Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 523

Chapter 523 Pidgeotto

But thanks to Magikarp, most Pokémon are said to live longer.

Occasionally, when jumping higher, it was barely higher than 2 meters.

The long-lived Magikarp can jump over mountains in one jump, but the power of his moves is still so weak.

Pidgeotto is a Normal Type and Flying Type Pokémon.

Pidegeotto’s plumage is predominantly brown, with creamy white feathers on the face, inner wing, outer front of the wing, and belly.

Pidegeotto has three long clusters of pink feathers on top of its head, black around the eyes and red and yellow tail feathers.

Pidgeotto’s eyes are black, and his large pink claws have three toes.

Pidegeotto will fly in the air to patrol his vast territory. If anyone dares to violate Pidegeotto’s territory, he will be pecked fiercely by Pidegeotto and punished with sharp claws mercilessly.

Pidgeotto hovers in the air with its wings, flying around and carefully looking for prey.

Pidegeotto has excellent physical strength, and has a wide range of fly, often flying to great distances in search of food.

Piidegeotto’s eyesight is quite good, no matter how high the ground is, he can clearly observe every move of his prey.

The well-developed claws of Pidegeotto make it difficult for the prey to escape and immobilize.

Pidgey is a Normal Type and Flying Type Pokémon.

Pidgey is shaped like a small bird. The Pidgey’s face, belly, and feathers at the ends of the wings are cream-colored, and the Pidgey’s parts are brown.

Pidgey’s beak and claws are purple, and the claws have three toes, two forward and one backward.

There are three tufts of hair on the top of the head, white on the sides and brown in the middle.

The tail feathers consist of three clusters of brown feathers.

Pidgey is distributed quite a lot in the grass and forest. When encountering an enemy, it will first scream and then flap its wings and throw sand to repel the enemy.

Although Pidgey has a mild temperament and doesn’t like fighting, if Solaceon takes a shot at Pidgey, Pidgey will fight back strongly.

Pidgey’s sense of direction is very good, no matter how far from his lair, he can fly back without (daad) getting lost.

Pidgey often hides in the grass, and uses his wings Pound Ground to stir up dust and prey on small bugs.

Ekans eat bird Pokémon eggs, and sometimes Swallow eggs from Pidgey or Spearow.

Seedot takes pleasure in scaring Pluck’s Pidgey-like Pokémon.

Pidgeot is a Normal Type and Flying Type Pokémon.

Pidgeot is more bulky, with a wider wingspan and shorter pink claws.

Pidgeot feathers are mainly brown, Pidgeot has beautiful feathers, most of the body feathers are cream, and the eyes are black.

The feathers on the top of the head are red on both sides and yellow in the middle, and the fan-shaped tail feathers are red.

The Mega Pidgeot has a larger body and a wider and longer Dual Wingbeat.

The originally cream-colored feathers turned pure white, and the feathers at the end of the tail and the ends of the wings were dyed blue.

The eyes turned red and the pupils were white.

The feather crest on Mega Pidgeot’s head is also more dazzling: three clusters of bright red long feathers grow out of a large cluster of yellow feathers, and the middle one is longer than Pidgeot’s body.

As soon as Pidgeot spreads its beautiful wings, it can intimidate the enemy, and many Trainers come to Breeder Pidgeot because they bow down under Pidgeot’s beautiful head feathers.

The muscles on Pidgeot’s chest are very well developed, and with a light flap, he can fan out a huge wind.

Pidgeot feeds at a Mach 2 Flying speed, and its huge claws are a very formidable weapon.

Pidgeot’s eyesight is so good that he can spot Magikarp even at an altitude of 1,000 meters.

When foraging, it will fly close to the surface of the water and grab prey such as Magikarp.

The strength of the Mega Pidgeot’s muscles has been greatly improved, and he was able to continue Flying without sleep for two weeks in a row.

Exeggcute is a Grass Type and Psychic Type Pokémon.

Exeggcute looks like six light pink eggs with some cracks on the eggshells. The normal arrangement is that five heads are crowded around the sixth head.

Each head of the Exeggutor has a slightly different facial expression, one is smiling, four are angry, and one is sad, and only the smiling one is complete without cracks.

Each face has a small mouth and triangular eyes with small, dark cone-shaped pupils.

One of the six eggs will have the yolk exposed.

The six Exeggcute are added together to count as one, and even if there is one less for some reason, it will definitely turn back to six in the next morning.

If the six are not together, they will feel at ease, even if there is only one missing, they will immediately want to run away.

Since the conversation is carried out telepathically, even if the six Exeggcutes are separated, the Exeggutors will reunite immediately.

The six sibling eggs will attract each other and roll out together.

Each egg spins and attracts each other, and the Exeggutor can’t keep its balance when six eggs don’t fit together.

Even if they only wanted to dismantle one of them, they would immediately gather six of them because of their strong attraction.

The surface of the Exeggutor is quite hard, and even if it cracks, it can survive as long as it doesn’t leak out. If there are more cracks on the eggshell, it means that the Exeggutor is about to evolve.

Even though they are the same size, the Exeggcute from Alola is heavy because it is so densely grown inside.

Despite the fact that Exeggutor looks like an egg, it is actually a fake Pokémon. People have already figured out that Exeggutor is actually a creature close to plant seeds, and it is said that it has both plants and some other genetic genes.

If you touch the Exeggutor thinking it is an egg, the Exeggutor will continue to gather partners and launch a group attack.

Exeggutor is often attacked by Crabrawler, but will use Confusion to knock them back, and is sometimes picked up from the air by Pidegeotto and brought back to the nest.

Exeggutor is Grass Type and Psychic Type Pokémon, while Alola’s appearance is Grass Type and Dragon Type Pokémon.

Exeggutor is a tall Pokémon that looks a lot like a coconut or pineapple tree with legs.

Exeggutor’s legs and body look like tree trunks. Exeggutor’s legs are thick, with two toes on the feet and Olivine-colored pads on the lower part of the feet.

Pull out some leaves from the top of the Exeggutor’s body.


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