Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 77

Chapter 77 Wobbuffet Is A Shame

After knowing Jiang Chen’s Wobbuffet strength, Ling Wanqiu decisively uses Garchomp, her strongest Pokémon.

“Although Wobbuffet is stronger than my Garchomp, I don’t think I’ll lose.”

Ling Wanqiu didn’t know much about Wobbuffet before, but since Jiang Chen conquered Wobbuffet, Ling Wanqiu also inquired about Wobbuffet’s information.

Wobbuffet will not attack actively, it will only rebound attack.

From this point on, Wobbuffet loses the initiative.

Counter and Mirror Coat, which are the most reliant moves for Wobbuffet, where Counter will double the damage of physical attack, and Mirror Coat will double the damage of special attack.

If you use Mirror Coat, it is useless to resist physical damage such as billions of shock waves and million-ton punches.

On the contrary, using Counter to resist special damage moves such as Destruction of Death Light and Dragon Pulse is useless and cannot reflect damage.

Wobbuffet with good skills is amazing, but if you use the wrong skills, you will only be beaten.

Of course, Wobbuffet also has the Destiny Bond, which is a deadly move.

“If you don’t think you will lose, try it, I hope you don’t collapse, hitting me is equal to hitting yourself.

Jiang Chen and Ling Wanqiu stood on opposite sides of the battlefield.

“This time I beat the school flower to win, Wobbuffet can’t beat Garchomp.”

“I’ve seen the Elite Cup and even the World Trainer, but I’ve never seen a great Wobbuffet on the field. 35

“Wobbuffet is too passive. Even if it is Jiang Chen’s Wobbuffet, I don’t think I can win. This Garchomp is Ling Xiaohua’s Trump Card. 39

It’s true that Jiang Chen is stronger than Ling Wanqiu, but if they use Wobbuffet, they really don’t like Wobbuffet.

“If you beat Wanqiu to win, then I will beat Young Master Jiang.”

Wang Xin shouted immediately.

When she was close to Jiang Chen and Ling Wanqiu just now, she heard Jiang Chen talk about Wobbuffet’s strength.

This Wobbuffet actually has the strength of the quasi-Elite ninth rank, and is almost able to reach the Elite rank. Although it is a threshold for the quasi-Elite to reach the Elite, this kind of strength is outrageous enough.

Wang Xin’s voice was loud, and Ling Wanqiu just heard it, and Grudge glanced at Wang Xin, this dishonest guy.

Noticing Ling Wanqiu’s eyes, Wang Xin was not at all embarrassed. The big deal was to use the pocket money he earned to invite Ling Wanqiu a cup of milk tea.

“Aren’t you going to attack?” Ling Wanqiu asked Jiang Chen teasingly.

“I like to let the ladies, ladies first.”

Jiang Chen’s beautiful and refined words left Ling Wanqiu speechless. To be honest, when did Jiang Chen let her pass each time they were discussing each other?

If Wobbuffet can take the initiative, I am afraid you have already done it.

“Garchomp, use Sandstorm.

The active attack moves can be returned, but the change moves that change the weather Contest Condition cannot be returned.

In Sandstorm, all Pokémon except Rock, Ground and Steel Attributes will be damaged.

However, such an injury is the same as Tickle’s itch for Wobbuffet, and anti-strike training is not white.

“Shut up~!”

The sand hit the body, Wobbuffet did not feel any pain, and even felt a little comfortable, just like a massage.

In the Sandstorm, Garchomp had already sneaked in, Assist Sandstorm blocked his sight, circled into the depth of the Wobbuffet, and shot two slashes towards the Wobbuffet.

Sandstorm can block Wobbuffet’s sight, but can’t block Jiang Chen, because Jiang Chen has the power of waveguide.

“Wobbuffet, use Counter.””

Directly use the waveguide to pass into Wobbuffet’s heart, and Wobbuffet’s meaning is to use Counter.

Garchomp hit him with a double chop. Although Wobbuffet was also attacked, Garchomp had to take double the damage.

Garchomp, who was actively attacking, was instead knocked back.

Wobbuffet’s blood is particularly thick, and it often undergoes anti-strike training, which is also very anti-strike.

Sandstorm also blocked Ling Wanqiu’s line of sight. Ling Wanqiu didn’t know if Garchomp was at a disadvantage. She didn’t give an order easily, and let Garchomp perform it herself.

If an order is issued, Jiang Chen can use the order she issued to carry out countermeasures.

So when calling Wobbuffet, the best thing is not to give orders.

However, Jiang Chen has the power of waveguide, can observe Garchomp’s movements, and determine Garchomp’s moves through Garchomp’s movements.

And he can instantly give orders to Wobbuffet in his heart, and use the power of waveguide to transmit to Wobbuffet.

This is the advantage that the ability person has, and the Psychic person is not restricted from using Psychic in battle.

In Sandstorm, Garchomp, who suffered a loss, used the Crunch to bite the Wobbuffet with his sharp teeth.

Then Wobbuffet uses Counter again, Wobbuffet is like a hedgehog who can’t speak, no matter how you attack, it will suffer.

The Sandstorm dissipated, revealing the two Pokémon inside. From the outside, it was clear that Wobbuffet didn’t suffer much.

The furious Garchomp uses Dragon Rage. This move is very special. The higher the Rage value, the more terrifying the power displayed.

“not good””


Seeing this scene, Ling Wanqiu knew something was wrong. The action of using Dragon Rage was too obvious.

Jiang Chen also has Garchomp. He knows Garchomp very well, how could he not see it.

“Wobbuffet, use Mirror Coat.”

Although the Dragon Rage hit the Wobbuffet and hurt the Wobbuffet, Garchomp suffered double Dragon Rage damage.

“Wobbuffet, use Encore, then Mirror Coat continuously.


Ling Wanqiu had a headache, and after hearing Jiang Chen’s order, Ling Wanqiu knew that the loss was not far away.

Even this time Garchomp may not be able to withstand the past.

Encore, will let the opponent use the previously released moves three times in a row.

Three times in a row of Dragon Rage, all of them hit the Mirror Coat. Although Wobbuffet was also injured, Garchomp’s damage was doubled.

Including the previous Dragon Rage, Garchomp is equivalent to taking eight Dragon Rage damage in a row.


Garchomp fell to the ground incapacitated and was killed by Wobbuffet.

“Just lost like that?”

Ling Wanqiu glanced at Wobbuffet. Although Wobbuffet was injured at the moment, even if she revived her Garchomp with full health and then fought the current Wobbuffet, she might not be able to beat the current Wobbuffet.

Because Wobbuffet is still holding the Destiny Bond trump card, if they really can’t beat it, they will die together.

Of course, the skill of Destiny Bond is not omnipotent. After all, this is not a game. In reality, if the strength gap is too big, using Destiny Bond will not be able to pull the other party to death.

Seeing that Ling Wanqiu lost, the expressions of the onlookers were also shocked.

“Is Wobbuffet that good?”

“It looks very powerful, you can consider taking one. 35

“Wobbuffet shouldn’t be difficult to obtain, it’s so powerful that one must be captured.”

Many students saw that Jiang Chen’s Wobbuffet defeated Ling Wanqiu’s Garchomp, and they had the intention to conquer Wobbuffet.

But in fact, Wobbuffet may not be suitable for everyone. If you use it badly, Wobbuffet will only be passively beaten.

However, Destiny Bond is quite a rogue move, as long as the strength gap is not too big, it can pull you together and lose your ability to fight.

Of course, this trick needs to be used in time. For example, after you use Destiny Bond, people will stop hitting you, and it will be fine to hit you after the time has passed.

If you use Destiny Bond continuously, there is a high chance of failure. Like Protect, this move is 100% successful the first time, and the success rate is very low if you use it next time.

“Too lame.”

Ling Wanqiu couldn’t help but say.

Because of Wobbuffet’s Ability, she didn’t dare to give orders to Garchomp, and could only let Garchomp attack on his own.

But Jiang Chen, who knows Garchomp very well, has already detected everything. Although this loss was unbelievable at first, it seems natural to think about it.

This battle was simply unwinnable from the start.

Even if Garchomp is against the sky, every attack is not predicted by Wobbuffet, and he will definitely lose in the end, because the Destiny Bond move directly pulls you to lose the ability to fight.

Conservatively dragging the opponent’s Pokémon to lose the ability to fight, no wonder Jiang Chen will subdue Wobbuffet.

She had treated Wobbuffet as a mascot before, and that was her problem.

“Garddevoir, use Heal Pulse to treat Garchomp and Wobbuffet.” Jiang Chen said to Gardevoir.

With Gardevoir around, it’s like carrying a wet nurse with you.

After using several Heal Pulses in a row, Garchomp and Wobbuffet are almost recovered, and there is no need to go to Doctor Pokémon for treatment.

“Gardevoir is really convenient.

Teleport, and Heal Pulse, Gardevoir is definitely the best bodyguard if you go out into the wild.

Just after the battle between Jiang Chen and Ling Wanqiu was over, Lao Zhang asked someone to call Jiang Chen over.

“What is the head teacher doing for you?” Ling Wanqiu was a little strange.

“I guess it has something to do with the guy who was beaten.”

Jiang Chen’s intuitive guess is related to An Yu’s affairs.

“Let’s go take a look and see.””

When he came to the office, it turned out that what Lao Zhang asked about was really about An Yu. In fact, he had already understood something about it.

From Jiang Chen’s mouth, he also asked some specific situations.

“This guy came to our Tianhai Pokémon Academy to look for trouble, and he even slapped him, saying that you instructed your classmates to do something to him.

The old man’s expression was a little angry.

“This matter, the school will handle it, you can train Pokémon with peace of mind, don’t be affected.

Calling Jiang Chen to come over was mainly to warn him not to be affected, and it was getting closer and closer to the Freshman Trainer Competition.

“Don’t worry, this little thing doesn’t affect me.”

“That’s good.

The Freshman Trainer competition is coming soon. This time, Tianhai Pokémon Academy must win, and there is a reason why they cannot lose, so no one wants Jiang Chen to be affected.

After leaving the office, he found Ling Wanqiu and Wang Xin standing not far away.

“々 `What did Lao Zhang ask you to say, did he say anything about me?” Wang Xin had a worried expression on his face.

The matter of hitting An Yu, if she really cares about it, it’s her who picked it up. I don’t know if the head teacher will take care of her.

“No, this matter will be resolved by the school, he came to our school to Power Trip, and it’s not wrong to be beaten, but the security at our school may be out of luck.

Putting it in casually, even if it wasn’t intentional, would be the security’s negligence, and Punishment is absolutely necessary to avoid being fired.

“The fire didn’t burn me, I’m relieved, you can talk, I won’t bother you, I won’t be a light bulb here. 99

Wang Xin waved his hand and left.

“Will this matter not affect you?” Ling Wanqiu asked.

“It has nothing to do with me, how could it affect me.”9

Jiang Chen spread his hands.

How this matter was resolved, Jiang Chen is not particularly clear, anyway, An Yu didn’t come to Jiang Chen, and his fight was completely in vain.

But if he really came to trouble Jiang Chen, his fate might be even worse.

When he got home from school, Jiang Chen put a Poké Ball on it in front of the teleporter.

“Xiao Luoxue, your Feebas has evolved into Milotic, I’m going to send it back to you, pay attention to receiving it.””

“Febas evolved? When did it evolve?” Xiao Luoxue’s tone was full of surprise.

“Evolved in the morning, when I was in a hurry to go to school and didn’t send Milotic to you. 35

After the teleporter’s signal was connected, the Poké Ball directly teleported to Xiao Luoxue.

After Xiao Luoxue got the Poké Ball, he directly released Milotic.

“Thank you Jiang Chen. When I go back to Tianhai City, I will thank you in person.”

Xiao Luoxue hugged Milotic happily, Milotic is definitely her favorite Pokémon, and then Pikachu.

“Okay, I’ll wait for you to thank me personally. I’m going to eat, so I won’t talk.” (Wang Liao Zhao)

Hearing Ning Ya calling him to dinner, Jiang Chen planned to hang up the video call.

“Wait, wait, that…you…”

“Just say what you want to say, I’m sorry. 55

Jiang Chen looked at Xiao Luoxue who was blushing and embarrassed, and said jokingly, “You don’t want to confess to me, right?

“Who wants to confess to you, I want to ask you something, the advanced energy cube developed by your company is too difficult to buy, I want to buy some through your channel.”

Advanced energy cubes have been manufactured and sold for many days now, but the supply is in short supply and it is very difficult to buy them.

“Oh, you want to go through the back door, so to speak.

“Who wants to go through the back door?” Xiao Luoxue said angrily.

Jiang Chen’s expression is wonderful, your car is flying, old Siji, right?

“Damn, what’s your expression like.

Xiao Luoxue stared at Jiang Chen viciously, raised her fist and waved it, if Jiang Chen was in front of her, she would definitely let Jiang Chen feel the power of the girl’s pink fist.

“I’ll have someone prepare it for you, just go to the Magnolia Market in the Imperial Capital to get it.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he hung up the video call.

“You hang up fast, otherwise I’ll… I’ll…”

I don’t seem to be able to do anything to him, so I’ll talk about it after seeing him.

“Luoxue, were you chatting with Jiang Chen just now? What do you think of Jiang Chen?”

“Mom, don’t let Solaceon enter My Room without my permission, what are you asking this question for? Don’t ask.”5

Xiao Luoxue looked at the mother who came in, and directly stretched out her hand to push her mother out, and then locked the door with her backhand.

“Hey, I’m blushing, it looks like I’m really interested in Jiang Chen.”

Xiao Luoxue’s mother had a smile on her face. Jiang Chen was not uncommon in the past, but she was very satisfied with Jiang Chen in her heart.


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