimate Burst” , to become the ultimate Necrozma…0

The Ultimate Necrozma is the form of a dragon that appeared from Lucas when Necrozma was enveloped in light. The Ultimate Necrozma has never been seen before.

The Ultimate Necrozma is a further transformation of the Necrozma that has absorbed Solgaleo or Lunala, a new stance that it has never experienced before.

The Ultra Necrozma’s body is made of light energy absorbed from the Solgaleo or Lunala that has been swallowed into the body.

The Ultra Necrozma has a body temperature of up to 6000 degrees, and can emit laser light from any part of the body, burn and penetrate everything, and even the range of these lasers can reach as far as 30km.

The Ultimate Necrozma will wave 4 wings and tear the Rival with its claws, and the claws will be burned to melt by high temperature. Its ability surpasses all the Legendary Pokémons that have appeared so far, and its strength has been raised to an astonishing level.

And Necrozma’s Attribute, after turning into the ultimate Necrozma, will become super power and dragon, becoming one of the most powerful contenders for the strongest dragon.

And the only ones who can compete with Necrozma as the strongest dragon are Kyurem in Jiang Chen’s hands, and the alienated Flash individual in Rayquaza, Black Rayquaza.

Both of them are very powerful dragons, and the current Necrozma may not be fully recovered, so Jiang Chen is not so afraid of Necrozma.

But when the Ultra Wormhole opened and Jiang Chen entered the Ultra Wormhole, he was dumbfounded.

In front of Jiang Chen and Gu Shuangyue, the Ultra Wormhole opens directly, and the accumulation of ultimate energy has reached the critical point of opening the Ultra Wormhole. This time, there is no Ultra Wormhole coming, Jiang Chen and Gu Shuangyue are sitting in Latias on his body and entered the Ultra Wormhole.

And they appeared in a dilapidated world full of light…

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