Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 The Quasi God Beldum Gets

In the evening, Xie Yulan came back.

“Son, I’ve already got you the Pokémon you want. Your dad, Riolu, said he’ll get it for you.”

Xie Yulan’s action is max, Jiang Chen said he wanted Riolu and Beldum, Xie Yulan got Beldum for Jiang Chen in one day.

“Mom, you are amazing.”

Jiang Chen took the Poké Ball and gave Xie Yulan a thumbs up.

He knew that getting Beldum would definitely take a lot of effort. After all, a quasi-god like Beldum was priceless, and it didn’t matter that he couldn’t get a quasi-god.

Of course, if your luck is invincible and you meet a wild quasi-god in the wild, then treat it like I didn’t say it.

“Hey, where did this strange-colored Ralts come from?”

Xie Yulan also saw Ralts, and she fell in love with Ralts as soon as she saw it.

The original super loli was very cute, not to mention the pink-haired Ralts.

“Good luck Pokémon eggs.”

Jiang Chen didn’t say it in detail, and Xie Yulan didn’t ask in detail either. She reached out and stroked Ralts’ head.

At first, they refused to touch Xie Yulan, but after Jiang Chen spoke, and Xie Yulan’s food Captivate was added, Ralts reluctantly allowed Xie Yulan to touch.

“I have a Ralts, and I’m relieved of you.”

Xie Yulan said to Jiang Chen.

The road to becoming a Trainer is very difficult, especially in the wild where there are often Trainers taking their lives out there.

Ralts eventually evolved Gardevoir, who is known to be loyal to Trainer, even sacrificing his own life for Trainer.

“There should be something special about this Flash Ralts, right?”

“Well, it’s very Psychic and can use Confusion to float the table in the air just after hatching.”

Jiang Chen’s Ralts is really strong. With Mind Plate, he feels that the strength of Ralts in the future will definitely be at the forefront of his Pokémon.

At least the first tier of Pokémon.

“Alien Flash Pokémon is rare, raise this kid well.”

Maybe it’s because of cuteness, Xie Yulan is very optimistic about this Ralts.

“By the way, what Pokémon did you choose?”

“Squirtle, come out and say hi.”

Jiang Chen released Squirtle.

“It’s Squirtle.”

Looking at this spirited Squirtle, Xie Yulan smiled, the rather silly looking Squirtle was more popular with women.

The three imperial families have their own characteristics, and the future development will not be bad.

“By the way, Mom, I have something to show you.”

Jiang Chen went back to his room and took out the laptop in the room.

It has information about the Fairy department written by Jiang Chen.

For example, Fairy-type Pokémon, Fairy-type moves, and Fairy-type restraint and quilt are all clearly written by Jiang Chen.

“Is this your discovery?”

“Yes, it’s my discovery. Mom, you can find someone to test it in detail, and you can prove the existence of the Fairy system.”

Jiang Chen nodded.

“Immune to dragon-type moves, just based on this, Fairy-type can become popular. I guess your father is going to cry.”

“No, even the Fairy type can’t shake the Totem status of the dragon type.”

This is not a game, it’s not a turn-based battle, the Fairy series does restrain the dragon series, but let’s see what the Fairy series are good at?

Does Azumarill, known as the Dragon Slayer Warrior, really have the ability to fight the dragon?

Dragon-type clubs are not only dragon-type moves, but dragon-type has thick skin, strong attack power, and overall high Species Strength. This is the foundation of dragon-type.

For example, Clefairy, can Clefable fight powerful dragon-type Pokémon?

“This information is very useful. As long as it is confirmed that the Fairy system exists and publishes it, the country and the World Alliance will definitely reward you.”

Xie Yulan turned off the computer and became calm and rational at this moment.

Originally there were seventeen kinds of attributes, but now one more has been discovered, and the credit for being the discoverer is not small.

“Mom, you should use the company’s name to publish it. Giving me a reputation can indeed increase my popularity, but it’s not good for me.”

Even if it is published in the name of Jiang Chen, others will not believe it. They will also think that it is the credit of the Jiang Group, or the credit of Jiang Yuan, and deliberately assign the credit to him.

“Also, let’s publish it in the name of the company. Anyway, the rewards you will get will be yours.”

Jiang Chen thought of it, and Xie Yulan thought it too. Maybe there will be many people who will stand up to slander Jiang Chen, and there will be many people who are jealous.

After chatting with my mother for a while, Xie Yulan also taught Jiang Chen some tactical skills in battle.

Even though his mother is the chairman of the group, she used to be a very powerful Trainer, and all the six main players in her hands are Elite.

The six Pokémons in your hand are all Elite, which does not mean you are an Elite Trainer. As an Elite of a country, the six main players in your hand are at least the ninth rank of Elite.

And you have to pass the Elite Challenge to become a household name Elite.

If you have six Elite Pokémon and you can become an Elite, then there will not be so many Elites in each country.

However, if Jiang Chen’s mother did not change careers, she would definitely become one of the well-known Elites in China.

Back in the room, all the Pokémons on Jiang Chen were released, including Dragonite. His room was very large and could accommodate them.


Gender: none

Strength: Ordinary Tier 3

Talent Potential: Elite

Attribute: Steel, Psychic

Ability: Eternal Purity

Move: Tackle

Beldum has no gender difference, it is a genderless Pokémon. As for how Pokémon eggs are born, don’t ask, and Jiang Chen is also unclear.

The body is not big, but Beldum is very heavy. If the Ability Light Metal Ability is hidden, its own weight will be reduced by half.

A heavy body also has the advantage of being heavy. The physical attack is very strong, and the physical attack of Metagross itself is very high.

“Elite-level potential, it shouldn’t be a big problem, and Mind Plate.”

Even quasi-gods can’t reach champion potential, and even quasi-gods with quasi-Elite potential are not without them.

Fortunately, Beldum has Psychic Type, and Mind Plate definitely has an effect on Beldum. *

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