Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 452

Chapter 453: The Grass On The Wall?

When the mutated lizard is fighting, the mutated lizard is not only good at guerrilla warfare that utilizes the terrain, but also utilizes its own body calculation tactics that become transparent due to water, and is very good at brain competition.

The astringent lizard will also use the water secreted from the palm to make water bombs to attack the enemy, which is very strategic.

The most Earl Dervish form of the Thousand Faces Servant is the tear-eyed lizard, which is also the Pokémon of the three royal families in the Galar Region.

The tear-eyed lizard has aqua blue skin, slender limbs, large watery eyes and a curled tail.

The tear-eyed lizard has only two claws on its claws, and a yellow fin that resembles a feather on the top of its head.

The tear-eyed lizard is a bit timid. Once nervous or shy, the water in the body will be secreted like sweat.

In addition, the tear-eyed lizard has the ability that as long as it comes into contact with water, the color and pattern of the body will become consistent with the surrounding, as if it is invisible, no one can see the tear-eyed lizard, so it assimilates with the surrounding environment to hide itself. shape.

The tears shed by tear-eyed lizards contain powerful tear-jerking ingredients. It is said that the effect is even equivalent to a hundred onions, which can make Rival cry.

When the tear-eyed lizard feels danger, it will cry and spread the substance to four weeks.

In this way, nearby creatures will burst into tears, and the tear-eyed lizard will take this opportunity to escape.

Weeds are very common, especially for those who are down and out.

In many cases, this kind of person is a wallflower.

At some point, the grass on the wall will stand up and help his companions, or, in other words, help those who are extremely destitute.

But in the vast majority of the time, the wallhead grass will choose to escape.

Escape from what?

Escape from reality!

This is the wallgrass.

It is not so easy to do, because once you do it wrong, it is easy to be revenge, and the most afraid of it is to be suppressed, so in the case of Normal, it will often only choose to be silent, or even choose to pretend to be stupid. Stunned, only in this way will he escape the catastrophe.

This is another common problem of the wall grass!

Wallflowers are the most cunning creatures in the world, they always find every opportunity, and then extend their claws to others, and then get the greatest benefit.

They never know the dangers and opportunities, they always think they are smart and (daab) powerful.

Such people are often the easiest to fail, the easiest to be caught by others, and the easiest to become the target of others’ attack.

Such people are often the most difficult to guard against.

Just like if a person encounters a beggar on the street, the beggar asks him if you can buy anything, the beggar tells him he doesn’t buy anything, the beggar asks him to buy something, he tells you he can’t buy anything, and The beggar is still asking him if you can buy anything.

They are like that, never knowing they made a mistake, never knowing what to do.

But there is a word in this world called, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water.

That’s what they are, they are dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water!

There are many people who have said: “Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water”. In fact, this sentence is very philosophical. If ordinary people hear this sentence, I am afraid they will be very shocked. Because this sentence is used to describe a person, but people like them are obviously beyond the understanding of normal people, so they are not afraid of boiling water. They are like a snake, although their behavior is very low-key and cautious, but they will still make a deadly threat, because once the snake attacks, it will kill you!

So they are the most disgusting crowd.

Such a group of people can often only become a group of clowns, but these clowns are often the most terrifying existence in the world.

A person’s wisdom may surpass that of many others, but this kind of person’s wisdom is often limited. For example, this person’s IQ, Normal, will not be higher than that of normal people. For example, this person’s physical quality will also be very poor. People, very few people are willing to provoke them.

Because of such a person, it is difficult to guarantee whether he will be angry or not, and if the person is angry, the consequences will be disastrous.

Wallflower is one such person.

Such people are very scary.

A person’s performance at a certain moment will affect the whole society, such as now, one of his actions will bring serious consequences.

This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with, because this person not only possesses terrifying combat power, but also possesses extraordinary wisdom.

Not only can he easily cope with all emergencies, he will also come up with all kinds of strange ways, and sometimes he will even come up with a set of chain strategies, and then catch all the traps in one go.

The setting of these traps are all fantasies in his mind, but his resourcefulness is really powerful. This person is like a Viper, making you impossible to guard against, and making you unable to guard against him.

Such a person is really dangerous, if one is not careful, he will die without a place to be buried!

In such a situation, they often try to hide themselves.

It’s hard for a Normal person to spot such a person.

But if someone with a heart finds out, they can’t ignore such a person.

For example, now, a man wearing a black t-shirt and black-rimmed glasses is squatting in the corner, drinking a cold beer and smoking a cigarette.

In his hand he held a newspaper with Solaceon’s scribbles on it.

In front of him, there was a plastic bag with a small bottle filled with red **, which looked like a pack of spirits.

But he was a smart man. Holding the bottle, he staggered towards Jiang Yuan, gave him a respect from a distance, and said in a daze: “I surrender, I admit defeat, I just want to lose half of it.”5

Smart people also need to be aware of current affairs. For example, the man in front of him is an elder of the Ye family named Ye Xuan, who is on the opposite side of the patriarch Ye Qiu.

“Ye Xuan, what do you mean!” Ye Qiu said angrily with a cold expression.

Ye Xuan walked to his opposite at this moment, making Ye Qiu feel betrayed, Ye Xuan smiled disdainfully and released his Pokémon.

“The Elite who was the closest to the championship…” Jiang Yuan also sighed with emotion. Speaking of which, when he first became the Elite of the Xia Kingdom, it seemed that Ye Xuan began to degenerate at that time and became an alcoholic now.

At that time, Ye Xuan had more than a dozen Elite ninth-tier Pokémons, and a Breeder Pokémon since childhood, and his strength reached the fifth-tier champion. Originally, Ye Xuan only needed two Pokémons and Breeders to the champion level, and he could become Xia Xia. National Champion.

But overnight, Ye Xuan was resigned and even resigned from the Elite position!


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