Pokémon cultivation house starting from the pirate

110 All members enter

Chapter 110 All members enter

When the navy and his party came to the competition venue, everyone was settled in place.

They looked at the magnificent venue of the three -pointed star in front of them, and looked at the buildings that were not far from the lake on the lake.

The Warring States Period was not calm, and he pulled a receiver next to him whispered.

“How much does this cost?”

“We don’t know, the leader hasn’t told us, but I think at least one billion Belly.”

The inspectors showed a somewhat confused expression, but soon proudly became proud.

One billion Bailey, he dare not think about it, huh!

It was the Warring States Period that he was the current family of the navy, how could he not know what value Belli was.

Not to mention the colorful porcelain building complex, the kilometer arch bridge not far from far away may be one billion Belly to build it.

“Where is there? Can we go in and see?”

The Warring States knew that he couldn’t ask what was asked from these people, so he asked.

Now there is more than an hour from the opening of the 11 o’clock exhibition competition. They have time to look at what the situation is in the past.

“Sorry, this is not possible.”

The inspectors decisively refused.

Before the Lord also praised the elder brother, it has been emphasized. It was the base of their Pokémon Alliance.

“Forget it, let’s go.”

The Warring States nodded and had to move towards the contest venue.

Others don’t feel much, but Sakaski seems a bit uncomfortable. Some people dare to stop the naval work?

But when I thought of the magical cultivation house was not a bad guy, the navy was not qualified to conduct a mandatory investigation, he calmed down.

Besides, as far as his strength is now, he has to spend some efforts in this puppet in front of him.

The moment the Warring States walked into the auditorium under the leadership of the service staff, he stayed.

Because he saw a group of familiar faces.

“White beard?!”

Sakaski shouted first and raised his hand and hit it.

The fist was brightened.

He only remembered that this is the site of the cultivation house. Everyone should not want to move here, all of them must be done according to the rules.

“What do the magma ghost do, is it a new way of greeting on the sea?”

New Gait and others are far away from the navy.

Although there are many people on the navy, the White Beard Pirates Group is not a virtuous at all, because they know the guy who cultivates the house to sanction and make trouble.

It’s like others invited by their whitebeard pirate group to visit their site, then they are obliged to ensure the safety of guests.

“It doesn’t look like it is not like Malco and Joz also responded to him?”

With a good vision of Tibetan, he can see the hostility on Sakasky’s face.


Malco raised his chin, raised one hand, and fully launched the ability of immortal bird fruits.

Then the fingers lit up the purple light.

Seeing this scene, Malco pumped his face.

“I’m okay.”

Joz glanced at Marco’s fingers, then shook his head.

He was at most bright white light, and he couldn’t see it at all in this day of the day, and it was even more embarrassing at that time.

the other side.

“Bastards! They dare to provoke us! Go up directly to break them. Even if the strength is suppressed, there are more people on our side. Just right, take this opportunity to leave the white beard completely here.”

Sakasky’s face was dark. When did he suffer this kind of humiliation? Intersection

“Calm Sakaski! This is not the sea, pay attention to see the sky.”

At this time, the Warring States Period was open.

Sakasky first glanced at the Warring States Period, but he found that cold sweat appeared on the forehead of the Warring States Period.

He looked at the others again and found that Karp, Kuzan and others looked at the sky with a stunned manner.

He also looked up subconsciously.

The white clouds covering the blue sky seemed to have nothing.

However, not a second before, a huge shadow of at least hundreds of meters long appeared in the white clouds. They couldn’t see the true face of that thing, but at least everyone knew that they would die.

“That’s also Pokémon?”

“It should be.”

“Do you remember Dak, this world was created by a Pokémon.”

“What kind of Pokémon is so huge, and even the lizard king and Daklei have that kind of strength. How strong is this one?”

“Pokémon’s body size has nothing to do with strength, don’t forget, the baby rock snake just born is so big, but he is afraid of baby Maru.”

“Even if that, the size of this Pokémon in the sky is definitely not ordinary.”

The navy was not panic because they knew they would not be attacked.

They just saw such a huge Pokémon a little shocked.

“Go, go there.”

Zefa quickly returned to God, and he pointed at the direction opposite the white beard pirate group.

So the Navy’s team went there.

When they sat down, they suddenly found that there was another person who did not belong to the two forces.

“Eagle eye.”

He looked back at a glance.

Mihock and the magical cultivation house trading is not a secret at all, so it is not surprising that they are at all.

“This venue is so big.”

Polusalino sat up in the seat and raised Erlang’s legs, watching the battle venue below and the white group of white dots almost turned into a small black dot in the distance.

This kind of battlefield is more than enough for the hedge of two thousand people. Is it necessary to use a few Pokémon to fight?

Regarding this, Dak can only say that the Navy will understand in the future.

Pokémon battle has never been a simple 1V1.

Double -play and team operations are all projects in the battle, but they are not presented in the animation.

There are also great skills and characteristics such as earthquakes, snowstorms, snow, raining, sunny days, green grass venues, etc.

People on the navy discussed each other’s vision and topics just all the way. Even the Warring States Period and Cranes were conspiring what thoughts were conspiring, so time became less long.

At the time of ten o’clock, the five mysterious guys in the cloak walked on the auditorium and sat opposite Mihock.

At this moment, the audience was divided into four areas.


White group.

The grid army.


With the arrival of ten o’clock, everyone on the court will look at the entrance.

Next, a large number of quasi -trainers have entered the auditorium. They want to see how many people who bought Pokémon in Qishui City.

The white group and Mihock may just look at the excitement.

But the Navy and Gejun Army really care about this.

Outside the contest.

Everyone who enters Pokémon Island is nothing more than choosing one of the two reactions on the spot and shouting two reactions.

Doflamingo and Moorecgus are mixed with them. The two kings of the underground world are at least a bit familiar.

“Hey, it’s so exaggerated.”

Doflamingo looked at everything in front of him, and suddenly became excited.

In fact, it was not interested at the invitation to this Pokémon Island. Their Don Quixote family was recently planning the golden gold. He was too busy to die.

However, yesterday he gave the crescent feathers to Senore.

In the middle of the night, he came to Senore’s room and watched his family tears in his sleeping dream. That gradually dull feathers.

Doflamingo has been understanding since then that he has to take Xuexue fruit and 100 million Belly.

The magical cultivation house is definitely not an ordinary powerful forces. This is definitely a transcendent organization that has exceeded the scope of ‘normal’. They have other forces other than demons.

He must know more about things related to the magical cultivation house.

And at this moment.

Doflamingo only learned what existence of the magical cultivation house.

Isn’t this a proper world of the Dragon Man in another world? Intersection

No, this has surpassed that group of unrealistic idiots.

The power of the controller’s entire world, how to develop the world with their own minds, and play with everyone in the world between the palms of the stocks.

Doflamingo is so envious of Dak.

He also wants such rights and status.

He also wants.

Standing on the sky!

Moorechen has no time to control Dorifoming’s reaction. He carried three cameras with him, that is, he was afraid that he would not take him enough today.

At this time, his fingers had already pierced the shutter and was about to fly.

When I saw the contest venue and the alliance base, the chickens screamed.

At 10:30, Dorplamingo and Moorechen were entering the auditorium. They sat near Mihock, but they were separated by a distance.

As for other ordinary audiences, they were very scattered, and basically gathered in the two areas of the navy and the grid army.

On the side of the White Beard Pirates, basically no one dared to sit over.

Because they are ordinary people, they can’t feel the changes in the body. It can be said that the suppression effect of this world does not play any effect on them.

Their strengths they have lower than the level of suppression of people in New Gate.

At eleven o’clock, there are many people who have done a lot of people on the audience.

The entire contest venue is very lively, and there are people discussed everywhere. They are so excited that they cannot stop this impulse to share with others.

It can be imagined that when these people left Pokémon Island today, they spread Pokémon Island to the entire sea.

The magical cultivation house will rush to the pinnacle of public opinion.

At that time, more people will definitely buy Pokémon eggs in the house, and even think about how to enter the Pokémon Island to see it.

Some of the more richer people in the audience began to guess how much money to spend to buy the permanent residence of Pokémon Island from the cultivation house.

“嘞 d and folks! Welcome to our Pokémon Island!”

As the crowd was still discussing, pictures and sounds began to appear on the large screen in the center of the contest.

But basically no one puts his eyes on the screen.

Because everyone puts their eyes on the person floating in the middle of the venue.

The man holding a microphone and a green hair.

“I am the manager of the magical cultivation house, Dark! I’m glad to see everyone!”

Dark hung himself in the air with super powers, while bowing towards the surroundings, he bowed,

“I know everyone has a lot of doubts at this moment, but please don’t be anxious. Then I will explain it for you before the show starts.”

“Story about another world.”

(This chapter is finished)

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