Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 433

Chapter 436: The Strong Are Respected

Nerlens’s fear of Meichen is indescribable, but it is not that serious, because Jiang Chen is from Xia country, not from places like Beacon Country, so they can say comrade to each other.

Da Mao trusts Xia Guo very much, but Jiang Chen is so powerful that even if they don’t trust him, they can’t do it. After all, who has a way to compete with Jiang Chen?

This is a very simple truth. With enough power, the weak can only follow the stronger.

Respect the strong!

The weak eat the strong!

This sentence applies everywhere, yes, just like in reality.

The world of the strong is the world of the strong. The weak can only be crushed by the strong, and they can only follow the strong and wag their tails for pity!

The weak are not lacking anywhere and at any time.

However, this does not mean that the weak can be bullied by Solaceon.

In this world, the strong eat the weak.

In this world, there is no eternal justice, and the fate of the weak rests in the hands of the strong.

30 If you have the power of the strong, then you can be unscrupulous, you can do whatever you want, and you can even ignore anyone.

You can bully everyone around you, but you must not insult the dignity of others.

Because dignity is the foundation of human life and the only support for human beings to survive in this world.

The law of the jungle is a truly cruel world, where the strong eat the weak, and there is no emotion to speak of.

The weak, in this world, can only be the weak who are bullied forever.

The fate of the weak is to be Stomp, trampled by others, just like a slave Normal humbly survives.

The dignity of the strong is to resist when they are insulted by the strong, not to succumb to the strong!

The dignity of the strong is to resist when they are bullied by the strong, not to succumb to the strong!

Whether it is the strong or the weak, they all have a strong heart and do not succumb to the strong, just like the dignity of an ant!

The dignity of the strong is to resist when they are insulted by the strong, not to succumb to the strong, just like the dignity of an ant!

Weakness does not mean cowardice.

Does not mean weak, on the contrary, cowardly people are weak.

The weak are the weak.

The so-called dignity is just to provide the strong with an excuse to humiliate the weak, the so-called glory and pride are just to find a bright and beautiful identity for oneself!

A mighty strong man can make people feel fear and awe, but if someone dares to challenge the dignity of such a strong man, then they will be greeted by the destruction of the strong strong man!

This is the world.

A world where the weak are always bullied.

The weak are forever trampled by the strong.

Weak, only obedience, only humiliation!

The weak are never worthy of the respect of others!

The strong can control everything!

The weak can only be ridiculed and trampled on by people!

This is reality, and this is reality.

The weak are only worthy of being trampled by the strong!

The weak are only worthy of being the weak!

Weak, does not mean weak, on the contrary, cowardly people are weak!

This sentence applies not only to the present, but also to the future.

Now, the weak is the reason for being ravaged by the strong, and the honor of the weak is equal to the honor of the weak.

The dignity of the weak is equal to the honor of the weak.

Weakness is not the same as weakness!

This sentence is not only suitable for the present, but also for the future!

The meaning of this sentence is easy to understand, the weak are only the weak, and the strong can trample as much as they want!

The strong are always on the top!

The weak are always low!

This sentence is not wrong at all.

In this world, the strong will always be supreme, and no one can shake it!

In this world, no one can disobey the strong, and no one can Taunt the majesty of the strong!

In this world, the weak is the lowest existence, and there is nothing more shameful than being trampled on and bullied. Therefore, in this world, everyone must abide by this rule.

No one can violate this rule.

Because in this world, no one dares to refute this rule, and no one can violate this rule!

Therefore, the strong are the most powerful beings in this world!

Weak people can only bow their heads and serve as ministers!

Because the weak are always only qualified to bow their heads and bow their heads, and have no choice!

The weak are destined to be bullied by the strong.

The strong are the most powerful beings in this world.

The weak are destined to be insulted by the strong.

The weak can only bow their heads and serve as ministers!

The strong are destined to be bullied by the strong.

The strong are destined to let the weak kneel at their feet.

Weak, it is destined to let the strong look down on the weak, and let the weak look up to the strong!

Because, no matter how weak the weak are, they are only weak, the strong want to insult them as much as they want, the strong want to let them die, they die, the strong want to let them live, and the strong want them to live. just live.

Weak and weak, do not have any qualifications to resist the strong!

The weak will always be able to bow down and be at the mercy of others!

Jiang Chen, who has such a powerful strength at this moment, is undoubtedly the strongest. He can ignore all rules and orders and only do what he likes.

But for now, Jiang Chen is still not unscrupulous to that level, or because of the education he received since he was a child, or because his psychology has not been distorted by expansion.

All in all, there are too many reasons for Jiang Chen to restrain himself.

A person with a strong and determined heart will not take pleasure in bullying the weak, because he has everything and does not need to seek superiority from others.

No matter how a person changes, as long as his essence is kind, he will never change, and he will not do anything to hurt himself or others for some reason.

If some people not only will not change, but instead do some unjustifiable things because of some special things, then don’t blame others for not thinking about their old relationships, because they are no longer qualified to enjoy this privilege.

Because Jiang Chen is the strongest in this world, holding the super god-level Kyurem, but also the Black Rayquaza who is about to set foot on the super god level.

And in just a few days, after killing the two super god-level terrifying Pokémons Necrozma and Wujitai in a row, Jiang Chen is still restraining his desires.

Because he has Mind Plate and Draco Plate, it is precisely because of this that Jiang Chen understands the power of Arceus better, the legendary god of creation, Arceus with the power of creation, this is not a divine power that can compete with it.

If I had to make it clear, Arceus was order and order, an invincible terror.


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