Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 447

Chapter 448: Champion Wang 10G

Just as there is always darkness in the light, there is no shortage of people who are greedy for profit.

Even the righteous person has his own darkness in his heart, which has nothing to do with good or evil, but human nature.

Sometimes, some people will think, shouldn’t all people be good, and should be good?

But this is just the fantasy of some people, and even they themselves are not sure, and they dare not say it, because they are afraid that after saying it, those good people will become evil people.

Some people say that human nature is a contradiction, there are good people and there are bad people, some people are good people, they do serious work, some people are bad people, they do bad things, some people are criminals, but some people are not. be kind.

Some people say that good and bad do not necessarily depend on good and evil, but on the nature of human nature. Some people say that the essence of people is different, but some people say that the essence of each person is actually the same, but some people are kind and some people are evil.

Many people have been thinking about a question from birth to the present, is everyone kind?

Yes! If the essence of everyone is good, then why is there so much darkness in this world?

They always hope that such problems do not exist, but darkness will always appear, just like people’s lives, sometimes 813 is always dark whether it is day or night, and even the sun does not dare to shine on it, This is not because they are afraid of the dark, but because they are afraid of death.

Just like human beings, they also have a lot of vitality, but they are still afraid of death because their vitality is not strong enough.

But how can human intelligence be weak?

This question, I can’t figure it out, maybe it’s because I’m too young! After all, I haven’t been exposed to this level of things.

In life, there are always many difficulties and many things that need to be solved.

But no matter what it is, as long as it is the choice of human beings, it must be bravely undertaken. It is like a problem, the answer is very simple, but how to solve it depends on whether the IQ of each person is enough. High, is it smart.

However, these answers can only be used for guessing, because each answer is just a vague concept, no one knows whether the answer is right or wrong, and if it is wrong, it is a waste of time.

But if it’s right, then that’s something to be proud of, that means the answer is right, and that’s telling the world that you’re the best and you’re right.

Therefore, everyone must be brave to do what they like, because only then will there be harvests and rewards.

However, each answer can only be understood by one’s own heart.

But sometimes, the correct answer can’t save them, because they still need strength, strong enough strength, to make them survive.

In the capital, Jiang Yuan stood on the back of Dragonite, Naganadel was released by him, and was marked with the royal family of the capital. This is a big family that has been passed down for thousands of years. It originated from the descendant of the first of the four famous generals. Was destroyed, but stood up more than once.

Jiang Yuan couldn’t completely destroy them this time, but if he could let the culprit be punished, he would be able to achieve the purpose of Jiang Yuan’s trip.

There were more than ten people in the Wang family’s mansion, not only the Wang family, but also the head and the old man of the Li family, the elder of the Ye family, the head of the Gu family…

The elders and patriarchs of the top families in the capital all appeared at the Wang family’s mansion, because they were sure that Jiang Yuan would come here first.

“Jiang Yuan, if you leave now, you won’t be able to tear your face.” Wang Teng, the head of the Wang family, warned that he is one of the champions of the Dragon Kingdom, and his identity is no worse than Jiang Yuan. The relationship between the two can only be said to be a little complicated.

He used to be Rival, but he became a confidant. This time, Wang Teng did not participate in the collusion with foreigners, but the person who participated in the collusion with foreigners was Wang Teng’s father.

What’s more, Wang Teng also got one (daab) share of the resources that the other party colluded with outsiders, so naturally he would not run away, but was the first to stand up to Jiang Yuan.

In the past, Wang Teng stepped into the championship realm before Jiang Yuan, but Jiang Yuan gave birth to a good son, helping both him and Xie Yulan to have the strength of champions, and even the ultimate alien beast who stepped into the realm of gods, no one would be their Rival.

Wang Teng pressed the Poké Ball and released an Aegislash, the fourth-tier champion, which was his most powerful Trump Card.

Aegislash is a Steel type and Ghost type Pokémon, known as the King Sword Pokémon.

The Aegislash has a large, thick blade with a hilt, tang, and spine, and the spine is Saffron color.

Once the Aegislash is removed from the scabbard, it is replaced by a round shield.

Aegislash’s blade is wider than the center of the blade and is jagged.

Aegislash has two ribbon arms, one on each side of the sword tan.

Aegislash’s eyes and arms are dark purple.

Aegislash has a shape change and can attack and defend by changing its shape.

When Aegislash is on the defensive Contest Condition, he will put the round shield in front of him, his hands behind him, and use his steel body and spiritual Barrier to weaken all attacks.

When Aegislash is attacking the Contest Condition, he will hold a shield in one hand, reveal the blade, and use the weight and strength of Oreburgh to smash Rival.

Aegislash once used powerful spiritual power to control people and Pokémon, and built a country suitable for his life.

Aegislash seems to be able to see who has the potential to become king. It is said that the person recognized by Aegislash will eventually become king.

Aegislash has followed successive kings, using spiritual power to control the hearts of people and Pokémon and make them obey.

Although the king with Aegislash once dominated the whole country, he was sucked by Aegislash in the end, and the country perished.

The Zulong Emperor, who was once more than 2,000 years ago, was presented by a traitor with Aegislash as a gift, and it was named Tianzijian, but he was eventually killed because of it.

“This Aegislash is still a lot worse.” Jiang Yuan stood on Dragonite’s back, standing tall and indifferent.

“You have to persevere, don’t you?” Wang Teng said, Aegislash in front of him entered an attacking form, and the sword pointed at Jiang Chen.

“Naganadel, Dragon Pulse!

Jiang Yuan doesn’t have the idea of Hold Back now, and reminiscing about the old times with Wang Teng is already due to the relationship between the two in the past.

Wang Teng looked indifferent and commanded: “Aegislash, the most powerful Sacred Sword!!!

Since losing the enemy, avoiding its edge is doomed to be a bit late to lose, it is better to face the edge and lose simply and neatly.


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