Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 504

Chapter 505: Vileplume

Vileplume consists of five large bright red petals with round white spots and a central orange spindle.

Vileplume is said to have the largest petals in the world, and Vileplume’s flowers also occupy most of Vileplume’s height.

The size of Vileplume’s petals relative to the rest of Vileplume’s body keeps Vileplume from being exposed to sunlight, and Vileplume’s petals almost become sun visors.

Vileplume has small red eyes and a small mouth, and hands and feet are small in contrast to the flowers.

The female Vileplume petals have larger and fewer spots.

Vileplume scatters poisonous spores and releases poisonous gas.

Vileplume’s poisonous pollen can sometimes cause severe allergy symptoms in Rival as a means of attack.

Vileplume also has the largest petals in the world, which Vileplume uses to attract prey.

The larger the petals of Vileplume, the more pollen the king flower will scatter.

These allergenic pollen are said to turn the air around Vileplume yellow and paralyze prey.

Vileplume’s buds bloom with a bang.

In the season when Vileplume produces more pollen, with every step of Vileplume, Vileplume’s petals will shake down thick clouds of pollen and turn the surrounding air yellow.

Vileplume also slaps Vileplume’s petals loudly to disperse Vileplume’s pollen.

Vileplume’s poisonous spore-sprinkled petals are used to attract prey.

Once the prey is paralyzed by Vileplume’s poisonous spores, Vileplume will grab and devour Vileplume.

Because of the enormous size of its petals, Vileplume is difficult to lift Vileplume’s head.

Vileplume live in grassy plains, and Vileplume can also be found in tropical regions such as fertile jungles and swamps.

Vileplume’s petals are used to attract prey and then cover the prey with poisonous spores.

Once the prey is paralyzed, Vileplume grabs and devours it.

Vileplume’s pre-evolution forms are Grass Type and Poison Type Pokémon Gloom

Gloom has a blue plant-like Absorb Bulb body, a pair of arms and a pair of feet.

Gloom has a reddish-brown flower with white spots on top of its head with four spherical petals and four light brown calyxes.

Gloom’s eyes seemed to have been closed, and he had purple lips that seemed to be drooling all the time.

Female Glooms have only one spot on each bud, which is larger than that of males.

The pollen spilled from the Gloom pistils emits an extremely strong stench that can knock people up to two kilometers away.

Even so, there will always be one person out of a thousand who likes the smell. The stench from the pistil becomes stronger when it feels dangerous, but it doesn’t give off the stench when it’s calm.

Gloom oozes a little bit of what looks like drool and is actually sweet honey that can lure prey closer.

Gloom’s honey is very sticky and sticks as long as it is touched.

The honey flowing out of Gloom’s mouth had a strong stench that could turn the nose upside down even at a distance of two kilometers, making it difficult to approach.

The smell of honey flowing from Gloom’s mouth seems to make one forget the other odors, but there are fanatics who love the scent.

Gloom seemed to particularly like the strong smell coming out of his mouth.

Smell that smell and secrete more nectar.

The smellier the pre-evolution Gloom, the more it can evolve into a Bellossom with Bellossom.

Vileplume and Gloom’s Earl Dervish form, Oddish, is also a Grass Type and Poison Type Pokémon.

Oddish is a grass-shaped Pokémon.

The lower part of Oddish’s body, that is, Oddish’s head, resembles a dark blue plant with round feet, Absorb Bulb.

Oddish has red bead-shaped eyes and a small mouth.

Oddish pulled five green leaves from his head, and the top of the middle leaf was bent back.

Oddish has no gender differences.

Oddish is able to restore stamina under Moonlight.

Oddish leaves are grippy, so they can be used as limbs.

On Hoppip’s run, Oddish in Battle of the Savannah was able to climb onto a metal cage and grab a blown Hoppip using only his own leaves.

This ability first appeared in Pokémon’s Bulbasaur, when an Oddish wiped Misty’s tears with one of Oddish’s leaves…0

Oddish can learn a lot of powder moves as well as Grass Type moves, in addition Oddish can assist Moonlight’s power using Moonblast.

Oddish will seek out rich and nutritious soil and plant themselves in it.

During the day, when the Oddish is planted in the soil, the Oddish’s feet deform to resemble the roots of a tree.

Oddish grew up with Absorb Moonlight.

The richer the soil the Oddish is in, the more glossy the Oddish leaves will become.

Since only Oddish’s leaves are exposed on the Ground when Oddish is buried in the ground to avoid enemy attacks, some people say that Oddish looks like a weed.

If someone tried to yank Oddish out of the dirt, Oddish would scream.

Oddish is nocturnal and will wake up when illuminated by Moonlight.

When Oddish wakes up Oddish will actively walk around, often walking close to a thousand feet to sow Oddish’s seeds.

Oddish lives in grassy plains and can also be found in fertile jungles and swamps in tropical regions.

Oddish cannot actively learn Synthesis, Oddish is likely to absorb the nutrients of the soil when buried in the soil.

There is also a Pokémon Victreebel similar to Vileplume, Victreebel is a Grass Type and Poison Type Pokémon, and his Earl Dervish form is Bellsprout.

Bellsprout is a plant-type Pokémon.

0.1 Bellsprout’s yellow head is like a horn, with small black eyes, and the “trumpet” mouth is a pink edge, which is Bellsprout’s mouth.

Bellsprout’s roots, stems, and leaves are very similar to plants, with small green leaves that become hands, brown roots that become feet, and a body that is a slightly thicker stem where the roots converge.

Bellsprout has no gender differences.

Bellsprout’s slender body can bend, and no matter how strong the attack can be evaded.

Bellsprout Spit Up Acid from the mouth.

Bellsprout can also reach out Vine Whip to catch prey.

Bellsprout is very agile and can’t see what Bellsprout looks like when catching food, but when using a stem to absorb water, it is very vulnerable to attack.

Bellsprout live in forests or grass like most plants.


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